The document summarizes celebrations of Master's birthday in various centers across Africa and India. It begins by providing context about important events, including a special Bandhara meeting held by Master on August 15th where he nominated Kamlesh Patel to take over responsibilities as President. The document then shares two special messages circulated by Babuji Maharaj in preparation for Master's birthday celebrations. It proceeds to summarize celebrations in various centers, noting activities like additional sittings, satsanghs, readings of messages, and shared meals. Celebrations generated fervor and the echoes of Master's love and grace were felt.
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1. Echoes of Africa and Indian Ocean 15 September 2012 7th Year Issue 4
Special Bandhara, August 15, 2012, Chennai
Dear brothers and sisters, doctors say, Today, Tomorrow, sign cheques I have to ask brother MDS,
Today, Tomorrow. Where is this going? What for? What is
I thank you all for coming to this Extra- the amount? and then sign, because I
Ordinary Annual General meeting at such I have been thinking a lot about the Mis- cant see. Now, during the last one
short notice, especially after most of you sion. Over the past two and a half, three month, my signature itself has become a
have been to Tiruppur after a wild years, I have sent messages to Babuji scribble, sort of.
goose chase there. Circumstances beyond Maharaj that my eyesight is failing. He
my control have brought out these events, knows about it. Of course, he says, So I have come to the conclusion that it
and it is with great personal effort that I These things happen, but the practical would not be proper for me to continue as
am here before you President. After
today. Your re- all, Kamlesh Patel
sponse, your over- is ready. He has
whelming response, been nominated
indicates to me that and accepted
what my dear Babuji worldwide. All the
Maharaj writes again legal things have
and again in Whis- been put in place.
pers is true: that There is nothing
hearts are beginning the working
to open to Reality, committee must
that people want the just take a signa-
spiritual life more ture from him say-
and more, are willing ing, I accept to be
to commit them- the President,
selves more and like they did in
more, and give them- Hyderabad in 83,
selves to it more and and that is that,
more, which is a you see. So to
very good sign. make sure that I
would not be go-
Now I have been in bed for forty-five ing on the wrong track, I wrote to be-
days, since the fifth of July. The first two, implication is that I cant read emails, loved Babuji Maharaj. Somebody read
three weeks went very bad. Subsequently somebody has to read them; I have to it.
also it is not so very bad, but bad. I think, dictate, somebody has to type them, and
personally I think, it will take a few more that is not something that a president Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari
weeks for me to be on my feet though my should be doing. It is not correct. When I
In this Issue
Special Bandhara, August 15, 2012 1-2
July 24 celebrations 3-4
Whispers 5
Daily Reflections 5
2. Echoes of Africa and Indian Ocean September 15, 2012 Issue No 4 7th Year Page 2
Special Bandhara, August 15 , 2012, Chennai [Contd]
Kamlesh Patel: This letter is written by our Dear Master, I require clear instructions in this PR: Apart from these messages, which are
beloved Master: matter. my personal exchanges with Babuji Maha-
With my love,
raj, he has been sending open messages
every day for the last two, three weeks,
Your son,
emphasising the importance of whatever it
Parthasarathi. is. I am not running away from anything.
PR: I received his reply promptly. You all know I have never run away from
anything. But when I cannot do anything,
Working Committee Member: Master has
received this reply from revered Babuji. Ma- what is the alternative? So that is why I
haraj. have taken this decision. The working com-
mittee may deliberate on it and let me know
Saturday, August 11, 2012, 4 pm what they want. All right?
My dearest son, [Working committee members suggest that
Master continue as President and brother
That idea is agreeable to us. You may im- Kamlesh be nominated as Vice-President.]
plement it according to the wishes you have
expressed. You must imperatively free PR: With all powers.
yourself from anything that currently [] [Did you all understand my proposal?
weighs heavily on you. As we have said Brothers and sisters, did you understand
previously, the essential part of your activi- clearly?]
ty is going on in a masterly fashion. Make
[] [My thought is that brother Kamlesh
all the decisions you deem appropriate.
Patel can be made the President now and I
11 August 2012, Saturday, 12:15 pm Make it all clear and irrefutable. You know
can take leave. But our seniors here are
Beloved Babuji Maharaj, human reactions better than anyone else, as
saying, Please make brother Kamlesh Patel
you have suffered first-hand from them so
I prostrate at your feet. I have been very unwell the Vice-President now, with all powers.]
much. Likewise, your future successor will
for four weeks now, during which I have suffered [applause]
endure a lot of it.
a great deal. I have turned eighty-five years old. Abhyasis: Yes.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Solely Take care of yourself, dear great Parthasa-
in the interests of the Mission and its proper rathi. You are so precious to our hearts. The PR: All right, I agree. [applause]
guidance, I propose to transfer all the powers of remainder of your Earthly life is important [] [Prepare the documents today]: as
the President, under the constitution and by- in terms of clarifying things. We cannot Vice-President who shall enjoy the powers
laws, to brother Kamlesh Patel and request the avert all the turbulence prompted by your of the constitution and shall do everything
working committee to announce him as the third
health problems. You know the matter well; as if it is done by the President. Appoint
president of the Mission on the fifteenth of Au-
it is needless to insist on it. Do everything Kamlesh Patel as Vice-President of Shri
you deem necessary for your peace of mind Ram Chandra Mission, who will enjoy all
gust 2012. He is ready for the job and all the
and the welfare of the Mission. More than the powers of the constitution and by-laws,
legal formalities have already been put in place.
ever, we are at your side. Be at peace as and all actions done by him will be as done
I have therefore called for an extra-ordinary
much as the current situation permits. When by the President.
general meeting of the Mission on the fifteenth
you come and rejoin us on the heavenly
August morning, which is to accomplish this fact. [Master gives a brief sitting]
fields with the whole of
On that morning, I shall cease to be the Presi- your bodies, you will be PR: [] [My doctors,
dent and Kamlesh Patel shall take over as the able to truly assess the who are all around me,
next representative. incredible work you tell me that I should go
[Working Committee Member continues read- have accomplished for
ing] straight to bed and that I
this great Mission. We have strained myself too
On that morning, I shall cease to be President,
carry you with utmost much. I regret that I will
and Kamlesh Patel shall take over as the next
love and we support you not be able meet each
representative. I have to humbly make this sug-
in every respect. We all one of you individually,
gestion because my body is very weak. During
here wish you all the nor say goodbye. It may
these four weeks I have been spoon-fed by my
best. happen when we meet
children and unable to get out of bed. I do not
again. Blessings to all of
foresee any improvement in my health status. If Babuji Maharaj
the hierarchy so decides, I shall continue as the
Master of Sahaj Marg.
3. Echoes of Africa and Indian Ocean September 15, 2012 Issue No 4 7th Year Page 3
July 24 celebrations: Special Messages
This triple issue of July-September is special
Monday, June 25, 2012 10:00 a.m. Monday, June 25, 2012 10:00 a.m.
in many respects, not only for its content but
also because of the critical events that have "We are reverting once again to the birth "We are reverting once again to the birth
taken place in our Mission and which are anniversary of my son; this year it will take anniversary of my son; this year it will take
briefly reported herein. These events covered on a significant scope in the hearts, as per the on a significant scope in the hearts, as per the
the period of July and August. More specifi- wish of all of us here. We wish to emphasize wish of all of us here. We wish to emphasize
cally, on August 15th, a special Bandhara was the importance these very special days will the importance these very special days will
held. It was particularly powerful and moving. have in the future: they will become the four have in the future: they will become the four
Reports from brothers and sisters who attend- cardinal points of this Sahaj Marg planet. cardinal points of this Sahaj Marg planet.
ed this Bandhara in India speak volumes. Everything has its reason for being. Human Everything has its reason for being. Human
Prior to this, our Revered Masters birthday perceptions are limited, but our views in this perceptions are limited, but our views in this
was celebrated in July. It was preceded by the realm of the Spirit are not. We wish the best realm of the Spirit are not. We wish the best
circulation of four special messages from for this Mission, so special in this pivotal for this Mission, so special in this pivotal
Revered Babuji Maharaj. Two of these special moment for this world. Men will turn more moment for this world. Men will turn more
messages are inserted here; they are indeed and more to this refuge. The ways of the heart and more to this refuge. The ways of the heart
the perfect introduction to the reports concern- are unfathomable. They hold treasures of are unfathomable. They hold treasures of
ing the 24th July celebrations in the centers. which men have no idea. We must make which men have no idea. We must make
This years celebrations have generated a lot every effort to provide our candidates with every effort to provide our candidates with
of fervor as shown in the reports send by the privilege to celebrate their Master, as the privilege to celebrate their Master, as
brothers and sisters of our region. appropriate, that is to say with magnificence, appropriate, that is to say with magnificence,
thanks to the motivation of all and their heart- thanks to the motivation of all and their heart-
felt commitment. How could we not insist on felt commitment. How could we not insist on
such special breaks in the course of a year? such special breaks in the course of a year?
Can we not afford to set aside three dates in a Can we not afford to set aside three dates in a
year to celebrate the Masters with fervour and year to celebrate the Masters with fervour and
intensity? They form a whole, a unique asset intensity? They form a whole, a unique asset
that we enjoy by divine grace. So, let us hon- that we enjoy by divine grace. So, let us hon-
our with fervour and awareness, as is proper, our with fervour and awareness, as is proper,
all these days that are important to all. That is all these days that are important to all. That is
how it goes." how it goes."
Babuji Maharaj Babuji Maharaj
Echos of the centers: July 24 celebrations
In Abidjan (C担te d'Ivoire) grace. On Tuesday July 24 we had the first tion, we had a satsangh at 7:30 a.m. The semi-
Even before the celebration, we conveyed satsangh at 9 a.m., the second was held at 4 nar was closed July 25, we dispersed after a
Master's message to all abhyasis to help them p.m.. The satsanghs were very deep and se- shared meal, with the echoes of the celebra-
prepare for the celebration. And indeed, the rene, brothers and sisters from the center of tion permeating our hearts, under the watchful
San Pedro and those living in other upcountry eye of our Revered Master.
cities meditated in unison with us. Paul Daudet SONKOUAT - Bafoussam
Mr. Camara (Abidjan C担te dIvoire)
Douala (Cameroon)
In Bafoussam (Cameroon) To prepare for July 24, it was decided to ex-
As every year, abhyasis from Bafoussam tend the time devoted to sittings to two more
gathered to show their commitment to their days - Sunday 22 and Monday July 23. On
Revered Master, his teachings and the Mis- Monday, after the sittings, a satsangh took
sion. We also seized this opportunity to or- place at 6 p.m.. After satsangh, we read the
ganize a 4 day spiritual seminar from July 22- four messages that were recommended by our
25, to celebrate His birthday. The program Master. The next day, on July 24, day of the
consisted of sittings to be taken before July celebration, we had a first satsangh at 7:30
special messages circulated for this purpose 24, daily satsanghs, and readings of Revered a.m. followed by readings of messages. All
were used for the preparation. Then, brothers Babuji and Masters speeches, as well as ex- this took place in a state of peace and with our
and sisters came to the meditation center on changing around the 10 maxims. Master love and grace.
Thursday and Saturday before 24 July to take
Therese Abessolo (Douala)
sittings and thus be ready to receive Masters On Tuesday 24 July, the day of the celebra-
4. Echoes of Africa and Indian Ocean September 15, 2012 Issue No 4 7th Year Page 4
Echos of the centers: July 24 celebrations [Contd]
Garoua (Cameroon) our attention: four texts to be read, the number In Brazzaville (Congo)
In preparation for the celebration of July 24 in four which appears again in the Whisper from In Brazzaville activities marking our Masters
Garoua, we agreed in our small group (of 4 the Brighter world of Monday June 25. What birthday anniversary started off with a
abhyasis) to have a program of daily satsanghs is the symbolic meaning of this number for satsangh on July 23 at 7:30 a.m. followed by
from July 20-23. On Tuesday July 24, we had this celebration? This is one of the questions reading of messages. On July 24, two
two satsanghs at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. We read arising from this message. We did not want to satsanghs took place at 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
the four special messages from the Brighter decipher this, since we cannot understand the Satsangh was followed by readings and a
World that were recommended by Master for world of the Masters, therefore, speculation fraternal meal. The celebrations were closed
the occasion. We liked these special messages, about the symbolism of this number would be on 25 July by a satsangh at 7:30 a.m.
emphasizing the importance of the celebration fruitless. However, this number coincides with
Faustin Salabandzy - Brazzaville
of the birthday anniversaries of our Masters in the number of permanent abhyasis in Garoua.
every abhyasis life. The number four drew Roland Esseba - Garoua
5. Echoes of Africa and Indian Ocean September 15, 2012 Issue No 4 7th Year Page 5
Whispers from the Brighter World Thursday, October 7, 1999 10:00 a.m.
Yes, you have understood that for a long time: one must place God above all. We are His
intermediaries; therefore we should also be granted a preponderant place in your life with-
out being the subject of personal worship, but as being the custodians of a method and a
mode of transmission whose purpose is to help souls follow the good path that will lead them
to liberation. We do not want to imitate Christian speech. Dont see in this any allusion to
that teaching. We do not claim to be the only ones to hold the truth and the power, fortunate-
ly for humanity. We also must remain modest.
There have always been Masters serving God and the spiritual ways He deems good for
each period. We are to some extent His envoys, soldiers in His service, and we do our work
as best we can for the good of His children; it is our goal on the Earth and beyond.
Whispers from the Brighter World, Vol. 2 - page 505
Daily Reflections
Gatherings Introspect
Babuji Maharaj, my great Divine Master, Capable Hearts We turn the mind inside, we become intro-
always emphasized that when we gather in I want hearts here willing hearts, capable spective, because anything that is to be
assemblies, there is a sort of group effort hearts, loving hearts, who come here so known in this universe is here, and if it is
which is far, far beyond just the multiplica- that not the physical Master but the eternal here, you are not going to find it anywhere
tion. A hundred individuals do not mean a Master will be invited into their hearts, else. Therefore we ask questions in medita-
hundred times the effect but could be a given a place, a permanent place. tion not ask in the verbal sense, but sit
million times the effect. and if that question is going around in your
Taken from the book " eartSpeak 2004, Vol. 1 (1st
H head, somehow the answer comes.
Taken from the book " eartSpeak 2004, Vol. 1 (1st edn., 2005)" Chapter " se the Three 'M's" pg. 150, by
H , U ,
edn., 2005)" Chapter " he Possibility of Instant
, T Revered Chariji Taken from the book " eartSpeak 2004, Vol. 1 (1st
Realisation" pg. 189, by Revered Chariji
, edn., 2005)" Chapter " ahaj Marg Retreat Centers"
, S ,
pg. 204, by Revered Chariji
Contributors: Inside pages : Names of contributors are shown on pages
Design & layout: MMK, JN Online subscription:
JN: Jeanne Nanitelamio Email Address
MMK: Michel Mouyelo-Katoula Communications intended for Echoes of Africa and Indian
Translations: JN & MMK Ocean should be addressed to:
息 2012 Shri Ram Chandra Mission (" RCM". All rights reserved. " hri Ram Chandra Mission" " ahaj Marg" " RCM" " onstant Remembrance"and the Missions Emblem are registered Trademarks of Shri Ram Chan-
S ) S ,S ,S ,C
dra Mission. This Newsletter is intended exclusively for the members of SRCM. The views expressed in the various articles are provided by various volunteers and are not necessarily those of SRCM.