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innovations, clocks and
clouds in Central Asia
Heinrich W. Wyes 
Deputy Executive Director
Central Asian Regional
Environment Centre (CAREC)
Innovation as a basis for future
sustainable economic and social
development of Central Asia
 basing the future on extractive industries is
 new development patterns are needed for
Central Asia
 incentives and innovations to adjust the
current development patterns are needed
 CAREC as an institutional innovation
 CAREC as a platform for introducing
innovative projects and programmes in
Central Asia
 CAREC as a catalyzer for innovative
approaches in Central Asia
 CAREC as an incubator for innovations
CAREC providing innovations for a
sustainable Central Asia:
 CARECs head office in Almaty, Kazakhstan and
country offices in all 5 Central Asian states
 CAREC is an international organization of regional
 CAREC was funded in 2001 by the Central Asian
States, the UN and the EU
 CAREC s Board consists of representatives from the
Central Asian states, the civil society, OSCE and the
donor community
 CAREC successfully transformed from a core budget
to a project based organization
1. CAREC as an institutional
2. CAREC as a platform for introducing
innovative approaches in Central Asia:
 COMO East Initiative
 CASEP and
3. CAREC as a catalyzer to introduce
innovative approaches in Central
NAMAs: National Appropriate Mitigation Actions
 Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are
voluntary mitigation-contribution of developing and
transition countries to contribute to the global effort to
mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and to promote low-
carbon transformation
 NAMAs comply with national policies to reach additional
mitigation targets
 NAMAs supported by industrialised countries
 In contrast to traditional project-based mitigation actions and
projects (f.e. CDM) , NAMAs focus on building a sustainable
low-carbon structure in climate-relevant sectors.
National Appropriate Mitigation Action
NAMA carbon sequestration
through re- and afforestation
 The principle objective is to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions by increasing the carbon
sequestration capacities of arid- and semiarid
lands through afforestation- and reforestation
 The land administration will have to rehabilitate
additional areas of land in future
 Need to calculate a baseline and the additional
amounts of carbon being sequestered
4. CAREC as an incubator for true
2011 Winner of the Global Swiss ReSource Award for
sustainable watershed Management on Integrating PES
and REDD
Thank you for your attention

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GBF 2015, April 16th, Presentation of Mr. Heinrich Wyes

  • 1. innovations, clocks and clouds in Central Asia Heinrich W. Wyes Deputy Executive Director Central Asian Regional Environment Centre (CAREC)
  • 2. Innovation as a basis for future sustainable economic and social development of Central Asia basing the future on extractive industries is insufficient new development patterns are needed for Central Asia incentives and innovations to adjust the current development patterns are needed
  • 3. CAREC as an institutional innovation CAREC as a platform for introducing innovative projects and programmes in Central Asia CAREC as a catalyzer for innovative approaches in Central Asia CAREC as an incubator for innovations CAREC providing innovations for a sustainable Central Asia:
  • 4. CARECs head office in Almaty, Kazakhstan and country offices in all 5 Central Asian states CAREC is an international organization of regional character CAREC was funded in 2001 by the Central Asian States, the UN and the EU CAREC s Board consists of representatives from the Central Asian states, the civil society, OSCE and the donor community CAREC successfully transformed from a core budget to a project based organization 1. CAREC as an institutional innovation:
  • 5. 2. CAREC as a platform for introducing innovative approaches in Central Asia: AWARE WMBOCA COMO East Initiative CASEP and FLERMONECA.
  • 6. 3. CAREC as a catalyzer to introduce innovative approaches in Central Asia NAMAs: National Appropriate Mitigation Actions
  • 7. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are voluntary mitigation-contribution of developing and transition countries to contribute to the global effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and to promote low- carbon transformation NAMAs comply with national policies to reach additional mitigation targets NAMAs supported by industrialised countries In contrast to traditional project-based mitigation actions and projects (f.e. CDM) , NAMAs focus on building a sustainable low-carbon structure in climate-relevant sectors. National Appropriate Mitigation Action
  • 8. NAMA carbon sequestration through re- and afforestation The principle objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the carbon sequestration capacities of arid- and semiarid lands through afforestation- and reforestation activities The land administration will have to rehabilitate additional areas of land in future Need to calculate a baseline and the additional amounts of carbon being sequestered
  • 9. 4. CAREC as an incubator for true innovations: 2011 Winner of the Global Swiss ReSource Award for sustainable watershed Management on Integrating PES and REDD
  • 10. Thank you for your attention