The 12 Point Mission outlines the goals of the BBLM to liberate and empower Black people. Key points include rejecting European ideals, prioritizing Black liberation, fostering cooperation within the Black diaspora, reinforcing the Black family unit through education and economic programs, and advocating for separation from white society and reparations. The mission also rejects creating conflict with other races and calls for defending the Black community from injustice.
2. 12 Point Mission
? We recognize that we are Afrikan people, not
African-Americans. We will work to foster
cooperation between Afrikans in America and
Afrikans throughout the diaspora;
3. ? We place the liberation of our people
above all else, including religion and
geographic region;
4. ? We wholly reject Eurocentrism and white society.
We do not uphold European ideals or standards;
5. ? Though we understand full well who our
enemy is and will always remain wary of the
white man, we recognize that our time is best
spent loving our people as opposed to finding
new ways to hate our enemy;
6. ? Anyone working against the liberation of
Black people is an enemy, particularly
Black people who drug, kill, abuse,
denigrate, or manipulate their own;
7. ? The Black man and woman must work
together in order to liberate our people. We
will foster an atmosphere of love and respect
between Black men and women, discourage
miscegenation, and implement programs and
initiatives to that end;
8. ? Reinforcement and reestablishment of the Black family unit is key
to the empowerment of our people. We hold both the Black man and
woman equally responsible for the degradation of the family unit,
and will work to ensure that the Black man and woman equally
contribute to its rebuilding;
9. ? Education of our children and our people must be
centered in Afrikan consciousness in order to truly
liberate the Black nation. We will create schools,
community programs, and institutions that educate our
people from an Afrikan perspective;
10. ? Economic and food security are paramount to the survival of the
Black nation. We will implement programs and initiatives to
encourage Black entrepreneurship, cooperative economics,
community gardening, and the establishment of Black-owned
farmers markets and co-ops;
11. ? We recognize that white society was not built to protect
or bring justice to our people. We will commit
ourselves to the empowerment of the Black nation to
defend its own neighborhoods, women, children and
elders, and take justice from the white man when
justice is due;
12. ? We advocate that separation -- not segregation, integration, or
assimilation -- is the only route to Black liberation. We will work to
make it feasible for the Black nation to separate from white society
and reclaim our place in Afrika. In addition, we will work to ensure
that the reparations due to the Black nation are taken from the white
man and rightfully given to our people;
13. ? We do not harbor any hate or ill-will towards Brown and Red people. We
understand that white society has worked to create conflict between the
Black, Brown, and Red man, and we will not further that divide.