This document contains information from Nielsen reports on the relationship between program engagement, ad recall, and contextual advertising.
1) It shows strong positive correlations between viewer engagement with TV programs (both entertainment and sports) and recall of commercials aired during the programs. The more engaged viewers are, the better they recall ads.
2) For food product ads, those aired during food-themed cable shows generated 24% higher brand recall and 28% higher message recall than food ads in non-food shows.
3) Football-themed ads aired during NFL games achieved stronger brand linkage, likeability, and recall scores than standard ads without football elements. Nike ads featuring football scored higher on recall metrics than
M/A/R/C's Amy Barrentine-EVP General Manager, Randy Wahl-EVP Advanced Analytics, and Scott Waller-VP Business Development, co-presented at Quirk's event in March 2011.
1) The document discusses best practices in planning and forecasting based on Aberdeen's research. It identifies pressures like market volatility that companies face and best practices used by top performers.
2) The top performers (best-in-class) are defined as having over 102% budget accuracy, 99% forecast accuracy, and finalizing budgets before the next fiscal year starts. They strategize first before setting budgets.
3) Best practices for top performers include developing formal planning processes, automating workflows, involving decision-makers, and improving data quality. They re-forecast more frequently than average companies.
The polite pre-roll advertisement format proved successful, with a view-through rate nearly 45% and abandonment rate 18% lower than standard pre-rolls. Consumer packaged goods companies continued aggressively investing in online video. Overall click-through rates for advertisements grew due to impactful formats like polite pre-rolls and in-stream ads.
Polite pre-roll ads increased to 30% of total ads served in Q1 2011. Overall click-through rates continued growing due to high impact in-stream formats. Consumer packaged goods advertisers accounted for 60% of ads served and continued investing aggressively in online video. The polite pre-roll format saw improved performance metrics over standard pre-roll ads, including a 44% view-through rate and 18% lower video abandonment rate.
Interactive video ad formats doubled from Q2 to Q3 of 2010, with average click-through rates increasing 237% over 2009 driven by strong performance of interactive overlay and polite pre-roll ads. Consumer packaged goods advertisers significantly increased their use of video ads, accounting for 30.4% of ads served in Q3 and growing over 370% from 2009. Engagement rates for interactive ads averaged a strong 21.6%, holding steady from 2009 levels as the number of interactive ad formats grew.
Bjorn Kaspring - IAB Germania - On-screen advertising has an implicit effect IABRomania
On-screen advertising has an implicit effect on online behavior and brand image according to a study. The study found that online behavior, such as visits to brand websites, increased over time after exposure to on-screen ads, showing the long-term implicit impact on behavior. Implicit brand image was also positively influenced, with brands associating more strongly with attributes like "security" and "joy" due to on-screen ads. The implicit effects were found to be greater than the explicit effects and provide considerable added value for on-screen advertising over time as the memory of ad exposures fades.
1. The document analyzes data from AdoTube on the effectiveness of different in-video ad formats from 2009 to the third quarter of 2010.
2. It finds that interactive ad formats grew significantly over this period and led to a 59% increase in AdoTube's average click-through rate.
3. Specifically, testing showed that AdoTube's Polite Pre-Roll format performed better than standard pre-rolls, with viewers 133% more likely to click through ads and 36% lower video abandonment rates.
Interactive ad formats on AdoTube grew substantially in Q3 2010, with interactive overlays jumping from 15% to 25% of ads served. The average click-through rate increased significantly to 1.99%, up 97% from Q2 2010 and 237% from 2009 levels. Consumer packaged goods advertising saw a large increase, growing 140% over Q2 2010 and accounting for 30.4% of ads served. Financial and insurance ads achieved very high engagement rates, with some campaigns reaching 47.7%. Polite pre-roll ads outperformed standard pre-rolls, achieving a 70% higher click-through rate.
(1) Revolutionary Changes in TV Advertising: Cross-platform, cross-sectoral campaigns and completely new techniques are emerging as advertising diversifies across multiple channels and platforms.
(2) Connected TV will likely grow and provide opportunities for European content companies, but also regulatory challenges around issues like privacy, ascertaining consumer wishes, and balancing freedom to advertise.
(3) Media regulations should avoid double jeopardy for compliance, focus on strategic issues like privacy vs advertising, and help ensure the best of European media regulation is preserved.
Optimising integrated campaigns in Asia PacificKantar
This document discusses optimizing integrated marketing campaigns in Asia Pacific. It finds that while TV still drives awareness, online and other channels are more important for engagement. Using multiple channels broadens brand impact and delivers synergistic benefits. Online advertising provides good cost efficiency due to its relatively low cost. The document recommends using multiple channels to maximize reach and impact, leveraging online advertising, and ensuring creative content is optimized for each channel.
Interactive video ad formats saw a surge in popularity in Q3 2011, accounting for 61% of all ads served compared to 10% for pre-roll ads. The average click-through rate remained steady at 2.1%. New in-stream takeover formats provided up to a 4x boost in click-through rates and 43% lower close rates compared to overlay ads. Government advertising spending increased 152% due to presidential campaigns, while food service and consumer packaged goods grew 212% and 61% respectively.
The latest performance of in-stream advertising formats shows the increased adoption of new formats beyond standard pre-rolls. Take your video & display advertising strategies to the next level by leveraging AdoTube\'s powerful technology & creative!
Com score vce brandingmetrics vn-2012-11-02Duong The Vinh
The document discusses the results of a study analyzing the delivery of digital advertising campaigns across Asia. Some key findings include:
- On average, 58% of ads across all campaigns were viewable, lower than rates found in other regions.
- Viewability varied significantly by content category and ad size/placement.
- 4% of ads were delivered outside the targeted geographic regions, with the U.S. receiving nearly a third of those impressions.
- While overall brand safety issues were low, even one exposure to undesirable content can damage a brand.
Nielsen trustin advertising global report april2012Dung Tri
The document is a Nielsen report on global consumer trust in advertising from April 2012. Some key findings from the report are:
- Consumers around the world trust recommendations from friends and family (92%) and online consumer reviews (70%) more than other forms of advertising.
- Trust in traditional paid advertising like TV, print, and radio ads has declined by 20-25% since 2009 while trust in online and mobile advertising is increasing.
- Latin American consumers reported the highest levels of trust in most advertising formats compared to other regions.
Screenvision has a dominant share of theatres in Nashville, with their audience consisting of 42% men and women aged 18-54 who are likely to have inquired about attorneys. The document shows that combining cinema advertising with television advertising can more than double conversion rates compared to television alone, as moviegoers mirror television audiences and are ideal prospects for various activities. Several attorney customers are highlighted as examples of companies that utilize cinema advertising through Screenvision.
At the Advertising Research Foundations (ARF) 2011 annual re:think convention, a key issues forum presentation was held entitled How Content Amplifies the Persuasiveness of Advertising. The presentation included sections on Flow Theory, ARS Engagement, Building Audiences, Enhanced Targeting, Content, and Earned Audience. The presenters were Vice Presidents of comScore, Ashley Grace & Joan FitzGerald.
The document summarizes key metrics and trends from AdoTube's Q2 2011 advertising reports. It finds that video ads accounted for close to 60% of ads served, with interactive overlays increasing 10 percentage points. Click-through rates jumped 20% to 2.25% on average. The new Ad Selector format saw an 84% viewer completion rate and 63% overall view-through rate. Food services advertising increased 311% from Q1 and 122% from Q2 2010 to become the second largest buyer after CPG.
This presentation from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) provides an overview of the CARE Strengthening the Dairy Value Chain Project impact evaluation design.
The document discusses measuring and communicating outcomes for nonprofit organizations. It covers the current context of increased demands from funders for outcomes reporting to demonstrate impact. The agenda includes discussing whether outcomes measurement is worthwhile, presenting a framework for measuring outcomes, and providing tips for implementation. Key points include:
- Funders now want to see meaningful, lasting impact rather than just participation numbers.
- Few nonprofits systematically track outcomes, though those that do find it useful for programming and budgeting.
- Outcomes measurement should be based on why a program exists rather than just how it operates.
- It makes most sense to measure outcomes for programs with the right funders and strategic focus.
- Outcomes can be measured
Insight Address: Web TV Without Apology: Digital Content NewFronts 2013, Orig...iMedia Connection
The document provides an overview and executive summary of a study on digital video and TV advertising. Some key findings include:
- Online video usage continues to grow while TV viewership sees slight erosion. Lighter TV viewers stream more online video.
- Reallocating a portion of TV ad budgets to digital media can increase reach for the same spending. Shifting 15% of budgets led to a 4.2% increase in adult reach on average.
- Online video ads are more effective than TV ads according to metrics like recall, with the greatest impact seen for full episode players. Prior online exposure improves the impact of subsequent TV ads.
- On average, people watch the majority (87%) of online video ads they
The document summarizes the key findings of a 2010 supply chain survey. It finds that: (1) Half of companies do not review their supply chain strategy as often as needed; (2) One-third of companies do not have future proof plans to account for various possibilities in the next few years; (3) More than half of companies are concerned with inventory costs and transportation costs. The document provides recommendations around measuring, assessing, planning and developing robust strategies to manage risks and variability in an uncertain future.
Building Brands with Integrated Campaigns - Millward BrownMerlien Institute
This document provides a summary of key insights from the Insight Valley Asia 2013 conference held on May 16-17 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference discussed optimizing integrated marketing campaigns through the effective use of multiple communication channels including television, print, radio, outdoor and online. Presentations showed that while television remains important for awareness, online and other channels are more effective for brand engagement. An optimal integrated marketing strategy uses multiple channels to maximize reach beyond television alone and deliver additional synergistic benefits. Getting the online creative element right also significantly impacts campaign performance.
This document discusses disruptive innovation in patient-centered healthcare and outlines challenges facing healthcare systems. It notes that healthcare costs are concentrated among a small portion of patients and are growing due to aging demographics. Healthcare spending is also not efficiently allocated, with less than 10% spent on direct point-of-care services. The document advocates investing in electronic health records, telehealth, and other information technologies to improve care coordination and outcomes while reducing costs. It argues healthcare systems should innovate with the patient's needs and health outcomes as the priority.
The document summarizes key findings from Outsell's annual advertising spending study. It found that online ad spending is growing faster than print, with healthcare online spending outpacing other sectors. For healthcare advertisers, search engine spending is rising the most, while print is also growing. Healthcare advertisers value keyword ads and are driven by qualified lead generation. Traditional marketing tactics remain most effective for healthcare leads currently, though online methods are gaining ground.
This document summarizes the key findings of Capgemini's 2010 global study on collaborating for innovation. The study found that (1) innovation is increasingly integrated into corporate strategy and measured systematically, (2) R&D collaboration is key for growth in global markets, (3) customer collaboration needs to move beyond insights to capitalizing on them, and (4) supplier collaboration should shift from cost reduction to shared value creation. The document recommends that companies enhance collaborative innovation, integrate it into strategy, measure innovation performance, reshape R&D, refine customer collaboration, and build supplier networks.
Is Organic Farming Worth its Investment? The Adoption and Impact of Certified...Linda Kleemann
This document discusses a thesis examining the adoption and impact of organic pineapple farming certification in Ghana. It provides an overview of the thesis topics, including sustainable agriculture, organic farming in Ghana, price transmission analysis of pineapple markets, and the costs and benefits of organic certification for pineapple farmers. The presentation also outlines the motivation, literature review, pineapple sector context in Ghana, theoretical framework, data collection and empirical strategy used in the research.
Visible Wireless: Grass Roots Branding and Media PlanningMediaPost
Visible Wireless, a retail brand of Verizon, doubled down on social channels to find and cultivate communities that wanted an alternative telecom model. And in turn those communities have informed everything about how the brand grew from product development even to media planning. What does a grass roots media strategy look like?
MediaPost Data & Programmatic Insider Summit - Survey ResultsMediaPost
This document lists sponsors for an event including a title sponsor and presenting sponsors but provides no other context or information about the sponsors, event, or what is being sponsored. It repeats lists of "TITLE SPONSOR", "PRESENTING SPONSORS", and "SPONSORS" but with no distinguishing details between the lists.
(1) Revolutionary Changes in TV Advertising: Cross-platform, cross-sectoral campaigns and completely new techniques are emerging as advertising diversifies across multiple channels and platforms.
(2) Connected TV will likely grow and provide opportunities for European content companies, but also regulatory challenges around issues like privacy, ascertaining consumer wishes, and balancing freedom to advertise.
(3) Media regulations should avoid double jeopardy for compliance, focus on strategic issues like privacy vs advertising, and help ensure the best of European media regulation is preserved.
Optimising integrated campaigns in Asia PacificKantar
This document discusses optimizing integrated marketing campaigns in Asia Pacific. It finds that while TV still drives awareness, online and other channels are more important for engagement. Using multiple channels broadens brand impact and delivers synergistic benefits. Online advertising provides good cost efficiency due to its relatively low cost. The document recommends using multiple channels to maximize reach and impact, leveraging online advertising, and ensuring creative content is optimized for each channel.
Interactive video ad formats saw a surge in popularity in Q3 2011, accounting for 61% of all ads served compared to 10% for pre-roll ads. The average click-through rate remained steady at 2.1%. New in-stream takeover formats provided up to a 4x boost in click-through rates and 43% lower close rates compared to overlay ads. Government advertising spending increased 152% due to presidential campaigns, while food service and consumer packaged goods grew 212% and 61% respectively.
The latest performance of in-stream advertising formats shows the increased adoption of new formats beyond standard pre-rolls. Take your video & display advertising strategies to the next level by leveraging AdoTube\'s powerful technology & creative!
Com score vce brandingmetrics vn-2012-11-02Duong The Vinh
The document discusses the results of a study analyzing the delivery of digital advertising campaigns across Asia. Some key findings include:
- On average, 58% of ads across all campaigns were viewable, lower than rates found in other regions.
- Viewability varied significantly by content category and ad size/placement.
- 4% of ads were delivered outside the targeted geographic regions, with the U.S. receiving nearly a third of those impressions.
- While overall brand safety issues were low, even one exposure to undesirable content can damage a brand.
Nielsen trustin advertising global report april2012Dung Tri
The document is a Nielsen report on global consumer trust in advertising from April 2012. Some key findings from the report are:
- Consumers around the world trust recommendations from friends and family (92%) and online consumer reviews (70%) more than other forms of advertising.
- Trust in traditional paid advertising like TV, print, and radio ads has declined by 20-25% since 2009 while trust in online and mobile advertising is increasing.
- Latin American consumers reported the highest levels of trust in most advertising formats compared to other regions.
Screenvision has a dominant share of theatres in Nashville, with their audience consisting of 42% men and women aged 18-54 who are likely to have inquired about attorneys. The document shows that combining cinema advertising with television advertising can more than double conversion rates compared to television alone, as moviegoers mirror television audiences and are ideal prospects for various activities. Several attorney customers are highlighted as examples of companies that utilize cinema advertising through Screenvision.
At the Advertising Research Foundations (ARF) 2011 annual re:think convention, a key issues forum presentation was held entitled How Content Amplifies the Persuasiveness of Advertising. The presentation included sections on Flow Theory, ARS Engagement, Building Audiences, Enhanced Targeting, Content, and Earned Audience. The presenters were Vice Presidents of comScore, Ashley Grace & Joan FitzGerald.
The document summarizes key metrics and trends from AdoTube's Q2 2011 advertising reports. It finds that video ads accounted for close to 60% of ads served, with interactive overlays increasing 10 percentage points. Click-through rates jumped 20% to 2.25% on average. The new Ad Selector format saw an 84% viewer completion rate and 63% overall view-through rate. Food services advertising increased 311% from Q1 and 122% from Q2 2010 to become the second largest buyer after CPG.
This presentation from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) provides an overview of the CARE Strengthening the Dairy Value Chain Project impact evaluation design.
The document discusses measuring and communicating outcomes for nonprofit organizations. It covers the current context of increased demands from funders for outcomes reporting to demonstrate impact. The agenda includes discussing whether outcomes measurement is worthwhile, presenting a framework for measuring outcomes, and providing tips for implementation. Key points include:
- Funders now want to see meaningful, lasting impact rather than just participation numbers.
- Few nonprofits systematically track outcomes, though those that do find it useful for programming and budgeting.
- Outcomes measurement should be based on why a program exists rather than just how it operates.
- It makes most sense to measure outcomes for programs with the right funders and strategic focus.
- Outcomes can be measured
Insight Address: Web TV Without Apology: Digital Content NewFronts 2013, Orig...iMedia Connection
The document provides an overview and executive summary of a study on digital video and TV advertising. Some key findings include:
- Online video usage continues to grow while TV viewership sees slight erosion. Lighter TV viewers stream more online video.
- Reallocating a portion of TV ad budgets to digital media can increase reach for the same spending. Shifting 15% of budgets led to a 4.2% increase in adult reach on average.
- Online video ads are more effective than TV ads according to metrics like recall, with the greatest impact seen for full episode players. Prior online exposure improves the impact of subsequent TV ads.
- On average, people watch the majority (87%) of online video ads they
The document summarizes the key findings of a 2010 supply chain survey. It finds that: (1) Half of companies do not review their supply chain strategy as often as needed; (2) One-third of companies do not have future proof plans to account for various possibilities in the next few years; (3) More than half of companies are concerned with inventory costs and transportation costs. The document provides recommendations around measuring, assessing, planning and developing robust strategies to manage risks and variability in an uncertain future.
Building Brands with Integrated Campaigns - Millward BrownMerlien Institute
This document provides a summary of key insights from the Insight Valley Asia 2013 conference held on May 16-17 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference discussed optimizing integrated marketing campaigns through the effective use of multiple communication channels including television, print, radio, outdoor and online. Presentations showed that while television remains important for awareness, online and other channels are more effective for brand engagement. An optimal integrated marketing strategy uses multiple channels to maximize reach beyond television alone and deliver additional synergistic benefits. Getting the online creative element right also significantly impacts campaign performance.
This document discusses disruptive innovation in patient-centered healthcare and outlines challenges facing healthcare systems. It notes that healthcare costs are concentrated among a small portion of patients and are growing due to aging demographics. Healthcare spending is also not efficiently allocated, with less than 10% spent on direct point-of-care services. The document advocates investing in electronic health records, telehealth, and other information technologies to improve care coordination and outcomes while reducing costs. It argues healthcare systems should innovate with the patient's needs and health outcomes as the priority.
The document summarizes key findings from Outsell's annual advertising spending study. It found that online ad spending is growing faster than print, with healthcare online spending outpacing other sectors. For healthcare advertisers, search engine spending is rising the most, while print is also growing. Healthcare advertisers value keyword ads and are driven by qualified lead generation. Traditional marketing tactics remain most effective for healthcare leads currently, though online methods are gaining ground.
This document summarizes the key findings of Capgemini's 2010 global study on collaborating for innovation. The study found that (1) innovation is increasingly integrated into corporate strategy and measured systematically, (2) R&D collaboration is key for growth in global markets, (3) customer collaboration needs to move beyond insights to capitalizing on them, and (4) supplier collaboration should shift from cost reduction to shared value creation. The document recommends that companies enhance collaborative innovation, integrate it into strategy, measure innovation performance, reshape R&D, refine customer collaboration, and build supplier networks.
Is Organic Farming Worth its Investment? The Adoption and Impact of Certified...Linda Kleemann
This document discusses a thesis examining the adoption and impact of organic pineapple farming certification in Ghana. It provides an overview of the thesis topics, including sustainable agriculture, organic farming in Ghana, price transmission analysis of pineapple markets, and the costs and benefits of organic certification for pineapple farmers. The presentation also outlines the motivation, literature review, pineapple sector context in Ghana, theoretical framework, data collection and empirical strategy used in the research.
Visible Wireless: Grass Roots Branding and Media PlanningMediaPost
Visible Wireless, a retail brand of Verizon, doubled down on social channels to find and cultivate communities that wanted an alternative telecom model. And in turn those communities have informed everything about how the brand grew from product development even to media planning. What does a grass roots media strategy look like?
MediaPost Data & Programmatic Insider Summit - Survey ResultsMediaPost
This document lists sponsors for an event including a title sponsor and presenting sponsors but provides no other context or information about the sponsors, event, or what is being sponsored. It repeats lists of "TITLE SPONSOR", "PRESENTING SPONSORS", and "SPONSORS" but with no distinguishing details between the lists.
Looking back on the migration to real-time programmatic from traditional media direct sales and ad network models, one can see parallels in the evolution of connected tv media buys today. However, there are powerful voices and a complicit media machine swimming against the current of change in how television content is valued, bought and sold. Are recurring programmatic inventory buying & selling patterns that preceded CTV likely to repeat themselves?
First-Party Data Takes The Cake In A Post-Cookie WorldMediaPost
Shopper behavior has been disrupted and now, more than ever, consumers are in the drivers seat. As third-party cookies go away and data privacy regulations increase, consumer trust is paramount and should be earned through value exchange. Discover how the power of Kroger Precision Marketings first party data and advanced targeting capabilities has changed the media advertising ecosystem by holding media accountable for driving real business outcomes.
Real-time buying for real-time events: Leveraging Programmatic TV for Live Ev...MediaPost
Be memorable in the streaming space and learn how to best leverage real-time events on Live OTT with highly engaged, leaned forward audiences no matter your budget. Hear from one of the largest vMVPDs the value of executing live events programmatically and bring your strategy to the next level.
The Right Audience for the Job: Cadillacs First Party Data Engine MediaPost
The Cadillac brand has been designing a new model (for consumer data, that is), which is aerodynamically suited to the next generation of information highway. It is powered by a single point of truth first party data engine that makes the companys use of third party data more accurate and efficient and even finds new affinity audiences that work within a people-based marketing framework. Lets take a test drive with Cadillac CRM, Audience and Personalization Manager Kate Wonsul.
Sustained Innovation Through Creativity, Technology & DataMediaPost
Avocados From Mexico has built one of the most successful digital practices in the industry in terms of both creativity and performance. Ivonne Kinser, AFM's head of digital marketing & ecommerce, will share the brand's approach to combine creativity, technology and data to develop stronger customer relationships that significantly increased the performance of their campaigns.
Search and Performance Insider Summit - Survey ResultsMediaPost
This document lists different levels of sponsorship for an event, including premier sponsor, title sponsor, sponsors, and presenting sponsor. It repeats these sponsorship levels multiple times.
Consumers demand privacy and digital marketing is evolving. Advertisers need a future-proof targeting solution that doesn't rely on third-party cookies or mobile identifiers. Hyper-relevant contextual targeting is a privacy-safe solution that goes beyond the keyword or category level to offer unparalleled relevance and reach in brand suitable environments, which means you can reach your target buyers at the moment they're most likely to engage - without cookies.
There's a lot of uncertainty and concern around the upcoming changes restricting 3rd party cookie based targeting. Marketers are scurrying to pivot against these changes with very little concrete guidance on what parameters will be in place.
The acceleration of streaming this past year has made video even more critical to a brand's growth strategy. Lexmarks director of marketing operations, Mike Dattilo, shares how hes successfully targeting SMB users to expand their audience, brand awareness and increase conversions through performance video.
This document lists the title sponsor and sponsors of an event four separate times without providing any other context or information. It repeats the title of "Title Sponsor" and "Sponsors" on each new line but does not include the names of any sponsors or other details about the event.
When Less is More: Building a Successful Advertising Business from a Subscrip...MediaPost
Lisa Ryan Howard is the Senior Vice President of Advertising at The New York Times. She discusses how the elimination of third-party cookies will impact digital advertising and outlines the key areas advertisers should focus on going forward, including understanding audience context, motivation, and propensity through analyzing topics, sections, emotions, objectives and history with the New York Times rather than relying on third-party data. She concludes by thanking the audience and looking forward to partnering with advertisers in 2022 and beyond.
What Do First Party Data and Golf Have In Common? MediaPost
As it turns out, two major strategies. Join Omeda leaders Tony Napoleone, VP Client Experience, and James Capo, COO, to discuss market changes and the two winning strategies you need with your audience data.
Turning Customers Into Fans: Churchs New Social Media PlaybookMediaPost
As social platforms fragment, brands need to remain flexible in their paid and organic strategies. Churchs Chicken reimagined its social media playbook for changed times. Alan Magee explains how they sought to encourage more than engagement but engender true brand fan love. With campaigns that broke through the clutter Churchs is growing its social footprint and engagement in ways that serve the core business and not just Follows and Likes.
Restaurant Customer Engagement: The Path to PersonalizationMediaPost
Driven by necessity and rising customer expectations, the digital transformation of restaurants is well underway. Your customers now engage with you through multiple channels across various devices, yet still expect you to seamlessly deliver highly personalized experiences. Join us to learn how restaurants can orchestrate these personalized customer journeys at scale.
Delivery & Streaming, the Ultimate Experience with RokuMediaPost
Dig into the secular shift to streaming. Join Jeff Katz, Head of Sales in the Central Region at Roku, as he shares 3 key updates for QSR Marketers from Americas #1 TV Streaming Platform:
- Foursquare QSR Insights
- Roku Platform Updates
- Beta Measurement Opportunity
Brand licensing is more than an incremental revenue opportunity for QSRs. It is a branding play that can have multiple benefits for branding, sales and even expansion. Using Cinnabon as an example, Focus explores how putting its legendary buns on grocery shelves and into pizza orders.
Three Tips to Maximize Creative Asset EfficiencyMediaPost
Advertising campaigns for quick service restaurants are a constant. Youre never NOT trying to get feet in the door. In an effort for brands and franchisees to meet audiences wherever they are with exciting promotions, marketers need to create exponential amounts of content, quickly. But quickly doesn't always mean efficiently. Join this session to learn three ways to get the most out of your ad creative and maximize the value of your assets.
The QSR Media Dispersion: Pre, Mid & Post Pandemic By the NumbersMediaPost
The QSR media mixs future was pulled forward by three years in April 2020. This was a necessary change and one that has helped the strong survive and grow. In this session, Senior Director of Sales for, Casey Squier will review foot traffic trends, both nationally and locally, and the shift in ad spend across mobile, display, video, and CTV. He will also discuss a case study with a national QSR who did it right and is thriving in a post-Covid world.
2. Program Engagement and Ad Recall
(Entertainment Programs)
Program Engagement impacts ad effectiveness because when viewers are more
engaged with a show they are less likely to change channels, or multi-task, or
y = 0.3604x + 0.2575
leave the room so they are more likely to2pay attention to the commercials
R = 0.6556
60% Correlation = .8
General Recall
10% 30% 50% 70% 90%
Program Engagement
Source: Nielsen IAG; includes PE and GR for every regularly airing non-sports programs measured Q1 2005 through Q2 2007; limited to sample >=200; <5% of cases removed as outliers
Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
3. Program Engagement and Ad Recall
(Sports Programs)
The same relationship is also found between engagement in Sports programming
and ad recall
General Recall
50% Correlation = .8
10% 30% 50% 70% 90%
Program Engagement
Source: IAG Research; includes PE and GR for every regularly airing sports program measured Q1 2005 through Q2 2007; limited to sample >=200; <5% of cases removed as outliers
Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
4. Contextual Advertising Case Study
Food Product Ad Performance by Programming Type
Ads for food products airing in food-focused Cable programs generate 24% higher
Brand Recall and 28% higher Message Recall relative to food product advertising in
non-food themed Cable programming.
Food-Themed Cable Programming
All Other Cable Programming
To Be Read As: On average,
viewers exposed to food
product ads in food-themed 25%
programming were better able 23%
to recall the advertised brand
than viewers exposed to food
product ads in non-food-
themed programming (31%
vs. 25%).
General Recall Brand Recall Message Recall
How well do viewers How well do viewers associate How well do viewers understand
remember the creative the advertised brand the ads core message
Green arrow indicates
Source: Nielsen IAG, Sep 1, 2009 July 31, 2010, A18-49, Primetime only (6p-12a), Cable only, Non-sports programming only significant difference
Food-themed programming includes instructional cooking shows such as 30-Minute Meals (FOOD), food-focused documentaries such as Food Tech (HIST), vs. comparison at 90%
and food-themed reality series such as Top Chef (BRAVO). confidence.
Nielsen-IAG measured Cable networks: A&E, BRAVO, COM, DSC, ESPN, FOOD, FX, HIST, HGTV, LIFE, MTV, NAN, SPEED, SYFY, TBS, TLC, TNT, USA, VH1
Page 4
Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
5. Ads with Football Elements vs. Standard Ads
When aired In-game, ads that involved football elements garnered significantly
stronger breakthrough and brand resonance
Includes Football Elements, All Brands No Football Elements, All Brands
53% 53%
General Recall Brand Recall Likeability Brand Linkage Likeability
Source: Nielsen IAG, 8.9.09 1.31.10; P18+; NFL Games only.
Highlighted results indicate statistically significant difference at 90% confidence.
Page 5
Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Custom
6. Football-Themed Ads: Case Studies
Nikes football-themed creative
featuring Adrian Peterson garnered
directionally stronger recall
measures than non-themed creative
airing in-game
General Brand Message Like-
Brand Recall Recall Recall ability
Nike - Football Themed 42% 31% 10% 16%
Nike - Non-Themed 31% 20% 6% 9%
Football Themed Indexed to
135 155 167 178
Source: Nielsen IAG, 8.9.09 1.31.10; P18+; NFL Games only
Page 6
Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Custom