3. 廡崋峺 峅 峺 仄舒 亟仂仆舒亶
峭廩峇 廣 峇 峽
岷 峙 h仂亳仆亳 亅仍仂h舒亶
峽 峺 峽 岼廩崋廣峺 仍舒亟仂仆舒亶 h舒亠舒
廣峽 廣峽 岼 峺 峇廨峺廬峩 峺
岼 2 舒仍 舒仄舒 弍亳舒舒
仂仗仂亟亳, 于仂舒仆! 亳 于 亠弍亠 仗舒亠仆亠 仄仂亠
亰舒亠仆亠, 弍仍舒亞仂 亳 仄亳, 仆舒亟 仆舒仂亟仂仄 亰舒于亠舒.
Kuma Adonai Arise, O Lord
Hoshieni Elohai Save me, O my God
LAdonai haeshua Salvation belong to the Lord
Al amcha birkatecha Your blessing is upon Your people
4. 廡峭 峇 峅 峺 廡廨
峺 岼 峩 峩 仂仍亳 仍 亟仂仆舒亶 从舒
峽廣峅 峙 峇 峙 峽 廨 廡峺 岼 廩峭 舒舒仆仆亳 仄h舒 从仂亟仂
廡峭 峇 峅 峺 廡廨
峺 岼 峩 峩 仂仍亳 仍 亟仂仆舒亶 从舒
峽廣峅 峙 峇 峙 峽 廨 廡峺 岼 廩峭 亶舒舒仆仆亳 仄h舒 从仂亟仂
丕仍 仄亠仆 亳 仂于亠, 仂仗仂亟, c 亞仂 弌于仂亠亶 弌于仂亶
亰仍 仆舒于亠仂于 亰舒亳亳, 亟舒亶 仗亠弍 于亠亞亟舒 丐仂弍仂亶
Koli El Adonai ekra I cried to the Lord
Yaaneni mihar kodsho With my voice
Koli el mAdonai ekra And He heard me
Yaaneni mihar kodsho From His holy hill
6. 廡崋峺 峅 峺 仄舒 亟仂仆舒亶
峭廩峇 廣 峇 峽
岷 峙 h仂亳仆亳 亅仍仂h舒亶
峽 峺 峽 岼廩崋廣峺 仍舒亟仂仆舒亶 h舒亠舒
廣峽 廣峽 岼 峺 峇廨峺廬峩 峺
岼 2 舒仍 舒仄舒 弍亳舒舒
仂仗仂亟亳, 于仂舒仆! 亳 于 亠弍亠 仗舒亠仆亠 仄仂亠
亰舒亠仆亠, 弍仍舒亞仂 亳 仄亳, 仆舒亟 仆舒仂亟仂仄 亰舒于亠舒.
Kuma Adonai Arise, O Lord
Hoshieni Elohai Save me, O my God
LAdonai haeshua Salvation belong to the Lord
Al amcha birkatecha Your blessing is upon Your people
7. 峽廬峺 峅 峺 峺 峙 峽廣峅 峇 舒 亟仂仆舒亶 仄舒亞仆 弍舒舒亟亳
岼峭峇 崋峙 廨 廨廩峇
峇 从于仂亟亳 仄亳仄 仂亳
峽廬峺 峅 峺 峺 峙 峽廣峅 峇
舒 亟仂仆舒亶 仄舒亞仆 弍舒舒亟亳
岼峭峇 崋峙 廨 廨廩峇
从于仂亟亳 仄亳仄 仂亳
亳 丐 亟亳仆 仆舒亟亠亢仆亶 亳, 丐于仂 仍舒于舒 仄亠仆 亰舒亳亳
丐 于仂亰仆仂亳 亞仂仍仂于 仄仂, 丐仂弍仂亶 亢亳于 ,
仗仍 亳 于舒
Ata Adonai magen baadi
Kvodi umerim roshi You, O Lord are a shield for me
My glory and the One who lifts up my
Ata Adonai magen baadi head
Kvodi umerim roshi
8. 峺 廨崋, 峺 廨崋 廢峺廨
峺 峽 峽 舒 舒弍, 仄舒 舒弍 舒舒亶
廨峇 廡峺 峇 廣峺 峺峽 舒弍亳仄 从舒仄亳仄 舒仍舒亶
峽廬峺 峅 峺 峺 峙 峽廣峅 峇
舒 亟仂仆舒亶 仄舒亞仆 弍舒舒亟亳
岼峭峇 崋峙 廨 廨廩峇
从于仂亟亳 仄亳仄 仂亳
舒从 仗亳仄仆仂亢亳仍亳 于舒亞亳, 于仂舒仍亳 仆舒 仄亠仆
弌仗舒亳, 仂仗仂亟, 亳 仗仂仄仂亞亳, 于 仆舒亟亠亢亟舒 仍亳 仆舒 丐亠弍
Ma rabu ma rabu tzarai How many are my enemies
Rabim kamim alai Many rise up against me
You, O Lord are a shield for me
Ata Adonai magen baadi My glory and the One who lifts up my
Kvodi umerim roshi head
9. 廡崋峺 峅 峺 仄舒 亟仂仆舒亶
峭廩峇 廣 峇 峽
岷 峙 h仂亳仆亳 亅仍仂h舒亶
峽 峺 峽 岼廩崋廣峺 仍舒亟仂仆舒亶 h舒亠舒
廣峽 廣峽 岼 峺 峇廨峺廬峩 峺
岼 2 舒仍 舒仄舒 弍亳舒舒
仂仗仂亟亳, 于仂舒仆! 亳 于 亠弍亠 仗舒亠仆亠 仄仂亠
亰舒亠仆亠, 弍仍舒亞仂 亳 仄亳, 仆舒亟 仆舒仂亟仂仄 亰舒于亠舒.
Kuma Adonai Arise, O Lord
Hoshieni Elohai Save me, O my God
LAdonai haeshua Salvation belong to the Lord
Al amcha birkatecha Your blessing is upon Your people
11. 亳亟亳 从仂 仆亠!
于亳 亳舒 亠! 廨 峇廩廚峇 廣
仆 仂亠 亠亟亠 廩 峺廨
舒亟仂 亰舒亢亠 廩 廬廚廬
亠亟亠! 丐 廣廬 廖廨 廣廨
仗仂亟舒于仍亠仆仂 仂从仂亶? 峽廩岼 崋 廣
束亳亟亳 从仂 仆亠 廬 廖廣 ,
亊 亟舒仄 亠弍亠 仗仂从仂亶!損 峩 廬
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
12. , 亟舒 廩, 廩 廣峺廨
舒仍舒 于 弍仂弍亠 廡
仆 仗亳亰于舒亠 廚廖
亳 亠弍 从 弌亠弍亠 廩 峺廩岼 廡峺
仂亶亟 仂仄仆亠仆 廬 廣峺廩 廣廬
亳 仗亠舒仍 从舒从 仗舒 峇廬峺 廬 廬
束亳亟亳 从仂 仆亠! 廖 廨 廢, 廖
舒仄 仄亳 亠弍亠 亊 于 亟舒損 峩 廬岷
Swift to its close ebbs out lifes little day;
Earths joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
13. , 弍亠亟仆磻 , , 廨廣 廚
亠亰舒亠仄亶 亞亠仂仄 , 廚峙廨 廣廢廬 廩
亠亟 仄亠亳 廩廣
仂于舒亠仆仆亶 仂亞仆亠仄 廨 廬 廢廣峇
弌 从仂仆亳仆仂亶 亟仆亠亶 廨 廩
仗亳亟亠 从仂仆亠 从仂弍礆 峩 廬
束亳亟亳 从仂 仆亠!
亢亳亰仆 亠弍亠 亊 亟舒仄!損
Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word;
But as Thou dwellst with Thy disciples, Lord,
Familiar, condescending, patient, free.
Come not to sojourn, but abide with me.
14. 亳亰仆, 仄亳, 仗仂从仂亶 廩 廨 廢
弍亠仄亠亳 于亠 峺 廬 廣峙
舒ム 仆舒仄 亳亰 仂亢亠亶 廚 廚廨
仗仂仍仆仂; , 廩
丐亠仗亠 亳 亰亟亠 廨 廩廨
亟舒仆舒 仆舒仄 舒 亠 弍仍舒亞, 廩 廬
丼仂 亢亟 仆舒 舒仄, 廬廣,
亰舒 亞仂弍仂仄, 于 仆亠弍亠舒. 峩 廬岷
Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heavens morning breaks,
and earths vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
18. , 廖 , 弍仍舒亞仂亟舒!
岼 廡峭廨 廚 仗舒亠仆 丐仂弍仂亶
廬 , 峺峽 亊 亳亰 仗亳仆 弍亠亟.
廢廬, 仍 仄亠于 亳 亟仂仄
峇 廬岼 峭 舒仍 亢亳于仂亶,
廣 岼廨峭 峇 峺 峽
峇 仍 仍亠仗 亳 于亳亢 于亠.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
19. 廚 廡廩 弌仗亠于舒 于仆亳仍舒
廖 亠亟 舒,
廢廬 廣 舒亠仄 亟舒仍舒 仗仂从仂亶,
廖 廩廢 亊 从仂弍 亟亳
峇岼 亳亰仍亳仍 于 仍亠亰舒,
峽 岼峙 峇 峇 岼崋-廨 丐于仂亶 仄亳 亠亠 亠从仂亶.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home
20. 峙 仂亠仍 仆亠仄舒仍仂 从仂弍亠亶,
廨 亠于亰亞仂亟 亳 亠仆 亟仆亠亶,
岼 峽廨峭 廬廡廬 仂 于亠亞亟舒
弍仍舒 仂 仄仆仂亶,
廣 廩廬 亠亟亠 仄亠仆 亟仂仄仂亶.
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
as long as life endures
21. 廚 廩 仂亞亟舒 亢亠 仗仍仂
崋 廩 廩 仄仂 仄亠,
峽廩廩 廨 亳亟亠 弍仂弍亠 从仂仆亠,
廢 廣 廣廬 廩岼 峽- 亠仆 于 仆亠弍亠仆仂仄
峺廨 亟仂仄亠 亢亟亠
岼峩 廨 廩
峇 舒亟仂 亳 于亠仆亠
When we've been here ten thousand years
bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
then when we've first begun
23. 廢廚廬仍亳弍亳 舒舒仆亳
廣 仍仄舒舒仆 仍仂 舒 仍舒
弌仍仂于仂 丐于仂 于 亠亟亠 仄仂仄 仂从于舒,
仂弍 仆亠 亞亠亳 仗亠亠亟 丐仂弍仂, 仄仂亶 仂仗仂亟!
Belibi tzafanti I have hidden Your name
Belibi tzafanti In my heart
That I may not sin against
Lemaan lo echta lach You
24. 廨 廬 舒 舒舒 亟仂仆舒亶
廡 仍舒仄亟仆亳 从亶舒
廩廚廬 廖廚廨廬
弍亳舒舒亶 亳仗舒亳
廩廚 廚
从仂仍 仄亳仗亶 仗亳舒
仍舒亞仂仍仂于亠仆 丐, 仂仗仂亟! 丕亳 仆舒 舒于舒仄 丐于仂亳仄.
仂亰于亠舒仍 舒仄亳 于亠 亟 于仂亳, 仄仂亶 仂亞!
Baruch ata Adonai Praise be to You, O God
Lamdeni chukeicha Teach me Your statutes
Bisfatai siparti With my lips I declared
Kol mishpetei picha All the judgments
of Your mouth
25. 廢廚廬 仍亳弍亳 舒舒仆亳
廨廬 亳仄舒舒
廣 仍仄舒舒仆 仍仂 舒 仍舒
弌仍仂于仂 丐于仂 于 亠亟亠 仄仂仄 仂从于舒,
仂弍 仆亠 亞亠亳 仗亠亠亟 丐仂弍仂, 仄仂亶 仂仗仂亟!
Belibi tzafanti I have hidden Your name
Belibi tzafanti In my heart
That I may not sin against
Lemaan lo echta lach You
27. 廩廣廬 h亳仆 仍 亠舒亳,
廩廣廬 h亳仆 仍 亠舒亳 于舒,
廩廣廬 h亳仆 仍 亠舒亳 于舒
廚, 廚 于仍仂 舒亟, 于仍仂 舒亟
仂 仆, 仂亞 仗舒舒ム亳亶. 丕仗仂于舒 , 亳 仆亠 舒. 仂
仆, 仂亞, 仗舒舒ム亳亶 仄亠仆, 亳仄 仆亳亠亞仂 仆亠 弍仂ム!
Hineh El yeshuati Behold
Hineh El yeshuati evtach God is my salvation
Hineh El yeshuati evtach I will trust
Velo efchad velo efchad And not be afraid
28. 廣 廨廬 亳 仂亰亳 于亰亳仄舒
廩廣 亟仂仆舒亶 于舒亶亠h亳 仍亳 仍亳舒.
廣 廨廬 亳 仂亰亳 于亰亳仄舒
廩廣 亟仂仆舒亶 于舒亶亠h亳 仍亳 仍亳舒.
弌亳仍舒 丐 亳 仗亠仆亠 仄仂, 仄仂亶 仂仗仂亟,
于亠亠仆 丐 于仂 于仄 于亠亞亟舒!
丐 仗舒亠仆亠 仄仆亠 于仂 于亠 亟仆亳,
仄仂亶 仂仗仂亟, 丐 仗亳弍亠亢亳亠 仄仂!
Ki ozi vezimrat Yah For Yah, the Lord,
Adonai vayehi li lishua Is my strength and song
Ki ozi vezimrat Yah And he has become my
Adonai vayehi li lishua salvation."
29. 廩廬 廩廩 丕舒于仄 仄舒亳仄 弍舒仂仆
廣 廩廣 仄亳仄舒亶仆亶 h舒舒
廩廬 廩廩 丕舒于仄 仄舒亳仄 弍舒仂仆
廣 廩廣 仄亳仄舒亶仆亶 h舒舒
仗亠亶 于仂亟 亢亳于仂亶 亳亰 亠从亳, 仂 仂 仂仗仂亟舒 亠.
亳从亶, 亠仗舒 亳亰 仆亠, 亳弍仂 亟舒仂仄 仆舒仄 亟舒仆舒.
Ushavtem maim besason With joy
Mimaaynei hayeshua You will draw water
Ushavtem maim besason From the springs
Mimaaynei hayeshua Of salvation
30. 廩廣廬 h亳仆 仍 亠舒亳,
廩廣廬 h亳仆 仍 亠舒亳 于舒,
廩廣廬 h亳仆 仍 亠舒亳 于舒
廚, 廚 于仍仂 舒亟, 于仍仂 舒亟
仂 仆, 仂亞 仗舒舒ム亳亶. 丕仗仂于舒 , 亳 仆亠 舒. 仂
仆, 仂亞, 仗舒舒ム亳亶 仄亠仆, 亳仄 仆亳亠亞仂 仆亠 弍仂ム!
Hineh El yeshuati Behold
Hineh El yeshuati evtach God is my salvation
Hineh El yeshuati evtach I will trust
Velo efchad velo efchad And not be afraid
33. 廨, 廩廨 廩 亅仍 亞亳弍仂, 弌舒 舒仍仂仄,
廣, 廚-廣廛 于亳舒亟, 仍, 仂
廩廣, 廨廡 廬 舒, 舒从 舒
! 廨 仂仍 舒亶磺 舒仂仄仄
仂亶 仂仗仂亟, 仄亳舒 仆磶, 亠仆亶 仂亞, 仄仄舒仆亳仍
仂亢亳亶 弌仆, 亳 仂仗仂亟, 亳亰仆 仄仂 亳亰仄亠仆亳仍
El Gibor, Sar-Shalom Mighty God, Prince of Peace
Avi-Ad, Pele-yoetz Everlasting Father,
Yeshua, rak otcha Wonderful Counselor
Yeshua only You
Kol chayai aromem All my life, I will Praise
34. 廩廨廚 舒仍舒亳仄 亠舒亳仄
廨廩 廨 仂舒仄 h仄 仄舒从亳仆亳仄
廬 廚 廖 廨 亅 仗仆亶h仄 h仄 仄舒亳仄
廩 廣 廖 廩
舒亶仂于 舒仍 h舒 从亳 于 仍舒 弌
廨 廣 廣
舒舒 从舒于仂亟 于舒仂亰 仍仂仍舒仄亳仄
舒亢亠 舒仆亞亠仍 仆亠弍亠 亠仗亠 仗亠亠亟 亳仄
弌仍舒于, 仗舒于 仍亳舒 于 亠仆亳 于仂亳 从仍:
束亞仆, 仂 于仂亠仍 仂亟亠仆 舒 舒于亠从 弍仍舒亞仂仍仂于亠仆亳亠 亳 仄亳!損
Malachim veserafim Angels and Seraphim
Bow their heads
Rosham hem markinim They cover their faces
Et pnehem hem mechasim And say:
Veomrim: To Him who sits on the throne
Layoshev al hakiseh velaseh And unto the Lamb,
Blessing, honor
Bracha, kavod vaoz leolamin
And power forever
35. 廡廩, 廡廩, 廡廩 舒亟仂, 从舒亟仂, 从舒亟仂
廢廬 亟仂仆舒亶 丶亠于舒仂
廩廨 h舒亶 于h仂于 于亶舒于仂
廨 廩 廩廨 廡 舒亶 h舒弌 舒 从舒仆舒仆 弍 亟舒仄仂
廩廨 廩 廩 亶仂于 亳仄亳仆仂 仍 h舒于
丐 于, 丐 于, 丐 于, 仆舒 仂仗仂亟 弌舒于舒仂! 于亠从舒 亳亶, 仆 亢亳于, 仆 亞磲亠!
仂仂亳仆 亞仆亠, 仂 仗仂仍亳仍 于 从仂于, 于亠仆仍 于仆仂于 于仂亶 弌于仂亶 仆舒仂亟.
Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh Holy, holy ,holy
Lord God Almighty
Adonai Tzevaot
He who was, who is, and is to come
Asher Haiya, veHoveh Worthy is the Lamb
VeYavo Who bought us with His blood
Raui haseh Who sits at the right hand of the Father
Asher kananu bedamo
Asher yoshev liymino shel haAv
36. 廨, 廩廨 廩 亅仍 亞亳弍仂, 弌舒 舒仍仂仄,
廣, 廚-廣廛 于亳舒亟, 仍, 仂
廩廣, 廨廡 廬 舒, 舒从 舒
! 廨 仂仍 舒亶磺 舒仂仄仄
仂亶 仂仗仂亟, 仄亳舒 仆磶, 亠仆亶 仂亞, 仄仄舒仆亳仍
仂亢亳亶 弌仆, 亳 仂仗仂亟, 亳亰仆 仄仂 亳亰仄亠仆亳仍
El Gibor, Sar-Shalom Mighty God, Prince of Peace
Avi-Ad, Pele-yoetz Everlasting Father,
Yeshua, rak otcha Wonderful Counselor
Yeshua only You
Kol chayai aromem All my life, I will Praise
37. 廩廨廚 舒仍舒亳仄 亠舒亳仄
廨廩 廨 仂舒仄 h仄 仄舒从亳仆亳仄
廬 廚 廖 廨 亅 仗仆亶h仄 h仄 仄舒亳仄
廩 廣 廖 廩
舒亶仂于 舒仍 h舒 从亳 于 仍舒 弌
廨 廣 廣
舒舒 从舒于仂亟 于舒仂亰 仍仂仍舒仄亳仄
舒亢亠 舒仆亞亠仍 仆亠弍亠 亠仗亠 仗亠亠亟 亳仄
弌仍舒于, 仗舒于 仍亳舒 于 亠仆亳 于仂亳 从仍:
束亞仆, 仂 于仂亠仍 仂亟亠仆 舒 舒于亠从 弍仍舒亞仂仍仂于亠仆亳亠 亳 仄亳!損
Malachim veserafim Angels and Seraphim
Bow their heads
Rosham hem markinim They cover their faces
Et pnehem hem mechasim And say:
Veomrim: To Him who sits on the throne
Layoshev al hakiseh velaseh And unto the Lamb,
Blessing, honor
Bracha, kavod vaoz leolamin
And power forever
38. 廡廩, 廡廩, 廡廩 舒亟仂, 从舒亟仂, 从舒亟仂
廢廬 亟仂仆舒亶 丶亠于舒仂
廩廨 h舒亶 于h仂于 于亶舒于仂
廨 廩 廩廨 廡 舒亶 h舒弌 舒 从舒仆舒仆 弍 亟舒仄仂
廩廨 廩 廩 亶仂于 亳仄亳仆仂 仍 h舒于
丐 于, 丐 于, 丐 于, 仆舒 仂仗仂亟 弌舒于舒仂! 于亠从舒 亳亶, 仆 亢亳于, 仆 亞磲亠!
仂仂亳仆 亞仆亠, 仂 仗仂仍亳仍 于 从仂于, 于亠仆仍 于仆仂于 于仂亶 弌于仂亶 仆舒仂亟.
Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh 2
Holy, holy ,holy
Lord God Almighty
Adonai Tzevaot
He who was, who is, and is to come
Asher Haiya, veHoveh Worthy is the Lamb
VeYavo Who bought us with His blood
Raui haseh Who sits at the right hand of the Father
Asher kananu bedamo
Asher yoshev liymino shel haAv
39. 廣 廚 廩廬 舒仆 舒仍 仗舒仆舒亶 舒仆亳 仄亳舒舒于
廡廩 廡廩 廬 廨 从仂亟 h舒从仂亟舒亳仄 仂舒
廬 廬 廡廩 亅 仂仍 从仍亳 于 舒亶舒亶 舒从亟亳
廖 廨 仍 从 h舒舒舒仄亳仄
仗亠仂仍 弍仍舒亞仂亟舒亳 仗仂仗亠亳 仄亳亠仆亠 从 亞仂 仆仂亞舒仄 亞亠亳 仍仂亢亳
仂仗仂亟 仗仂亳, 从舒从 仍ミ英亳亶 亠, 仄仂亠, 仂于亳
Kan al panai ani
Here on my face I will bow down
Eshtachaveh In the Holy of Holies I will see You
Bekodesh hakodashim Here I will dedicate my life and my all
Otcha ereh Before the throne of Mercy
Et kol kuli veet chaiyai akdish
Mul kes harachamim
40. 廡廩, 廡廩, 廡廩 舒亟仂, 从舒亟仂, 从舒亟仂
廢廬 亟仂仆舒亶 丶亠于舒仂
廩廨 h舒亶 于h仂于 于亶舒于仂
廨 廩 廩廨 廡 舒亶 h舒弌 舒 从舒仆舒仆 弍 亟舒仄仂
廩廨 廩 廩 亶仂于 亳仄亳仆仂 仍 h舒于
丐 于, 丐 于, 丐 于, 仆舒 仂仗仂亟 弌舒于舒仂! 于亠从舒 亳亶, 仆 亢亳于, 仆 亞磲亠!
仂仂亳仆 亞仆亠, 仂 仗仂仍亳仍 于 从仂于, 于亠仆仍 于仆仂于 于仂亶 弌于仂亶 仆舒仂亟.
Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh 2
Holy, holy ,holy
Lord God Almighty
Adonai Tzevaot
He who was, who is, and is to come
Asher Haiya, veHoveh Worthy is the Lamb
VeYavo Who bought us with His blood
Raui haseh Who sits at the right hand of the Father
Asher kananu bedamo
Asher yoshev liymino shel haAv
42. 廨廣 廩廩 廬 h仂 弍舒仂舒仆亳仄 舒舒
廣 亳亞仍亠舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
廨 廬 舒亞仍 仄亳于舒于舒 舒舒
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 仗舒亠 仄亠亢亟 仍亳仍亳礆亳
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
丐 仍亠 亟亠亳 亟亞亳
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
Haroeh bashoshanim ata You are the one
Who feeds His flock among the lilies
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
Dagul mirvava ata You are the chief among ten thousand
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
43. 廣廬 廬 廨, h仍亠舒 仂亳 仄亳仆 h舒弍仂 亅仍亳
廨廬 廬 廣 廢廨, 仂仄舒仄舒 仂亳 舒仍 h舒仂 舒仍从亳
廬廬 廚 廩廨 廩, 舒舒舒 弍亳 亳 舒亟舒 仂亟亳
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 亳亰于仍亠从 仄亠仆 亳亰 于舒
舒 仂仆仂于舒仆亳亳 从舒仍 仗仂舒于亳仍 仄亠仆
舒仍 于 舒 仄仂亳 仗亠仆 仆仂于
舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 - 仍ミ頴笑珂
Heeleta oti min habor, Eli You brought me up from the pit, My God
Romamta oti al hatzur, Malki You have set me on the rock, My King
You have put a new song in my mouth,
Natata befi shir chadash, Dodi My Beloved
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
44. 廨 廬 亳亠 h亟舒 舒舒
廣 亳亞仍亠舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
廩 廩 廣廨 廬 h舒弌 h舒仆亳舒 舒于亳 舒舒
廣 亳亞仍亠舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 仍亠于 仂 从仂仍亠仆舒 亟亳仆舒
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
丐 亞仆亠, 亰舒从仍舒仆仆亶 亰舒 仄亠仆
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
Ariyeh yehuda ata You are Judahs Lion
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
HaSeh hanishchat avuri ata You are the Lamb slain for me
Your banner over me is love
Diglecha alai ahava
45. 廣廬 廬 廨, h仍亠舒 仂亳 仄亳仆 h舒弍仂 亅仍亳
廨廬 廬 廣 廢廨, 仂仄舒仄舒 仂亳 舒仍 h舒仂 舒仍从亳
廬廬 廚 廩廨 廩, 舒舒舒 弍亳 亳 舒亟舒 仂亟亳
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 亳亰于仍亠从 仄亠仆 亳亰 于舒
舒 仂仆仂于舒仆亳亳 从舒仍 仗仂舒于亳仍 仄亠仆
舒仍 于 舒 仄仂亳 仗亠仆 仆仂于
舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 - 仍ミ頴笑珂
Heeleta oti min habor, Eli You brought me up from the pit, My God
Romamta oti al hatzur, Malki You have set me on the rock, My King
You have put a new song in my mouth,
Natata befi shir chadash, Dodi My Beloved
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
46. 廚 廩廩 廩 亳仆亠亶 亠仄亠 亶亳仆仂仆 亳仄舒
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
廨 廩 廣 舒 仄 从于仂亟舒 仍仂仍舒仄
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
亠亢亟亠 仂亰亟舒仆亳 仄亳舒, 仗仂亳舒仍仂 亳仄 丐于仂亠
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
仍舒亞仂仍仂于亠仆仆仂 丐于仂亠 于仂亠 亳仄 仆舒于亠从亳
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
Lifnei shemesh yinon shimcha Your long shall endure forever
Your name shall continue as long as the sun
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
Baruch shem kvodcha leolam Blessed be Your glorouis name forever
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
47. 廣廬 廬 廨, h仍亠舒 仂亳 仄亳仆 h舒弍仂 亅仍亳
廨廬 廬 廣 廢廨, 仂仄舒仄舒 仂亳 舒仍 h舒仂 舒仍从亳
廬廬 廚 廩廨 廩, 舒舒舒 弍亳 亳 舒亟舒 仂亟亳
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 亳亰于仍亠从 仄亠仆 亳亰 于舒
舒 仂仆仂于舒仆亳亳 从舒仍 仗仂舒于亳仍 仄亠仆
舒仍 于 舒 仄仂亳 仗亠仆 仆仂于
舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 - 仍ミ頴笑珂
Heeleta oti min habor, Eli You brought me up from the pit, My God
You have set me on the rock, My King
Romamta oti al hatzur, Malki
You have put a new song in my mouth,
Natata befi shir chadash, Dodi
My Beloved
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
51. 廩 廨
亅亶仆 仄 舒
En shem acher
亠 亟亞仂亞仂 亳仄亠仆亳 仗仂亟 仂仍仆亠仄,
从仂仂仄 仆舒亟仍亠亢舒仍仂 弍 仆舒仄 仗舒亳.
亠 亳仆仂亞仂 亳仄亠仆亳, 从仂仄亠 亳仄亠仆亳 亳舒 弌仗舒亳亠仍,
亳弍仂 仆亠 仆亳从仂亞仂 亟亞仂亞仂, 亟舒ム亠亞仂 仗舒亠仆亳亠
There is no other name under heaven
Given among men by which we must be saved
52. 廩 廨 亅亶仆 仄 舒
廬 h舒仆亳舒仆 仍亳于仆亶 舒亟舒仄
廬廬 廩 丐舒舒 h舒舒仄舒亳仄
廬廬 廩 舒舒 h舒舒仄舒亳仄
仂亟 仆亠弍仂仄 仆亠 仗仂亟仂弍仆仂亞仂 丐亠弍亠
亳 于 丐亠弍亠 仗舒亠仆亠,
亳 亳 亳从仗仍亠仆亠
En shem acher There is no other name
Hanitan livnei adam Given to men
Tachat hashamaim Under heaven
Tachat hashamaim Under heaven
53. 廩 廨 亅亶仆 仄 舒
廬 h舒仆亳舒仆 仍亳于仆亶 舒亟舒仄
廣 廩廣 丕于仂 舒仍亶仆 仍h亳于舒舒
仄 丐于仂亠 仗亠于亠 于亠 亳仄亠仆
亳 于 仆亠仄 仗舒亠仆亠 仄 仂弍亠亠仄!
En shem acher There is no other name
Hanitan livnie adam Given to men
Uvo alenu lehivasha By which we must be saved
54. 廩 廨 亅亶仆 仄 舒亠
廩 廨 亶仆 仄 舒亠
廩廣 廩 亳仍于舒亟 舒
亳 仆舒 亰亠仄仍亠, 仆亳 于 仆亠弍亠舒
亠 于亠 亳仄亠仆亳 亳舒
En shem acher There is no other name
En shem acher There is no other name
Milvad Yeshua No other
haMashiach but Yeshua the Messiah
55. 廩 廨亅亶仆 仄 舒亠
廩 廨亶仆 仄 舒亠
廩廣 廨亳 亶仆 亠舒 弍舒
舒亟亠亢亟 亟舒仍, 仗舒亠仆亠 亟舒仍
仗亠亟 仂仄 仆舒 仂仗舒于亟舒仍
En shem acher There is no other name
En shem acher There is no other name
Ki en yeshua beacher For there is no salvation
in any other
56. 廩 廨 亅亶仆 仄 舒
廬 h舒仆亳舒仆 仍亳于仆亶 舒亟舒仄
廬廬 廩 丐舒舒 h舒舒仄舒亳仄
廬廬 廩 舒舒 h舒舒仄舒亳仄
仂亟 仆亠弍仂仄 仆亠 仗仂亟仂弍仆仂亞仂 丐亠弍亠
亳 于 丐亠弍亠 仗舒亠仆亠,
亠 亞亠仂于 仗仂亠仆亠!
En shem acher There is no other name
Hanitan livnei adam Given to men
Tachat hashamaim Under heaven
Tachat hashamaim Under heaven
57. 廩 廨 亅亶仆 仄 舒
廬 h舒仆亳舒仆 仍亳于仆亶 舒亟舒仄
廣 廩廣 丕于仂 舒仍亶仆 仍h亳于舒舒
仄 丐于仂亠 于仂亰仆仂亳仄 亟仂 仆亠弍亠
仂亞 弌仆, 仂亞 亳 仂亞 亠!
En shem acher There is no other name
Hanitan livnie adam Given to men
Uvo alenu lehivasha By which we must be saved
58. 廩 廨 亅亶仆 仄 舒亠
廩 廨 亶仆 仄 舒亠
廩廣 廩 亳仍于舒亟 舒
亳 仆舒 亰亠仄仍亠, 仆亳 于 仆亠弍亠舒
亠 于亠 亳仄亠仆亳 亳舒
En shem acher There is no other name
En shem acher There is no other name
Milvad Yeshua No other
haMashiach but Yeshua the Messiah
59. 廩 廨亅亶仆 仄 舒亠
廩 廨亶仆 仄 舒亠
廩廣 廨亳 亶仆 亠舒 弍舒
舒亟亠亢亟 亟舒仍, 仗舒亠仆亠 亟舒仍
仗亠亟 仂仄 仆舒 仂仗舒于亟舒仍
En shem acher There is no other name
En shem acher There is no other name
Ki en yeshua beacher For there is no salvation
in any other