1. The document provides a sample physics exam paper for Class 11 with 26 multiple-choice questions testing concepts in mechanics, thermodynamics, oscillations, and other topics.
2. The questions range from very short answer to longer multi-part questions, and include both conceptual questions and calculations.
3. The paper provides relevant physical constants and formulas needed to solve some of the quantitative problems.
This document contains a 29 question sample physics exam for Class XI. It provides general instructions, including that questions 1-8 are worth 1 mark each, questions 9-16 are worth 2 marks each, questions 17-25 are worth 3 marks each, questions 26-29 are worth 5 marks each except for question 26 which is worth 4 marks. It also lists several physical constants that may be needed and provides sample exam questions testing concepts related to kinematics, forces, energy, momentum, properties of gases, and other physics topics.
This document discusses the kinetic molecular theory of gases and its development over 200 years. It provides background on key contributors like Van der Waals who published an equation of state in 1873 that accounted for interactions between gas molecules and volume, improving on the ideal gas law. It also discusses how the constant R was derived from experiments and used to relate the temperature and pressure of an ideal gas in the ideal gas law PV=nRT.
1. The fundamental forces of nature are arranged in increasing strength as: gravitational force < weak nuclear forces < electromagnetic forces < strong nuclear forces.
2. The coefficient of friction does not change with weight of the body, as it depends on the nature of the surfaces, not the weight.
3. The gravitational field inside a solid sphere varies directly as the distance (x) from the centre if x < R, and inversely as x if x > R, where R is the radius of the sphere.
1) The document discusses key concepts from chapters on the ideal gas law and kinetic theory, including defining the mole, Avogadro's number, the ideal gas law equation, and kinetic theory explanations for gas behavior.
2) It provides examples of using the ideal gas law to calculate numbers of gas particles and molecular speeds using temperature, pressure, volume and moles.
3) Kinetic theory views gases as particles in random motion that exchange energy through collisions, with the average kinetic energy explaining the temperature and pressure behavior of gases.
[Richard c. tolman]_relativity,_thermodynamics_and(book_fi.org)Raisa Sadat
This document provides an introduction to a series of monographs on physics published internationally. It lists some of the monographs already published in the series, including titles on atomic collisions, electrolytes, chemical kinetics, relativity and astrophysics, properties of metals and alloys, eclipses, statistical mechanics, and other topics. The general editors of the series are named as Ralph Fowler, P. Kapitza, N.F. Mott, and E.C. Bullard. The monographs are published by Oxford University Press.
The document contains a student's target and progress learning outcomes for understanding forces of attraction and the solar system. It lists true statements about gravity, friction, and the number of planets. It also outlines levels of understanding concepts like satellites, models of the solar system, weight, and using models to describe phenomena.
Chapter 10.1 The Kinetic-Molecular TheoryChris Foltz
The document describes the kinetic molecular theory of gases and its assumptions: gases are made of particles in continuous random motion with empty space between them, particles undergo elastic collisions, and there are no interparticle forces. It explains how this theory accounts for gas properties like expansion, low density, compressibility, diffusion, and effusion. Real gases can deviate from ideal behavior at high pressures and low temperatures where intermolecular forces become significant.
This document contains a 30 question sample physics exam for Class 11 in India. The questions cover a range of topics including centripetal force, work, projectile motion, vectors, friction, Newton's laws of motion, and conservation of energy. The exam is 3 hours long and has a maximum score of 70 marks. It was submitted by Vinod Kumar Indora and contains their contact information at the end.
This document contains a monthly physics examination with 10 multiple-choice questions covering topics in mechanics, including:
1) Finding the acceleration and tension in a system with two masses connected by a cord over a pulley.
2) Calculating the velocity of a baseball thrown from a moving train.
3) Determining the reading of a spring scale in an accelerating elevator.
4) Using the system approach to find the acceleration and tension in a system with two masses connected by a string over a pulley.
5) Calculating the launch speed of a grasshopper that reaches a maximum height at a 45 degree angle.
Physics 226 Fall 2013 Problem Set #1 NOTE Sh.docxrandymartin91030
Physics 226
Fall 2013
Problem Set #1
NOTE: Show ALL work and ALL answers on a piece of separate loose leaf paper, not on this sheet.
Due on Thursday, August 29th
1) Skid and Mitch are pushing on a sofa in opposite
directions with forces of 530 N and 370 N respectively.
The mass of the sofa is 48 kg. The sofa is initially at rest
before it accelerates. There is no friction acting on the
sofa. (a) Calculate the acceleration of the sofa. (b) What
velocity does the sofa have after it moves 2.5 m? (c) How
long does it take to travel 2.5 m?
2) You have three force
vectors acting on a
mass at the origin.
Use the component
method we covered
in lecture to find
the magnitude and
direction of the re-
sultant force acting
on the mass.
3) You have three force
vectors acting on a
mass at the origin.
Use the component
method we covered
in lecture to find
the magnitude and
direction of the re-
sultant force acting on
the mass.
4) A bowling ball rolls off of a table that is 1.5 m tall. The
ball lands 2.5 m from the base of the table. At what speed
did the ball leave the table?
5) Skid throws his guitar up
into the air with a velocity
of 45 m/s. Calculate the
maximum height that the
guitar reaches from the point
at which Skid lets go of the
guitar. Use energy methods.
A beam of mass 12 kg and length 2 m is attached to a
hinge on the left. A box of 80 N is hung from the beam
50 cm from the left end. You hold the beam horizontally
with your obviously powerful index finger. With what
force do you push up on the beam?
7) The tennis ball of mass 57 g which
you have hung in your garage that
lets you know where to stop your
car so you dont crush your garbage
cans is entertaining you by swinging
in a vertical circle of radius 75 cm.
At the bottom of its swing it has a
speed of 4 m/s. What is the tension
in the string at this point?
Mitch Sofa Skid
F2 = 90 N
F1 = 40 N 35
8) Derivatives:
a) Given: Lx2Lx4y 22 , find
b) Given:
Lx2lny , find
9) Integrals:
a) Given: 駕
, evaluate.
b) Given:
0 2322
kx , evaluate.
1) a) 3.33 m/s2
b) 4.08 m/s
c) 1.23 s
2) 48.0 N, 61.0尊 N of W
3) 27.4 N, 16.1尊 S of E
4) 4.5s m/s
5) 103.3 m
6) 78.8 N
7) 1.78N
8) a) 24x2 + 8xL 4L
b) 22 x4L
9) a)
22 xR
45 x
F3 = 60 N
F2 = 65 N
F1 = 45 N 60
50 x
F3 = 60 N
Physics 226
Fall 2013
Problem Set #2
1) A plastic rod has a charge of 2.0 C. How many
electrons must be removed so that the charge on the rod
becomes +3.0C?
Three identical metal spheres, A, B, and C initially have
net charges as shown. The q .
This document contains 115 multiple choice questions about physics concepts such as sound, energy, work, power, gravitation, properties of waves and other topics. The questions range from definitions of terms to calculations involving concepts like kinetic energy, potential energy, work, power and properties of waves like frequency, wavelength etc. They are meant to test understanding of fundamental physics principles through conceptual and quantitative questions.
11th Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics paper for school's final Exam 2015APEX INSTITUTE
This document is a mock test paper for Class 11 CBSE annual exams covering Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. It provides sample questions in three sections for each subject: Section A has one mark questions, Section B has four mark questions, and Section C has six mark questions. The Mathematics questions cover topics like limits, derivatives, probability, coordinate geometry, trigonometry and calculus. The Physics questions cover kinematics, forces, work energy and power, oscillations, thermodynamics and modern physics. The document provides instructions for answering the questions and important physical constants to use.
This document contains instructions for a physics exam consisting of 3 sections (A, B, C). Section A has 15 multiple choice questions. Section B has 2 long answer questions. Section C allows candidates to answer any 2 of 3 long answer questions. The document also provides physical constants and values to be used in solving problems. Candidates are instructed to write their answers neatly and attach all pages together when submitting their exam.
1. The document contains a physics exam for 10th grade with three sections - multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and detailed answer questions.
2. The multiple choice section has 17 questions testing concepts like the laws of reflection, units of measurement, forces, equilibrium, and properties of matter.
3. The short answer section directs students to answer 14 of 21 questions testing additional concepts such as kinematics equations, energy, power, density, phases of matter, and wave properties.
4. The detailed answer section provides two optional questions involving principles like Archimedes' principle, inclined planes, simple harmonic motion, optics, sound, and wave diagrams.
The document is a physics examination paper containing 26 questions ranging from 2 to 5 marks each. It provides instructions for the exam, including the number and type of questions. The questions cover various topics in physics like units, motion, forces, energy, momentum, rotational motion, gravitation, and friction. Some questions ask students to derive equations, calculate numerical values, or explain concepts. The marking scheme at the end provides the expected answers and weightage for each question.
ADS & B.Sc Waves and Oscillations (Home of Physics).pdfPIR MUHAMMAD ILYAS
This document provides notes on oscillations and waves from a B.Sc. Physics course. It includes 5 chapters that cover oscillations, wave motion, sound, interference of light waves, and diffraction. It also lists past papers on waves and oscillations from the University of Sargodha from 2017 to 2012. Additional physics notes can be found on mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, electronics, and modern physics at the provided website. The document then discusses oscillations in more detail, including the simple harmonic oscillator model, equations of motion, solutions, parameters of oscillation, and energy considerations. It provides examples and problems related to simple harmonic motion.
This document contains a unit exam review with short answer and problem questions covering concepts in kinematics and dynamics including:
1) Sketching motion from a stroboscopic photograph and describing inertial and non-inertial frames of reference.
2) Calculating velocities and accelerations using kinematic equations for objects in motion under constant acceleration.
3) Solving dynamics problems using concepts like free-body diagrams, Newton's laws, universal gravitation, and friction to analyze forces and accelerations in physical systems.
This document provides instructions for a science exam for class 9. It has two sections - Section A with long answer and short answer questions, and Section B with multiple choice questions based on practical skills. Section A questions range from one to five marks and cover topics like atoms, plants, force, energy, sound waves, organisms and their classification. Section B has 42 single mark multiple choice questions related to chemistry experiments, physics concepts and biology topics like adaptation and plant/animal tissues. The instructions provide details about the number of questions in each section, marks allotted and word limits for answers.
1) This document contains a past physics exam with 33 multiple choice questions covering topics like kinematics, thermodynamics, optics, electricity and magnetism.
2) The questions test conceptual understanding of physics principles like SHM, collisions, thermal expansion, interference, electric potential, circuits and magnetic fields.
3) The format is single answer multiple choice with the correct answer indicated as a, b, c or d for each question.
The document provides instructions for a 5-hour theoretical physics competition with 3 questions. It details formatting requirements for working out the questions, including labeling pages with question number, page number, and total pages used. It also provides instructions for arranging the completed pages in proper order at the end. The first theoretical question is about vibrational modes in a linear crystal lattice model and includes parts on deriving the equation of motion, solving for mode frequencies and wave numbers, calculating average phonon energy, determining total crystal energy, and relating heat capacity to temperature. The second question considers a "rail gun" device constructed by a young man to launch himself across a strait to reach his love within 11 seconds. It involves deriving acceleration, calculating
This document provides instructions for a mechanics exam. It outlines 6 questions to choose from, with most questions having multiple parts. It specifies attempting 5 of the 6 questions. The questions cover topics like types of loads, forces, kinematics, centroids, equilibrium, impulse-momentum, friction, and collisions. Students are instructed to show working and include diagrams where necessary. Some data is provided, while other parts test knowledge without given data.
1) The document discusses Einstein's theory of special relativity, which is based on two postulates about the laws of physics and the constant speed of light.
2) Some examples of relativity problems are presented, such as calculating time dilation between moving observers.
3) The implications of Einstein's work are discussed, including its role in enabling technologies like GPS and nuclear power. String theory is also mentioned as an attempt to unify gravity with other fundamental forces.
This document provides a summary of key concepts from Chapter 1 of an introductory physics textbook. It includes 31 conceptual problems covering topics such as dimensional analysis, units, measurement uncertainty, coordinate systems, and trigonometry. It also reviews important foundational concepts like the standard units of length, mass and time, atomic structure, and conversion between units.
This document contains a 30 question sample physics exam for Class 11 in India. The questions cover a range of topics including centripetal force, work, projectile motion, vectors, friction, Newton's laws of motion, and conservation of energy. The exam is 3 hours long and has a maximum score of 70 marks. It was submitted by Vinod Kumar Indora and contains their contact information at the end.
This document contains a monthly physics examination with 10 multiple-choice questions covering topics in mechanics, including:
1) Finding the acceleration and tension in a system with two masses connected by a cord over a pulley.
2) Calculating the velocity of a baseball thrown from a moving train.
3) Determining the reading of a spring scale in an accelerating elevator.
4) Using the system approach to find the acceleration and tension in a system with two masses connected by a string over a pulley.
5) Calculating the launch speed of a grasshopper that reaches a maximum height at a 45 degree angle.
Physics 226 Fall 2013 Problem Set #1 NOTE Sh.docxrandymartin91030
Physics 226
Fall 2013
Problem Set #1
NOTE: Show ALL work and ALL answers on a piece of separate loose leaf paper, not on this sheet.
Due on Thursday, August 29th
1) Skid and Mitch are pushing on a sofa in opposite
directions with forces of 530 N and 370 N respectively.
The mass of the sofa is 48 kg. The sofa is initially at rest
before it accelerates. There is no friction acting on the
sofa. (a) Calculate the acceleration of the sofa. (b) What
velocity does the sofa have after it moves 2.5 m? (c) How
long does it take to travel 2.5 m?
2) You have three force
vectors acting on a
mass at the origin.
Use the component
method we covered
in lecture to find
the magnitude and
direction of the re-
sultant force acting
on the mass.
3) You have three force
vectors acting on a
mass at the origin.
Use the component
method we covered
in lecture to find
the magnitude and
direction of the re-
sultant force acting on
the mass.
4) A bowling ball rolls off of a table that is 1.5 m tall. The
ball lands 2.5 m from the base of the table. At what speed
did the ball leave the table?
5) Skid throws his guitar up
into the air with a velocity
of 45 m/s. Calculate the
maximum height that the
guitar reaches from the point
at which Skid lets go of the
guitar. Use energy methods.
A beam of mass 12 kg and length 2 m is attached to a
hinge on the left. A box of 80 N is hung from the beam
50 cm from the left end. You hold the beam horizontally
with your obviously powerful index finger. With what
force do you push up on the beam?
7) The tennis ball of mass 57 g which
you have hung in your garage that
lets you know where to stop your
car so you dont crush your garbage
cans is entertaining you by swinging
in a vertical circle of radius 75 cm.
At the bottom of its swing it has a
speed of 4 m/s. What is the tension
in the string at this point?
Mitch Sofa Skid
F2 = 90 N
F1 = 40 N 35
8) Derivatives:
a) Given: Lx2Lx4y 22 , find
b) Given:
Lx2lny , find
9) Integrals:
a) Given: 駕
, evaluate.
b) Given:
0 2322
kx , evaluate.
1) a) 3.33 m/s2
b) 4.08 m/s
c) 1.23 s
2) 48.0 N, 61.0尊 N of W
3) 27.4 N, 16.1尊 S of E
4) 4.5s m/s
5) 103.3 m
6) 78.8 N
7) 1.78N
8) a) 24x2 + 8xL 4L
b) 22 x4L
9) a)
22 xR
45 x
F3 = 60 N
F2 = 65 N
F1 = 45 N 60
50 x
F3 = 60 N
Physics 226
Fall 2013
Problem Set #2
1) A plastic rod has a charge of 2.0 C. How many
electrons must be removed so that the charge on the rod
becomes +3.0C?
Three identical metal spheres, A, B, and C initially have
net charges as shown. The q .
This document contains 115 multiple choice questions about physics concepts such as sound, energy, work, power, gravitation, properties of waves and other topics. The questions range from definitions of terms to calculations involving concepts like kinetic energy, potential energy, work, power and properties of waves like frequency, wavelength etc. They are meant to test understanding of fundamental physics principles through conceptual and quantitative questions.
11th Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics paper for school's final Exam 2015APEX INSTITUTE
This document is a mock test paper for Class 11 CBSE annual exams covering Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. It provides sample questions in three sections for each subject: Section A has one mark questions, Section B has four mark questions, and Section C has six mark questions. The Mathematics questions cover topics like limits, derivatives, probability, coordinate geometry, trigonometry and calculus. The Physics questions cover kinematics, forces, work energy and power, oscillations, thermodynamics and modern physics. The document provides instructions for answering the questions and important physical constants to use.
This document contains instructions for a physics exam consisting of 3 sections (A, B, C). Section A has 15 multiple choice questions. Section B has 2 long answer questions. Section C allows candidates to answer any 2 of 3 long answer questions. The document also provides physical constants and values to be used in solving problems. Candidates are instructed to write their answers neatly and attach all pages together when submitting their exam.
1. The document contains a physics exam for 10th grade with three sections - multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and detailed answer questions.
2. The multiple choice section has 17 questions testing concepts like the laws of reflection, units of measurement, forces, equilibrium, and properties of matter.
3. The short answer section directs students to answer 14 of 21 questions testing additional concepts such as kinematics equations, energy, power, density, phases of matter, and wave properties.
4. The detailed answer section provides two optional questions involving principles like Archimedes' principle, inclined planes, simple harmonic motion, optics, sound, and wave diagrams.
The document is a physics examination paper containing 26 questions ranging from 2 to 5 marks each. It provides instructions for the exam, including the number and type of questions. The questions cover various topics in physics like units, motion, forces, energy, momentum, rotational motion, gravitation, and friction. Some questions ask students to derive equations, calculate numerical values, or explain concepts. The marking scheme at the end provides the expected answers and weightage for each question.
ADS & B.Sc Waves and Oscillations (Home of Physics).pdfPIR MUHAMMAD ILYAS
This document provides notes on oscillations and waves from a B.Sc. Physics course. It includes 5 chapters that cover oscillations, wave motion, sound, interference of light waves, and diffraction. It also lists past papers on waves and oscillations from the University of Sargodha from 2017 to 2012. Additional physics notes can be found on mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, electronics, and modern physics at the provided website. The document then discusses oscillations in more detail, including the simple harmonic oscillator model, equations of motion, solutions, parameters of oscillation, and energy considerations. It provides examples and problems related to simple harmonic motion.
This document contains a unit exam review with short answer and problem questions covering concepts in kinematics and dynamics including:
1) Sketching motion from a stroboscopic photograph and describing inertial and non-inertial frames of reference.
2) Calculating velocities and accelerations using kinematic equations for objects in motion under constant acceleration.
3) Solving dynamics problems using concepts like free-body diagrams, Newton's laws, universal gravitation, and friction to analyze forces and accelerations in physical systems.
This document provides instructions for a science exam for class 9. It has two sections - Section A with long answer and short answer questions, and Section B with multiple choice questions based on practical skills. Section A questions range from one to five marks and cover topics like atoms, plants, force, energy, sound waves, organisms and their classification. Section B has 42 single mark multiple choice questions related to chemistry experiments, physics concepts and biology topics like adaptation and plant/animal tissues. The instructions provide details about the number of questions in each section, marks allotted and word limits for answers.
1) This document contains a past physics exam with 33 multiple choice questions covering topics like kinematics, thermodynamics, optics, electricity and magnetism.
2) The questions test conceptual understanding of physics principles like SHM, collisions, thermal expansion, interference, electric potential, circuits and magnetic fields.
3) The format is single answer multiple choice with the correct answer indicated as a, b, c or d for each question.
The document provides instructions for a 5-hour theoretical physics competition with 3 questions. It details formatting requirements for working out the questions, including labeling pages with question number, page number, and total pages used. It also provides instructions for arranging the completed pages in proper order at the end. The first theoretical question is about vibrational modes in a linear crystal lattice model and includes parts on deriving the equation of motion, solving for mode frequencies and wave numbers, calculating average phonon energy, determining total crystal energy, and relating heat capacity to temperature. The second question considers a "rail gun" device constructed by a young man to launch himself across a strait to reach his love within 11 seconds. It involves deriving acceleration, calculating
This document provides instructions for a mechanics exam. It outlines 6 questions to choose from, with most questions having multiple parts. It specifies attempting 5 of the 6 questions. The questions cover topics like types of loads, forces, kinematics, centroids, equilibrium, impulse-momentum, friction, and collisions. Students are instructed to show working and include diagrams where necessary. Some data is provided, while other parts test knowledge without given data.
1) The document discusses Einstein's theory of special relativity, which is based on two postulates about the laws of physics and the constant speed of light.
2) Some examples of relativity problems are presented, such as calculating time dilation between moving observers.
3) The implications of Einstein's work are discussed, including its role in enabling technologies like GPS and nuclear power. String theory is also mentioned as an attempt to unify gravity with other fundamental forces.
This document provides a summary of key concepts from Chapter 1 of an introductory physics textbook. It includes 31 conceptual problems covering topics such as dimensional analysis, units, measurement uncertainty, coordinate systems, and trigonometry. It also reviews important foundational concepts like the standard units of length, mass and time, atomic structure, and conversion between units.
1. Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks
SAMPLE PAPER-05 (unsolved)
PHYSICS (Theory)
Class XI
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
a) All the questions are compulsory.
b) There are 26 questions in total.
c) Questions 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions and carry one mark each.
d) Questions 6 to 10 carry two marks each.
e) Questions 11 to 22 carry three marks each.
f) Questions 23 is value based questions carry four marks.
g) Questions 24 to 26 carry five marks each.
h) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of
two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions in five marks each. You have
to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
i) Use of calculators is not permitted. However, you may use log tables if necessary.
j) You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary:
7 1
9 2 2
3 10 /
6.63 10
1.6 10
4 10
9 10
9.1 10
c x m s
h x Js
e x C
x TmA
x Nm C
m x kg
1. Give the order of precision of an atomic clock.
2. If a light body and a heavy body have the same K.E, then which one will have greater
3. Give reasons: A piece of chalk will emit bubbles in all directions when put into water.
4. What is the influence of temperature on the mean free path of a gas?
5. What is the effect of highly soluble impurities on the surface tension of a liquid?
6. Two satellites A and B go around a planet P in circular orbit having radius 4R and R. If the speed
of the satellite a is 3v, then find the speed of the satellite B?
7. If a geostationary satellite is orbiting the earth at a height of 6R above the surface of the earth R
being the radius of the earth, then what will be the time period of another satellite at a height 2.5
R from the surface of the earth?
2. Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks
8. Assume that a bullet P is fired from a gun when the angle of elevation of the gun is 300. Another
bullet Q is fired from the gun when the angle of elevation is 600. If the vertical height attained in
the second case is x times the vertical height attained in the first case, find the value of x?
9. Determine work done by the person if he slowly lifts a block of mass m through a vertical height
h and then walks horizontally a distance d while holding the block.
Assume that the particle performs uniform circular motion with an angular momentum L. If the
frequency of particles motion is doubled and its K.E is halved, then what would happen to its
angular momentum?
10. A particle is vibrating in S.H.M when the displacements of the particle from its equilibrium
position are x1 and x2 it has velocities v1 and v2. Show that its time period is given by
2 2
1 2
2 2
2 1
x - x
T = 2
v - v
11. What type of motion this body has if the distance travelled by a body is proportional to the square
of time?
12. Assume that a ship is moving at a speed of 56 km h-1. One second later, it is said to be moving at
speed of 58 km h-1. What would be its acceleration?
13. If a solid surface of mass 0.1 kg and radius 2.5 cm rolls without sliding with a uniform velocity of
0.1 ms-1 along a straight line on a smooth horizontal table, then find its total energy.
14. Sachin went to Praveens house to play. They had a completion of high jump on the sofa.
Praveens mom warned them that they could get hurt. But they did not listen. Then came
Praveens father, a physics teacher explained them the working of spring. After that they all
promised that they would never jump on the furniture.
a) Give any two examples of the objects which work using springs.
b) What do you think about the values of the boys?
c) If a spring compressed by 0.2 m develops a restoring force of 20 N and if a body of mass 8 kg
is placed on it, then find,
i) The force constant of the spring.
ii) Depression of the spring under the weight of the body
15. If the velocities of ten particles in ms-1 are 0,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,9, then calculate its average speed and
r.m.s speed.
3. Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks
16. A body m1 of mass 9 kg and another m2 of mass 6 kg are connected by alight inextensible string.
Consider a smooth inclined plane of inclination 300 over which one of them can be placed while
the other hangs vertically and freely. Show that m1 will drag m2 up the whole length of the plane
in half the time m2 hanging vertically would take to draw m1 up the plane.
17. In an experiment, Raghul found that the string vibrates in three loops when a g was as mass of
placed on the scale pan. In order to makes the string vibrate in nine loops, what should Raghul
18. If the block travels with uniform velocity, find the work done by this force during a displacement
d of the block by assuming that a block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal surface by
applying a force at an angle 慮 with horizontal with coefficient of friction between block and
surface is 袖.
If a rod of weight W is supported by two parallel knife edges A and B and is in equilibrium in a
horizontal position and the distance between knife edges is d and the centre of mass of the rod is
at a distance x from A, find the value of normal reactions at the knife edges A and B.
19. If a mass m is allowed to roll down on an inclined plane 慮 with the vertical height h, then find
a) The velocity down the plane.
b) Acceleration along the inclined plane.
20. Find the number of air molecules in the bulb if an electric bulb of volume 250 cm3 was sealed off
during manufactures at a pressure of 10-3 mm of Hg at 270C.
21. What is an adiabatic process? Prove that for an adiabatic process PV 粒
= constant, where 粒 is the
ratio of specific heat capacities
22. The magnitude of gravitational field at distance r1 and r2 from the centre of a uniform sphere of
radius R and mass M are I1 and I2. Find the ratio of (I1/I2) if r1 > R and r2 < R.
23. Vishal was working with an experiment where two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are
connected to each other through a stop cock. A contains a gas at standard temperature and
pressure and B is completely evacuated. The entire system is thermally insulated. If the stopcock
is suddenly opened what would you think would happen to the
a) Change in the internal energy of the gas.
b) Change in the temperature of the gas.
c) Final pressure of the gas in A and B.
4. Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks
24. Prove that for a particle in linear S.H.M the average K.E over a period of oscillation equals the
average potential energy over the same period.
If a string 1m long with mass 0.1 g/cm is under a tension of 400 N, then find its fundamental
a) Explain stress-strain relationship for a loaded steel wire.
b) Define the following terms:
i) Yield point
ii) Tensile strength
iii) Elastic limit
A water pipe entering a hose has a diameter of 2 cm and the speed of water is 0.1 ms-1.
Eventually the pipe tapers to a diameter of 1 cm. calculate the speed of water in the tapered
26. Assume that a simple pendulum in a stationary lift time period is T, then what would be the
effect on the time period when the lift
a) Moves up with uniform velocity v
b) Moves down with uniform velocity v
c) Moves up with uniform acceleration a
Assume that the wavelength of two notes in air are
m and
m. If each note produces five
beats per second with a third note of a fixed frequency, then calculate the velocity of sound in air.