El documento habla sobre la contaminación. Explica que la contaminación es cualquier sustancia o forma de energía que puede da?ar el medio ambiente o los seres vivos. Luego describe los diferentes tipos de contaminación como la atmosférica, del agua y de los mares. Finalmente, responde preguntas frecuentes sobre cómo crear hipervínculos y ver presentaciones en PowerPoint.
The document discusses the debate around teaching evolution and intelligent design in public schools. It argues that evolution is backed by over a century of evidence and research, while intelligent design is not a scientific theory as it is not testable and is simply used to insert religion into schools. The voucher system is problematic as it could allow public funds to be used for religious indoctrination at private schools. The document urges readers to get involved in supporting the separation of church and state in public education.
The media products used many conventions of real media such as large focal images, pull quotes, and statistics in the double page spread. The radio trail used overlapping narration and rhetorical questions to engage listeners. Both employed interviews and first-person perspectives to make the issue of bullying more relatable. While adhering closely to professional conventions, some elements like the disorienting radio trail were unique adaptations that challenged conventions to increase audience attention and engagement with the important issue.
El documento explica cómo calcular el complemento y suplemento de diferentes tipos de ángulos a través de la resolución de 4 ejercicios. En cada ejercicio se presenta una figura geométrica con ángulos desconocidos y se usa la definición de ángulos complementarios o suplementarios para determinar el valor del ángulo faltante.