The document contains the agenda and assignments for an 8th grade language arts class focusing on point of view. The class will discuss how the perspective in Johnny Tremain would change if told from another character's point of view. Students are assigned to complete independent reading projects, a vocabulary unit, comments, a spelling test, and a vocabulary writing assignment due on November 26th.
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1. Point of View.notebook
November 20, 2013
8th Grade Language Arts
1. Independent Reading
-Independent Reading Projects (F)
2. Point of View in Johnny Tremain
-Vocab Unit 7 (F)
-"Salt-Water's Tea" (TH)
-Comments (F)
-Spelling Test (F)
-Vocab Writing (T 11/26)
2. Point of View.notebook
November 20, 2013
Point of View: How would Johnny Tremain be different if it was
written from someone else's point of view? What else would you
know? What wouldn't you know if it was written from a
character's perspective?