The practicum involved working with the athletic department at Fort Lewis College under Adam Ruetschle, who manages facilities and game day operations. Duties included various roles at basketball, softball, and lacrosse games such as videography, scorekeeping, and hospitality. The experience provided exposure to different jobs in sports administration and helped develop skills like responsibility, accountability, and teamwork. Overall, the practicum was a valuable learning experience that helped inform the student's career interests in the sports industry.
This document discusses relative clauses, which provide extra information about nouns. There are two types: defining relative clauses that identify the noun, and non-defining clauses that provide unnecessary but interesting information. Defining clauses do not use commas while non-defining clauses do. Relative pronouns like who, which, that can be used as subject or object pronouns depending on whether a verb follows. Relative adverbs like when, where, why are also used in relative clauses.
El documento presenta información sobre diferentes temas educativos como el aprendizaje significativo, problemas de aprendizaje, la situación indígena en México y las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC). Explica que el aprendizaje significativo ocurre cuando los contenidos se relacionan de manera sustancial con los conocimientos previos del estudiante. También describe que los problemas de aprendizaje afectan la habilidad de adquirir y procesar información y que los ni?os indígenas enfrentan desafíos como la pobreza
Sacramento Republic FC defeated Portland Timbers 2 3-0 in front of a sold-out crowd of 11,242 fans. Republic FC took an early lead in the 13th minute when midfielder Rodrigo Lopez's shot deflected off a defender and into the net. Defender Mickey Daly doubled the lead in the 37th minute heading in a set piece from Lopez. Rookie midfielder Zev Taublieb scored his first professional goal in the 82nd minute to secure the 3-0 victory for Republic FC.
El documento es un informe técnico sobre propagación superficial escrito por Christian Ricci para el Instituto Universitario Politécnico "Santiago Mari?o" en Ciudad Ojeda, Venezuela en noviembre de 2015.
El documento provee una guía de apoyo a la docencia que incluye indicadores para evaluar cinco dimensiones principales: 1) planificación del aprendizaje y currículo, 2) proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje, 3) uso efectivo del tiempo lectivo, 4) desarrollo profesional, y 5) deberes y responsabilidades del maestro. El director utilizará la guía para evaluar las fortalezas y áreas de oportunidad del maestro en cada dimensión.
Josh Schache is a talented 18-year-old footballer who is expected to be drafted second overall by Brisbane Lions. His late father Laurence played for Brisbane in the early 1990s. Josh hopes to continue his father's legacy in the AFL, though he wants to make his own path as well. Josh overcame adversity after his father died of a heart condition when Josh was young. He has worked hard to develop his skills and is now considered one of the top prospects in the upcoming AFL draft.
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) presents this free publication to aid Japan in recovering from the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. The publication provides guidance for protecting people living in areas contaminated long-term by a nuclear accident or radiation emergency. It explains how the ICRP's 2007 recommendations apply to existing exposure situations, including justification, optimization of protection strategies using reference levels, and stakeholder involvement in management. The report emphasizes directly involving the affected population and local professionals to effectively implement protection strategies and empower the population. It also describes monitoring, health surveillance, and foodstuff management in contaminated areas.
The document discusses several key responsibilities of a nurse manager, including interviewing and hiring new employees, counseling current employees, conducting performance evaluations, overseeing new employee orientation, managing unit budgets and resources, determining appropriate staffing levels, attending management meetings, and leading current unit projects. Specifically, it emphasizes that nurse managers must find job candidates with strong motivation and attitudes who fit the unit culture, address any employee problems privately, provide honest but constructive feedback during evaluations, ensure new employees learn unit protocols, account for expected and unexpected costs, obtain necessary resources, communicate with higher administration, and solicit staff input on how to improve patient care.
Alemania se encuentra en Europa central. Su capital y ciudad más poblada es Berlín, con 3,5 millones de habitantes. El país está dividido en estados federados y su idioma oficial es el alemán. La economía alemana es muy fuerte, especialmente su industria.
El documento es un informe técnico sobre propagación superficial escrito por Christian Ricci para el Instituto Universitario Politécnico "Santiago Mari?o" en Ciudad Ojeda, Venezuela en noviembre de 2015.
El documento provee una guía de apoyo a la docencia que incluye indicadores para evaluar cinco dimensiones principales: 1) planificación del aprendizaje y currículo, 2) proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje, 3) uso efectivo del tiempo lectivo, 4) desarrollo profesional, y 5) deberes y responsabilidades del maestro. El director utilizará la guía para evaluar las fortalezas y áreas de oportunidad del maestro en cada dimensión.
Josh Schache is a talented 18-year-old footballer who is expected to be drafted second overall by Brisbane Lions. His late father Laurence played for Brisbane in the early 1990s. Josh hopes to continue his father's legacy in the AFL, though he wants to make his own path as well. Josh overcame adversity after his father died of a heart condition when Josh was young. He has worked hard to develop his skills and is now considered one of the top prospects in the upcoming AFL draft.
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) presents this free publication to aid Japan in recovering from the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. The publication provides guidance for protecting people living in areas contaminated long-term by a nuclear accident or radiation emergency. It explains how the ICRP's 2007 recommendations apply to existing exposure situations, including justification, optimization of protection strategies using reference levels, and stakeholder involvement in management. The report emphasizes directly involving the affected population and local professionals to effectively implement protection strategies and empower the population. It also describes monitoring, health surveillance, and foodstuff management in contaminated areas.
The document discusses several key responsibilities of a nurse manager, including interviewing and hiring new employees, counseling current employees, conducting performance evaluations, overseeing new employee orientation, managing unit budgets and resources, determining appropriate staffing levels, attending management meetings, and leading current unit projects. Specifically, it emphasizes that nurse managers must find job candidates with strong motivation and attitudes who fit the unit culture, address any employee problems privately, provide honest but constructive feedback during evaluations, ensure new employees learn unit protocols, account for expected and unexpected costs, obtain necessary resources, communicate with higher administration, and solicit staff input on how to improve patient care.
Alemania se encuentra en Europa central. Su capital y ciudad más poblada es Berlín, con 3,5 millones de habitantes. El país está dividido en estados federados y su idioma oficial es el alemán. La economía alemana es muy fuerte, especialmente su industria.