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Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu
12 Angry Men comparison
12 Angry Men is a movie about 12 jurors thathave to decide the future of a
kid that killed his father, and they have to find out if he is guilty or not. 11 men
believe that he is guilty, but one thinks that he is not guilty, and then they start
arguing about it, but that man has good points and evidence, and at the end,
all of them start realizing that the kid is not guilty for the murderer. Each juror
represents a normalperson from the society. There are two movies, one
filmed in 1957 and one in 1997. They both have many similarities, but they
have differences as well. Mat eiTurcu
There are obvious differences in the useof camerawork in the 1957 version
and 1997. In thefirstscene in the court, in the 57 version wecan see an over-
the-shoulder shot, where wecan see the judgeand the jurors in the court, and
the kid the kid in the middle. Then, a panning shotis used to show us all the
jurors and whatthey are doing while the judgetells them what they have to
do; someof them are bored and some of them are looking at the kid.
57 vs 97
When the jurors leavethe room, we can see another over-the-shoulder shot
behind the kid, and then we can see a high angle shotwith the kids face,
showing us that he is vulnerable and the jurors will decide his future, if he is
going to die or he will live. The 97 version
starts with a low angle shotof the judge,
which shows that shehas the power, and
then we can see a low angle shot with the
kid again. During the movie, in the 57
version the camera work is constantly
changing. The camera work gradually gets
lower, lower as the movie progresses,
showing that some of the jurors aregetting
Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu
very angry and that the roombecomes smaller, and smaller. In the 97 movie,
there is a variation of the camerawork. Another similarity would be that at the
middle of the new version they are using a tracking shotaround the table to
show the jurors talking and arguing with each other, the old version does not
have that.
There are obvious similarities in the useof camerawork in both movies. Both
of them are using many close-up shots so the
audience can see if they are thinking and their
feelings about the case are. The old one has
more close up shots than the new one,
because it is more difficult to see their faces in
the old movie becauseit is black and white,
and it is harder to see their face expression if
the camera is too far fromthem. Another
similarity is that in both movies they use
tracking shots when a juror is going around the
roomand arguing with the other jurors about
their opinion. When the juror no 10 wants to
proveeveryonethat it was impossiblethat the
old man arrived at the door in 30 seconds from
his bed. In both versions they use many over
the shoulder shots to show that the characters
are talking and discussing with each other about the case.
There are obvious differences in the useof
mise-en-scenebetween the 1957 version and
the 1997 version, becausethesociety changed
in those years, and the people are very
different in 1997 than they were in 1957, so
the characters and their clothing is different as
well. A big difference between the two movies
are the characters. In the57 version you
cannot see any black characters becausethe
society was differentback then and black
people werenot seen as good as they were
seen in 97, that is why half of the characters
are black in the new movie. The biggest
character difference is the juror number 10. In
Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu
the old movie, he is a white person which is angry, butwhen someonetold him
justto sit down, he did that. In the 97 movie, juror no 10 was a black person
which was kind of extreme Muslim, and he was very angry, hewas swearing a
lot, going around the roomand making people scared of him. Juror no 4 is
different in the second version than in the firstone. In the firstversion he is
like a robot, he doesnthave any feelings, but in the second version he is more
human, more implicated in the discussions. Another character differenceis
the judge. In the firstversion, the judge is a man, and in the second version,
the judgeis a woman. The clothing was different in the firstmovie than in the
second one. In the first movie everyone was wearing suits to look more upper-
class because back then it did not matter whatyou wereworking as, you still
had to wear a suit. In the 97 movie, there weresome people dressed in suits as
well, but there weresome that were dressed morecasual, with t-shirts and
jumpers. Another differencewould be that in the first movie, everyone was
smoking in frontof each other, becauseback then doctors were
recommending smoking because they thought that it was good for you and for
your voice, but after they found out that smoking causes cancer. In the second
version they are not smoking and they are not asking for cigarettes, but
instead they are chewing gum. In the new movie, justone person, juror no 3 is
smoking becausehe was very angry, and he is smoking in the toilet. In the old
movie, you can find many ashtrays on the table, but in the new movie there
are no ashtrays on the table, there are justsheets and pencils. , , , , , , , , ,, ,, , ,, ,, , ,, , ,, ,, ,, ,
There are also similarities in the useof mise-en-scenebetween 1997 and
1957 movie. In both versions is the hottest day of the year and the fan in the
57 version and AC in the 97 version are not working, and later it starts raining
as well. In both versions the characters aresweating and they are angry
because it is too hot in the room and they are trying to finish it as quick as
possiblebecause they wantto get out of the room. The location is the same as
well, and the room that the jurors arein is very similar. The bathroom door is
in both movies in the same spot. Some of the characters havethe same
background and jobs in both movies. For example, juror no 11 is Eastern
European in both versions, and juror no 4 is stockbroker in both versions and
no 5
Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu
when he was young. Another similarity is that in both versions the props are
the same; the knife is the same, the evidences are the same etc. The lightning
is the same in both movies becauseit is a sunny day, and we need high key
lightning to see their faces, if they are angry, they are thinking aboutthe case
or they are justwaiting for this to end and leave. In the both versions the
guilty boy is 18 and he is Latino.
The style and tone of language used in the two versions include various
differences in dialogue. For example, in the firstmovie no one swearing
because back then it was seen as impolitely to swear, butin the new movie
juror no 10, which is the mostdifferent character from the old version, is
swearing a lot. In the first version they speak more politely and they are acting
like gentlemen, showing that they are or act as if they are high class. In the
second version, they speak morecasual, and their tone is different, they sound
There are similarities in the diegetic sound in both versions as well. An example
would be that you could hear the rain in the background in both movies and
how it is hitting the windows of the building, which is quite stressfulto hear,
because you want to hear whatthe characters aretalking but you cannot.
Another similarity is that the accent of juror no 10 is the same in both movies,
an Eastern European accent. Almostall the characters havethe sameaccent in
both movies, except juror no 10, which is angrier, and his accent is very
Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu

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12 angry men comparison

  • 1. Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu 12 Angry Men comparison 12 Angry Men is a movie about 12 jurors thathave to decide the future of a kid that killed his father, and they have to find out if he is guilty or not. 11 men believe that he is guilty, but one thinks that he is not guilty, and then they start arguing about it, but that man has good points and evidence, and at the end, all of them start realizing that the kid is not guilty for the murderer. Each juror represents a normalperson from the society. There are two movies, one filmed in 1957 and one in 1997. They both have many similarities, but they have differences as well. Mat eiTurcu There are obvious differences in the useof camerawork in the 1957 version and 1997. In thefirstscene in the court, in the 57 version wecan see an over- the-shoulder shot, where wecan see the judgeand the jurors in the court, and the kid the kid in the middle. Then, a panning shotis used to show us all the jurors and whatthey are doing while the judgetells them what they have to do; someof them are bored and some of them are looking at the kid. 57 vs 97 When the jurors leavethe room, we can see another over-the-shoulder shot behind the kid, and then we can see a high angle shotwith the kids face, showing us that he is vulnerable and the jurors will decide his future, if he is going to die or he will live. The 97 version starts with a low angle shotof the judge, which shows that shehas the power, and then we can see a low angle shot with the kid again. During the movie, in the 57 version the camera work is constantly changing. The camera work gradually gets lower, lower as the movie progresses, showing that some of the jurors aregetting
  • 2. Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu very angry and that the roombecomes smaller, and smaller. In the 97 movie, there is a variation of the camerawork. Another similarity would be that at the middle of the new version they are using a tracking shotaround the table to show the jurors talking and arguing with each other, the old version does not have that. There are obvious similarities in the useof camerawork in both movies. Both of them are using many close-up shots so the audience can see if they are thinking and their feelings about the case are. The old one has more close up shots than the new one, because it is more difficult to see their faces in the old movie becauseit is black and white, and it is harder to see their face expression if the camera is too far fromthem. Another similarity is that in both movies they use tracking shots when a juror is going around the roomand arguing with the other jurors about their opinion. When the juror no 10 wants to proveeveryonethat it was impossiblethat the old man arrived at the door in 30 seconds from his bed. In both versions they use many over the shoulder shots to show that the characters are talking and discussing with each other about the case. There are obvious differences in the useof mise-en-scenebetween the 1957 version and the 1997 version, becausethesociety changed in those years, and the people are very different in 1997 than they were in 1957, so the characters and their clothing is different as well. A big difference between the two movies are the characters. In the57 version you cannot see any black characters becausethe society was differentback then and black people werenot seen as good as they were seen in 97, that is why half of the characters are black in the new movie. The biggest character difference is the juror number 10. In
  • 3. Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu the old movie, he is a white person which is angry, butwhen someonetold him justto sit down, he did that. In the 97 movie, juror no 10 was a black person which was kind of extreme Muslim, and he was very angry, hewas swearing a lot, going around the roomand making people scared of him. Juror no 4 is different in the second version than in the firstone. In the firstversion he is like a robot, he doesnthave any feelings, but in the second version he is more human, more implicated in the discussions. Another character differenceis the judge. In the firstversion, the judge is a man, and in the second version, the judgeis a woman. The clothing was different in the firstmovie than in the second one. In the first movie everyone was wearing suits to look more upper- class because back then it did not matter whatyou wereworking as, you still had to wear a suit. In the 97 movie, there weresome people dressed in suits as well, but there weresome that were dressed morecasual, with t-shirts and jumpers. Another differencewould be that in the first movie, everyone was smoking in frontof each other, becauseback then doctors were recommending smoking because they thought that it was good for you and for your voice, but after they found out that smoking causes cancer. In the second version they are not smoking and they are not asking for cigarettes, but instead they are chewing gum. In the new movie, justone person, juror no 3 is smoking becausehe was very angry, and he is smoking in the toilet. In the old movie, you can find many ashtrays on the table, but in the new movie there are no ashtrays on the table, there are justsheets and pencils. , , , , , , , , ,, ,, , ,, ,, , ,, , ,, ,, ,, , There are also similarities in the useof mise-en-scenebetween 1997 and 1957 movie. In both versions is the hottest day of the year and the fan in the 57 version and AC in the 97 version are not working, and later it starts raining as well. In both versions the characters aresweating and they are angry because it is too hot in the room and they are trying to finish it as quick as possiblebecause they wantto get out of the room. The location is the same as well, and the room that the jurors arein is very similar. The bathroom door is in both movies in the same spot. Some of the characters havethe same background and jobs in both movies. For example, juror no 11 is Eastern European in both versions, and juror no 4 is stockbroker in both versions and juror no 5 lived in slums
  • 4. Matei TurcuMat eiTurcuMateiTurcuMateiTurcu when he was young. Another similarity is that in both versions the props are the same; the knife is the same, the evidences are the same etc. The lightning is the same in both movies becauseit is a sunny day, and we need high key lightning to see their faces, if they are angry, they are thinking aboutthe case or they are justwaiting for this to end and leave. In the both versions the guilty boy is 18 and he is Latino. The style and tone of language used in the two versions include various differences in dialogue. For example, in the firstmovie no one swearing because back then it was seen as impolitely to swear, butin the new movie juror no 10, which is the mostdifferent character from the old version, is swearing a lot. In the first version they speak more politely and they are acting like gentlemen, showing that they are or act as if they are high class. In the second version, they speak morecasual, and their tone is different, they sound angrier. There are similarities in the diegetic sound in both versions as well. An example would be that you could hear the rain in the background in both movies and how it is hitting the windows of the building, which is quite stressfulto hear, because you want to hear whatthe characters aretalking but you cannot. Another similarity is that the accent of juror no 10 is the same in both movies, an Eastern European accent. Almostall the characters havethe sameaccent in both movies, except juror no 10, which is angrier, and his accent is very different.