21. 群聚感應
(Quorum sensing)
Nature Reviews Microbiology
Koo, H. et al., (2017). Targeting microbial biofilms: current and prospective therapeutic
strategies. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 15 (12), pp.740–755
Koo, H. et al., (2017). Targeting microbial biofilms: current and prospective therapeutic
strategies. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 15 (12), pp.740–755
Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS)
22. Biofilm is Associated with Wound Chronicity
Chronic infection
Acute infection
Hall-Stoodley L, et al. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2012 Jul;65(2):127-45.
? 使用抗生素治療局部或全身性感染
後, 一旦停藥,會又再復發
? 具有抗生素治療失敗病史或是持續
? 傷口有大量滲出液
? 新生肉芽組織品質差
? 表面具易移除不透明薄膜
? 就算是高度懷疑已感染但即便是培
23. Wound Hygiene 傷口衛生
A set of four steps that should be carried out at every dressing change until the wound has fully healed
32. Ideal
Wound Dressing
Turner’s criteria:
1. It should be non-adherent to wound bed.
2. It should be impermeable to bacteria.
3. It should maintain moist wound environment.
4. It should be absorbent.
5. It should be non toxic, non allergenic.
6. It should require minimal change of dressings.
7. It should be cost-effective with long self-life.
8. It should be easy to apply and remove.
33. Selection of Appropriate Wound Dressing for Various Wounds Shi et al. Clinical Selection of Wound
Dressing March 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 182
48. Aquacel Ag+ Extra
Post OP 8 days
2nd dressing change
Aquacel Ag plus
Post OP 19 days
3rd dressing change
Aquacel Ag plus
Post OP 4 days
1st dressing change
Aquacel Ag plus
58 y/o M Scald burn , 2nd degree ,
49. Aquacel Ag+ Extra
Melanoma for 2 yrs
Bleeding , pain, turbid
Refuse Surgical Tx
Biopsy, AgNO3 ablation
Aquacel Ag wound
Repeat AgNO3
Aquacel Ag wound
4 month later , F/U
2 month later post op ,
than loss follow
Marginal wide excision
tumor with thumb
Aquacel Ag plus
2 weeks later ,
8 month later , post
loss follow 3 months
Pain , bleeding
83 y/o M Melanoma on thumb, right
W/C: pseudomonas a.
52. Foam
?Low to high exudate
?Moist wound environment
?Reduce over/hyper-granulation
?Provide environment for epithelial
?Acute or Chronic wounds
53. Foam
1week 2months
Case Left: 66y/o woman, MVC, residual skin defect, right leg
Case Right: 31 y/o female military officer , 3rd degree contact
burn, right leg
54. Foam
Case Left: 68 y/o woman , STSG donor site
Case Right: post surgical wound on thumbs c
5 days
55. Foam + Silicone
? Water proof
? Reduce pain when remove
? Promote wound epithelialization
56. Foam +Ibuprofen
? ibuprofen concentration: 0·
5 mg/cm2
? 10cmx10cm→50mg, released between
1 and 7 days
? maximum daily oral dose of 1200 mg
ibuprofen-releasing foam dressing and
silver dressing on infected leg ulcers
Split-Thickness Donor Sites
Markl, Peter, Prantl, Lukas, MD, PhD, et al. Management of Split-Thickness
Donor Sites With Synthetic Wound Dressings: Results of a Comparative
Clinical Study. Ann Plast Surg. 2010;65(5):490-496.
59. Negative Pressure
? Moderate to High exudate
? Decrease in wound edema
? Drawing the wound edges
? Microdeformations of the
wound surface
? Increase angiogenesis,
granulation tissue formation
70. Collagen 60 y/o, F, DM, Crushing injury with
hematoma and skin necrosis
17th day 72th day
71. Collagen 60 y/o, F, DM, Crushing injury with
hematoma and skin necrosis
17th day 72th day
12x10cm 5weeks
3.5months 4 months
72. Case : 56 y/o DM foot, smoker, toe
amputation and fasciotomy
Collagen + Aquacel Ag+ extra
1 week 6months
73. Case : 56 y/o DM foot, smoker, toe
amputation and fasciotomy
Collagen + Aquacel Ag+ extra
1 week 6months
74. NovoSorb? BTM
( biodegradable polyurethane)
Skin substitutes
? Easy to store at room temperature
? Avoids cross-species immune
rejection or disease transmission
? Circumvents cultural or ethical
concerns to animal-derived
? Allow integration of vascular tissue
into the foam dermal component
to create a neodermis
? Reduce wound contraction
78. Electric Modulator
--- Procellera
? Microcell batteries of silver and zinc,
activated by a moist environment
? Stimulate wound healing and provide
antimicrobial protection
79. Epithelial Electric Potential Difference
(transepithelial potential (TEP))
Fig. 4. Electric signals are an overriding guidance
cue for directional cell migration inwound healing.
(A) Electric fields guide migration of corneal
epithelial cells. Reversal of the
polarity of an applied electric field (150mV/mm)
reverses the direction of migration. The cell before
exposure to the field (0 h), is flattened and
rounded. After 1 h of exposure to
an electric field with the indicated polarity, the
cellmoves toward the negative pole. Then the field
is reversed and further 6 h later, the cellmoves to
the right. After a further 8 h
with reversed polarity again the cell has reversed
its direction andmoves inthe direction of the
newcathode. (B) In monolayerwound healing,
cellsmigrate directionally into the
wound.Whenan electric field is appliedwith
polarity against the default healing direction
(upper panel), that is against contact inhibition
release,wound void, population pressure,
mechanical forces at thewound edge, and chemical
gradients, the cells migrate away fromthewounds,
resulting inwound enlargement toward the
cathode at the right.
The cellsdoso ignoring other directional signals.
Quantitative analysisdemonstratedthat the
overriding effect happens between the field
strengthof 25–50mV/mm(from[23]).
Electrical fields in wound healing—An overriding signal that directs
cell migration Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 20 (2009) 674–682
80. Electric Modulator
1 week 3 week 1.5 months
Crushing injury with open dislocation of 1st toe and skin defect
83. Fespixon
4.5 months
63y/o man , DM(HbA1c 6.6; Alb: 3.2),
Foot ulcer infection
Aquacel Ag Plus+ Foam ; Combine with
HBOT(10sessions)/ offloading shoes
84. Fespixon
4.5 months
69y/o man , DM(HbA1c 6.6; Alb: 3.2),
PAOD with toe gangrene infection
Aquacel Ag Plus , Combine with HBOT(10sessions)
10 months