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The structure of the government of
the Republic of Uzbekistan
 Legislative Executive Judicial
power power power
Oliy Majlis Cabinet of The Constitu-
(Parliament) Ministers tional of Court
1.Chamber of Department Supreme Court
Legestative District Supreme econic
2. The Senate Urban Regional
Regional urban
goverments criminal
civil courts
Self-government bodies (mahalla, aul)
The plan:
 1. Social - legal framework of foreign policy of
 2. Uzbekistan and the international
Chapter XIX
 President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Section 89. The President of the Republic
of Uzbekistan is the head of state and
executive power in the Republic of
 President of Uzbekistan is both
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers
 At the turn of the twentieth and
beginning of the XXI century has seen
many historical changes. With the
disintegration of the Union over the
period of confrontation between the two
systems. In the last decade, began to
form a new democratic community
without confrontation between the two
systems, which is the most important
force modern world progress.
 During the years of independence
Uzbekistan has developed and
consistently implements the basic
principles of its foreign policy. They
come primarily from the fact that our
country strives to build its foreign
policy of peace based on equality
and mutual benefit, non-interference
in the internal affairs of other
 Uzbekistan is the central geopolitical
position in Central Asia. Population
Uzbekistan is 50% of the population of
this region. And so on which path of
Uzbekistan, to a certain extent on the
development of the neighboring states.
Another reason is, appear that are
concentrated the most important line of
the Central Asian region, largely
continues the tradition of the Great Silk
 During the years of independence
Uzbekistan has developed and
consistently implements the basic
principles of its foreign policy. Our
state is seeking to build its foreign
policy. Our state seeks to build its
foreign politics the principles of
equality and mutual benefit, non-
interference in the internal affairs of
other countries.
 These principles in Islam Karimov "Uzbekistan:
a path of renewal and progress":? - Fully
integrate the mutual interests of the
supremacy of their own ethnic state-national
 Peace and security, peaceful solution of
conflicts, respect for human rights, non-use of
or threat of force in resolving support issues
 Equality, mutual benefit and non-
interference in the internal affairs of
other countries;
 The principle of openness in foreign
policy, regardless of ideologies;
 Recognition of the priority of
international law over domestic law;
 Establishment and development of
bilateral and multilateral relations.
 Uzbekistan's foreign policy objectives
were set out in the report of our
President Islam Karimov at the first
session of the Oliy Majlis of the second
convocation, "Our goal - the
independence and prosperity of the
country, freedom and well-being of the
people." In this speech was specifically
disclosed tasks of foreign policy, 1. Peace
and stability, security in Central Asia.
 1. The Uzbek government believes that
the solution to the Afghan problem is a
"protracted" in nature, which in turn
determines the conservation threats and
escalation of such dangerous
phenomena such as international
terrorism, drug trafficking and arms
trafficking throughout the region and
 Uzbekistan there is every reason to hope that
positivism display new administration on the
issue of Pakistan Afghani-tang, can have a
beneficial effect on the solution.
 Tashkent Declaration was updated and
supplemented by the Heads of State of
Central Asia April 20, 2000 in Tashkent,
 President of Kazakhstan Nursultan
Nazarbayev, Kyrgyzstan - A. Akayev,
Tajikistan  I. Rakhmonov, Uzbekistan -
Islam Karimov.
 2. Achieving facing the Republic of
Uzbekistan objectives to build a
flourishing democratic state with a
developed market economy is directly
related to the general integration of
Uzbekistan into the global community.
 In his speech, "Our main goal -
democratization and renewal of society,
reform and modernization of the country"
("The Truth of the East" 2005, January 29)
Our President said: "We strongly oppose any
attempt ideologize international relations.
The most important priority of our foreign
policy, we see in the preservation of peace
and stability in Central Asia and the
transformation of the region into true
security zone. "
 The most important foreign policy
priority in the coming period, he
said, will remain co-operation with
large reputable international
financial institutions and
organizations such as the
International Monetary Fund, World
Bank Asian Development Bank,
Islamic Development Bank, etc.
 Uzbek leadership attaches great
importance to the development and
strengthening of relations with the major
powers - the U.S., Russia, Japan, China,
Germany, France, and other European
Union countries. Our country has close
relations with the Republic of South
Korea, India and other countries in South
and South - East Asia, the Middle East
and the Arab.
 Currently, 165 countries have
recognized Uzbekistan. Republic
established formal diplomatic
relations with over 120 countries. 35
countries have opened embassies in
the capital of our country.

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  • 1. The structure of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan President Legislative Executive Judicial power power power Oliy Majlis Cabinet of The Constitu- (Parliament) Ministers tional of Court 1.Chamber of Department Supreme Court Legestative District Supreme econic 2. The Senate Urban Regional Regional urban goverments criminal civil courts Self-government bodies (mahalla, aul)
  • 2. The plan: 1. Social - legal framework of foreign policy of Uzbekistan. 2. Uzbekistan and the international community.
  • 3. Chapter XIX President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Section 89. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the head of state and executive power in the Republic of Uzbekistan. President of Uzbekistan is both Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers
  • 4. At the turn of the twentieth and beginning of the XXI century has seen many historical changes. With the disintegration of the Union over the period of confrontation between the two systems. In the last decade, began to form a new democratic community without confrontation between the two systems, which is the most important force modern world progress.
  • 5. During the years of independence Uzbekistan has developed and consistently implements the basic principles of its foreign policy. They come primarily from the fact that our country strives to build its foreign policy of peace based on equality and mutual benefit, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
  • 6. Uzbekistan is the central geopolitical position in Central Asia. Population Uzbekistan is 50% of the population of this region. And so on which path of Uzbekistan, to a certain extent on the development of the neighboring states. Another reason is, appear that are concentrated the most important line of the Central Asian region, largely continues the tradition of the Great Silk Road.
  • 7. During the years of independence Uzbekistan has developed and consistently implements the basic principles of its foreign policy. Our state is seeking to build its foreign policy. Our state seeks to build its foreign politics the principles of equality and mutual benefit, non- interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
  • 8. These principles in Islam Karimov "Uzbekistan: a path of renewal and progress":? - Fully integrate the mutual interests of the supremacy of their own ethnic state-national interests; Peace and security, peaceful solution of conflicts, respect for human rights, non-use of or threat of force in resolving support issues
  • 9. Equality, mutual benefit and non- interference in the internal affairs of other countries; The principle of openness in foreign policy, regardless of ideologies; Recognition of the priority of international law over domestic law; Establishment and development of bilateral and multilateral relations.
  • 10. Uzbekistan's foreign policy objectives were set out in the report of our President Islam Karimov at the first session of the Oliy Majlis of the second convocation, "Our goal - the independence and prosperity of the country, freedom and well-being of the people." In this speech was specifically disclosed tasks of foreign policy, 1. Peace and stability, security in Central Asia.
  • 11. 1. The Uzbek government believes that the solution to the Afghan problem is a "protracted" in nature, which in turn determines the conservation threats and escalation of such dangerous phenomena such as international terrorism, drug trafficking and arms trafficking throughout the region and beyond.
  • 12. Uzbekistan there is every reason to hope that positivism display new administration on the issue of Pakistan Afghani-tang, can have a beneficial effect on the solution. Tashkent Declaration was updated and supplemented by the Heads of State of Central Asia April 20, 2000 in Tashkent,
  • 13. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kyrgyzstan - A. Akayev, Tajikistan I. Rakhmonov, Uzbekistan - Islam Karimov. 2. Achieving facing the Republic of Uzbekistan objectives to build a flourishing democratic state with a developed market economy is directly related to the general integration of Uzbekistan into the global community.
  • 14. In his speech, "Our main goal - democratization and renewal of society, reform and modernization of the country" ("The Truth of the East" 2005, January 29) Our President said: "We strongly oppose any attempt ideologize international relations. The most important priority of our foreign policy, we see in the preservation of peace and stability in Central Asia and the transformation of the region into true security zone. "
  • 15. The most important foreign policy priority in the coming period, he said, will remain co-operation with large reputable international financial institutions and organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, etc.
  • 16. Uzbek leadership attaches great importance to the development and strengthening of relations with the major powers - the U.S., Russia, Japan, China, Germany, France, and other European Union countries. Our country has close relations with the Republic of South Korea, India and other countries in South and South - East Asia, the Middle East and the Arab.
  • 17. Currently, 165 countries have recognized Uzbekistan. Republic established formal diplomatic relations with over 120 countries. 35 countries have opened embassies in the capital of our country.