The document discusses the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). It defines CSR as business decision-making that is linked to ethical values, legal compliance, and respect for people and the environment. CSR involves companies behaving ethically and contributing to economic development while improving quality of life for employees, communities, and society. The scope of CSR includes philanthropy, doing business responsibly, and being a good citizen through activities like environmental protection, legal compliance, and community investment.
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Business decision making linked with:Business decision making linked with:
Ethical valuesEthical values
Compliance with the lawCompliance with the law
Respect for people, communities and theRespect for people, communities and the
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Another definitionAnother definition
Lord Holme and Richard Watts define CSR as:Lord Holme and Richard Watts define CSR as:
CSR is the continuing commitmentCSR is the continuing commitment
By a business firm (company)By a business firm (company)
To behave ethically, andTo behave ethically, and
Contribute to countrys economic developmentContribute to countrys economic development
While improving the quality of life of:While improving the quality of life of:
the workforcethe workforce
as well as the community and society at well as the community and society at large.
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The American &The American &
European ConceptsEuropean Concepts
American businesses mostly think CSR is onlyAmerican businesses mostly think CSR is only
about giving money for worthy causes.about giving money for worthy causes.
Europeans think CSR is a tool for promotingEuropeans think CSR is a tool for promoting
business. Treat the society well so that societybusiness. Treat the society well so that society
can buy your products. Do more CSR whencan buy your products. Do more CSR when
times are bad.times are bad.
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Trusteeship TheoryTrusteeship Theory
Companies really do not belong to any one.Companies really do not belong to any one.
Shareholders own share of what remains butShareholders own share of what remains but
not specific assets of the company.not specific assets of the company.
Directors hold the assets of the company in trustDirectors hold the assets of the company in trust
on behalf of not just shareholders but theon behalf of not just shareholders but the
society at large.society at large.
A company is a social asset.A company is a social asset.
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Historical PerspectiveHistorical Perspective
In fact, CSR came much after Business Ethics.In fact, CSR came much after Business Ethics.
Business have learned that chasing only profitBusiness have learned that chasing only profit
does not give enough profit.does not give enough profit.
CSR can actually improve their profitability andCSR can actually improve their profitability and
sustainability of their ventures.sustainability of their ventures.
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Scope of CSRScope of CSR
Doing Business ResponsiblyDoing Business Responsibly
Being a good citizenBeing a good citizen
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Financial donations to worthy causes:Financial donations to worthy causes:
Do not just throw away money be carefulDo not just throw away money be careful
Do not wait for disasters to show your kindnessDo not wait for disasters to show your kindness
Setting, running or supporting socially desirableSetting, running or supporting socially desirable
Monitoring and evaluating them in the processMonitoring and evaluating them in the process
Supplementing the governmental effortsSupplementing the governmental efforts
towards social welfaretowards social welfare
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Doing business responsiblyDoing business responsibly
Essentially being ethicalEssentially being ethical
Integrity in all that you doIntegrity in all that you do
To every one: employees, clients, suppliers, allTo every one: employees, clients, suppliers, all
Protection of all stakeholders interestProtection of all stakeholders interest
Serving the common interest of all stakeholdersServing the common interest of all stakeholders
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Being a good citizenBeing a good citizen
Compliance with law.Compliance with law.
Paying your duesPaying your dues
No tax evasion, directly or indirectlyNo tax evasion, directly or indirectly
Investment in community:Investment in community:
Capital nature rather than just recurrentCapital nature rather than just recurrent
Concern for environmentConcern for environment
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Concern for EnvironmentConcern for Environment
Soil degradationSoil degradation
Atmospheric changesAtmospheric changes
Waste/Discharges managementWaste/Discharges management
Depletion of resourcesDepletion of resources
Emphasis on creating re-usable resourcesEmphasis on creating re-usable resources
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Environmental Risk ManagementEnvironmental Risk Management
Identify and define risks being posed (or faced)Identify and define risks being posed (or faced)
by the the company.
Establish the extent and probability of risks.Establish the extent and probability of risks.
Assess cost of:Assess cost of:
The consequences of the risk after it takes placeThe consequences of the risk after it takes place
preventing it from happeningpreventing it from happening
Assign specific responsibilityAssign specific responsibility
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ERM -2ERM -2
Define means of handling it.Define means of handling it.
Preventing it through:Preventing it through:
Better technologyBetter technology
Better materialsBetter materials
Better maintenanceBetter maintenance
Actual lossActual loss
Claims against the companyClaims against the company
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Strategies forStrategies for
Prevention of Industrial PollutionPrevention of Industrial Pollution
Environmental processes auditEnvironmental processes audit
Waste management auditWaste management audit
Material usage reviewMaterial usage review
Non-solid effluents auditNon-solid effluents audit
Financial considerationsFinancial considerations
Cost benefit analysis of being eco-balancedCost benefit analysis of being eco-balanced
Use of new cleaner technologyUse of new cleaner technology
Life cycle assessmentsLife cycle assessments
Spreading awareness among usersSpreading awareness among users
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Resource ManagementResource Management
Energy resources (fossil fuels vs. others)Energy resources (fossil fuels vs. others)
Re-cycling of materialsRe-cycling of materials
Using re-cycled materialUsing re-cycled material
Using bio-degradable materialUsing bio-degradable material
Conservation of life supporting systemsConservation of life supporting systems
Forests, trees, water sources, mountainsForests, trees, water sources, mountains
Wild lifeWild life
Responsible use of landResponsible use of land
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Some BigSome Big
Environmental DisastersEnvironmental Disasters
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster (1986)Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster (1986)
Nuclear reactors went berserkNuclear reactors went berserk
Exxon Valdez (1989) in AlaskaExxon Valdez (1989) in Alaska
11.5 million barrels of crude spilled11.5 million barrels of crude spilled
Tokiamora Accident (1999)Tokiamora Accident (1999)
Nuclear radiation leakedNuclear radiation leaked
Bhopal Tragedy (1984)Bhopal Tragedy (1984)
Leakage of poisonous gas, killing 300 and affecting 400,000Leakage of poisonous gas, killing 300 and affecting 400,000
Gulf of Mexico (2010)Gulf of Mexico (2010)
Leakage of crude oil, polluting virtually the entire gulfLeakage of crude oil, polluting virtually the entire gulf
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Shades of CSRShades of CSR
Official posture and realityOfficial posture and reality
Spending more money on publicizing CSR thanSpending more money on publicizing CSR than
actual CSR work.actual CSR work.
Lip service: strings attached helpLip service: strings attached help
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Formulating CSR Policy
Set a Code of Ethics outlining CSR Values
to be upheld
Establish current position on CSR values
Discuss with relevant stakeholders
Pressure groups
Draw up a formal CSR Policy
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CSR Policy
Formally promulgate the CSR policy
Prescribe systems
Establish responsibility for each party
Set realistic strategies and targets
Keep all concerned informed
Monitor achievements
Revise policy or targets as necessary
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Bench Marking in CSR
You do as much as others are doing.
Can any one set minimums?
Who ensures compliance?
How to monitor compliance?
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CSR in PakistanCSR in Pakistan
Mostly companies consider philanthropy to beMostly companies consider philanthropy to be
the only means of CSR.the only means of CSR.
However change is coming.However change is coming.
Telenors Karo MumkinTelenors Karo Mumkin
PTCs tree plantingPTCs tree planting
Mobilinks medical helplineMobilinks medical helpline
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CSR SurveyCSR Survey
People in Pakistan want companies to:People in Pakistan want companies to:
Promote educationPromote education
Create employmentCreate employment
Provide health care to publicProvide health care to public
Reduce pollutionReduce pollution
Provide better work placeProvide better work place