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13 Interesting Ways* to use  Prezi  in the Classroom *and tips This work is licensed under a油 Creative Commons 油Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike 3.0 License.
Click to add title Fitness Plan
#1 - Zooming into details of a picture油 Add an arrow pointing to a key detail in an image. Clicking on the arrow during "Show" will zoom in until the arrow fills the screen - a quick and easy way to focus on key details in a diagram (e.g. a political cartoon, a diagram of the human body,油 a map, a work of art). Press the space bar to zoom back out.油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油
#2 - Dynamic Venn Diagram Create overlapping circles using the "Frame" command. Use these to create a venn diagram containing images and text investigating a key question (e.g. "Was Life Good or Bad in the Middle Ages?") 油 Images can be dragged (in editing mode) into the correct spot by students during discussion. @russeltarr
#3 - Embed YouTube Videos Embed a YouTube video by pasting the url of the video into an empty text box. This only works when you are online and with the new editor version.
#4 - Get Students to make a Prezi Prezi is a great way to get students to revise or break down a topic. 油 Provide them with this  Prezi Quickstart Guide  as a handout.  油 What key question will they investigate?  What images will they use?  How will they lay the material out on the canvas? What path will they draw through their animation? Students are imaginative: they will produce timelines, venn diagrams, living graphs and much else besides!
#5 - Build up a Prezi over the duration of a topic Start with a topic heading. Surround the frame with topic strands. Within each topic strand add smaller frames with facts, links, pictures and media as you tackle each strand.
Although other tools exist, Prezi is free and simple to use. Simple is good. And unlike most mind maps (except the superb  VUE  from Tufts,) it doesn't impose any structure.  #6 - Use Prezi as a mind map used at  Island Pacific School
I don't want to steal the idea, but here is an example of a  mind map  I made with Prezi and the  blog post  I wrote about it! You can also watch these  two videos I made on Mind Mapping with Prezi 油 1.  Kinetic Theory Mind Map 油 2.  Prezi Tutorial 90- #6 - Use Prezi as a mind map (continued) Created by  @asober
#7 - Prezi for vocabulary Type in the word to be defined and zoom in on the definition ... good for introducing, review, studying vocabulary. Add images to the words and Zoom into them, too. @vbek
#8 - Global Learning Collaborations Students from schools around the world油 plan and work collaboratively油 on Prezi presentations. @vbek by油 woodleywonderworks
#9 - Have Students Create Graphic Organizers to Understand & Represent Thinking Create & share assignments where students create graphic organizers collaboratively to create or respond to curriculum or ideas http://bit.ly/9NpYeB 油 @dannymaas
#10 - Make Cool Adverts in minutes World Cup ad-油 Simply use with the free油 http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/ @pschooltools 油
# 11 Using油 Prezi to Study Urbanisation by Embedding Google Street View Videos I created this prezi to look at the processes of Urbanisation and Suburbanisation.油 油 I created Screencast whilst using Google street view, upload them to Youtube and embedded them in to my Prezi as Youtube Videos. http://prezi.com/7xoybadwy3r2/people-in-cities-newcastle/油 Mark Rollins:-  http://muppetmasteruk.blogspot.com/
#12 - Upload documents for class discussion @dmchugh675 油 Upload a PDF and use Prezi's frames to zoom in on relevant sections for discussion. You can use this for all sorts of activities such as source analysis in History or examining a poem in English.
#13 - Using Photographs from History @dmchugh675 油 Gradually reveal the wider context of a photograph by first zooming in on a small detail and then gradually zooming out. This is a good starter activity as it gets pupils to ask questions. http://prezi.com/osqkveggruux/civil-rights/
If you would like to:油 Contribute your ideas and tips to the presentation. Let me know how you have used the resource. Get in touch.油 You can email me 油or I am @ tombarrett 油on Twitter Thanks for helping Tom Barrett 油 Image:  Sharing  If you add a tip (or even if you don't) please tweet about it and the link so more people can contribute. I have created a page for all of the  Interesting Ways  presentations  on my blog . The whole family in one place :-) Have you seen  Maths Maps  yet?

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13 Interesting Ways to use Prezi in the Classroom

  • 1. 13 Interesting Ways* to use Prezi in the Classroom *and tips This work is licensed under a油 Creative Commons 油Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike 3.0 License.
  • 2. Click to add title Fitness Plan
  • 3. #1 - Zooming into details of a picture油 Add an arrow pointing to a key detail in an image. Clicking on the arrow during "Show" will zoom in until the arrow fills the screen - a quick and easy way to focus on key details in a diagram (e.g. a political cartoon, a diagram of the human body,油 a map, a work of art). Press the space bar to zoom back out.油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油
  • 4. #2 - Dynamic Venn Diagram Create overlapping circles using the "Frame" command. Use these to create a venn diagram containing images and text investigating a key question (e.g. "Was Life Good or Bad in the Middle Ages?") 油 Images can be dragged (in editing mode) into the correct spot by students during discussion. @russeltarr
  • 5. #3 - Embed YouTube Videos Embed a YouTube video by pasting the url of the video into an empty text box. This only works when you are online and with the new editor version.
  • 6. #4 - Get Students to make a Prezi Prezi is a great way to get students to revise or break down a topic. 油 Provide them with this Prezi Quickstart Guide as a handout. 油 What key question will they investigate? What images will they use? How will they lay the material out on the canvas? What path will they draw through their animation? Students are imaginative: they will produce timelines, venn diagrams, living graphs and much else besides!
  • 7. #5 - Build up a Prezi over the duration of a topic Start with a topic heading. Surround the frame with topic strands. Within each topic strand add smaller frames with facts, links, pictures and media as you tackle each strand.
  • 8. Although other tools exist, Prezi is free and simple to use. Simple is good. And unlike most mind maps (except the superb VUE from Tufts,) it doesn't impose any structure. #6 - Use Prezi as a mind map used at Island Pacific School
  • 9. I don't want to steal the idea, but here is an example of a mind map I made with Prezi and the blog post I wrote about it! You can also watch these two videos I made on Mind Mapping with Prezi 油 1. Kinetic Theory Mind Map 油 2. Prezi Tutorial 90- #6 - Use Prezi as a mind map (continued) Created by @asober
  • 10. #7 - Prezi for vocabulary Type in the word to be defined and zoom in on the definition ... good for introducing, review, studying vocabulary. Add images to the words and Zoom into them, too. @vbek
  • 11. #8 - Global Learning Collaborations Students from schools around the world油 plan and work collaboratively油 on Prezi presentations. @vbek by油 woodleywonderworks
  • 12. #9 - Have Students Create Graphic Organizers to Understand & Represent Thinking Create & share assignments where students create graphic organizers collaboratively to create or respond to curriculum or ideas http://bit.ly/9NpYeB 油 @dannymaas
  • 13. #10 - Make Cool Adverts in minutes World Cup ad-油 Simply use with the free油 http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/ @pschooltools 油
  • 14. # 11 Using油 Prezi to Study Urbanisation by Embedding Google Street View Videos I created this prezi to look at the processes of Urbanisation and Suburbanisation.油 油 I created Screencast whilst using Google street view, upload them to Youtube and embedded them in to my Prezi as Youtube Videos. http://prezi.com/7xoybadwy3r2/people-in-cities-newcastle/油 Mark Rollins:- http://muppetmasteruk.blogspot.com/
  • 15. #12 - Upload documents for class discussion @dmchugh675 油 Upload a PDF and use Prezi's frames to zoom in on relevant sections for discussion. You can use this for all sorts of activities such as source analysis in History or examining a poem in English.
  • 16. #13 - Using Photographs from History @dmchugh675 油 Gradually reveal the wider context of a photograph by first zooming in on a small detail and then gradually zooming out. This is a good starter activity as it gets pupils to ask questions. http://prezi.com/osqkveggruux/civil-rights/
  • 17. If you would like to:油 Contribute your ideas and tips to the presentation. Let me know how you have used the resource. Get in touch.油 You can email me 油or I am @ tombarrett 油on Twitter Thanks for helping Tom Barrett 油 Image: Sharing If you add a tip (or even if you don't) please tweet about it and the link so more people can contribute. I have created a page for all of the Interesting Ways presentations on my blog . The whole family in one place :-) Have you seen Maths Maps yet?

Editor's Notes

  • #13: This is a link to a presentation which Rob Madunicky and Danny Maas (Twitter @dannymaas) shared with Edmonton Catholic teachers in May 2010. It includes a bit of literature on graphic organizers from Robert Marzano, examples of graphic organizer assignments and activity structures, and practical tips for getting started and managing Prezi assignments with your students.