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Jennifer Reynolds 
Implementation of:
IIss iitt ttiimmee ffoorr aa cchhaannggee?? 
WWhhyy sshhoouulldd tthhiiss ooffffiiccee iimmpplleemmeenntt 
EElleeccttrroonniicc MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrddss?? 
 FFiinnaanncciiaall IInncceennttiivveess 
 TTiimmee SSaavveerr 
 CChhaarrttiinngg BBeenneeffiittss 
 IInnccrreeaasseess AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy ooff IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn 
HHooww iiss EEMMRR iimmpplleemmeenntteedd?? 
 SStteepp 11 :: CChhoooossee aa ssooffttwwaarree//vveennddoorr.. 
 SStteepp 22 :: PPuurrcchhaassee nneeeeddeedd hhaarrddwwaarree.. 
 SStteepp 33 :: TTeesstt tthhee ssyysstteemm 
 SStteepp 44 :: TTrraaiinn ssttaaffff oonn tthhee nneeww ssyysstteemm.. 
 SStteepp 55 :: GGoo lliivvee wwiitthh tthhee nneeww ssyysstteemm 
aanndd mmaaiinnttaaiinn ttrraaiinniinngg aanndd ssuuppppoorrtt aass 
Financial Grants and Incentives 
Such Benefits Include: 
FFeeddeerraall ggrraannttss,, 
MMeeddiiccaarree iinncceennttiivveess,, 
IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ttaaxx ccrreeddiittss,, 
EEMMRR ssttiimmuulluuss ppaacckkaaggeess 
OOtthheerr FFiinnaanncciiaall IInncceennttiivvee PPrroovviiddeerrss IInncclluuddee:: 
 NNaattiioonnaall CCoommmmiitttteeee ffoorr QQuuaalliittyy AAssssuurraannccee 
 TThhee UUttiilliizzaattiioonn RReevviieeww AAccccrreeddiittaattiioonn 
 TThhee JJooiinntt CCoommmmiissssiioonn
CCaappiittaall EExxppeennddiittuurree 
RReeqquuiirreess ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt ccaappiittaall ttoo iimmpplleemmeenntt EEMMRR,, yyeett lloowweerrss lloonngg--tteerrmm eexxppeennsseess.. 
GGrraannttss aanndd ssttiimmuulluuss 
ffuunnddss aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr 
tthhee ttrraannssiittiioonn.. 
EEMMRR ddooeess ffoollllooww HHIIPPPPAA 
RReedduucceess eexxppeennssiivvee 
TTrraannssiittiioonn rreeqquuiirreess 
ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt ccaappiittaall.. 
PPaattiieenntt mmaayy pprreesseenntt 
ccoonncceerrnn oovveerr pprriivvaaccyy.. 
IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff aa 
nneeww ssyysstteemm ttaakkeess 
ttiimmee aanndd mmoonneeyy..
Current Value, DDeepprreecciiaattiioonn,, aanndd CCaasshh ffllooww 
 DDeetteerrmmiinnee pprroojjeecctt ggooaallss.. 
 EEssttiimmaattee pprroojjeecctt ccoossttss aanndd bbeenneeffiittss iinn 
 DDiissccoouunntt tthhee ccoossttss aanndd bbeenneeffiittss aatt aann 
aapppprroopprriiaattee rraattee.. 
 CCoommpplleettee tthhee aannaallyyssiiss wwiitthh aa ccaallccuullaattiioonn..
Projected Revenue: 
EMR increases profits aanndd ccuuttss eexxppeennsseess bbyy 
RReedduucciinngg OOppeerraattiinngg CCoossttss ssuucchh aass:: 
SSaallaarryy ffoorr MMeeddiiccaall AAssssiissttaannttss,, ttrraannssccrriippttiioonniissttss,, 
aanndd BBiilllliinngg aanndd CCooddiinngg ssttaaffff.. 
EElliimmiinnaatteess tthhee nneeeedd ffoorr oovveerrffllooww cchhaarrtt ssttoorraaggee 
HHiigghhllyy bbeenneeffiicciiaall ffoorr:: 
OOffffiiccee vviissiitt aanndd EEmmeerrggeennccyy RRoooomm CCooddiinngg 
PPrrooppeerrllyy uusseess tthhee ccoorrrreecctt EEvvaalluuaattiioonn aanndd 
MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ccooddeess.. 
RReedduucciinngg ccooddiinngg eerrrroorr mmaaxxiimmiizzeess rreevveennuuee..
Return of IInnvveessttmmeenntt vvss.. OOvveerraallll eexxppeennssee 
 SSooffttwwaarree//VVeennddoorr eexxppeennsseess 
 HHaarrddwwaarree eexxppeennsseess ((NNeeww PPCCss,, ttaabblleettss)) 
 RReedduuccttiioonn ooff ppaattiieenntt ffllooww dduurriinngg iinniittiiaall pphhaasseess 
 TTrraaiinniinngg ttiimmee aanndd ccoossttss 
 AAnnnnuuaall SSuuppppoorrtt FFeeeess ((IITT,, mmaaiinntteennaannccee,, uuppggrraaddeess eettcc..)) 
PPrroojjeecctteedd rreevveennuuee ffaallllss aarroouunndd aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 88..22 mmiilllliioonn iinn ssaavviinnggss 
oovveerr aa 55 yyeeaarr ttiimmee ppeerriioodd ((WWaanngg,, 22001100)).. RReedduuccttiioonnss iinn eerrrroorrss aanndd 
eexxppeennssee pplluuss mmaaxxiimmiizzeedd pprrooffiittss aanndd eeffffiicciieennccyy mmaakkee tthhee RReettuurrnnss ooff 
tthhee iinniittiiaall EEMMRR iinnvveessttmmeenntt wwoorrtthh iitt..
Review of Benefits and Advantages: 
Advantages the Patient can benefit from: 
Less wait time, informed physician decisions based on 
availability of information, Accurate charting, Accurate billing, 
Overall Improved healthcare 
Better treatment & decisions 
Advantages from the Prospective of the Practice: 
Increased Revenue, reduction of multiple expenses, 
financial incentives, 
Significant Return of investment, Time management and 
efficiency excels, Quality of delivered care increases, and 
productivity rises. 
Additional Advantages of Structured Accurate Organization: 
Transferring patient information, referral, and prescriptions 
with ease, while eliminating the need for paper Rx pads 
and fraud. Increased number of patient seen daily. Increased 
profits and Reduced operational costs.
Review of negative aspects and disadvantages: 
Disadvantages seen by the patient: 
The EMR devices can be intimidating and distracting to some patients. 
This may give the patient the feeling the personal aspect is 
disappearing from care. Some patients fear a breach of their private 
information online. 
Disadvantages seen by the practice: 
Implementation costs and time spent putting the system in place is 
significant. Annual fees for support from the vendor and 
depreciation costs of hardware are extensive as well.
IItt iiss mmyy rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn tthhaatt 
iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff EEMMRR iiss tthhee bbeesstt 
eeccoonnoommiiccaall ssoolluuttiioonn ffoorr aannyy pprraaccttiiccee..
MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrddss..ccoomm.. ((22001122)).. WWhhaatt aarree tthhee BBeenneeffiittss ooff EElleeccttrroonniicc 
MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrddss ??.. RReettrriieevveedd ffrroomm 
hhttttpp::////wwwwww..mmeeddiiccaallrreeccoorrddss..ccoomm//pphhyyssiicciiaannss//wwhhaatt--aarree--tthhee--bbeenneeffiittss--ooff--wwoorrkkiinngg--MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrddss..ccoomm.. ((22001122)).. EEMMRR SSyysstteemm PPuurrcchhaassee FFiinnaanncciinngg 
IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn.. RReettrriieevveedd ffrroomm 
NNeexxttGGeenn HHeeaalltthhccaarree.. ((22001122)).. NNeexxttGGeenn HHeeaalltthhccaarree .. RReettrriieevveedd ffrroomm 
WWaanngg,, TT.. ((22001100)).. RRuunnnniinngg tthhee NNuummbbeerrss oonn aa EEHHRR .. RReettrriieevveedd ffrroomm 

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Electronic Medical Records Ppt

  • 2. IIss iitt ttiimmee ffoorr aa cchhaannggee?? WWhhyy sshhoouulldd tthhiiss ooffffiiccee iimmpplleemmeenntt EElleeccttrroonniicc MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrddss?? FFiinnaanncciiaall IInncceennttiivveess TTiimmee SSaavveerr CChhaarrttiinngg BBeenneeffiittss IInnccrreeaasseess AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy ooff IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn AAccccuurraaccyy
  • 3. HHooww iiss EEMMRR iimmpplleemmeenntteedd?? SStteepp 11 :: CChhoooossee aa ssooffttwwaarree//vveennddoorr.. SStteepp 22 :: PPuurrcchhaassee nneeeeddeedd hhaarrddwwaarree.. SStteepp 33 :: TTeesstt tthhee ssyysstteemm SStteepp 44 :: TTrraaiinn ssttaaffff oonn tthhee nneeww ssyysstteemm.. SStteepp 55 :: GGoo lliivvee wwiitthh tthhee nneeww ssyysstteemm aanndd mmaaiinnttaaiinn ttrraaiinniinngg aanndd ssuuppppoorrtt aass nneecceessssaarryy..
  • 4. Financial Grants and Incentives Such Benefits Include: FFeeddeerraall ggrraannttss,, MMeeddiiccaarree iinncceennttiivveess,, IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ttaaxx ccrreeddiittss,, EEMMRR ssttiimmuulluuss ppaacckkaaggeess OOtthheerr FFiinnaanncciiaall IInncceennttiivvee PPrroovviiddeerrss IInncclluuddee:: NNaattiioonnaall CCoommmmiitttteeee ffoorr QQuuaalliittyy AAssssuurraannccee TThhee UUttiilliizzaattiioonn RReevviieeww AAccccrreeddiittaattiioonn CCoommmmiitttteeee TThhee JJooiinntt CCoommmmiissssiioonn
  • 5. CCaappiittaall EExxppeennddiittuurree RReeqquuiirreess ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt ccaappiittaall ttoo iimmpplleemmeenntt EEMMRR,, yyeett lloowweerrss lloonngg--tteerrmm eexxppeennsseess.. AAddvvaannttaaggeess GGrraannttss aanndd ssttiimmuulluuss ffuunnddss aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr tthhee ttrraannssiittiioonn.. EEMMRR ddooeess ffoollllooww HHIIPPPPAA gguuiiddeelliinneess RReedduucceess eexxppeennssiivvee llaawwssuuiittss DDiissaaddvvaannttaaggeess TTrraannssiittiioonn rreeqquuiirreess ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt ccaappiittaall.. PPaattiieenntt mmaayy pprreesseenntt ccoonncceerrnn oovveerr pprriivvaaccyy.. IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff aa nneeww ssyysstteemm ttaakkeess ttiimmee aanndd mmoonneeyy..
  • 6. Current Value, DDeepprreecciiaattiioonn,, aanndd CCaasshh ffllooww DDeetteerrmmiinnee pprroojjeecctt ggooaallss.. EEssttiimmaattee pprroojjeecctt ccoossttss aanndd bbeenneeffiittss iinn ddoollllaarrss.. DDiissccoouunntt tthhee ccoossttss aanndd bbeenneeffiittss aatt aann aapppprroopprriiaattee rraattee.. CCoommpplleettee tthhee aannaallyyssiiss wwiitthh aa ccaallccuullaattiioonn..
  • 7. Projected Revenue: EMR increases profits aanndd ccuuttss eexxppeennsseess bbyy RReedduucciinngg OOppeerraattiinngg CCoossttss ssuucchh aass:: SSaallaarryy ffoorr MMeeddiiccaall AAssssiissttaannttss,, ttrraannssccrriippttiioonniissttss,, aanndd BBiilllliinngg aanndd CCooddiinngg ssttaaffff.. EElliimmiinnaatteess tthhee nneeeedd ffoorr oovveerrffllooww cchhaarrtt ssttoorraaggee HHiigghhllyy bbeenneeffiicciiaall ffoorr:: OOffffiiccee vviissiitt aanndd EEmmeerrggeennccyy RRoooomm CCooddiinngg PPrrooppeerrllyy uusseess tthhee ccoorrrreecctt EEvvaalluuaattiioonn aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ccooddeess.. RReedduucciinngg ccooddiinngg eerrrroorr mmaaxxiimmiizzeess rreevveennuuee..
  • 8. Return of IInnvveessttmmeenntt vvss.. OOvveerraallll eexxppeennssee DDiissaaddvvaannttaaggeess:: SSooffttwwaarree//VVeennddoorr eexxppeennsseess HHaarrddwwaarree eexxppeennsseess ((NNeeww PPCCss,, ttaabblleettss)) RReedduuccttiioonn ooff ppaattiieenntt ffllooww dduurriinngg iinniittiiaall pphhaasseess TTrraaiinniinngg ttiimmee aanndd ccoossttss AAnnnnuuaall SSuuppppoorrtt FFeeeess ((IITT,, mmaaiinntteennaannccee,, uuppggrraaddeess eettcc..)) AAddvvaannttaaggeess:: PPrroojjeecctteedd rreevveennuuee ffaallllss aarroouunndd aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 88..22 mmiilllliioonn iinn ssaavviinnggss oovveerr aa 55 yyeeaarr ttiimmee ppeerriioodd ((WWaanngg,, 22001100)).. RReedduuccttiioonnss iinn eerrrroorrss aanndd eexxppeennssee pplluuss mmaaxxiimmiizzeedd pprrooffiittss aanndd eeffffiicciieennccyy mmaakkee tthhee RReettuurrnnss ooff tthhee iinniittiiaall EEMMRR iinnvveessttmmeenntt wwoorrtthh iitt..
  • 9. Review of Benefits and Advantages: Advantages the Patient can benefit from: Less wait time, informed physician decisions based on availability of information, Accurate charting, Accurate billing, Overall Improved healthcare Better treatment & decisions Advantages from the Prospective of the Practice: Increased Revenue, reduction of multiple expenses, financial incentives, Significant Return of investment, Time management and efficiency excels, Quality of delivered care increases, and productivity rises. Additional Advantages of Structured Accurate Organization: Transferring patient information, referral, and prescriptions with ease, while eliminating the need for paper Rx pads and fraud. Increased number of patient seen daily. Increased profits and Reduced operational costs.
  • 10. Review of negative aspects and disadvantages: Disadvantages seen by the patient: The EMR devices can be intimidating and distracting to some patients. This may give the patient the feeling the personal aspect is disappearing from care. Some patients fear a breach of their private information online. Disadvantages seen by the practice: Implementation costs and time spent putting the system in place is significant. Annual fees for support from the vendor and depreciation costs of hardware are extensive as well.
  • 11. RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn//SSuummmmaarryy IItt iiss mmyy rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn tthhaatt iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff EEMMRR iiss tthhee bbeesstt eeccoonnoommiiccaall ssoolluuttiioonn ffoorr aannyy pprraaccttiiccee..
  • 12. RReeffeerreennccee MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrddss..ccoomm.. ((22001122)).. WWhhaatt aarree tthhee BBeenneeffiittss ooff EElleeccttrroonniicc MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrddss ??.. RReettrriieevveedd ffrroomm hhttttpp::////wwwwww..mmeeddiiccaallrreeccoorrddss..ccoomm//pphhyyssiicciiaannss//wwhhaatt--aarree--tthhee--bbeenneeffiittss--ooff--wwoorrkkiinngg--MMeeddiiccaall RReeccoorrddss..ccoomm.. ((22001122)).. EEMMRR SSyysstteemm PPuurrcchhaassee FFiinnaanncciinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn.. RReettrriieevveedd ffrroomm hhttttpp::////wwwwww..mmeeddiiccaallrreeccoorrddss..ccoomm//pphhyyssiicciiaannss//wwhhaatt--aarree--tthhee--bbeenneeffiittss--ooff-- wwoorrkkiinngg--wwiitthh--eemmrr NNeexxttGGeenn HHeeaalltthhccaarree.. ((22001122)).. NNeexxttGGeenn HHeeaalltthhccaarree .. RReettrriieevveedd ffrroomm hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxttggeenn..ccoomm//DDeeffaauulltt..aassppxx??RReeqquueessttIIdd==88001111445533ff WWaanngg,, TT.. ((22001100)).. RRuunnnniinngg tthhee NNuummbbeerrss oonn aa EEHHRR .. RReettrriieevveedd ffrroomm hhttttpp::////lliibbrraarryy..aahhiimmaa..oorrgg//xxppeeddiioo//ggrroouuppss//ppuubblliicc//ddooccuummeennttss//aahhiimmaa//bbookk11 __004477886666..hhccsspp??ddDDooccNNaammee==bbookk11__004477886666

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Image obtained from: http://www.senecamedical.com/wps/portal/en/our-markets/physician-and-surgery-center/programs-and-services/electronic-medical-records
  • #3: About $19.2 billion of the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ARRA that President Obama signed in 2009 is directed as an electronic medical records EMR stimulus ( Medical Records.com, 2012 ). What this means for private practices who are not already implementing EMR The electronic medical records stimulus will provide incentivesfor conversion to the paperless electronic medical record systems (MedicalRecords.com, 2012), Whats more when taking the incentives out of the equation, there are other substantial benefits of EMR implementation. The ability to file EMR digitally reduces the cost of storage for documents that are not frequently accessed or are being held for a specific time period. We can all appreciate the value of time in a medical practice; saving the physician time benefits the entire staff as well as the patients. When physicians finish their charting faster the office is able to schedule more patients. The efficient way EMR reduces and organizes medical records enables a more effective medical practice. The ability to have instant access to EMR allows physicians and nursing staff the ability to chart in real time, the information is being recorded as it happens as opposed to hours later after many other patients have been seen as well, resulting in a blur of information when charting. Thereby significantly improving accuracy of the health record. It is nearly impossible at times to read and transcribe physician handwriting. Another issue is medical abbreviations; there are many that are commonly misused or mistaken. This can indicate significant confusion and complications; for example, LLL could mean a few different things such as left lower lung, left lower lip,left lower lid, or left lower lobe. If this patient was given orders to biopsy the LLL, what would be the outcome? This is the reason why any use of abbreviations is no longer tolerated in hospitals. EMR does not allow for abbreviations without specific clarification by the system. While implementation does reduce some medical errors, it is not full proof. Nevertheless, there are fail safes in place that can double check and flag errors in the system.
  • #4: Choosing software or a vendor provider can be quite the arduous task. There are many providers to choose from and many considerations to review with each one. I recommend evaluation the current system in the office and finding a software or vendor that offers close to what may already be in place. Weighing out costs and advantages with ease of use and implementation are very important when choosing a system that would work best for any specific practice. One company doing very well in the market is Nextgen. One client testimonial states, With NextGens 8 Series, its easier for me to communicate with patients and other providerseveryone has the same information. Its been huge for building patient trust and confidence(Nextgen.com, 2012). Once the system is in place testing the system to ensure it works well for the practices needs is very important before investing in training staff to use the wrong software or vendor, only to have to do the same all over again after trying a new provider. Once the practice has decided on their software and tested the system it is time to train staff on its use. Once the practice feels secure in the new system it is time to make the complete switch from paper to digital and go live with the system. The medical field is ever changing, so it technology therefore times when training refreshment will be needed.
  • #5: The federal government and other agencies are aware of the benefits of EMR implementation as a whole. They are also well informed on the costs of implementation. For that reason, some financial safety nets are awarded from the government for executing EMR. Federal grants funding also aides in reducing the immense cost of implementation. Medicare provides lucrative incentives from 44,000.00 to 63,750.00 to relieve the stress of the financial burden. The increased accuracy in coding benefits third party payer as well. Deductions and Tax credits for 2011 alone are around a quarter of a million dollars. If that isnt enough good old Uncle Sam throws in a depreciation bonus of fifty percent.
  • #6: Unfortunately, it is costly when implementing a paperless system; the practice will require sufficient capital. The decision to purchase an EMR system is quite the noteworthy investment resolution for any medical practice. The cost of implementing a EMR system can vary anywhere from 50,000 to $100,000 or more per physician" (Medical Records. com, 2012). The purchase of an EMR system can signify a momentous economic burden for any medical practice. Because EMR is such a costly expenditure to implement, as with any entirely new office system, budgeting and planning needs to be extensive. Conversely, Title IV of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (the HITECH Act) providesfinancial incentivesup to $63,500 per health care provider who implement an EMR system that is certified by an Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) Authorized Certification Body(ONC-ATCB) (Medical Records.com, 2012) The financing an EMR system can be found in the practices cash flow and specialty lenders who aide with healthcare financing. Additionally some vendors offer benefits such as postponed payments and leasing programs. One reduction of capital expenditure is the lowered risk for errors and expensive lawsuits. In some instances, patients will be displeased with switching over to EMR in fears that access to their medical records may be compromised. The privacy and security of the patients amount to growing concerns associated with EMR. EMR however, does follow HIPAA guidelines. This in turn also prevents medical errors, thereby decreasing hassles of expensive lawsuits. The Electronic Medical Records allows the practice to provide patients with the latest technology in the field while saving time and increasing accuracy. In summary the overall expense can be countered by more security from legal complications in the long run.
  • #7: Annual expenditure totals or outflow is the price tag per year. Let us assume Dr. Feel Good is planning on implementing Nextgens EMR system in his county clinic. The initial expense is going to cost him about 2,000.00 in software, another 4,000.00 on hardware, 1,800.00 training and implementing the new system, 1,500.00 on annual support from Nextgen. Unfortunately, Dr. Feel Good also is expecting a substantial loss in productivity and has to see very few patients, very slowly. He estimates a 3,000.00 loss. Therefore the annual outflow the first year is 10,300.00. Financial benefits however, include avoidance of expenditures and amplified revenues (Wang, 2010). Furthermore the study Wang conducted shows, Implementing EMR provided 86,400.00 in annual savings for the practice on an average in 5 year time period (Wang, 2010). These funds were saved from expenses in drugs, due to the fact the EMR prevented over 47,000 undesirable drug reactions or events. Addition saving were derived from reduction in expenses in radiological testing, reduction in errors in billing and improved billing charge capturing system (Wang, 2010). Technology is always changing, developing, and outdating therefore depreciating. Every few years new hardware may need to be purchased or upgraded because of depreciation.
  • #8: Intelligent, technological software enables the medical practice staff with accurate and up to the minute medical records when and where they need them. A midnight phone call to the physician is now much more beneficial to the patient with complete access to their records from the comforts of home. This same stored information is available to the physician as he is making rounds on the patient in the hospital as well. Other advantages coinciding with the implementation of EMR is the elimination of chart overflow storage. EMR increases revenue through a superior evaluation and management coding software. These system double checks for accuracy ensuring highest possible payment for services rendered. Increased revenue and reduction of many operational costs can be witnessed at early as the end of the first year. According to Wangs article projected revenue falls around approximately 8.2 million in savings over the 5 year time period (Wang, 2010).
  • #9: It is imperative to pay close attention to the Return of Investment in EMR prior to devoting large sums of money to the new system. Lets assume Dr. Feel Goods practice has an estimated 1,500 total patients with active status. On a regular business day in Dr. Feel Goods practice an estimated 30 patients will be seen more or less depending on the season. Dr. Feel Goods practice sees a patient/provider ratio of 3:1, the practice often receives a hundred or more calls a day for various reasons. The EMR system carries a cost of 10,000.00. The implementation training costs he practice by the hour anywhere from 75.00 to $150.00. The initial implementation stage and training time is right around 35 hours. For instance, take the average hourly rate of 100.00 an hour and the patient/provider ratio of 3:1. Additionally the cost of hardware for Dr. Feel Goods practice is 1.500.00, and the ISP charges of around 3,000.00 annually. All of these charges and, the recurring annual vendor fees for IT and maintenance will present a significant return of investment in the long run.
  • #10: Lets Review..
  • #12: The assortment of benefits and recompense of the realization of an EMR system in the practice, will outweigh the few but hefty negatives and disadvantages coupled with EMR implementation. EMR improves the quality of care along with the accuracy in documentation and billing.