1. China has the largest population in the world with over 1.3 billion people, accounting for 19.1% of the global population. India has the second largest population with over 1.2 billion people, accounting for 17.3% of the global population.
2. The United States has the third largest population with 316 million people, accounting for 4.45% of the global population.
3. Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, and Japan round out the top 10 most populous countries, with populations between 127 million and 237 million people each.
3. 1. China – The largest population in the world with over 1.3 billion people – 1,359,100,000 to be exact. China’s
population alone is 19.1% of the entire population on earth! China is also the third largest in the world by size
(after Russia and Canada)
4. 2. India – Not too far behind, India has the second largest population in the world with 1,231,990,000 (over than 1.2
billion). India’s population is 17.3% of the entire world population. India and China together consist of 26.4% of the
total human population!
5. 3. United States – Third largest population in the world but far far behind China and India is the United States. With
316,364,000 in population, and 4.45% of the total population on the planet. The United States is also 4th largest in the
world by area
6. 4. Indonesia – 4th largest in the world with 237,641,000 people – 3.35% of the world population
7. 5. Brazil – Brazil is 5th largest in the world by size and also by population with 193,946,000 which are 2.73% of the
total human population
8. 6. Pakistan – Population of 183,830,000, 2.59% of the total human population in the world
9. 7. Nigeria – Not far behind Pakistan, Nigeria has a population of 173,615,000 which accumulate to 2.44% of the entire p
11. 9. Russia – Russia is the largest country in the world by far, but population-wise it is only 9th in the world with a total pop
12. 10. Japan – Japan is 10th largest in the world population-wise, but it’s population is less than 10% of the population of
China. Japan has a population of 127,350,000 which are 1.79% of the world’s population