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Special industrial cleansing

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

Facility management

Speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce v pr哲myslu

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost


Facility management

klid, hygiena
Spr叩va budov

Sewer cleaning, waste


D叩le nab鱈z鱈me speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce jako jsou:


i邸tn鱈 kanalizace, odpady

We further offer special cleansing, such as:

i邸tn鱈 stroj哲 a technologick辿ho vybaven鱈
(obr叩bc鱈 centra, lisy, vstikolisy apod.)

Cleaning machines and technological equipment
(machining centres, presses, injection presses, etc.);

i邸tn鱈 obr叩bc鱈ch center

Cleansing machining centres;

v箪邸kov辿 pr叩ce

Working at heights;

i邸tn鱈 fas叩d a opl叩邸tn鱈 budov

Cleaning facades and building casings;

odstraov叩n鱈 n叩sledk哲 po転叩r哲

Removing fire damages;

gener叩ln鱈 technologick辿 炭klidy a dal邸鱈

Overall technological cleansing and others.

i邸tn鱈 technologi鱈
a lakoven

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost
Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

and paint shops cleaning

Pr哲myslov辿 stroje, technologick叩 vybaven鱈 i lakovny
maj鱈 oproti jin箪m v箪robn鱈m provoz哲m sv叩 specifika.
A ta se t箪kaj鱈 i jejich i邸tn鱈. D鱈ky letit箪m zku邸enostem
v nejn叩ronj邸鱈ch v箪robn鱈ch provozech se pr叩v my
m哲転eme prohla邸ovat za specialisty na technologick叩
i邸tn鱈 v pr哲myslov箪ch podnic鱈ch.

As compared to other production facilities, industrial
machinery, technology equipment, or paint shops have
their specific requirements. These requirements also

Centr叩la | Head office
Mlad叩 Boleslav

Poboky | Branches

17. listopadu 1434
293 01 Ml. Boleslav
T: +420 326 706 811
E-mail: info@atalian.cz

- Praha
- Kol鱈n
- esk辿 Budjovice
- Teplice
- Brno
- Ostrava

relate to their cleaning. Thanks to our multiyear
experience in the most demanding industrial facilities,
we can denote ourselves as specialists in technological
cleaning in industrial plants.

Services for paint shops

Cleaning and disinfection of air-conditioning systems

Nab鱈z鱈me kompletn鱈 i邸tn鱈 lakovac鱈ch kabin a linek
a dal邸鱈 souvisej鱈c鱈 innosti.

Slu転bu istn鱈 a dezinfekce prov叩d鱈me na vzduchotechnick箪ch potrub鱈ch, v箪ustc鱈ch, tlumi鱈ch hluku, po転叩rn鱈ch
klapk叩ch, filtran鱈ch syst辿mech a ostatn鱈ch vzduchotechnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch jako jsou VZT jednotky, ventil叩tory,
v箪mn鱈ky tepla a zvlhovae.

We offer complete cleaning of painting booths and lines,
as well as additional related activities.

Na邸e slu転by
v箪mny a dod叩vky ve邸ker箪ch filtr哲 a jejich
prodej, zaji邸tn鱈 ekologick辿 likvidace
pou転it箪ch filtr哲
o邸eten鱈 stn a technologick箪ch za鱈zen鱈
ochrann箪mi p鱈pravky
ochrana stn a podlah foliemi
odlakov叩n鱈 ro邸t哲 a p鱈pravk哲
(zaji邸泥ujeme odlakov叩n鱈 chemick辿,
termick辿 i vysok箪m tlakem vody)
i邸tn鱈 rekuper叩tor哲
i邸tn鱈 na m鱈st pomoc鱈 neabrazivn鱈 metody
trysk叩n鱈 peletkami CO2 (such箪m ledem)

Our Services
Replacement, delivery and sale of all filters,
provision of ecological disposal of used filters;
Treatment of walls and technology equipment
with protective agents;
Protection of walls and floors with foils;
Paint removal from gratings and fixtures
(we ensure chemical and thermal, as well
as high-pressure water, paint removal);
Cleaning recuperators;
On-site cleansing using non-abrasive
methods of carbon dioxide pellet (dry ice)

This cleaning and disinfection service is performed on air-conditioning pipes, outlets, silencers, fire dampers,
filtration systems, and other air-conditioning equipment, such as VZT (HVAC) units, ventilators, heat exchangers,
and humidifiers.

Pro istit vzduchotechnick辿 rozvody?

Why should HVAC
distributions be cleaned?

Prachov叩 vrstva ve vzduchovodech m哲転e b箪t 転ivnou
p哲dou pro bakterie, houby nebo pl鱈sn schopn辿
negativn ovlivovat zdravotn鱈 stav lovka.
Mikroorganismy jsou rozptylov叩ny do ovzdu邸鱈
klimatizovan辿ho prostoru a pisp鱈vaj鱈 k vy邸邸鱈mu v箪skytu
zdravotn鱈ch pot鱈転i - migr辿n, podr叩転dn鱈 sliznic a jsou
spolu s prachem p鱈inou tzv. SBS - syndromu
nemocn箪ch budov. V nemocnic鱈ch mohou mikroorganismy zp哲sobit pooperan鱈 komplikace (infekce).
Odstrann鱈m prachov辿 vrstvy dojde k likvidaci 転ivn辿ho
prosted鱈 pro 邸kodliv辿 mikroorganismy.

The dust layer inside HVAC ducts may represent
a perfect environment for bacteria, fungi, or moulds that
may seriously affect human health. Microorganisms
spread into the atmosphere of the air-conditioned areas
and contribute to a higher occurrence of health problems
- migraines, irritation of soft tissue and, in combination
with dust, they cause SBS - the Sick Building Syndrome.
In hospitals, microorganisms may lead to post-operation
complications (infections). Dust layer removal destroys
the nutrient medium of harmful microorganisms.

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

i邸tn鱈 a dezinfekce vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost

Slu転by pro lakovny

Modern鱈 technika
Modern Technology

Inspekce vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲
pomoc鱈 kamerov辿ho syst辿mu (zji邸tn鱈 stupn znei邸tn鱈). Na z叩klad proveden辿 inspekce zpracujeme
doporuuj鱈c鱈 zpr叩vu a vypracujeme cenovou nab鱈dku na vlastn鱈 i邸tn鱈.

i邸tn鱈 vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲
pomoc鱈 technologie firmy DANDUCT. Sou叩st鱈 syst辿mu je d叩lkov ovl叩dan箪 robot, za鱈zen鱈 na i邸tn鱈 vertik叩ln鱈ch
rozvod哲 a rozvod哲 mal箪ch pr哲mr哲, ventil叩tor na ods叩v叩n鱈 uvolnn辿ho prachu a neistot s vysoce 炭inn箪m
HEPA filtrem (mo転nost pou転it鱈 i ve zdravotnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch) a dal邸鱈 p鱈slu邸enstv鱈.
Po ka転d辿m i邸tn鱈 je provedena inspekce, aby bylo mo転n辿 dolo転it v箪sledky i邸tn鱈.

Continuous build-up of dust in critical components
of HVAC systems (exchangers, fans, etc) results in higher
resistance against air flow, causing the overall reduction
of performance of the entire system. Thus, all generated
loss must be compensated with a higher input, which
leads to the higher energy demands and consumption
of the system.
Dust also represents a risk from the fire prevention point
of view. It ignites easily, with some types of dust being
Postupn箪m zan叩邸en鱈m prachem kritick箪ch 叩st鱈
dangerously explosive by themselves. Dust-clogged
vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 (v箪mn鱈k哲, ventil叩tor哲
apod.) doch叩z鱈 ke zv箪邸en鱈 odporu v哲i proch叩zej鱈c鱈mu HVAC installations may not only be the source of fire,
they may also act as the vehicle of transportation
vzduchu a k poklesu 炭innosti cel辿ho syst辿mu.
of fire all over the building. The highest risk is associated
Takto vznikl辿 ztr叩ty je nutn辿 vyrovn叩vat zv箪邸en鱈m
with extraction vents, the inlet of which is not protected
p鱈konu, 鱈m転 stoup叩 energetick叩 n叩ronost syst辿mu.
by any filtration elements.
Prach je nebezpen箪 i z po転叩rn鱈ho hlediska. Lehce
se vzn鱈t鱈, piem転 nkter辿 druhy prachu jsou p鱈mo
nebezpenou v箪bu邸ninou. Zapr叩邸en辿 vzduchovody
mohou b箪t nejen zdrojem po転叩ru, ale i jeho rychl箪m
pepravn鱈m prostedkem po cel辿 budov. Rizikov辿
jsou zejm辿na odtahov辿 vzduchovody, kter辿 nejsou
na vstupu chr叩nny filtran鱈m elementem.

Inspection of HVAC ducts
with a TV-camera system (detection of degree of dust build-up). Based on the inspection performed,
we elaborate a recommending report and prepare a quotation for the actual cleaning.

HVAC distribution cleaning
with technology made by the DANDUCT company. The system includes a remote-controlled robot, equipment
for cleaning vertical piping and piping of small diameters, a ventilator for exhausting released dust and impurities
with the highly effective HEPA filter (it can be also used in health-care facilities) and other accessories.
The system is inspected after each cleaning to provide evidence of the cleaning results.
Services for paint shops

Cleaning and disinfection of air-conditioning systems

Nab鱈z鱈me kompletn鱈 i邸tn鱈 lakovac鱈ch kabin a linek
a dal邸鱈 souvisej鱈c鱈 innosti.

Slu転bu istn鱈 a dezinfekce prov叩d鱈me na vzduchotechnick箪ch potrub鱈ch, v箪ustc鱈ch, tlumi鱈ch hluku, po転叩rn鱈ch
klapk叩ch, filtran鱈ch syst辿mech a ostatn鱈ch vzduchotechnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch jako jsou VZT jednotky, ventil叩tory,
v箪mn鱈ky tepla a zvlhovae.

We offer complete cleaning of painting booths and lines,
as well as additional related activities.

Na邸e slu転by
v箪mny a dod叩vky ve邸ker箪ch filtr哲 a jejich
prodej, zaji邸tn鱈 ekologick辿 likvidace
pou転it箪ch filtr哲
o邸eten鱈 stn a technologick箪ch za鱈zen鱈
ochrann箪mi p鱈pravky
ochrana stn a podlah foliemi
odlakov叩n鱈 ro邸t哲 a p鱈pravk哲
(zaji邸泥ujeme odlakov叩n鱈 chemick辿,
termick辿 i vysok箪m tlakem vody)
i邸tn鱈 rekuper叩tor哲
i邸tn鱈 na m鱈st pomoc鱈 neabrazivn鱈 metody
trysk叩n鱈 peletkami CO2 (such箪m ledem)

Our Services
Replacement, delivery and sale of all filters,
provision of ecological disposal of used filters;
Treatment of walls and technology equipment
with protective agents;
Protection of walls and floors with foils;
Paint removal from gratings and fixtures
(we ensure chemical and thermal, as well
as high-pressure water, paint removal);
Cleaning recuperators;
On-site cleansing using non-abrasive
methods of carbon dioxide pellet (dry ice)

This cleaning and disinfection service is performed on air-conditioning pipes, outlets, silencers, fire dampers,
filtration systems, and other air-conditioning equipment, such as VZT (HVAC) units, ventilators, heat exchangers,
and humidifiers.

Pro istit vzduchotechnick辿 rozvody?

Why should HVAC
distributions be cleaned?

Prachov叩 vrstva ve vzduchovodech m哲転e b箪t 転ivnou
p哲dou pro bakterie, houby nebo pl鱈sn schopn辿
negativn ovlivovat zdravotn鱈 stav lovka.
Mikroorganismy jsou rozptylov叩ny do ovzdu邸鱈
klimatizovan辿ho prostoru a pisp鱈vaj鱈 k vy邸邸鱈mu v箪skytu
zdravotn鱈ch pot鱈転i - migr辿n, podr叩転dn鱈 sliznic a jsou
spolu s prachem p鱈inou tzv. SBS - syndromu
nemocn箪ch budov. V nemocnic鱈ch mohou mikroorganismy zp哲sobit pooperan鱈 komplikace (infekce).
Odstrann鱈m prachov辿 vrstvy dojde k likvidaci 転ivn辿ho
prosted鱈 pro 邸kodliv辿 mikroorganismy.

The dust layer inside HVAC ducts may represent
a perfect environment for bacteria, fungi, or moulds that
may seriously affect human health. Microorganisms
spread into the atmosphere of the air-conditioned areas
and contribute to a higher occurrence of health problems
- migraines, irritation of soft tissue and, in combination
with dust, they cause SBS - the Sick Building Syndrome.
In hospitals, microorganisms may lead to post-operation
complications (infections). Dust layer removal destroys
the nutrient medium of harmful microorganisms.

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

i邸tn鱈 a dezinfekce vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost

Slu転by pro lakovny

Modern鱈 technika
Modern Technology

Inspekce vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲
pomoc鱈 kamerov辿ho syst辿mu (zji邸tn鱈 stupn znei邸tn鱈). Na z叩klad proveden辿 inspekce zpracujeme
doporuuj鱈c鱈 zpr叩vu a vypracujeme cenovou nab鱈dku na vlastn鱈 i邸tn鱈.

i邸tn鱈 vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲
pomoc鱈 technologie firmy DANDUCT. Sou叩st鱈 syst辿mu je d叩lkov ovl叩dan箪 robot, za鱈zen鱈 na i邸tn鱈 vertik叩ln鱈ch
rozvod哲 a rozvod哲 mal箪ch pr哲mr哲, ventil叩tor na ods叩v叩n鱈 uvolnn辿ho prachu a neistot s vysoce 炭inn箪m
HEPA filtrem (mo転nost pou転it鱈 i ve zdravotnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch) a dal邸鱈 p鱈slu邸enstv鱈.
Po ka転d辿m i邸tn鱈 je provedena inspekce, aby bylo mo転n辿 dolo転it v箪sledky i邸tn鱈.

Continuous build-up of dust in critical components
of HVAC systems (exchangers, fans, etc) results in higher
resistance against air flow, causing the overall reduction
of performance of the entire system. Thus, all generated
loss must be compensated with a higher input, which
leads to the higher energy demands and consumption
of the system.
Dust also represents a risk from the fire prevention point
of view. It ignites easily, with some types of dust being
Postupn箪m zan叩邸en鱈m prachem kritick箪ch 叩st鱈
dangerously explosive by themselves. Dust-clogged
vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 (v箪mn鱈k哲, ventil叩tor哲
apod.) doch叩z鱈 ke zv箪邸en鱈 odporu v哲i proch叩zej鱈c鱈mu HVAC installations may not only be the source of fire,
they may also act as the vehicle of transportation
vzduchu a k poklesu 炭innosti cel辿ho syst辿mu.
of fire all over the building. The highest risk is associated
Takto vznikl辿 ztr叩ty je nutn辿 vyrovn叩vat zv箪邸en鱈m
with extraction vents, the inlet of which is not protected
p鱈konu, 鱈m転 stoup叩 energetick叩 n叩ronost syst辿mu.
by any filtration elements.
Prach je nebezpen箪 i z po転叩rn鱈ho hlediska. Lehce
se vzn鱈t鱈, piem転 nkter辿 druhy prachu jsou p鱈mo
nebezpenou v箪bu邸ninou. Zapr叩邸en辿 vzduchovody
mohou b箪t nejen zdrojem po転叩ru, ale i jeho rychl箪m
pepravn鱈m prostedkem po cel辿 budov. Rizikov辿
jsou zejm辿na odtahov辿 vzduchovody, kter辿 nejsou
na vstupu chr叩nny filtran鱈m elementem.

Inspection of HVAC ducts
with a TV-camera system (detection of degree of dust build-up). Based on the inspection performed,
we elaborate a recommending report and prepare a quotation for the actual cleaning.

HVAC distribution cleaning
with technology made by the DANDUCT company. The system includes a remote-controlled robot, equipment
for cleaning vertical piping and piping of small diameters, a ventilator for exhausting released dust and impurities
with the highly effective HEPA filter (it can be also used in health-care facilities) and other accessories.
The system is inspected after each cleaning to provide evidence of the cleaning results.
Services for paint shops

Cleaning and disinfection of air-conditioning systems

Nab鱈z鱈me kompletn鱈 i邸tn鱈 lakovac鱈ch kabin a linek
a dal邸鱈 souvisej鱈c鱈 innosti.

Slu転bu istn鱈 a dezinfekce prov叩d鱈me na vzduchotechnick箪ch potrub鱈ch, v箪ustc鱈ch, tlumi鱈ch hluku, po転叩rn鱈ch
klapk叩ch, filtran鱈ch syst辿mech a ostatn鱈ch vzduchotechnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch jako jsou VZT jednotky, ventil叩tory,
v箪mn鱈ky tepla a zvlhovae.

We offer complete cleaning of painting booths and lines,
as well as additional related activities.

Na邸e slu転by
v箪mny a dod叩vky ve邸ker箪ch filtr哲 a jejich
prodej, zaji邸tn鱈 ekologick辿 likvidace
pou転it箪ch filtr哲
o邸eten鱈 stn a technologick箪ch za鱈zen鱈
ochrann箪mi p鱈pravky
ochrana stn a podlah foliemi
odlakov叩n鱈 ro邸t哲 a p鱈pravk哲
(zaji邸泥ujeme odlakov叩n鱈 chemick辿,
termick辿 i vysok箪m tlakem vody)
i邸tn鱈 rekuper叩tor哲
i邸tn鱈 na m鱈st pomoc鱈 neabrazivn鱈 metody
trysk叩n鱈 peletkami CO2 (such箪m ledem)

Our Services
Replacement, delivery and sale of all filters,
provision of ecological disposal of used filters;
Treatment of walls and technology equipment
with protective agents;
Protection of walls and floors with foils;
Paint removal from gratings and fixtures
(we ensure chemical and thermal, as well
as high-pressure water, paint removal);
Cleaning recuperators;
On-site cleansing using non-abrasive
methods of carbon dioxide pellet (dry ice)

This cleaning and disinfection service is performed on air-conditioning pipes, outlets, silencers, fire dampers,
filtration systems, and other air-conditioning equipment, such as VZT (HVAC) units, ventilators, heat exchangers,
and humidifiers.

Pro istit vzduchotechnick辿 rozvody?

Why should HVAC
distributions be cleaned?

Prachov叩 vrstva ve vzduchovodech m哲転e b箪t 転ivnou
p哲dou pro bakterie, houby nebo pl鱈sn schopn辿
negativn ovlivovat zdravotn鱈 stav lovka.
Mikroorganismy jsou rozptylov叩ny do ovzdu邸鱈
klimatizovan辿ho prostoru a pisp鱈vaj鱈 k vy邸邸鱈mu v箪skytu
zdravotn鱈ch pot鱈転i - migr辿n, podr叩転dn鱈 sliznic a jsou
spolu s prachem p鱈inou tzv. SBS - syndromu
nemocn箪ch budov. V nemocnic鱈ch mohou mikroorganismy zp哲sobit pooperan鱈 komplikace (infekce).
Odstrann鱈m prachov辿 vrstvy dojde k likvidaci 転ivn辿ho
prosted鱈 pro 邸kodliv辿 mikroorganismy.

The dust layer inside HVAC ducts may represent
a perfect environment for bacteria, fungi, or moulds that
may seriously affect human health. Microorganisms
spread into the atmosphere of the air-conditioned areas
and contribute to a higher occurrence of health problems
- migraines, irritation of soft tissue and, in combination
with dust, they cause SBS - the Sick Building Syndrome.
In hospitals, microorganisms may lead to post-operation
complications (infections). Dust layer removal destroys
the nutrient medium of harmful microorganisms.

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

i邸tn鱈 a dezinfekce vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost

Slu転by pro lakovny

Modern鱈 technika
Modern Technology

Inspekce vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲
pomoc鱈 kamerov辿ho syst辿mu (zji邸tn鱈 stupn znei邸tn鱈). Na z叩klad proveden辿 inspekce zpracujeme
doporuuj鱈c鱈 zpr叩vu a vypracujeme cenovou nab鱈dku na vlastn鱈 i邸tn鱈.

i邸tn鱈 vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲
pomoc鱈 technologie firmy DANDUCT. Sou叩st鱈 syst辿mu je d叩lkov ovl叩dan箪 robot, za鱈zen鱈 na i邸tn鱈 vertik叩ln鱈ch
rozvod哲 a rozvod哲 mal箪ch pr哲mr哲, ventil叩tor na ods叩v叩n鱈 uvolnn辿ho prachu a neistot s vysoce 炭inn箪m
HEPA filtrem (mo転nost pou転it鱈 i ve zdravotnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch) a dal邸鱈 p鱈slu邸enstv鱈.
Po ka転d辿m i邸tn鱈 je provedena inspekce, aby bylo mo転n辿 dolo転it v箪sledky i邸tn鱈.

Continuous build-up of dust in critical components
of HVAC systems (exchangers, fans, etc) results in higher
resistance against air flow, causing the overall reduction
of performance of the entire system. Thus, all generated
loss must be compensated with a higher input, which
leads to the higher energy demands and consumption
of the system.
Dust also represents a risk from the fire prevention point
of view. It ignites easily, with some types of dust being
Postupn箪m zan叩邸en鱈m prachem kritick箪ch 叩st鱈
dangerously explosive by themselves. Dust-clogged
vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 (v箪mn鱈k哲, ventil叩tor哲
apod.) doch叩z鱈 ke zv箪邸en鱈 odporu v哲i proch叩zej鱈c鱈mu HVAC installations may not only be the source of fire,
they may also act as the vehicle of transportation
vzduchu a k poklesu 炭innosti cel辿ho syst辿mu.
of fire all over the building. The highest risk is associated
Takto vznikl辿 ztr叩ty je nutn辿 vyrovn叩vat zv箪邸en鱈m
with extraction vents, the inlet of which is not protected
p鱈konu, 鱈m転 stoup叩 energetick叩 n叩ronost syst辿mu.
by any filtration elements.
Prach je nebezpen箪 i z po転叩rn鱈ho hlediska. Lehce
se vzn鱈t鱈, piem転 nkter辿 druhy prachu jsou p鱈mo
nebezpenou v箪bu邸ninou. Zapr叩邸en辿 vzduchovody
mohou b箪t nejen zdrojem po転叩ru, ale i jeho rychl箪m
pepravn鱈m prostedkem po cel辿 budov. Rizikov辿
jsou zejm辿na odtahov辿 vzduchovody, kter辿 nejsou
na vstupu chr叩nny filtran鱈m elementem.

Inspection of HVAC ducts
with a TV-camera system (detection of degree of dust build-up). Based on the inspection performed,
we elaborate a recommending report and prepare a quotation for the actual cleaning.

HVAC distribution cleaning
with technology made by the DANDUCT company. The system includes a remote-controlled robot, equipment
for cleaning vertical piping and piping of small diameters, a ventilator for exhausting released dust and impurities
with the highly effective HEPA filter (it can be also used in health-care facilities) and other accessories.
The system is inspected after each cleaning to provide evidence of the cleaning results.

Special industrial cleansing

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

Facility management

Speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce v pr哲myslu

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost


Facility management

klid, hygiena
Spr叩va budov

Sewer cleaning, waste


D叩le nab鱈z鱈me speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce jako jsou:


i邸tn鱈 kanalizace, odpady

We further offer special cleansing, such as:

i邸tn鱈 stroj哲 a technologick辿ho vybaven鱈
(obr叩bc鱈 centra, lisy, vstikolisy apod.)

Cleaning machines and technological equipment
(machining centres, presses, injection presses, etc.);

i邸tn鱈 obr叩bc鱈ch center

Cleansing machining centres;

v箪邸kov辿 pr叩ce

Working at heights;

i邸tn鱈 fas叩d a opl叩邸tn鱈 budov

Cleaning facades and building casings;

odstraov叩n鱈 n叩sledk哲 po転叩r哲

Removing fire damages;

gener叩ln鱈 technologick辿 炭klidy a dal邸鱈

Overall technological cleansing and others.

i邸tn鱈 technologi鱈
a lakoven

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost
Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

and paint shops cleaning

Pr哲myslov辿 stroje, technologick叩 vybaven鱈 i lakovny
maj鱈 oproti jin箪m v箪robn鱈m provoz哲m sv叩 specifika.
A ta se t箪kaj鱈 i jejich i邸tn鱈. D鱈ky letit箪m zku邸enostem
v nejn叩ronj邸鱈ch v箪robn鱈ch provozech se pr叩v my
m哲転eme prohla邸ovat za specialisty na technologick叩
i邸tn鱈 v pr哲myslov箪ch podnic鱈ch.

As compared to other production facilities, industrial
machinery, technology equipment, or paint shops have
their specific requirements. These requirements also

Centr叩la | Head office
Mlad叩 Boleslav

Poboky | Branches

17. listopadu 1434
293 01 Ml. Boleslav
T: +420 326 706 811
E-mail: info@atalian.cz

- Praha
- Kol鱈n
- esk辿 Budjovice
- Teplice
- Brno
- Ostrava

relate to their cleaning. Thanks to our multiyear
experience in the most demanding industrial facilities,
we can denote ourselves as specialists in technological
cleaning in industrial plants.


Special industrial cleansing

Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

Facility management

Speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce v pr哲myslu

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost


Facility management

klid, hygiena
Spr叩va budov

Sewer cleaning, waste


D叩le nab鱈z鱈me speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce jako jsou:


i邸tn鱈 kanalizace, odpady

We further offer special cleansing, such as:

i邸tn鱈 stroj哲 a technologick辿ho vybaven鱈
(obr叩bc鱈 centra, lisy, vstikolisy apod.)

Cleaning machines and technological equipment
(machining centres, presses, injection presses, etc.);

i邸tn鱈 obr叩bc鱈ch center

Cleansing machining centres;

v箪邸kov辿 pr叩ce

Working at heights;

i邸tn鱈 fas叩d a opl叩邸tn鱈 budov

Cleaning facades and building casings;

odstraov叩n鱈 n叩sledk哲 po転叩r哲

Removing fire damages;

gener叩ln鱈 technologick辿 炭klidy a dal邸鱈

Overall technological cleansing and others.

i邸tn鱈 technologi鱈
a lakoven

istota techologi鱈 a lakoven
je na邸e radost
Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops
is what we take care of

and paint shops cleaning

Pr哲myslov辿 stroje, technologick叩 vybaven鱈 i lakovny
maj鱈 oproti jin箪m v箪robn鱈m provoz哲m sv叩 specifika.
A ta se t箪kaj鱈 i jejich i邸tn鱈. D鱈ky letit箪m zku邸enostem
v nejn叩ronj邸鱈ch v箪robn鱈ch provozech se pr叩v my
m哲転eme prohla邸ovat za specialisty na technologick叩
i邸tn鱈 v pr哲myslov箪ch podnic鱈ch.

As compared to other production facilities, industrial
machinery, technology equipment, or paint shops have
their specific requirements. These requirements also

Centr叩la | Head office
Mlad叩 Boleslav

Poboky | Branches

17. listopadu 1434
293 01 Ml. Boleslav
T: +420 326 706 811
E-mail: info@atalian.cz

- Praha
- Kol鱈n
- esk辿 Budjovice
- Teplice
- Brno
- Ostrava

relate to their cleaning. Thanks to our multiyear
experience in the most demanding industrial facilities,
we can denote ourselves as specialists in technological
cleaning in industrial plants.


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13 0594 atalian_produktove_listy_technologicke_cisteni

  • 1. Technologie Special industrial cleansing Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of Facility management Speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce v pr哲myslu istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Vzduchotechnika DDD A Zahradnick箪 servis Facility management klid, hygiena Spr叩va budov Sewer cleaning, waste Ostraha D叩le nab鱈z鱈me speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce jako jsou: Recepce i邸tn鱈 kanalizace, odpady We further offer special cleansing, such as: i邸tn鱈 stroj哲 a technologick辿ho vybaven鱈 (obr叩bc鱈 centra, lisy, vstikolisy apod.) Cleaning machines and technological equipment (machining centres, presses, injection presses, etc.); i邸tn鱈 obr叩bc鱈ch center Cleansing machining centres; v箪邸kov辿 pr叩ce Working at heights; i邸tn鱈 fas叩d a opl叩邸tn鱈 budov Cleaning facades and building casings; odstraov叩n鱈 n叩sledk哲 po転叩r哲 Removing fire damages; gener叩ln鱈 technologick辿 炭klidy a dal邸鱈 Overall technological cleansing and others. i邸tn鱈 technologi鱈 a lakoven istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of Technologies and paint shops cleaning Pr哲myslov辿 stroje, technologick叩 vybaven鱈 i lakovny maj鱈 oproti jin箪m v箪robn鱈m provoz哲m sv叩 specifika. A ta se t箪kaj鱈 i jejich i邸tn鱈. D鱈ky letit箪m zku邸enostem v nejn叩ronj邸鱈ch v箪robn鱈ch provozech se pr叩v my m哲転eme prohla邸ovat za specialisty na technologick叩 i邸tn鱈 v pr哲myslov箪ch podnic鱈ch. As compared to other production facilities, industrial machinery, technology equipment, or paint shops have their specific requirements. These requirements also Centr叩la | Head office Mlad叩 Boleslav Poboky | Branches 17. listopadu 1434 293 01 Ml. Boleslav T: +420 326 706 811 E-mail: info@atalian.cz www.atalian.cz - Praha - Kol鱈n - esk辿 Budjovice - Teplice - Brno - Ostrava relate to their cleaning. Thanks to our multiyear experience in the most demanding industrial facilities, we can denote ourselves as specialists in technological cleaning in industrial plants. www.atalian.cz
  • 2. Services for paint shops Cleaning and disinfection of air-conditioning systems Nab鱈z鱈me kompletn鱈 i邸tn鱈 lakovac鱈ch kabin a linek a dal邸鱈 souvisej鱈c鱈 innosti. Slu転bu istn鱈 a dezinfekce prov叩d鱈me na vzduchotechnick箪ch potrub鱈ch, v箪ustc鱈ch, tlumi鱈ch hluku, po転叩rn鱈ch klapk叩ch, filtran鱈ch syst辿mech a ostatn鱈ch vzduchotechnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch jako jsou VZT jednotky, ventil叩tory, v箪mn鱈ky tepla a zvlhovae. We offer complete cleaning of painting booths and lines, as well as additional related activities. Na邸e slu転by v箪mny a dod叩vky ve邸ker箪ch filtr哲 a jejich prodej, zaji邸tn鱈 ekologick辿 likvidace pou転it箪ch filtr哲 o邸eten鱈 stn a technologick箪ch za鱈zen鱈 ochrann箪mi p鱈pravky ochrana stn a podlah foliemi odlakov叩n鱈 ro邸t哲 a p鱈pravk哲 (zaji邸泥ujeme odlakov叩n鱈 chemick辿, termick辿 i vysok箪m tlakem vody) i邸tn鱈 rekuper叩tor哲 i邸tn鱈 na m鱈st pomoc鱈 neabrazivn鱈 metody trysk叩n鱈 peletkami CO2 (such箪m ledem) Our Services Replacement, delivery and sale of all filters, provision of ecological disposal of used filters; Treatment of walls and technology equipment with protective agents; Protection of walls and floors with foils; Paint removal from gratings and fixtures (we ensure chemical and thermal, as well as high-pressure water, paint removal); Cleaning recuperators; On-site cleansing using non-abrasive methods of carbon dioxide pellet (dry ice) blasting. This cleaning and disinfection service is performed on air-conditioning pipes, outlets, silencers, fire dampers, filtration systems, and other air-conditioning equipment, such as VZT (HVAC) units, ventilators, heat exchangers, and humidifiers. Pro istit vzduchotechnick辿 rozvody? Why should HVAC distributions be cleaned? Prachov叩 vrstva ve vzduchovodech m哲転e b箪t 転ivnou p哲dou pro bakterie, houby nebo pl鱈sn schopn辿 negativn ovlivovat zdravotn鱈 stav lovka. Mikroorganismy jsou rozptylov叩ny do ovzdu邸鱈 klimatizovan辿ho prostoru a pisp鱈vaj鱈 k vy邸邸鱈mu v箪skytu zdravotn鱈ch pot鱈転i - migr辿n, podr叩転dn鱈 sliznic a jsou spolu s prachem p鱈inou tzv. SBS - syndromu nemocn箪ch budov. V nemocnic鱈ch mohou mikroorganismy zp哲sobit pooperan鱈 komplikace (infekce). Odstrann鱈m prachov辿 vrstvy dojde k likvidaci 転ivn辿ho prosted鱈 pro 邸kodliv辿 mikroorganismy. The dust layer inside HVAC ducts may represent a perfect environment for bacteria, fungi, or moulds that may seriously affect human health. Microorganisms spread into the atmosphere of the air-conditioned areas and contribute to a higher occurrence of health problems - migraines, irritation of soft tissue and, in combination with dust, they cause SBS - the Sick Building Syndrome. In hospitals, microorganisms may lead to post-operation complications (infections). Dust layer removal destroys the nutrient medium of harmful microorganisms. Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of i邸tn鱈 a dezinfekce vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Slu転by pro lakovny Modern鱈 technika Modern Technology Inspekce vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲 pomoc鱈 kamerov辿ho syst辿mu (zji邸tn鱈 stupn znei邸tn鱈). Na z叩klad proveden辿 inspekce zpracujeme doporuuj鱈c鱈 zpr叩vu a vypracujeme cenovou nab鱈dku na vlastn鱈 i邸tn鱈. i邸tn鱈 vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲 pomoc鱈 technologie firmy DANDUCT. Sou叩st鱈 syst辿mu je d叩lkov ovl叩dan箪 robot, za鱈zen鱈 na i邸tn鱈 vertik叩ln鱈ch rozvod哲 a rozvod哲 mal箪ch pr哲mr哲, ventil叩tor na ods叩v叩n鱈 uvolnn辿ho prachu a neistot s vysoce 炭inn箪m HEPA filtrem (mo転nost pou転it鱈 i ve zdravotnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch) a dal邸鱈 p鱈slu邸enstv鱈. Po ka転d辿m i邸tn鱈 je provedena inspekce, aby bylo mo転n辿 dolo転it v箪sledky i邸tn鱈. Continuous build-up of dust in critical components of HVAC systems (exchangers, fans, etc) results in higher resistance against air flow, causing the overall reduction of performance of the entire system. Thus, all generated loss must be compensated with a higher input, which leads to the higher energy demands and consumption of the system. Dust also represents a risk from the fire prevention point of view. It ignites easily, with some types of dust being Postupn箪m zan叩邸en鱈m prachem kritick箪ch 叩st鱈 dangerously explosive by themselves. Dust-clogged vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 (v箪mn鱈k哲, ventil叩tor哲 apod.) doch叩z鱈 ke zv箪邸en鱈 odporu v哲i proch叩zej鱈c鱈mu HVAC installations may not only be the source of fire, they may also act as the vehicle of transportation vzduchu a k poklesu 炭innosti cel辿ho syst辿mu. of fire all over the building. The highest risk is associated Takto vznikl辿 ztr叩ty je nutn辿 vyrovn叩vat zv箪邸en鱈m with extraction vents, the inlet of which is not protected p鱈konu, 鱈m転 stoup叩 energetick叩 n叩ronost syst辿mu. by any filtration elements. Prach je nebezpen箪 i z po転叩rn鱈ho hlediska. Lehce se vzn鱈t鱈, piem転 nkter辿 druhy prachu jsou p鱈mo nebezpenou v箪bu邸ninou. Zapr叩邸en辿 vzduchovody mohou b箪t nejen zdrojem po転叩ru, ale i jeho rychl箪m pepravn鱈m prostedkem po cel辿 budov. Rizikov辿 jsou zejm辿na odtahov辿 vzduchovody, kter辿 nejsou na vstupu chr叩nny filtran鱈m elementem. Inspection of HVAC ducts with a TV-camera system (detection of degree of dust build-up). Based on the inspection performed, we elaborate a recommending report and prepare a quotation for the actual cleaning. HVAC distribution cleaning with technology made by the DANDUCT company. The system includes a remote-controlled robot, equipment for cleaning vertical piping and piping of small diameters, a ventilator for exhausting released dust and impurities with the highly effective HEPA filter (it can be also used in health-care facilities) and other accessories. The system is inspected after each cleaning to provide evidence of the cleaning results.
  • 3. Services for paint shops Cleaning and disinfection of air-conditioning systems Nab鱈z鱈me kompletn鱈 i邸tn鱈 lakovac鱈ch kabin a linek a dal邸鱈 souvisej鱈c鱈 innosti. Slu転bu istn鱈 a dezinfekce prov叩d鱈me na vzduchotechnick箪ch potrub鱈ch, v箪ustc鱈ch, tlumi鱈ch hluku, po転叩rn鱈ch klapk叩ch, filtran鱈ch syst辿mech a ostatn鱈ch vzduchotechnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch jako jsou VZT jednotky, ventil叩tory, v箪mn鱈ky tepla a zvlhovae. We offer complete cleaning of painting booths and lines, as well as additional related activities. Na邸e slu転by v箪mny a dod叩vky ve邸ker箪ch filtr哲 a jejich prodej, zaji邸tn鱈 ekologick辿 likvidace pou転it箪ch filtr哲 o邸eten鱈 stn a technologick箪ch za鱈zen鱈 ochrann箪mi p鱈pravky ochrana stn a podlah foliemi odlakov叩n鱈 ro邸t哲 a p鱈pravk哲 (zaji邸泥ujeme odlakov叩n鱈 chemick辿, termick辿 i vysok箪m tlakem vody) i邸tn鱈 rekuper叩tor哲 i邸tn鱈 na m鱈st pomoc鱈 neabrazivn鱈 metody trysk叩n鱈 peletkami CO2 (such箪m ledem) Our Services Replacement, delivery and sale of all filters, provision of ecological disposal of used filters; Treatment of walls and technology equipment with protective agents; Protection of walls and floors with foils; Paint removal from gratings and fixtures (we ensure chemical and thermal, as well as high-pressure water, paint removal); Cleaning recuperators; On-site cleansing using non-abrasive methods of carbon dioxide pellet (dry ice) blasting. This cleaning and disinfection service is performed on air-conditioning pipes, outlets, silencers, fire dampers, filtration systems, and other air-conditioning equipment, such as VZT (HVAC) units, ventilators, heat exchangers, and humidifiers. Pro istit vzduchotechnick辿 rozvody? Why should HVAC distributions be cleaned? Prachov叩 vrstva ve vzduchovodech m哲転e b箪t 転ivnou p哲dou pro bakterie, houby nebo pl鱈sn schopn辿 negativn ovlivovat zdravotn鱈 stav lovka. Mikroorganismy jsou rozptylov叩ny do ovzdu邸鱈 klimatizovan辿ho prostoru a pisp鱈vaj鱈 k vy邸邸鱈mu v箪skytu zdravotn鱈ch pot鱈転i - migr辿n, podr叩転dn鱈 sliznic a jsou spolu s prachem p鱈inou tzv. SBS - syndromu nemocn箪ch budov. V nemocnic鱈ch mohou mikroorganismy zp哲sobit pooperan鱈 komplikace (infekce). Odstrann鱈m prachov辿 vrstvy dojde k likvidaci 転ivn辿ho prosted鱈 pro 邸kodliv辿 mikroorganismy. The dust layer inside HVAC ducts may represent a perfect environment for bacteria, fungi, or moulds that may seriously affect human health. Microorganisms spread into the atmosphere of the air-conditioned areas and contribute to a higher occurrence of health problems - migraines, irritation of soft tissue and, in combination with dust, they cause SBS - the Sick Building Syndrome. In hospitals, microorganisms may lead to post-operation complications (infections). Dust layer removal destroys the nutrient medium of harmful microorganisms. Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of i邸tn鱈 a dezinfekce vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Slu転by pro lakovny Modern鱈 technika Modern Technology Inspekce vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲 pomoc鱈 kamerov辿ho syst辿mu (zji邸tn鱈 stupn znei邸tn鱈). Na z叩klad proveden辿 inspekce zpracujeme doporuuj鱈c鱈 zpr叩vu a vypracujeme cenovou nab鱈dku na vlastn鱈 i邸tn鱈. i邸tn鱈 vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲 pomoc鱈 technologie firmy DANDUCT. Sou叩st鱈 syst辿mu je d叩lkov ovl叩dan箪 robot, za鱈zen鱈 na i邸tn鱈 vertik叩ln鱈ch rozvod哲 a rozvod哲 mal箪ch pr哲mr哲, ventil叩tor na ods叩v叩n鱈 uvolnn辿ho prachu a neistot s vysoce 炭inn箪m HEPA filtrem (mo転nost pou転it鱈 i ve zdravotnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch) a dal邸鱈 p鱈slu邸enstv鱈. Po ka転d辿m i邸tn鱈 je provedena inspekce, aby bylo mo転n辿 dolo転it v箪sledky i邸tn鱈. Continuous build-up of dust in critical components of HVAC systems (exchangers, fans, etc) results in higher resistance against air flow, causing the overall reduction of performance of the entire system. Thus, all generated loss must be compensated with a higher input, which leads to the higher energy demands and consumption of the system. Dust also represents a risk from the fire prevention point of view. It ignites easily, with some types of dust being Postupn箪m zan叩邸en鱈m prachem kritick箪ch 叩st鱈 dangerously explosive by themselves. Dust-clogged vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 (v箪mn鱈k哲, ventil叩tor哲 apod.) doch叩z鱈 ke zv箪邸en鱈 odporu v哲i proch叩zej鱈c鱈mu HVAC installations may not only be the source of fire, they may also act as the vehicle of transportation vzduchu a k poklesu 炭innosti cel辿ho syst辿mu. of fire all over the building. The highest risk is associated Takto vznikl辿 ztr叩ty je nutn辿 vyrovn叩vat zv箪邸en鱈m with extraction vents, the inlet of which is not protected p鱈konu, 鱈m転 stoup叩 energetick叩 n叩ronost syst辿mu. by any filtration elements. Prach je nebezpen箪 i z po転叩rn鱈ho hlediska. Lehce se vzn鱈t鱈, piem転 nkter辿 druhy prachu jsou p鱈mo nebezpenou v箪bu邸ninou. Zapr叩邸en辿 vzduchovody mohou b箪t nejen zdrojem po転叩ru, ale i jeho rychl箪m pepravn鱈m prostedkem po cel辿 budov. Rizikov辿 jsou zejm辿na odtahov辿 vzduchovody, kter辿 nejsou na vstupu chr叩nny filtran鱈m elementem. Inspection of HVAC ducts with a TV-camera system (detection of degree of dust build-up). Based on the inspection performed, we elaborate a recommending report and prepare a quotation for the actual cleaning. HVAC distribution cleaning with technology made by the DANDUCT company. The system includes a remote-controlled robot, equipment for cleaning vertical piping and piping of small diameters, a ventilator for exhausting released dust and impurities with the highly effective HEPA filter (it can be also used in health-care facilities) and other accessories. The system is inspected after each cleaning to provide evidence of the cleaning results.
  • 4. Services for paint shops Cleaning and disinfection of air-conditioning systems Nab鱈z鱈me kompletn鱈 i邸tn鱈 lakovac鱈ch kabin a linek a dal邸鱈 souvisej鱈c鱈 innosti. Slu転bu istn鱈 a dezinfekce prov叩d鱈me na vzduchotechnick箪ch potrub鱈ch, v箪ustc鱈ch, tlumi鱈ch hluku, po転叩rn鱈ch klapk叩ch, filtran鱈ch syst辿mech a ostatn鱈ch vzduchotechnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch jako jsou VZT jednotky, ventil叩tory, v箪mn鱈ky tepla a zvlhovae. We offer complete cleaning of painting booths and lines, as well as additional related activities. Na邸e slu転by v箪mny a dod叩vky ve邸ker箪ch filtr哲 a jejich prodej, zaji邸tn鱈 ekologick辿 likvidace pou転it箪ch filtr哲 o邸eten鱈 stn a technologick箪ch za鱈zen鱈 ochrann箪mi p鱈pravky ochrana stn a podlah foliemi odlakov叩n鱈 ro邸t哲 a p鱈pravk哲 (zaji邸泥ujeme odlakov叩n鱈 chemick辿, termick辿 i vysok箪m tlakem vody) i邸tn鱈 rekuper叩tor哲 i邸tn鱈 na m鱈st pomoc鱈 neabrazivn鱈 metody trysk叩n鱈 peletkami CO2 (such箪m ledem) Our Services Replacement, delivery and sale of all filters, provision of ecological disposal of used filters; Treatment of walls and technology equipment with protective agents; Protection of walls and floors with foils; Paint removal from gratings and fixtures (we ensure chemical and thermal, as well as high-pressure water, paint removal); Cleaning recuperators; On-site cleansing using non-abrasive methods of carbon dioxide pellet (dry ice) blasting. This cleaning and disinfection service is performed on air-conditioning pipes, outlets, silencers, fire dampers, filtration systems, and other air-conditioning equipment, such as VZT (HVAC) units, ventilators, heat exchangers, and humidifiers. Pro istit vzduchotechnick辿 rozvody? Why should HVAC distributions be cleaned? Prachov叩 vrstva ve vzduchovodech m哲転e b箪t 転ivnou p哲dou pro bakterie, houby nebo pl鱈sn schopn辿 negativn ovlivovat zdravotn鱈 stav lovka. Mikroorganismy jsou rozptylov叩ny do ovzdu邸鱈 klimatizovan辿ho prostoru a pisp鱈vaj鱈 k vy邸邸鱈mu v箪skytu zdravotn鱈ch pot鱈転i - migr辿n, podr叩転dn鱈 sliznic a jsou spolu s prachem p鱈inou tzv. SBS - syndromu nemocn箪ch budov. V nemocnic鱈ch mohou mikroorganismy zp哲sobit pooperan鱈 komplikace (infekce). Odstrann鱈m prachov辿 vrstvy dojde k likvidaci 転ivn辿ho prosted鱈 pro 邸kodliv辿 mikroorganismy. The dust layer inside HVAC ducts may represent a perfect environment for bacteria, fungi, or moulds that may seriously affect human health. Microorganisms spread into the atmosphere of the air-conditioned areas and contribute to a higher occurrence of health problems - migraines, irritation of soft tissue and, in combination with dust, they cause SBS - the Sick Building Syndrome. In hospitals, microorganisms may lead to post-operation complications (infections). Dust layer removal destroys the nutrient medium of harmful microorganisms. Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of i邸tn鱈 a dezinfekce vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Slu転by pro lakovny Modern鱈 technika Modern Technology Inspekce vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲 pomoc鱈 kamerov辿ho syst辿mu (zji邸tn鱈 stupn znei邸tn鱈). Na z叩klad proveden辿 inspekce zpracujeme doporuuj鱈c鱈 zpr叩vu a vypracujeme cenovou nab鱈dku na vlastn鱈 i邸tn鱈. i邸tn鱈 vzduchotechnick箪ch rozvod哲 pomoc鱈 technologie firmy DANDUCT. Sou叩st鱈 syst辿mu je d叩lkov ovl叩dan箪 robot, za鱈zen鱈 na i邸tn鱈 vertik叩ln鱈ch rozvod哲 a rozvod哲 mal箪ch pr哲mr哲, ventil叩tor na ods叩v叩n鱈 uvolnn辿ho prachu a neistot s vysoce 炭inn箪m HEPA filtrem (mo転nost pou転it鱈 i ve zdravotnick箪ch za鱈zen鱈ch) a dal邸鱈 p鱈slu邸enstv鱈. Po ka転d辿m i邸tn鱈 je provedena inspekce, aby bylo mo転n辿 dolo転it v箪sledky i邸tn鱈. Continuous build-up of dust in critical components of HVAC systems (exchangers, fans, etc) results in higher resistance against air flow, causing the overall reduction of performance of the entire system. Thus, all generated loss must be compensated with a higher input, which leads to the higher energy demands and consumption of the system. Dust also represents a risk from the fire prevention point of view. It ignites easily, with some types of dust being Postupn箪m zan叩邸en鱈m prachem kritick箪ch 叩st鱈 dangerously explosive by themselves. Dust-clogged vzduchotechnick箪ch syst辿m哲 (v箪mn鱈k哲, ventil叩tor哲 apod.) doch叩z鱈 ke zv箪邸en鱈 odporu v哲i proch叩zej鱈c鱈mu HVAC installations may not only be the source of fire, they may also act as the vehicle of transportation vzduchu a k poklesu 炭innosti cel辿ho syst辿mu. of fire all over the building. The highest risk is associated Takto vznikl辿 ztr叩ty je nutn辿 vyrovn叩vat zv箪邸en鱈m with extraction vents, the inlet of which is not protected p鱈konu, 鱈m転 stoup叩 energetick叩 n叩ronost syst辿mu. by any filtration elements. Prach je nebezpen箪 i z po転叩rn鱈ho hlediska. Lehce se vzn鱈t鱈, piem転 nkter辿 druhy prachu jsou p鱈mo nebezpenou v箪bu邸ninou. Zapr叩邸en辿 vzduchovody mohou b箪t nejen zdrojem po転叩ru, ale i jeho rychl箪m pepravn鱈m prostedkem po cel辿 budov. Rizikov辿 jsou zejm辿na odtahov辿 vzduchovody, kter辿 nejsou na vstupu chr叩nny filtran鱈m elementem. Inspection of HVAC ducts with a TV-camera system (detection of degree of dust build-up). Based on the inspection performed, we elaborate a recommending report and prepare a quotation for the actual cleaning. HVAC distribution cleaning with technology made by the DANDUCT company. The system includes a remote-controlled robot, equipment for cleaning vertical piping and piping of small diameters, a ventilator for exhausting released dust and impurities with the highly effective HEPA filter (it can be also used in health-care facilities) and other accessories. The system is inspected after each cleaning to provide evidence of the cleaning results.
  • 5. Technologie Special industrial cleansing Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of Facility management Speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce v pr哲myslu istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Vzduchotechnika DDD A Zahradnick箪 servis Facility management klid, hygiena Spr叩va budov Sewer cleaning, waste Ostraha D叩le nab鱈z鱈me speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce jako jsou: Recepce i邸tn鱈 kanalizace, odpady We further offer special cleansing, such as: i邸tn鱈 stroj哲 a technologick辿ho vybaven鱈 (obr叩bc鱈 centra, lisy, vstikolisy apod.) Cleaning machines and technological equipment (machining centres, presses, injection presses, etc.); i邸tn鱈 obr叩bc鱈ch center Cleansing machining centres; v箪邸kov辿 pr叩ce Working at heights; i邸tn鱈 fas叩d a opl叩邸tn鱈 budov Cleaning facades and building casings; odstraov叩n鱈 n叩sledk哲 po転叩r哲 Removing fire damages; gener叩ln鱈 technologick辿 炭klidy a dal邸鱈 Overall technological cleansing and others. i邸tn鱈 technologi鱈 a lakoven istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of Technologies and paint shops cleaning Pr哲myslov辿 stroje, technologick叩 vybaven鱈 i lakovny maj鱈 oproti jin箪m v箪robn鱈m provoz哲m sv叩 specifika. A ta se t箪kaj鱈 i jejich i邸tn鱈. D鱈ky letit箪m zku邸enostem v nejn叩ronj邸鱈ch v箪robn鱈ch provozech se pr叩v my m哲転eme prohla邸ovat za specialisty na technologick叩 i邸tn鱈 v pr哲myslov箪ch podnic鱈ch. As compared to other production facilities, industrial machinery, technology equipment, or paint shops have their specific requirements. These requirements also Centr叩la | Head office Mlad叩 Boleslav Poboky | Branches 17. listopadu 1434 293 01 Ml. Boleslav T: +420 326 706 811 E-mail: info@atalian.cz www.atalian.cz - Praha - Kol鱈n - esk辿 Budjovice - Teplice - Brno - Ostrava relate to their cleaning. Thanks to our multiyear experience in the most demanding industrial facilities, we can denote ourselves as specialists in technological cleaning in industrial plants. www.atalian.cz
  • 6. Technologie Special industrial cleansing Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of Facility management Speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce v pr哲myslu istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Vzduchotechnika DDD A Zahradnick箪 servis Facility management klid, hygiena Spr叩va budov Sewer cleaning, waste Ostraha D叩le nab鱈z鱈me speci叩ln鱈 炭klidov辿 pr叩ce jako jsou: Recepce i邸tn鱈 kanalizace, odpady We further offer special cleansing, such as: i邸tn鱈 stroj哲 a technologick辿ho vybaven鱈 (obr叩bc鱈 centra, lisy, vstikolisy apod.) Cleaning machines and technological equipment (machining centres, presses, injection presses, etc.); i邸tn鱈 obr叩bc鱈ch center Cleansing machining centres; v箪邸kov辿 pr叩ce Working at heights; i邸tn鱈 fas叩d a opl叩邸tn鱈 budov Cleaning facades and building casings; odstraov叩n鱈 n叩sledk哲 po転叩r哲 Removing fire damages; gener叩ln鱈 technologick辿 炭klidy a dal邸鱈 Overall technological cleansing and others. i邸tn鱈 technologi鱈 a lakoven istota techologi鱈 a lakoven je na邸e radost Cleaning of technical facilities and paint shops is what we take care of Technologies and paint shops cleaning Pr哲myslov辿 stroje, technologick叩 vybaven鱈 i lakovny maj鱈 oproti jin箪m v箪robn鱈m provoz哲m sv叩 specifika. A ta se t箪kaj鱈 i jejich i邸tn鱈. D鱈ky letit箪m zku邸enostem v nejn叩ronj邸鱈ch v箪robn鱈ch provozech se pr叩v my m哲転eme prohla邸ovat za specialisty na technologick叩 i邸tn鱈 v pr哲myslov箪ch podnic鱈ch. As compared to other production facilities, industrial machinery, technology equipment, or paint shops have their specific requirements. These requirements also Centr叩la | Head office Mlad叩 Boleslav Poboky | Branches 17. listopadu 1434 293 01 Ml. Boleslav T: +420 326 706 811 E-mail: info@atalian.cz www.atalian.cz - Praha - Kol鱈n - esk辿 Budjovice - Teplice - Brno - Ostrava relate to their cleaning. Thanks to our multiyear experience in the most demanding industrial facilities, we can denote ourselves as specialists in technological cleaning in industrial plants. www.atalian.cz