The document discusses research and proposed solutions for improving the New York City subway system. It notes that overcrowding, fare increases, and lack of Wi-Fi are issues. There are few subway stations with cell service or Wi-Fi, especially in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. The document proposes designing special trash cans that compact waste every 30 minutes to encourage proper disposal of litter and prevent delays from track fires or flooding. It also describes developing a name and logo for the trash cans by combining words for "persuasive" and "motivate" in different languages.
2. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
Identi?ed Situation
Much of the city relies on the subway as its main source
of transportation, over 5 million people ride the transit
network each weekday.
3. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
??Overcrowding, fare increases, and lack of Wi-Fi hotspots.
4. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
Subway Stations in NYC that have Wi-Fi and/or Cell Service.
Nothing in Brooklyn, Queens or the Bronx.
Shaded in areas= Wi-Fi and/or Cell Service capable
5. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
Desired Behavioral Outcome
Maintaining a more customer-friendly environment, the
proper disposal of newspapers and other forms of litter
also helps to prevent track ?res and system ?ooding—long
term reducing delays and safety.
6. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
Design Tip
To encourage people to select a speci?c option, make it
the default; likewise to discourage people from selecting
an option, don’t make it the default.
7. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
Proposed Design Solution
Create a series of trash cans that could be implemented in
the subway system making it the desirable way to dispose
of trash and waste.
8. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
Illustrated Solution
every 30 mins.
9. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
Name & Logo Design Process
Persuasive in German: überzeugend
In?uence in Portuguese: in?uência
Motivate in Swedish: motivera
10. Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Brandon Chivers
Name & Logo Design Process
?berzeugend + motivera = Tüvera