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14.04.04 exegesis   lent 4
14.04.04 exegesis   lent 4
Darkness cannot drive
out darkness; only
light can do that. Hate
cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Plato has Socrates describe a
gathering of people who have lived
chained to the wall of a cave all of their
lives, facing a blank wall. The people
watch shadows projected on the wall
by things passing in front of a fire
behind them, and begin to designate
names to these shadows. The
shadows are as close as the prisoners
get to viewing reality. He then explains
how the philosopher is like a prisoner
who is freed from the cave and comes
to understand that the shadows on the
wall do not make up reality at all, as he
can perceive the true form of reality
rather than the mere shadows seen by
the prisoners.
1 God loved the world so that He
His only Son the lost to save,
That all who would in Him believe
Should everlasting life receive.
2 Christ Jesus is the ground of faith,
Who was made flesh and suffered
All then who trust in Him alone
Are built on this chief cornerstone.
3 God would not have the sinner die,
His Son with saving grace is nigh;
His Spirit in the Word declares
How we in Christ are heaven's heirs.
4 Be of good cheer, for God's own
Forgives all sins which you have
And, justified by Jesus' blood,
Your Baptism grants the highest
5 If you are sick, if death is near,
This truth your troubled heart can
Christ Jesus saves your soul from
That is the firmest ground of faith.
6 Glory to God the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One!
To Thee, O blessed Trinity,
Be praise now and eternally!
Gods Word declares that once we
were in darkness, but now we are
light in the Lord. As people of God,
called out of the darkness of our
sins into the light of Christ in Holy
Baptism, let us pray for ourselves,
for the Church of God and for
everyone in need.
Gracious Lord and Father, You are
the light and the salvation of Your
people, and You guide us on paths
we have not known. You turn the
darkness into light and make the
rough places into level ground. We
thank and praise You that You have
enlightened our spiritual darkness
and shone the light of Your grace
upon us, a love shining clearly for us
and for all in the face of our Savior.
Since You have called us to be Your
own shining city on a hill, bright
with the light of Christ, we ask You
to graciously bless the outreach
efforts of our congregation, circuit,
district and Synod. Guide and
sustain all missionaries and Bible
translators here and abroad, and
protect them and their families from
danger. Empower us by Your Spirit
to reflect the light of Your love to all
people in what we say and do. Lord,
in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of mercy and comfort, look
with Your grace upon the poor, the
homeless and the hungry. Open the
hearts of Your people to respond
with compassion and generosity to
all who are in need. Surround the
unemployed with Your care, and
keep them from discouragement
and despair as they seek
employment. Sustain them in their
time of need and open new doors
of opportunity and avenues of
service to use the gifts You have
given to them. Lord, in Your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Great Physician, we praise
You for the healing that You
have granted to _________
[names of those who have been
hospitalized or who have recently
undergone surgery] and ask You
to grant healing to _________
[names of those who are ill,
injured or hospitalized].
Continue to provide for their
every need, and grant them
ongoing health and renewed
strength according to Your
good and gracious will. Lord,
in Your mercy, hear our
Loving Father, we come as
Your wayward children to the
banquet of Your grace that
You have prepared for us.
Here again You greet us with
open arms of welcome in
spite of our unworthiness.
Graciously feed us with Your
Sons body and blood, assure
us of the forgiveness of our
sins, clothe us with the
spotless robe of Christs
righteousness and increase
our faith so that we may cling
to You alone and glorify You
in all that we say and do.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our
Into Your hands, dear Lord,
we commend all for whom we
pray, trusting in Your mercy,
through Jesus Christ, our
Lord. Amen.
By His Word of the Gospel, Jesus Calls Us Out
of the Darkness into His Marvelous Light
14.04.04 exegesis   lent 4
14.04.04 exegesis   lent 4
14.04.04 exegesis   lent 4
14.04.04 exegesis   lent 4
14.04.04 exegesis   lent 4
14.04.04 exegesis   lent 4

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  • 3. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr. Plato has Socrates describe a gathering of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to designate names to these shadows. The shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality. He then explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall do not make up reality at all, as he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.
  • 4. 1 God loved the world so that He gave His only Son the lost to save, That all who would in Him believe Should everlasting life receive. 2 Christ Jesus is the ground of faith, Who was made flesh and suffered death; All then who trust in Him alone Are built on this chief cornerstone. 3 God would not have the sinner die, His Son with saving grace is nigh; His Spirit in the Word declares How we in Christ are heaven's heirs. 4 Be of good cheer, for God's own Son Forgives all sins which you have done; And, justified by Jesus' blood, Your Baptism grants the highest good. 5 If you are sick, if death is near, This truth your troubled heart can cheer: Christ Jesus saves your soul from death; That is the firmest ground of faith. 6 Glory to God the Father, Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One! To Thee, O blessed Trinity, Be praise now and eternally!
  • 5. Gods Word declares that once we were in darkness, but now we are light in the Lord. As people of God, called out of the darkness of our sins into the light of Christ in Holy Baptism, let us pray for ourselves, for the Church of God and for everyone in need. Gracious Lord and Father, You are the light and the salvation of Your people, and You guide us on paths we have not known. You turn the darkness into light and make the rough places into level ground. We thank and praise You that You have enlightened our spiritual darkness and shone the light of Your grace upon us, a love shining clearly for us and for all in the face of our Savior. Since You have called us to be Your own shining city on a hill, bright with the light of Christ, we ask You to graciously bless the outreach efforts of our congregation, circuit, district and Synod. Guide and sustain all missionaries and Bible translators here and abroad, and protect them and their families from danger. Empower us by Your Spirit to reflect the light of Your love to all people in what we say and do. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. God of mercy and comfort, look with Your grace upon the poor, the homeless and the hungry. Open the hearts of Your people to respond with compassion and generosity to all who are in need. Surround the unemployed with Your care, and keep them from discouragement and despair as they seek employment. Sustain them in their time of need and open new doors of opportunity and avenues of service to use the gifts You have given to them. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
  • 6. Great Physician, we praise You for the healing that You have granted to _________ [names of those who have been hospitalized or who have recently undergone surgery] and ask You to grant healing to _________ [names of those who are ill, injured or hospitalized]. Continue to provide for their every need, and grant them ongoing health and renewed strength according to Your good and gracious will. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Loving Father, we come as Your wayward children to the banquet of Your grace that You have prepared for us. Here again You greet us with open arms of welcome in spite of our unworthiness. Graciously feed us with Your Sons body and blood, assure us of the forgiveness of our sins, clothe us with the spotless robe of Christs righteousness and increase our faith so that we may cling to You alone and glorify You in all that we say and do. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Into Your hands, dear Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
  • 7. By His Word of the Gospel, Jesus Calls Us Out of the Darkness into His Marvelous Light