Michael Jackson was an American singer born in Los Angeles who recorded many popular songs such as Thriller, Bad, Off the Wall, Dangerous, and Man in the Mirror. He died on June 25, 2009 in Los Angeles.
The document summarizes a fundraiser event planned by a student agency called Superior Reflections to benefit the Southside SPCA. The agency planned a bingo night fundraiser at a local restaurant called Big Dogs. As the event planner, the student worked with the restaurant to host the event, which included rounds of bingo and a pet contest. The event was promoted through various on and off campus channels. The fundraiser met its goals of drawing over 75 participants and raised $323.73 and supplies for the Southside SPCA.
Michael Jackson was an American singer born in Los Angeles who recorded many popular songs such as Thriller, Bad, Off the Wall, Dangerous, and Man in the Mirror. He died on June 25, 2009 in Los Angeles.
The document summarizes a fundraiser event planned by a student agency called Superior Reflections to benefit the Southside SPCA. The agency planned a bingo night fundraiser at a local restaurant called Big Dogs. As the event planner, the student worked with the restaurant to host the event, which included rounds of bingo and a pet contest. The event was promoted through various on and off campus channels. The fundraiser met its goals of drawing over 75 participants and raised $323.73 and supplies for the Southside SPCA.
This document outlines the process for obtaining UKAS accreditation for laboratory calibration and testing. It involves deciding the calibration items, applying to UKAS, establishing quality systems, undergoing assessments, and maintaining accreditation. Initial costs include the laboratory, UKAS fees of 贈8,000-贈12,000, quality manual development, equipment, and staff training. Annual maintenance costs are 贈3,000-贈6,000 to UKAS, plus equipment calibration and maintenance, internal audits, and operating expenses. Additional consultancy services are available to help laboratories achieve and maintain accreditation.
A regi達o do Nordeste brasileiro, principalmente a 叩rea do Pol鱈gono das Secas sofre muito com a falta de
chuva. O fen担meno da estiagem traz consigo v叩rios efeitos negativos para a popula巽達o e um dos setores da
economia bastante prejudicado 辿 a pecu叩ria bovina. O presente estudo foi realizado no Munic鱈pio de Pombal
Sert達o da Para鱈ba, por meio de uma pesquisa em campo e aplica巽達o de question叩rios para cinquenta
produtores bovinos durante o per鱈odo de seca nos anos de 2013 a 2015. A aplica巽達o dos question叩rios
ocorreu no per鱈odo de Janeiro a Junho de 2013 e o acompanhamento da rela巽達o do produtor com os recursos
h鱈dricos at辿 o atual per鱈odo. Este estudo 辿 parte da disserta巽達o apresentada ao Programa de P坦s-Gradua巽達o
em Sistemas Agroindustriais PPGSA da UFCG tem por objetivo caracterizar alguns aspectos sociais e
econ担micos da pecu叩ria bovina leiteira no munic鱈pio de Pombal/PB. Nesta pesquisa investigou-se a
pastagem como a principal forma de alimentar o rebanho. Com a seca, este tipo de alimenta巽達o animal
tornou-se invi叩vel e os criadores passaram a alimentar o rebanho apenas com ra巽達o comercial onde o alto
custo manuten巽達o do animal trouxe muitos preju鱈zos aos produtores, j叩 que a produ巽達o leiteira n達o cobre
os gastos com a ra巽達o. Constatou-se este fato com a maioria (54%) dos produtores. Portanto, em virtude da
seca prolongada a bovinocultura, na regi達o 辿 uma atividade insustent叩vel economicamente, acredita-se que
ainda 辿 praticada por ser culturalmente, uma tradi巽達o forte do homem sertanejo.
Rachna Malik has over 3 years of experience in accounting roles including accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financial statement preparation. She currently works as an Account Executive at Kalpatarupower Transmission Limited where she is responsible for accounts payable, advance payments, and the travel and expense team. Previously, she worked as an Account Officer at Gannon Dunkerley Company Limited where her roles included budget analysis, invoice processing, and account reconciliation. She has expertise in ERP systems like SAP and accounting packages like Tally.
The document presents three word problems involving Karen using $2 given to her by her mother to buy gumballs and gummy bears that each cost $0.25. The first problem has Karen buying only gumballs, the second has her buying equal amounts of gumballs and bears, and the third has her buying 6 gumballs and any remaining money in bears. Each problem shows the step-by-step work to solve for how many of each item Karen can purchase.
The document contains pictures from the Albert-McCarron wedding where the intern was required to set up tables by arranging center pieces, chairs, favors, decorations, and the guest book and gift table.
This document outlines an anti-sexting campaign created by a group for a persuasion theory class. The campaign aims to educate middle and high school students on the dangers of sexting through various communication methods, including a PowerPoint presentation, social media presence, print ads, videos, awareness bracelets and phone backgrounds. The goals are to discourage sexting participation and get schools more involved in the issue. The campaign's effectiveness will be evaluated based on developing anti-sexting classes in schools and the reach of the awareness products.
1. The document outlines the process and requirements for obtaining accreditation from UKAS to ISO 17025 standards. This includes establishing prerequisites like a quality management system, equipment, and standards.
2. The accreditation process involves applying to UKAS, developing documentation, undergoing assessments, and ultimately obtaining accredited status. Maintaining accreditation requires ongoing costs and compliance with standards.
3. The advantages of accreditation include recognition, customer satisfaction, competitive advantages, additional revenue opportunities, and ensuring consistent and traceable practices are followed.
The document discusses risk management for projects. It defines risk as an uncertain event that can positively or negatively impact project objectives. The purpose of risk management is to reduce overall project risk to an acceptable level. It describes the four main steps of the risk management process as risk identification, risk assessment, risk response development, and risk response control. Risk identification involves determining potential risks, their causes and impacts. Risk assessment evaluates the probability and effect of risks. Risk response development creates options to reduce threats and leverage opportunities. Risk response control implements responses, monitors risks and makes changes when needed.
This document provides an overview of auditing a Quality Management System (QMS) according to ISO 17025. It defines a quality audit as a systematic and documented process to evaluate if agreed procedures and criteria are being followed. Audits are conducted to ensure compliance, identify improvements, and provide confidence in the effectiveness of the QMS. The auditor should be trained and independent, using checklists to audit elements like quality manuals, procedures, records and evidence. Non-compliances are documented for corrective action, with follow-up to ensure issues are addressed. Effective auditing involves planning, conducting the audit, reporting findings, and following up on issues.
This document outlines the process for obtaining UKAS accreditation for laboratory calibration and testing. It involves deciding the calibration items, applying to UKAS, establishing quality systems, undergoing assessments, and maintaining accreditation. Initial costs include the laboratory, UKAS fees of 贈8,000-贈12,000, quality manual development, equipment, and staff training. Annual maintenance costs are 贈3,000-贈6,000 to UKAS, equipment calibration and maintenance, and consultancy. PKQA Services provides assistance with accreditation through quality system development, auditing, and training.
The document provides a history of accreditation in the UK, beginning with the British Calibration Service established in 1966. It later merged with another organization to form the National Measurement Accreditation Service in 1985, which was renamed the UK Accreditation Service in 1995. The document also defines accreditation and certification, and explains that accreditation evaluates a laboratory's technical competence according to ISO/IEC 17025. It provides an overview of the requirements for laboratories to achieve and maintain accreditation.
The document provides a history of accreditation in the UK, beginning with the British Calibration Service established in 1966. It later merged with another organization to form the National Measurement Accreditation Service in 1985, which was renamed the UK Accreditation Service in 1995. The document also defines accreditation and certification, and explains that accreditation evaluates a laboratory's technical competence according to ISO/IEC 17025. It provides an overview of the requirements for laboratories to achieve and maintain accreditation.
The document discusses quality audits of quality management systems. It defines a quality audit and explains that the purpose is to ensure compliance with standards and identify opportunities for improvement. It describes the roles and responsibilities of auditors and auditees. The audit process includes developing an audit plan and checklist, performing the audit, documenting any non-compliances, issuing reports, and conducting follow-up. Key elements of a quality audit are independence, preparation, documentation, and verification of corrective actions.
This document discusses hypothesis testing of population means with known variances using lower tail, upper tail, and two-tailed tests. It provides examples of each: a lower tail test of light bulb lifetimes, an upper tail test of cookie fat content, and a two-tailed test of penguin weights from one year to the next. The solutions show calculating the test statistic z and comparing it to the critical value to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis in each case.
舒 亳ミ姿 2016 亞仂亟舒 舒亟亳仂亳瓿Facebook油仂舒于亳仍舒 1,71 仄亳仍仍亳舒亟舒 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍亠亶油
2015 Canadian Social Media Usage Statistics
59% of survey respondents use Facebook.
Canadians visit Facebook about nine times each week.
75% of those earning $80K-$100K use Facebook.
70% of Mothers of children under 18 are on Facebook.
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