The document discusses the concept of value added by scholarly publishers. It notes that value is determined by customers based on what they cannot do for themselves. Publishers should consider their value chain in depth to understand where they are adding value and where customers seek value. The document advocates that publishers make decisions based on facts, explore scenarios, and consider how to grow their business by better understanding their customers' needs and where they can provide value within the publishing process.
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140 waltham
1. What are scholarly
publishers good for?
Mary Waltham
Lynne Herndon
Mark Mandelbaum
David Stern
SSP: June 2nd 2005
Publishers ‘add value’, so
what is this value?
Ø Demand driven not supply driven
Ø Customers decide what is of value
Ø Value is often based on what customers
cannot do for themselves
Ø Competitive advantage is only sustained if
customers are satisfied June 2005
Adding Value
Ø What do your customers value?
Ø The demand for content and services is shifting
Ø Are you adding the value that your customers
look for? June 2005
2. Consider a simple editorial and
publishing value chain
Submissions Editing Publication Customer Marketing &
Service Sales
Peer Review, Pre-publication :Print
Selection/Filtration Operations :Online
Journal Publisher Third party Publisher? Publisher?
Editors Third party? Third party Third party?
How much do you spend on each link?
$ $ $ $ $ June 2005
Expanding your value
Ø Base decisions on facts not beliefs
Ø Consider your value chain in depth and with
Ø Explore scenarios
Ø Grow your business
Ø ….in each of the cases above consider the
outcome of NOT acting in this way June 2005