COST Actions: ENERGIC, Mapping and the citizen sensor.Vyron
A presentation given during the COST Session in HAICTA 2013 (Cofru, Greece) about the aims and work of two COST Actions: ENERGIC (IC1203) and Mapping and the citizen sensor (TD1202). The presentation was put together by Cristina Capineri, Giles Foody and Vyron Antoniou.
Gisruk2010 - A step towards the improvement of spatial data quality of Web 2....Vyron
This document discusses spatial data quality issues in OpenStreetMap (OSM) and ways to improve it. It finds that OSM has incomplete or inaccurate positioning and attribution of map features due to its loose structure for user contributions. While OSM allows freedom of contribution, this introduces errors as there are no formalized quality standards. The study suggests formalizing OSM's data under the hood through methods like transforming its wiki pages into an XML schema to introduce more standardized tagging and improve spatial data quality.
COST Actions: ENERGIC, Mapping and the citizen sensor.Vyron
A presentation given during the COST Session in HAICTA 2013 (Cofru, Greece) about the aims and work of two COST Actions: ENERGIC (IC1203) and Mapping and the citizen sensor (TD1202). The presentation was put together by Cristina Capineri, Giles Foody and Vyron Antoniou.
Gisruk2010 - A step towards the improvement of spatial data quality of Web 2....Vyron
This document discusses spatial data quality issues in OpenStreetMap (OSM) and ways to improve it. It finds that OSM has incomplete or inaccurate positioning and attribution of map features due to its loose structure for user contributions. While OSM allows freedom of contribution, this introduces errors as there are no formalized quality standards. The study suggests formalizing OSM's data under the hood through methods like transforming its wiki pages into an XML schema to introduce more standardized tagging and improve spatial data quality.
Do photo sharing websites represent a sufficient database to aid in national ...Vyron
The document examines whether geotagged photos from photo sharing websites can aid in map updating and change detection. It analyzes over 4 million geotagged photos across different sites in the UK. The analysis found that while some sites like Flickr provided good spatial coverage of popular areas, the overall coverage was not sufficient. Additionally, while the volume of photos was huge, the spatial distribution of changes over time was unclear from the implicit geotagged data alone. To be truly useful, a database would need both the large volume of implicit sources and the clear spatial coverage of explicit sources.
SMX London – Reverse Engineering Google ShoppingCrealytics
Reverse Engineering Google Shopping
Google Shopping delivers great results, but many AdWords advertisers haven't found ways to differentiate themselves from the competition. So how to escape from mediocrity?
We setup tests, analysed data from Shopping Campaigns across the globe and will provide our results and actionable insights within these slide:
1. How does bidding impact the click volume, search query impressions, traffic quality and ROI?
2. How do Google Shopping campaign priorities influence your performance?
3. Should you really spend time optimising product descriptions in your feed?
4. How important is the correct categorisation of your products (Google Product Category) in the feed?
5. How does Shopping react when you rewrite your product titles?