The document provides an overview of topics and materials covered in Module Eleven of a driver's education course, including:
1) Vehicle use and ownership responsibilities like assessing personal vehicle needs and pre-purchase inspections.
2) Types of required vehicle insurance in Texas and how to file claims.
3) Environmental impacts of driving like littering and vehicle emissions, and strategies to reduce pollution.
4) The importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation programs.
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1.1.1 7
1. Academie St. John Parent Taught Driver Education Course
Classroom Instruction
Module Eleven Consumer midtnautos
Responsibility Vehicle Ownership
Classroom Instructional Phase Texas Drivers 1. What should you do if you damage an unattended
Handbook vehicle?
11.1.1 Vehicle Use and Ownership p 11-2 If you are operating a motor vehicle that collides with and
(A) Recognize immediate and long- damages an unattended vehicle, you must immediately
term responsibilities and obligations stop and; a. Locate the operator or owner of the unattended
vehicle and give that person the name and address of the
for using and owning a vehicle operator and owner of the vehicle that struck the unattended
including vulnerable roadway users vehicle; or b. Leave in a conspicuous place in (or securely
(B) Create a personal needs attach in a plainly visible way to) the unattended vehicle a
written notice giving the name and address of the operator
assessment for selecting a new or and the owner of the vehicle that struck the unattended
pre-owned vehicle 2. When are accident reports required?
(C) Describe and perform a pre- If you are involved in a crash and the crash is not
p 11-3 investigated by a law enforcement officer and the crash
purchase/lease inspection of a new
resulted in death or damage to the property of any one
or pre-owned vehicle person to an apparent extent of $1,000 or more, you must
(D) Consider the costs associated make a written report of the crash and must file the written
with purchasing, leasing, and owning report with the Texas Department of Transportation not later
than the 10th day after the date of the crash. The written
a new or pre-owned vehicle including report must be on the appropriate form approved by the
monthly payments with interest Department.
11.1.2 Vehicle Insurance HowTo
(A) Recognize the benefit of requiring Vehicle Insurance
Texas drivers to be financially
responsible for death, injury, or
property damage that they may
cause while operating a motor
(B) Summarize types of coverage for
the eight categories of vehicle
(C) Know the appropriate steps to file
an insurance claim
(D) Describe the factors for
establishing and reducing vehicle
Texas Drivers Handbook 1
2. Academie St. John Parent Taught Driver Education Course
Classroom Instruction
insurance rates
(E) Discuss reasons individuals have
vehicle insurance denied or revoked
11.1.3 Environmental Protection Nana411play4u
and Litter Prevention Texas Antilittering Law
(A) Define littering
(B) Explain the Texas littering law
and the Texas Department of
Transportations litter prevention,
Dont Mess With Texas campaign
(C) Describe health, community, and
environmental impacts of littering
including analyzing the costs
(D) List personal strategies to prevent
and reduce litter on roadways
(E) Describe the emissions and
pollutants emitted by motor vehicles
and evaluate the scope of the
problem in Texas and the community
(F) Explain reduced-risk driving
practices that conserve fuel and
reduce pollution
(G) Explain the personal and global
benefits of conserving energy, litter
prevention, reducing pollution, and
11.1.4 Anatomical Gifts stuartfraser04
(A) Analyze the benefits, importance Anatomical Gifts
of organ, eye, and tissue donation
(B) Describe the laws and
procedures for becoming an organ,
eye, and tissue donor
Texas Drivers Handbook 2