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Content & Context-
Its Good to Be the King!

Paul Lindstrom
April 14, 2011
Program Engagement and Ad Recall
                                     (Entertainment Programs)
 Program Engagement impacts ad effectiveness because when viewers are more
  engaged with a show they are less likely to change channels, or multi-task, or
                                        y = 0.3604x + 0.2575
  leave the room so they are more likely to2pay attention to the commercials
                                             R = 0.6556


                                60%            Correlation = .8
               General Recall





                                   10%                              30%           50%                   70%                       90%

                                                                             Program Engagement
  Source: Nielsen IAG; includes PE and GR for every regularly airing non-sports programs measured Q1 2005 through Q2 2007; limited to sample >=200; <5% of cases removed as outliers


       Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
Program Engagement and Ad Recall
                          (Sports Programs)
 The same relationship is also found between engagement in Sports programming
  and ad recall

                    General Recall

                                     50%                                                                                                Correlation = .8
                                        10%                                  30%    50%                  70%                     90%
                                                                               Program Engagement

  Source: IAG Research; includes PE and GR for every regularly airing sports program measured Q1 2005 through Q2 2007; limited to sample >=200; <5% of cases removed as outliers


       Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
Contextual Advertising Case Study
            Food Product Ad Performance by Programming Type
           Ads for food products airing in food-focused Cable programs generate 24% higher
            Brand Recall and 28% higher Message Recall relative to food product advertising in
            non-food themed Cable programming.

                                                                                                                                 Food-Themed Cable Programming
                                                                                                                                 All Other Cable Programming
     To Be Read As: On average,
       viewers exposed to food
     product ads in food-themed                                                                                         25%
    programming were better able                                                                                                                        23%
    to recall the advertised brand
    than viewers exposed to food
       product ads in non-food-
     themed programming (31%
               vs. 25%).

                                                                                      General Recall          Brand Recall                              Message Recall
                                                                               How well do viewers     How well do viewers associate        How well do viewers understand
                                                                              remember the creative       the advertised brand                  the ads core message

                                                                                                                                                              Green arrow indicates
Source: Nielsen IAG, Sep 1, 2009  July 31, 2010, A18-49, Primetime only (6p-12a), Cable only, Non-sports programming only                                    significant difference
Food-themed programming includes instructional cooking shows such as 30-Minute Meals (FOOD), food-focused documentaries such as Food Tech (HIST),         vs. comparison at 90%
  and food-themed reality series such as Top Chef (BRAVO).                                                                                                  confidence.
Nielsen-IAG measured Cable networks: A&E, BRAVO, COM, DSC, ESPN, FOOD, FX, HIST, HGTV, LIFE, MTV, NAN, SPEED, SYFY, TBS, TLC, TNT, USA, VH1

                                                                                                                                   Page 4
                Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
Ads with Football Elements vs. Standard Ads
 When aired In-game, ads that involved football elements garnered significantly
  stronger breakthrough and brand resonance
                                   Includes Football Elements, All Brands              No Football Elements, All Brands


                                                                                                                                53% 53%



          General Recall                             Brand Recall         Likeability            Brand Linkage                 Likeability

                                                                                                 Source: Nielsen IAG, 8.9.09  1.31.10; P18+; NFL Games only.
                                                                                Highlighted results indicate statistically significant difference at 90% confidence.

                                                                                                                   Page 5
    Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.                                            Custom
Football-Themed Ads: Case Studies

  Nikes football-themed creative
   featuring Adrian Peterson garnered
   directionally stronger recall
   measures than non-themed creative
   airing in-game

                                                                         General   Brand      Message                 Like-
 Brand                                                                    Recall   Recall       Recall               ability
 Nike - Football Themed                                                     42%      31%          10%                  16%
 Nike - Non-Themed                                                          31%      20%           6%                   9%
 Football Themed Indexed to
                                                                            135      155               167               178

                                                                                       Source: Nielsen IAG, 8.9.09  1.31.10; P18+; NFL Games only

                                                                                                      Page 6
   Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.                                Custom

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1415 doohf paul lindstrom

  • 1. Content & Context- Its Good to Be the King! Paul Lindstrom April 14, 2011
  • 2. Program Engagement and Ad Recall (Entertainment Programs) Program Engagement impacts ad effectiveness because when viewers are more engaged with a show they are less likely to change channels, or multi-task, or y = 0.3604x + 0.2575 leave the room so they are more likely to2pay attention to the commercials R = 0.6556 70% 60% Correlation = .8 General Recall 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 10% 30% 50% 70% 90% Program Engagement Source: Nielsen IAG; includes PE and GR for every regularly airing non-sports programs measured Q1 2005 through Q2 2007; limited to sample >=200; <5% of cases removed as outliers 2 Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
  • 3. Program Engagement and Ad Recall (Sports Programs) The same relationship is also found between engagement in Sports programming and ad recall 70% General Recall 60% 50% Correlation = .8 40% 30% 20% 10% 10% 30% 50% 70% 90% Program Engagement Source: IAG Research; includes PE and GR for every regularly airing sports program measured Q1 2005 through Q2 2007; limited to sample >=200; <5% of cases removed as outliers 3 Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
  • 4. Contextual Advertising Case Study Food Product Ad Performance by Programming Type Ads for food products airing in food-focused Cable programs generate 24% higher Brand Recall and 28% higher Message Recall relative to food product advertising in non-food themed Cable programming. 45% Food-Themed Cable Programming 41% All Other Cable Programming To Be Read As: On average, 31% viewers exposed to food product ads in food-themed 25% programming were better able 23% to recall the advertised brand 18% than viewers exposed to food product ads in non-food- themed programming (31% vs. 25%). General Recall Brand Recall Message Recall How well do viewers How well do viewers associate How well do viewers understand remember the creative the advertised brand the ads core message Green arrow indicates Source: Nielsen IAG, Sep 1, 2009 July 31, 2010, A18-49, Primetime only (6p-12a), Cable only, Non-sports programming only significant difference Food-themed programming includes instructional cooking shows such as 30-Minute Meals (FOOD), food-focused documentaries such as Food Tech (HIST), vs. comparison at 90% and food-themed reality series such as Top Chef (BRAVO). confidence. Nielsen-IAG measured Cable networks: A&E, BRAVO, COM, DSC, ESPN, FOOD, FX, HIST, HGTV, LIFE, MTV, NAN, SPEED, SYFY, TBS, TLC, TNT, USA, VH1 4 Page 4 Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
  • 5. Ads with Football Elements vs. Standard Ads When aired In-game, ads that involved football elements garnered significantly stronger breakthrough and brand resonance Includes Football Elements, All Brands No Football Elements, All Brands 71% 65% 53% 53% 50% 46% 35% 30% 19% 16% General Recall Brand Recall Likeability Brand Linkage Likeability Linkage Source: Nielsen IAG, 8.9.09 1.31.10; P18+; NFL Games only. Highlighted results indicate statistically significant difference at 90% confidence. 5 Page 5 NFL Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Custom
  • 6. Football-Themed Ads: Case Studies Nike Nikes football-themed creative featuring Adrian Peterson garnered directionally stronger recall measures than non-themed creative airing in-game General Brand Message Like- Brand Recall Recall Recall ability Nike - Football Themed 42% 31% 10% 16% Nike - Non-Themed 31% 20% 6% 9% Football Themed Indexed to 135 155 167 178 Non-Themed Source: Nielsen IAG, 8.9.09 1.31.10; P18+; NFL Games only 6 Page 6 NFL Copyright 息 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Custom