Este poema expressa o amor do autor por Coimbra, descrevendo-a como uma cidade linda e pacífica. Ele se sente abrigado em Coimbra, onde encontra paz, assim como Inês de Castro encontrou antes de ser assassinada por amor. A cidade dá paz ao autor que a satisfaz.
El documento describe la creación de 5 clases para agrupar números del 1 al 49. Cada clase contiene un rango de 10 números y la suma de los datos acumulados se calcula para cada clase, así como el porcentaje de datos en cada clase y el porcentaje acumulado. Se recomienda crear una gráfica en una hoja separada con un título descriptivo.
El documento presenta instrucciones para crear una cuenta de Gmail y subir imágenes a ella. Indica que los usuarios deben escribir su dirección de correo y contrase?a, crear su cuenta de Gmail y luego buscar sus imágenes para seguir las instrucciones de subida.
The document discusses how people have different personalities in different contexts and how being assessed in one context may not reliably predict performance in another. It suggests that educational institutions often only engage one aspect of a person's personality. It also addresses how values can conflict between a person and the expectations of a particular job or course, and questions whether people truly understand these expectations. The document proposes ways to help people better understand their own personalities and values in relation to different careers or courses of study.
WebPA is a peer moderated marking system that has been in use since 1998 at Loughborough University to allow interoperability between assessment data across databases and virtual learning environments. It is funded by JISC and several universities have implemented or expressed interest in the system. While technical integration with platforms like Moodle is still in progress, WebPA has a working grades export feature and is establishing communities for continued code development and support of new adopters.
21. GOOGLE 更新 WEB 軟體開發工具 日期: 2008/05/28 內容: Google 計劃本周末前發布逼近正式版的 Google Web Toolkit 1.5 ,這款軟體可協助減輕編寫複雜網路軟體的負擔。 Google 正設法引導使用者移向網路,希望藉刺激網路搜尋流量間接從中獲利。 Google 同時也直接取得一些小規模的收益,包括向線上版 Google Apps 應用程式的企業用戶酌收訂費等。
22. 在 Google I/O 會中, Google 也宣布新 Google App Engine 網路應用程式代管服務大量用戶的收費方案。 App Engine 在 4 月間宣布,如今已核准大約六萬名用戶。使用初階應用程式免費,需要 500MB 的儲存空間與網路頻寬,每月約可支援 500 萬次網頁瀏覽。周三起,此服務將開放給目前已登記的 15 萬人以及其他願意加入者。 更高階的服務要收費, Google 的計費方式是每個處理核心每小時收費 10 到 12 美分,