The document appears to be an issue of Fanciful Magazine from April/May 2015. It includes summaries of various entertainment news stories such as Nina Dobrev leaving The Vampire Diaries TV show, Dan and Phil announcing their book and tour, the trailer being released for the movie adaptation of Paper Towns, and YouTube stars Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes getting wax figures added to Madame Tussauds London. It also recaps concerts by Of Mice & Men and reviews Natalia Kills and Willy Moon being fired from the New Zealand X Factor for their bullying comments towards a contestant. The magazine features various contributors and thanks noted celebrities.
The document appears to be an issue of Fanciful Magazine from April/May 2015. It includes summaries of various entertainment news stories such as Nina Dobrev leaving The Vampire Diaries TV show, Dan and Phil announcing their book and tour, the trailer being released for the movie adaptation of Paper Towns, and YouTube stars Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes getting wax figures added to Madame Tussauds London. It also recaps concerts by Of Mice & Men and reviews Natalia Kills and Willy Moon being fired from the New Zealand X Factor for their bullying comments towards a contestant. The magazine features various contributors and thanks noted celebrities.
This document summarizes and analyzes several British music magazines: Q Magazine, Mojo, and Metal Hammer. It discusses their publishers, missions, target audiences, and layout/design elements. Q and Mojo target a similar ABC1 audience but differ in the age of their readers - Q readers are younger while Mojo readers are older with families. Metal Hammer targets young males interested solely in metal music. The document analyzes aspects of the magazines' covers and articles like typography, colors, photographs, and language used to appeal to their audiences and achieve their missions.
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Concurrency Programming in Java - 05 - Processes and Threads, Thread Objects,...Sachintha Gunasena
This session discusses about the basic building blocks of Concurrent Programming in Java, which include:
processes, threads, how to define a thread, how to start a thread, how to sleep a thread, thread interrupt, interrupt status flag, joins, simple thread example, synchronization part 1, thread interference, memory consistency errors
Este libro describe la Investigaci坦n Acci坦n Educativa (IAE), una forma de investigaci坦n participativa que busca transformar la realidad educativa mediante la reflexi坦n y an叩lisis cr鱈tico. Explica los or鱈genes, corrientes y caracter鱈sticas de la IAE, as鱈 como el proceso que involucra la identificaci坦n del problema, planificaci坦n de acciones, implementaci坦n, evaluaci坦n y difusi坦n de resultados. Finalmente, presenta t辿cnicas para la recolecci坦n de datos e informaci坦n y ofrece un formato para la elaboraci坦n de proyectos de mejora educativa bas
TRUE OR FALSE: The Earths surface has stayed the same for thousands of years
FALSE: the Earths surface is always changing
Is the process by which natural forces move weathered rock and soil from one place to another.
Sediment material moved by erosion .
Occurs where the agents of erosion lay down sediment.
Mass Movement
Any one of several processes that move sediment downhill.
Different types of Mass Movement
- occurs when rock and soil slide quickly down a steep slope.
Different types of Mass Movement
- mudflow is a rapid downhill movement of a mixture of water, rock, and soil.
Different types of Mass Movement
- a mass of rock and soil suddenly slips down a slope.
Different types of Mass Movement
- very slow downhill movement of rock and soil.
Water Erosion
Rills and Gullies
- tiny grooves in the soil.
- a large groove , or channel, in the soil that carries runoff after a rainstorm
Streams and Rivers
- a channel along which water is continually flowing down a slope.
- a large stream
Amount of Runoff
In an area depends on five main factors:
1st amount of rain
2nd vegetation
3rd type of soil
4th shape of the land
5th how people use the land
Erosion by River
Through erosion, a river creates a waterfalls, flood plains, meanders, and oxbow lakes.
May occur where a river meets an area of rock that is very hard and erodes slowly.
Flood plain
Flat, wide area of land along a river.
A loop like bend in the course of the river
Oxbow lake
A meander that has been cut off from the river.
Deposits by River
Deposition creates landforms such as alluvial fans and deltas. It can also add soil to a rivers flood plain.
Alluvial Fans
A wide, sloping deposit of sediment formed where a stream leaves a mountain range.
Sediment deposited where a river flows into an ocean or lake.
Groundwater Erosion
Groundwater can cause erosion through a process of chemical weathering.
Stalactite hangs down from the roof of a cave.
Stalagmite pointed piece of rock that sticks u p from the floor.
How Water Erode and Carries Sediment
Most sediment washes or falls into the river as a result of mass movement and runoff. Other sediment erodes from the bottom or sides of the river.
Abrasion- is the wearing away of rock by grinding action.
- occurs when particles of sediment in flowing water bumped into the steam again and again.
Erosion and Sediment Load
A rivers slope, volume of flow, and the shape of its trembled all affect how fast the river flows and how much sediment it can erode.
Is the amount the river drops toward sea level over a give distance.
Volume of Flow
A rivers flow is the volume of water that moves past a point on the river on a given time.
Streambed Shape
Affects the
El modelo 190 es un modelo anual que resume las declaraciones trimestrales del modelo 111, recogi辿ndose en 辿l todos los ingresos y retenciones percibidos y realizados durante el anterior a単o natural.
En el modelo 190, se recogen los rendimientos del trabajo, los rendimientos de actividades econ坦micas y otros rendimientos, como pueden ser las contraprestaciones, premios y ganancias patrimoniales.
Ha de ser presentado por todos aquellos que, durante el a単o, deben presentar el modelo 111. Es decir, que est辿n obligados a practicar retenci坦n: ya sean aut坦nomos, pymes o personas f鱈sicas.
La presentaci坦n debe efectuarse en la Sede Electr坦nica de la AEAT, y deber叩 hacerse en el plazo comprendido entre los d鱈as 1 y 31 de enero de cada a単o, en relaci坦n con las cantidades retenidas y los ingresos a cuenta efectuados correspodientes al a単o natural inmediato anterior.
Si quieres conocer qu辿 cambia en el modelo 190 en 2017, echa un vistazo a esta presentaci坦n.
Y si quieres m叩s contenidos sobre novedades legales y gesti坦n empresarial, no dejes de visitar nuestra web y nuestros canales sociales.