The <blockquote> tag is used to indicate a large quotation in HTML. It can contain other block-level elements like paragraphs and headings. Browsers will by default indent the left and right margins of any content within a <blockquote> tag. The cite attribute can optionally specify the source of the quote.
2. What is it?
¡ñ A large quotation.
¡ñ Content of a blockquote element must
include block-level elements (i.e. headings,
lists, paragraphs, divs, etc.).
3. Function
Uses the element with the default of HTML
styling of web browsers will indent the left
and right margins.
5. Attributes
¡ñ Required Attributes:
¡ð None.
¡ñ Optional Attributes:
¡ð Cite can be used to specify the location (form of
URI) where the quote has come from.
¡ð Common attributes*
6. Common attributes...
¡ñ Identifies a unique element. The value of
id can be used by CSS to reference, as well
as scripting languages.
¡ñ Links are directly made to an element with
a specific id.