Jorge H. Meza Viveros has over 31 years of experience in mining and metallurgical operations, including 20 years as Managing Director of smelters and mines. He has extensive experience managing large projects in Mexico and Peru, including modernization projects, expansions, and turnarounds. Currently, he serves as General Operations Director for Southern Peru Copper Corporation, overseeing multiple mines and metallurgical complexes.
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AV. 12 Sur # 3707 Colonia Anzures C.P. 72350 Puebla Pue. Mexico Page 1
12 Sur 37072 Col. Anzures C.P. 72530 Puebla. M辿xico
Off Mex: +52(55)11035494, Cel. Mex: +52 1 55 43541035
Off. Peru. +51 53599005 Cel. Peru + 51 971141825
MAGAP (Master international in advanced Project Management) by Universidad de
Murcia Spain (sept2010 Feb 2013)
PMP Project Management Process 2007
31 years Strong experience as a Managing Director and Chemical Engineer working within the
upstream side of the mining industry.
21 years experience Mining and Metallurgical operation, 20 as a Managing Director in a
smelter and mining Mexicana de Cobre, Grupo Mexico (operations projects, construction).
Experience as an Acid Plant Operations Superintendent in mining company (projects,
operations), experience as a Process Control and Engineering Superintendent in M d C.
Experience as a Quality Control General Foreman in mining company. M d C,
10 years experience as Projects Director and consultant by SPCC; IMMSA, by Grupo
Independent Consultant by Atheneus Partner (Chile, Berlin) Started in May 2012
2015 Sept. Actual.
General Operation Director for Southern Peru Copper Corporation. (SPCC) and COO for Peru
by Americas Mining Corporation.
In Charge of operations by Toquepala Mine, Cuajone Mine, and ILO Metallurgical Complex
(Copper Smelter, Refinery and Precious Metal Plant)
2011 May 2015 August.
Study and evaluation Project Director for Minera Mexico, by Grupo Mexico. (Technical and
economic evaluation by all projects in Minera Mexico), The last Project, Empalme Smelter
2008- 2011
Synergy and Coordination Director for Mexico/Peru Smelter and Mining - Grupo
Mexico/Southern Peru Copper Corporation, SPCC. (projects, operations, construction)
2006 2007
Coach and Consultant Director for Ilo Smelter modernization project - Ilo Peru, Southern Peru
Copper Corporation. (Projects, Construction, Stat Up)
2004 2006
Project Advisor and Coach for FLUOR Daniels, and Southern Peru Copper Corporation -
Santiago, Chile - Ilo, Peru.
1984 2004
General Director, Metallurgical Complex Mexicana de Cobre S.A de C.V Nacozari -
Sonora, Mexico, Grupo M辿xico
2000 2004
Foreman Chemistry Laboratory Atlax. Co. (aceros especiales Tlaxcala) Grupo Alfa.
GENERAL OPERATION DIRECTOR of Southern Peru Copper Corporation.
In Charge of the operations by Toquepala Mine, Cuajone Mine, and ILO Metallurgical Complex
(Copper Smelter, Refinery and Precious Metal Plant)
AV. 12 Sur # 3707 Colonia Anzures C.P. 72350 Puebla Pue. Mexico Page 2
Study and evaluation Project Director
Study Projects Director, Coordinate Engineering for projects (New Smelter in Empalme Sonora
M辿xico, Support by Tia Maria Project in Peru, El Arco, Metallurgical Complex, Precious metals
plant (Te) recovery, New Zinc refinery )
Project Advisor and Coach for FLUOR and Southern Peru Copper Corporation (SPCC) in the
smelter modernization project Ilo, Peru
Reviewed, evaluated and advised in both basic and detailed engineering, selection of
technology and equipment for the smelter modernization project.
Designed the training program for SPCC personnel in Australia, the USA and Mexico.
Turnover and start-up of the Smelter modernization project including acid plant, oxygen plant,
desalinization plants, effluent plant, ISA Smelt furnace, Isa Boiler, electrostatic precipitators,
rotary holding furnaces, Pierce Smith converters, anode plants, anode casting, etc.
General Director, Metallurgical Complex Nacozari - Sonora, Mexico, Grupo M辿xico
Significantly increased the productivity and production of the metallurgical complex, decreased
of operations costs. Record production during 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000.
Copper Smelter Expansion Project from 180,000 tpy to 330,000 tpy.
Re-engineering implemented in the complex. Decreased personnel by 22% and costs by 3%.
Successful turnover and start-up of the electrolytic copper refinery in 1998.
Successful turnover and start-up of the rod copper plant in 1999.
Successful turnover and start-up of the precious metals plant in 2000.
Implemented and certified in ISO 9000 in the electrolytic copper refinery, rod copper plant,
precious metals plant and sulphuric acid plant.
Increased the productivity and production of the metallurgical complex. Record production
during 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996.
Decreased by 25% the accident frequency index. Awarded by the Camara Minera de Mexico in
1994 and 1995 for industrial safety.
Designed and developed the training program for the personnel of the last 3 smelters built in
the world (Disputada de las Condes, Chagres(Exxon, Now Anglo America) Chile; Caraiba
Metals Brazil; Kennecott USA).
Instructor and Consultant for these companies.
Sulphuric Acid Plant Superintendent
Turnover and start-up of the acid plant. Operated the plant at full load in a record time.
Personnel selection and recruitment of the team for this project.
Isasmelt Process and Operations Sterlite Chennai Manduray India
Isasmelt Process and Operations Xstrata Mount Isa Mines - Australia
Isasmelt Process and Operations YCC Yunnan Kunming - China
Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Institute - Mexico
Leadership and Strategic Planning Servicios de apoyo adminitrativos-Mexico
ISO 9001 2000 Sensibilization Program Mexicana de Cobre - Mexico
ISO 9001 2000 Introduction Program Mexicana de Cobre - Mexico
Statistical Control MIMs MINCOM
Effective Safety Management Mexicana de Cobre - Mexico
Copper Electrolytic Refinery Process Mexicana de Cobre - Mexico
Flash Smelting Process Outokumpu - Finland
Pyrometallurgy Updating Sonora University - Mexico
Electrometallurgy Actualization Sonora University - Mexico
INCO Process Falcombrich - Canada
Grid Management Grid - Mexico
Instructor Development S.A.A.S.A. - Mexico
AV. 12 Sur # 3707 Colonia Anzures C.P. 72350 Puebla Pue. Mexico Page 3
Acid Plant Process Fenco, Monsanto - Canada
Copper Smelter Process and Operations Rio Tinto Mining Company - Spain
Copper Smelter Process Industrial Minera Mexico - Mexico
Electric Furnace for Steel Alfa. Atlax. Aceros Especiales - Mexico
Special Steels Metallography Atlax Matallography Laboratory - Mexico
Supervision Techniques CAI Alfa - Mexico
Selecci坦n de tecn坦logas de fusi坦n para un
proyecto de fundici坦n de
X congreso internacional de la AIMMGM
Asociaci坦n de Ingenieros mineros
metalurgista y Ge坦logos de Mexico
distrito Sonora. Mex. Oct. 2012
Sistemas de gesti坦n y administraci坦n para
procesos Minero metal炭rgicos. desaf鱈os y
perspectivas del sector minero metal炭rgico.
Conferencia magistral. UNISON
Maestr鱈a en administraci坦n de empresas
(MBA UNISON) Son. Mex Oct 2012
Vinculaci坦n de la Miner鱈a y metalurgia con la
nueva generaci坦n de profesionistas y tecnolog鱈a.
Instituto polit辿cnico nacional (IPN)
Mexico D.F. Octubre 2012
Los retos del proyecto T鱈a Maria en Arequipa,
Per炭. Sonora University Mexico
Ilo Smelter Modernization Project
XV International Congress on Extractive Metallurgy
Sonora University Mexico
Copper Industry Future The Next 10 Years
V Mining International Symposium
AIMGM Mining, Metallurgical and
Geologist Engineering Association -
MDC Metallurgical Complex Perspectives
Metallurgical International Symposium
Sonora University Mexico
Impurities Control (As, Sb) in the Copper Process
VII International Congress on Extractive Metallurgy
Sonora University Mexico
Mexicana de Cobre Smelter Expansion Project
SME Annual Meeting
Technical Papers SME - USA
Evaluation of the Second Campaign Results at La
Caridad Smelter
IX International Flash Smelting Congress
Flash Smelting Congress - Australia
Mexicana de Cobre Smelter Expansion Project
VIII International Flash Smelting Congress
Flash Smelting Congress - USA
Mixing Flash and R. Teniente Technologies for
Matte Management to PSC
Mexican Mining, Metallurgical and Geologist
Engineering Association
Mining, Metallurgical and Geologist
Engineering Association - Mexico
SO2 Treatment from Flash Furnace and
R.Teniente Process in MDC
IME Co-Products and Minor Elements
Mixing Flash and R. Teniente Technologies for
the MDC Smelter Expansion Project
XXI Mining International Congress
Mining International Congress - Mexico
Improvements on Flash Smelting Process
VII International Flash Smelting Congress
Flash Smelting Congress - Korea
Sulphuric Acid Plant Start-up
Mexican Commission
Mexican Commission - USA
Bi-National Conference on Health, Industry &
Rio Rico
Rio Rico - USA
SULPHUR World Congress
Mexicana de Cobre Acid Plant
Mexicana de Cobre - Mexico
AV. 12 Sur # 3707 Colonia Anzures C.P. 72350 Puebla Pue. Mexico Page 4
PMI Project Management Institute member.
Mexican Mining, Metallurgical and Geologist Engineering Association Technical Vice
Member of the National Directive Council of the Mining Camera of Mexico (CAMIMEX).
AIME Member
IMIQ Mexican Chemical Engineering Association
Strategic planning and forecasting
Project management
Acquisitions, mergers, and divestitures
Complex investments and agreements
Executive and operational leadership
Budgeting and cash flow optimization
Financial modeling and forecasting
Formal and informal turnaround skills
Business growth and exit strategies
Contract development and negotiations
P&L, financial, and accounting Expertise
ROI, ratio, and cost analysis
Continuous process improvements
Spanish (native language)
English (advanced)
Italian (intermediate)
From 1993 He has distributed consultants in them starting of several Smelters at International level;
-Support and training to the stat Up of Chagres Smelter in Chile. EXXON Co., Now Anglo A.Chile)
-Star up of Electrical Furnaces of Enami Ventanas Smelter in Chile,
-Technical personnel support for the start up of Kennecott in Utah USA,
-Technical and engineering support , construction and start Up of the ILO Smelter in Peru, --
Consultant's office to second starting of the Thai Copper Smelter in Thailand.
Speaker in different congresses related to the Mining and the Metallurgy, as well as
Environmental aspects.
Technician Vice-president of the Association of Metallurgists Miners and Geologist of Mexico
by 2010-2012.
Independent Consultant by Atheneus Partner (Chile, Berl鱈n) Started in May 2012