Het is niet altijd evident om de juiste vragen af te vuren als je de leefwereld van jongeren wil ontdekken. Formaat ontwikkelde een draaiboek om gericht jongeren uit de buurt en uit het jeugdhuis te bevragen over wat ze graag doen, over wat ze willen en over hoe ze naar het jeugdhuis kijken. Je komt te weten hoe die bevraging eruit ziet en wat de resultaten kunnen zijn. Daarna maakt de theorie plaats voor de praktijk en laten we een jeugdhuismedewerker aan het woord die meegewerkt heeft aan zon bevraging.
The document discusses what it means to be a Spirit-filled, Spirit-empowered believer. It states that such a believer 1) walks with and is guided by the Holy Spirit, 2) is empowered to live victoriously over sin, and 3) is empowered by the Holy Spirit to minister effectively. It provides biblical examples to support each point. The document also discusses how to become a Spirit-filled believer by continually surrendering to the Holy Spirit and not grieving or quenching the Spirit through disobedience.
This document proposes a strategy for a self-sustaining educational entity that would offer free higher education to everyone. It would utilize existing open educational resources and massive open online courses. An online auction system would allow optional payments for courses and determine class enrollment and scholarship levels. The goal is to revolutionize education through open access while establishing sustainable business models for institutions and instructors.
Iquitos, la ciudad m叩s grande de la Amazon鱈a peruana, se encuentra a orillas del r鱈o Amazonas y es un punto de acceso a las comunidades ind鱈genas Boras y Yaguas que viven en la selva, as鱈 como un lugar para ver la vida silvestre local como animales t鱈picos y apreciar la belleza natural de la regi坦n.
This document contains contact information and a resume for Jason Bliss, a double bass player who has experience performing with several orchestras and as a substitute musician. It lists his address, phone number, email, educational background at the University of Tulsa and North Texas State University, and performance experience with orchestras from 1982 to 1989. It also provides names and cities of people who can act as references or were students of Mr. Bliss.
Sample pages a ten year strategic outlook for the global electric vehicle marketCommodity Inside
This document provides a 10-year strategic outlook for the global electric vehicle market, analyzing key regions and countries. It includes chapters on the introduction and methodology, the electric vehicle market outlook for various regions including North America, South America, Europe and Asia, materials and battery markets, the global charging infrastructure market, a PESTEL analysis, and an overview of the top 10 electric vehicle companies. The document contains over 60 tables of data on electric vehicle sales forecasts, market size, battery specifications, materials demand, and charging equipment sales for each country/region from 2015-2026.
This document discusses four potential scenarios for the future in 2030 and the importance of challenging assumptions and biases about the future:
1) "The Great Divide" scenario depicts a future where global elites thrive while the middle class slides into economic recession.
2) "Smart Tech, Dumb Society" scenario where dramatic tech advances fail to deliver on promises of improving lives through technologies like IoT.
3) "Off the Grid" scenario where distributed power and wireless access allow communities to thrive independently.
4) "YOLO, FOMO, JOMO" scenario depicts three consumer cohorts defined by their attitudes towards debt, staying trendy, and simple lifestyles.
The document emphasizes the
This document discusses collaboration between food pantries and other social service organizations. It notes that a lack of coordination between these groups costs those they aim to serve. Barriers to collaboration include limited knowledge of available resources, different schedules, and limited funding. An example shows how clients can fall through the cracks without proper communication between homeless family service providers. The document advocates for collaborative governance and inclusiveness to better serve communities through partnership between organizations.
Este documento lista varios programas de formaci坦n titulada del SENA y sus respectivos requisitos de perfil para instructores. Los programas incluyen dise単o e integraci坦n de multimedia, gesti坦n organizacional, programas de biling端ismo bajo la modalidad virtual, impresi坦n flexogr叩fica, desarrollo de videojuegos, producci坦n de multimedia, animaci坦n digital y un transversal de biling端ismo. Los requisitos var鱈an para cada programa pero generalmente incluyen t鱈tulos universitarios o tecnol坦gicos relacionados con la especialidad, certificaciones internacional
El documento describe un estudio sobre los h叩bitos de construcci坦n, canales de compra y preferencias de marcas de materiales y acabados de autoconstructores y maestros de obra. El estudio analizar叩 categor鱈as como sanitarios, grifer鱈a, may坦licas, ladrillos, cemento, tuber鱈as y drywall. Se entrevistar叩 a 300 autoconstructores y 150 maestros de obra para conocer su perfil, caracter鱈sticas de la vivienda, h叩bitos de compra y preferencias de marcas.
O documento descreve o surgimento do Modernismo entre o final do s辿culo XIX e a Primeira Guerra Mundial, como uma rea巽達o contra os valores estabelecidos da 辿poca. Apresenta os principais movimentos do Modernismo como o Futurismo, Cubismo, Intersecionismo, Sensacionismo, Paulismo e Abstracionismo. Destaca a import但ncia da revista Orpheu e da gera巽達o de poetas por ela representada, incluindo Fernando Pessoa e seus heter担nimos, para a introdu巽達o do Modernismo em Portugal.
47 things I Wrote Down @ SaaStr Annual 2017stewartjer
Ah, SaaStr Annual. The conference of all conferences for us SaaS nerds. The pinnacle of PLU (People Like Us) networking and experience cross-pollination.
Im not a newbie. Ive read, heard, or lived most of it before, many times over, but I had a very specific goal for myself this year: to focus on answering a few burning questions related to my key objectives for the next 12 months. I found what I was looking for, (hope you did too), and happened to take some decent notes in the process. Enjoy!
FAG 2尊 Bachillerato - UD8. Gesti坦n de los Recursos HumanosBea Hervella
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la gesti坦n de recursos humanos en una organizaci坦n. Explica las funciones del departamento de recursos humanos, el proceso de reclutamiento que incluye la definici坦n del perfil del puesto, fuentes de reclutamiento y el proceso de selecci坦n. Tambi辿n describe los tipos principales de contratos laborales en Espa単a y los elementos b叩sicos de una n坦mina como el salario bruto y las deducciones.
El costo de capital es la tasa de rendimiento necesaria para mantener el valor de la empresa y el precio de las acciones, y se calcula como un promedio ponderado de los costos de las distintas fuentes de financiamiento como pr辿stamos bancarios, bonos, acciones y utilidades retenidas. El costo de capital considera la tasa real de retorno esperada por los inversionistas, la inflaci坦n esperada y el riesgo asociado a la inversi坦n.
1) The document discusses the liberalization of Spain's electricity system from a regulated monopoly to a liberalized market in 1998, separating generation, distribution, and sales activities between natural monopolies and competitive activities.
2) It provides an overview of Spain's wholesale electricity market, which uses a pool market model where producers submit supply bids and consumers submit demand bids that are matched hourly to determine a marginal price and quantity traded.
3) The timing of the day-ahead market is explained, with the market operator receiving bids by 11am on day D-1 and determining provisional prices and a production schedule to balance supply and demand for each hour of day D.
This document discusses parenteral controlled drug delivery systems with an emphasis on injectable systems. It defines parenteral administration as introducing substances into the body through routes other than the mouth, such as infusion, injection, or implantation. The objectives of controlled release parenteral systems are to maintain therapeutic drug concentrations for longer periods by reducing side effects and increasing bioavailability and effectiveness. Common injectable routes include intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous. Injectable systems can be solutions, microspheres, liposomes, suspensions, or solid-liquid nanoparticles designed for sustained release. The document outlines various types of injectable delivery systems and their characteristics.
Asignacion instructores etapa productiva por fichanayey rodriguez
Este documento contiene una lista de estudiantes inscritos en diferentes programas de formaci坦n en el Sena. Incluye informaci坦n como la fecha de inicio de pr叩ctica, el nivel de formaci坦n, el programa al que pertenecen y el instructor o correo electr坦nico del instructor a cargo de cada programa. La lista contiene registros de m叩s de 100 estudiantes distribuidos en programas como An叩lisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Informaci坦n, Animaci坦n 3D, Asesor鱈a Comercial y Operaciones de Entidades Financieras, entre otros.
TBD is a local news website and TV station in Washington D.C. that focuses on building an online community. It aggregates other local news, reports original stories, and capitalizes on social media. TBD's lessons include linking to other sites, collaborating with bloggers, using social media for breaking news and tips, and interacting regularly with readers both online and offline through meetups and crowdsourced projects. While TBD had some successes in community engagement, challenges included an unproductive relationship with its TV partner and difficulties monetizing through advertising.
This document discusses strategies for harnessing the crowd and engaging readers in the news gathering process through social media. It defines community engagement as listening, joining, leading and enabling conversation with readers to elevate journalism. It outlines three types of engagement - conversation, collaboration and outreach. It provides eight rules of engagement for social media and discusses specific tools and strategies for live chats, crowdsourcing, collaborating with readers, and connecting with readers both online and offline.
This document discusses four potential scenarios for the future in 2030 and the importance of challenging assumptions and biases about the future:
1) "The Great Divide" scenario depicts a future where global elites thrive while the middle class slides into economic recession.
2) "Smart Tech, Dumb Society" scenario where dramatic tech advances fail to deliver on promises of improving lives through technologies like IoT.
3) "Off the Grid" scenario where distributed power and wireless access allow communities to thrive independently.
4) "YOLO, FOMO, JOMO" scenario depicts three consumer cohorts defined by their attitudes towards debt, staying trendy, and simple lifestyles.
The document emphasizes the
This document discusses collaboration between food pantries and other social service organizations. It notes that a lack of coordination between these groups costs those they aim to serve. Barriers to collaboration include limited knowledge of available resources, different schedules, and limited funding. An example shows how clients can fall through the cracks without proper communication between homeless family service providers. The document advocates for collaborative governance and inclusiveness to better serve communities through partnership between organizations.
Este documento lista varios programas de formaci坦n titulada del SENA y sus respectivos requisitos de perfil para instructores. Los programas incluyen dise単o e integraci坦n de multimedia, gesti坦n organizacional, programas de biling端ismo bajo la modalidad virtual, impresi坦n flexogr叩fica, desarrollo de videojuegos, producci坦n de multimedia, animaci坦n digital y un transversal de biling端ismo. Los requisitos var鱈an para cada programa pero generalmente incluyen t鱈tulos universitarios o tecnol坦gicos relacionados con la especialidad, certificaciones internacional
El documento describe un estudio sobre los h叩bitos de construcci坦n, canales de compra y preferencias de marcas de materiales y acabados de autoconstructores y maestros de obra. El estudio analizar叩 categor鱈as como sanitarios, grifer鱈a, may坦licas, ladrillos, cemento, tuber鱈as y drywall. Se entrevistar叩 a 300 autoconstructores y 150 maestros de obra para conocer su perfil, caracter鱈sticas de la vivienda, h叩bitos de compra y preferencias de marcas.
O documento descreve o surgimento do Modernismo entre o final do s辿culo XIX e a Primeira Guerra Mundial, como uma rea巽達o contra os valores estabelecidos da 辿poca. Apresenta os principais movimentos do Modernismo como o Futurismo, Cubismo, Intersecionismo, Sensacionismo, Paulismo e Abstracionismo. Destaca a import但ncia da revista Orpheu e da gera巽達o de poetas por ela representada, incluindo Fernando Pessoa e seus heter担nimos, para a introdu巽達o do Modernismo em Portugal.
47 things I Wrote Down @ SaaStr Annual 2017stewartjer
Ah, SaaStr Annual. The conference of all conferences for us SaaS nerds. The pinnacle of PLU (People Like Us) networking and experience cross-pollination.
Im not a newbie. Ive read, heard, or lived most of it before, many times over, but I had a very specific goal for myself this year: to focus on answering a few burning questions related to my key objectives for the next 12 months. I found what I was looking for, (hope you did too), and happened to take some decent notes in the process. Enjoy!
FAG 2尊 Bachillerato - UD8. Gesti坦n de los Recursos HumanosBea Hervella
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la gesti坦n de recursos humanos en una organizaci坦n. Explica las funciones del departamento de recursos humanos, el proceso de reclutamiento que incluye la definici坦n del perfil del puesto, fuentes de reclutamiento y el proceso de selecci坦n. Tambi辿n describe los tipos principales de contratos laborales en Espa単a y los elementos b叩sicos de una n坦mina como el salario bruto y las deducciones.
El costo de capital es la tasa de rendimiento necesaria para mantener el valor de la empresa y el precio de las acciones, y se calcula como un promedio ponderado de los costos de las distintas fuentes de financiamiento como pr辿stamos bancarios, bonos, acciones y utilidades retenidas. El costo de capital considera la tasa real de retorno esperada por los inversionistas, la inflaci坦n esperada y el riesgo asociado a la inversi坦n.
1) The document discusses the liberalization of Spain's electricity system from a regulated monopoly to a liberalized market in 1998, separating generation, distribution, and sales activities between natural monopolies and competitive activities.
2) It provides an overview of Spain's wholesale electricity market, which uses a pool market model where producers submit supply bids and consumers submit demand bids that are matched hourly to determine a marginal price and quantity traded.
3) The timing of the day-ahead market is explained, with the market operator receiving bids by 11am on day D-1 and determining provisional prices and a production schedule to balance supply and demand for each hour of day D.
This document discusses parenteral controlled drug delivery systems with an emphasis on injectable systems. It defines parenteral administration as introducing substances into the body through routes other than the mouth, such as infusion, injection, or implantation. The objectives of controlled release parenteral systems are to maintain therapeutic drug concentrations for longer periods by reducing side effects and increasing bioavailability and effectiveness. Common injectable routes include intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous. Injectable systems can be solutions, microspheres, liposomes, suspensions, or solid-liquid nanoparticles designed for sustained release. The document outlines various types of injectable delivery systems and their characteristics.
Asignacion instructores etapa productiva por fichanayey rodriguez
Este documento contiene una lista de estudiantes inscritos en diferentes programas de formaci坦n en el Sena. Incluye informaci坦n como la fecha de inicio de pr叩ctica, el nivel de formaci坦n, el programa al que pertenecen y el instructor o correo electr坦nico del instructor a cargo de cada programa. La lista contiene registros de m叩s de 100 estudiantes distribuidos en programas como An叩lisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Informaci坦n, Animaci坦n 3D, Asesor鱈a Comercial y Operaciones de Entidades Financieras, entre otros.
TBD is a local news website and TV station in Washington D.C. that focuses on building an online community. It aggregates other local news, reports original stories, and capitalizes on social media. TBD's lessons include linking to other sites, collaborating with bloggers, using social media for breaking news and tips, and interacting regularly with readers both online and offline through meetups and crowdsourced projects. While TBD had some successes in community engagement, challenges included an unproductive relationship with its TV partner and difficulties monetizing through advertising.
This document discusses strategies for harnessing the crowd and engaging readers in the news gathering process through social media. It defines community engagement as listening, joining, leading and enabling conversation with readers to elevate journalism. It outlines three types of engagement - conversation, collaboration and outreach. It provides eight rules of engagement for social media and discusses specific tools and strategies for live chats, crowdsourcing, collaborating with readers, and connecting with readers both online and offline.
Een korte presentatie over hoe succesvol te zijn met LinkedIn. Hoe gebruik je LinkedIn en welke manieren heb je om LinkedIn te gebruiken om te solliciteren of verder te groeien in je baan.
Ben jij een professional die de verandering wil zijn die je in de wereld wilt zien? En wil je graag
Een nieuwe baan die bij je past?
Vanuit innerlijke kracht werken verbonden met jezelf?
Van meerwaarde zijn voor je werkgever en de samenleving?
Echter, de realiteit zegt dat je 辿辿n van de honderden sollicitanten bent als je reageert op een passende vacature. Recruiters lezen vaak niet eens je sollicitatiebrief en gaan alleen af op de harde feiten in je CV. Je mag daarom al blij zijn dat je werk hebt.
Maar het liefste zou je je talent en werkervaring in willen zetten voor een werkgever die beter bij jou past. Je wenst jezelf een baan die past bij je innerlijke drijfveren zodat je daadwerkelijk een bijdrage kunt leveren. Niet alleen aan de organisatie waarvoor je werkt maar ook aan de samenleving. Dan is de cursus Jouw MVO Carri竪re voor jou:
Het Kernteam van gemeente Geldermalsen hield tussen 24 november en 4 december kennismakingsbijeenkomsten in de 11 dorpen. Bekijk hier de presentatie terug.
6. Eerste gedachten (jan. 2014)
Leefbaarheid in Heibloem doen we zelf
Alles kan : durf te dromen
Iedereen doet mee!
Eerste stappen:
- Verhaal van Heibloem
- Opzet huisbezoeken
- Communicatie
7. Verhaal van Heibloem (begin 2014)
Ongeveer 900 inwoners
Ruim 350 huishoudens
Heibloem is groot buitengebied met kleine
Groot verenigingsleven
Dorp/parochie ontstaan na de oorlog: zelf
8. Wat willen we?
9. Resultaten huisbezoeken (1)
ingevulde formulieren op website: 346
voor 2 personen ingevuld 44
aantal dubbelingen + onzin eruit: 4
reactie aantal personen 386
verhuisd/overleden 5
meeste bezoeken afgelegd met formulier als resultaat 60