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1040 ave of the cities, East Moline, IL 61244 | H: 3092811097 | ambercastro2015@gmail.com
Highly efficient in leading shipping and receiving operations. Flexible schedule and available for all
shifts. Production line assembly worker with 4 years experience in large manufacturing plants.
Assembly Line Worker with 4 years in a large scale manufacturing environment. Safety-conscious
with a strong attention to detail. Data Entry Assistant experienced in confirming the accuracy of
data in various systems and developing complex spreadsheets. Expert at handling confidential
information and identifying system improvements with ease. Excellent at multi-tasking.
Shipping and receiving
Packing and scanning orders
Lifts up to 50 pounds
Customer-service focused
Order processing
Prepared pallets by following prescribed stacking arrangement and properly
tagging pallets. Assembled product containers and crates. Promoted to
Shipping and receiving clerk within 5months. Recorded numbers of units
handled and moved, using daily production sheets or work tickets.
10/2009 to 02/2010 Packaging
Procter & Gamble - rockisland, IL
Worked at a rapid pace to meet tight deadlines.
Followed proper selection procedures as established by the company.
04/2010 to 03/2011 Shipping and receiving Clerk
Groupo - Milian, IL
Selected products for specific routes according to pick sheets. Established
transportation cost standards and economical shipping practices.
Received incoming shipments and reviewed contents against purchase order
for accuracy. Count multiple parts for packing and shipping use.
07/2011 to 02/2012 Assembler
Smith Filtering - Moline, IL
Assessed work for errors or compliance issues and made corrections and
modifications when necessary.
Reviewed and verified all work was in compliance with sales orders and
customer requirements.
04/2013 to 09/2014 Assembler
Allsteel - Muscatine, IA
Set up and performed hand and automatic assembly operations on
components, sub-assemblies and assemblies.
Assembled components with hand and power tools. Retrieved correct
materials from product inventory to perform various fabrication duties.
Reviewed and verified all work was in compliance with sales orders and
customer requirements. Improved knowledge and productivity through
continuous education and learning from foreman and senior assemblers.
2009 GED
Untied TownShip - East Moline, il, United states

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  • 1. SUMMARY HIGHLIGHTS SKILLS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS EXPERIENCE EDUCATION AMBER CASTRO 1040 ave of the cities, East Moline, IL 61244 | H: 3092811097 | ambercastro2015@gmail.com Highly efficient in leading shipping and receiving operations. Flexible schedule and available for all shifts. Production line assembly worker with 4 years experience in large manufacturing plants. Assembly Line Worker with 4 years in a large scale manufacturing environment. Safety-conscious with a strong attention to detail. Data Entry Assistant experienced in confirming the accuracy of data in various systems and developing complex spreadsheets. Expert at handling confidential information and identifying system improvements with ease. Excellent at multi-tasking. Shipping and receiving Packing and scanning orders Lifts up to 50 pounds Multi-tasker Customer-service focused Order processing Prepared pallets by following prescribed stacking arrangement and properly tagging pallets. Assembled product containers and crates. Promoted to Shipping and receiving clerk within 5months. Recorded numbers of units handled and moved, using daily production sheets or work tickets. 10/2009 to 02/2010 Packaging Procter & Gamble - rockisland, IL Worked at a rapid pace to meet tight deadlines. Followed proper selection procedures as established by the company. 04/2010 to 03/2011 Shipping and receiving Clerk Groupo - Milian, IL Selected products for specific routes according to pick sheets. Established transportation cost standards and economical shipping practices. Received incoming shipments and reviewed contents against purchase order for accuracy. Count multiple parts for packing and shipping use. 07/2011 to 02/2012 Assembler Smith Filtering - Moline, IL Assessed work for errors or compliance issues and made corrections and modifications when necessary. Reviewed and verified all work was in compliance with sales orders and customer requirements. 04/2013 to 09/2014 Assembler Allsteel - Muscatine, IA Set up and performed hand and automatic assembly operations on components, sub-assemblies and assemblies. Assembled components with hand and power tools. Retrieved correct materials from product inventory to perform various fabrication duties. Reviewed and verified all work was in compliance with sales orders and customer requirements. Improved knowledge and productivity through continuous education and learning from foreman and senior assemblers. 2009 GED Untied TownShip - East Moline, il, United states