The PR campaign aims to promote Kashi products to college students. Research found that many college students have unhealthy diets and want healthier, affordable options. The campaign will educate students on nutrition and healthy eating through brochures, displays, and articles. It will also increase awareness of Kashi by giving out free samples on campus and at stores. Events like a cooking competition will encourage using Kashi at home to reinforce it as a household brand. The goals are to educate 1,000 students, have 500 try samples, and get 200 using Kashi in recipes at home. Evaluation will include surveys, sales data, and social media/event participation.
El documento explica los pasos para insertar un video de YouTube en un blog: 1) Seleccionar el video de YouTube y compartirlo, 2) Copiar el c坦digo de inserci坦n, 3) Editar un nuevo art鱈culo en el blog y pegar el c坦digo entre las etiquetas SOURCE y /SOURCE, 4) A単adir un t鱈tulo y categor鱈a y guardar el art鱈culo.
This document outlines an e-learning strategy with the following key points:
1. The organization aims to offer students a choice to attend learning face-to-face or online, and provide appropriate technological support.
2. New technologies like virtual classrooms and learning management systems will be used to expand e-learning applications such as professional development, blended learning courses, and engaging marginalized learners.
3. Staff will receive training and support to implement the e-learning strategy, which will start by selecting a virtual learning platform, prioritizing courses for conversion, and piloting the new system.
The document compares the design elements and conventions used in the student's music magazine to the real music magazine VIBE. For the front cover, the student used a similar color scheme but made their image less bright. Their masthead and sell lines are also bolder. For the contents page, both magazines place the main contents on one side and use a box to highlight top stories. The layout of the article pages is also similar, with a picture on one page and text on the facing page. However, the student made some customizations like adding a quote on the picture page.
The document provides information about culture and work environment in the United States. It discusses that the work culture is both professional and casual, with flexible schedules and an informal atmosphere. Meetings are common and used for discussions and analyzing projects. Americans value their personal time and weekends. The work day is typically from 8am to 5pm with emphasis on time management and results over hours worked.
The document provides an overview of autism and the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) as a form of augmentative and alternative communication for autistic children. Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication difficulties. PECS uses pictures to teach communication in 6 phases, from exchanging pictures to develop speech to answering questions. Research has shown PECS can help some children develop speech and allows many untrained people to communicate with a child using PECS. Nurses should prepare for visits and use strategies like PECS and pictures of familiar items to help autistic children communicate.
The document compares the design elements and conventions used in the student's music magazine to the real music magazine VIBE. For the front cover, the student used a similar color scheme but made their image less bright. Their masthead and sell lines are also bolder. For the contents page, both magazines place the main contents on one side and use a box to highlight top stories. The layout of the article pages is also similar, with a picture on one page and text on the facing page. However, the student made some customizations like adding a quote on the picture page.
The document provides information about culture and work environment in the United States. It discusses that the work culture is both professional and casual, with flexible schedules and an informal atmosphere. Meetings are common and used for discussions and analyzing projects. Americans value their personal time and weekends. The work day is typically from 8am to 5pm with emphasis on time management and results over hours worked.
The document provides an overview of autism and the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) as a form of augmentative and alternative communication for autistic children. Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication difficulties. PECS uses pictures to teach communication in 6 phases, from exchanging pictures to develop speech to answering questions. Research has shown PECS can help some children develop speech and allows many untrained people to communicate with a child using PECS. Nurses should prepare for visits and use strategies like PECS and pictures of familiar items to help autistic children communicate.