If You Have To Leave Do It Graciously Part 1Kennedy Liyai
This document discusses confronting fear during times of uncertainty and change. It advises graciously accepting when expectations are not met and moving forward without bitterness or desire for revenge. Forgiveness is important for advancement. Examples are given of people who demonstrated sharing their success with others through philanthropic efforts instead of isolating themselves. The conclusion encourages accepting Jesus Christ to be washed clean from sins and filled with the Holy Spirit.
The document discusses a lunch and learn series presentation by IBI Group on the death and life of transport planning. IBI Group presented a revised design algorithm that involves context analysis, specification, design, prototyping, assessment, implementation, and review. They also presented a revised urban template that separates different land uses such as agriculture, leisure, wildlife, and forestry, and includes buffers and strategic transit, freight, and passenger interchanges.
Bahadir Gacal has over 8 years of experience in polymer chemistry and nanomaterials research. He holds a PhD in physical chemistry from the University of Hamburg and has published 18 peer-reviewed papers. He is currently a research scientist at University College Dublin, where he works on coating nanoparticles for biosensing applications and managing various research projects.