rti_innovation_brief_evidence_synthesisAnupa BirThe document summarizes the work of the RTI-UNC Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) in conducting evidence syntheses (systematic reviews) to inform clinical practice, policy, and research. Key points:
- EPC evidence syntheses have helped shape guidelines and recommendations from organizations like the US Preventive Services Task Force.
- Examples are cited where EPC reviews uncovered gaps in evidence and influenced changes to clinical guidelines and practices, as well as new areas of research.
- EPC follows rigorous processes to ensure the quality, accuracy, and reliability of their evidence syntheses, which are used widely to support decision-making by patients, clinicians, and policymakers.
Introduction - what is Askozia?AskoziaAs a renown developer of real-time IP communication technologies and PBX software for service providers, SMBs and system integrators worldwide, Askozia stands for highly intuitive and scalable business telephony. All solutions can be used on-site or hosted in the cloud. Askozia's in-house solutions come without proprietary lock-in or any per-user or per-channel fees. Instead, benefit from a highly intuitive user interface, interoperability thanks to open standards, and a fair price.
Presentation to UNR RE minor 10182016David GibsonPresentation to University of Nevada-Reno Renewable Energy Minor on Net-Zero Energy Homes as a step toward 100% Renewable Energy. Cost-effective improvements to every home and building provide vast economic benefits. How can Nevada become the global leader in clean energy development and export?
Составление энергетического паспорта здания. Определение класса энергетическ...EffbuildПрезентация подготовлена Тереховой Ириной Анатольевной, ведущим научным сотрудником НИПТИС для обучающего семинара "Выполнение энергетического обследования жилых зданий", организованного проектом ПРООН-ГЭФ по энергоэффективности в жилых зданиях 25 ноября 2015 года.
Forget Me NotShanalee ManwaringThe document provides 5 brief reminders: to be patient with oneself; to distinguish between good and foolish sacrifice; to be happy now; to remember the purpose of the gospel; and to not forget that the Lord loves you.
ADEWUYI REUBEN ADEBARE CV1Reuben AdewuyiThe document is a curriculum vitae for Reuben Adebare Adewuyi, a Senior Mechanical Engineer at The Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti in Nigeria. It outlines his educational background which includes a Master's and Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ilorin. It also details his professional experience spanning over 15 years working in mechanical engineering roles with an emphasis on design, fabrication, maintenance and teaching. The CV provides a comprehensive record of Adewuyi's qualifications, publications, areas of research, training and work history in the field of mechanical engineering.
Instalación de sql server 2014Nadia RCEste documento describe los 10 pasos para instalar SQL Server 2014 de manera sencilla. Estos incluyen descargar el software desde DreamSpark, seleccionar las características del equipo, cambiar el idioma a español, aceptar los términos de la licencia, seleccionar la carpeta de destino, elegir entre versiones de 32 o 64 bits, iniciar la instalación, configurar el programa, e instalar con éxito el software a pesar de un pequeño problema con el idioma.
Carira classificadosalisoncariraO documento descreve um edital de concurso público municipal para enfermeiros. Ele lista os candidatos classificados para os cargos de enfermeiro da unidade de saúde da família da sede e da zona rural, com seus respectivos nomes, identidades, datas de nascimento e notas da prova objetiva. Também fornece instruções sobre como entregar recursos e títulos para fins de classificação.
IbmJulia BultermanThis document discusses IBM's social media strategy and accounts. It provides details on the followers, frequency of posts, content topics, and level of engagement for several IBM social media accounts. It also discusses IBM's use of user-generated content through platforms like WebSphere sMash and how their social media aims to complement traditional marketing. Areas for improvement mentioned are being more responsive on channels and running viral campaigns to expand reach.
The Power of InfographicsLaureline BaronThis document provides a report on the use and effectiveness of infographics in press releases. It finds that infographics appeal to visual learners, convey information quickly and efficiently, and increase the likelihood of news being viewed and shared due to their visual nature. The document analyzes how infographics capture attention, are easy to comprehend, and are memorable. It also explores how brands have successfully garnered media coverage by using infographics to communicate complex topics or data visually.
Ecuador transportacion doris moralesElyzabetth73This document discusses different modes of transportation in Ecuador. It describes land transportation which includes buses that transport people between cities and provinces, trains which carry passengers and goods on rails, and taxis which carry people for a cash fare calculated by a meter. It also outlines air transportation such as planes that can fly between countries and provinces, and helicopters that can hover and fly vertically or horizontally. Finally, it outlines marine transportation including boats that carry goods by sea, yachts which are larger motorized or sailing boats, and cruises which are multiple day pleasure boat trips making stops at various ports.
Cuadro secuencia-de-autoresIren SantosEl documento trata sobre la relación entre la cultura de la comunidad y la cultura escolar. Se discuten tres puntos principales: 1) Los procesos de interacción entre ambas culturas, 2) Las formas de participación instituidas entre la comunidad y la escuela, y 3) La valoración social de la escuela en la comunidad.
Actividad 4 bErio Daniel DiazEl documento presenta el análisis y resolución de dos problemas matemáticos. La primera parte resuelve una inecuación y grafica el conjunto de soluciones. La segunda parte analiza una parábola, determinando sus elementos como vértice, foco y directriz, y expresando su forma general y estándar. Finalmente, grafica la parábola.
group 01 - Arndt_Alex_alexma2_CEEn 544 Case Study (Crookston) End allAlex ArndtThis case study examines slope stabilization for Highway 2 in Crookston, MN. The slope consists of 80 feet of weak ancient lake sediment prone to failures. Initial analysis found factors of safety below acceptable levels. Possible solutions considered were grading, piles, and retaining walls, but drilled shafts were selected. L-pile analysis determined shaft dimensions to provide lateral resistance. Reinforcing the failure surface with drilled shafts increased factors of safety to acceptable levels above 1.33 across three analyzed cross-sections.
oda-x6-2sm-DATA SHEETDaryll WhyteThe Oracle Database Appliance X6-2S and X6-2M are fully integrated systems optimized for Oracle Database that simplify deployment, maintenance, and support of database solutions. They integrate software, compute, storage, and networking resources and offer flexible Oracle Database licensing options. Key features include Intel Xeon processors, NVMe flash storage, 10GbE networking, Oracle Linux, and Oracle Appliance Manager for simplified management.
Convencion colectivayipsybritoYipsy BritoEl documento presenta información sobre las convenciones colectivas de trabajo en Venezuela. Detalla los objetivos y características de las convenciones colectivas, como establecer las condiciones laborales y regular las relaciones entre empleadores y trabajadores. También explica los principios de efecto expansivo y efecto automático de las convenciones colectivas y los roles y derechos de los sindicatos en el proceso de negociación colectiva.
Ap nº 5Erio Daniel DiazEl documento presenta los requerimientos de una actividad para un curso de introducción a la informática. Se pide proponer un ejemplo de cada área de la informática, como algoritmos y estructuras de datos, lenguajes de programación, arquitectura, ingeniería de software, inteligencia artificial, sistemas operativos, entre otros. El estudiante debe compartir los ejemplos en un foro para la actividad.
Herramientas web 2laura ortizEl documento describe varias herramientas web 2.0 como Blogger para crear bitácoras, About.me para centralizar perfiles sociales, Wordle para generar nubes de palabras, y Educaplay para actividades educativas multimedia. También menciona plataformas como Storybird para crear cuentos con ilustraciones, Flashgear y Photofunia para editar imágenes, Photopeach para hacer presentaciones con música y texto, y ݺߣshare para compartir presentaciones.
what type of learning style are you?Margaret ItamThe document discusses three different learning styles: kinaesthetic, visual, and auditory. The kinaesthetic style involves learning by moving and doing, and prefers interactive, practical learning. Visual learners benefit from visual aids like pictures and videos. Auditory learners prefer learning through listening to discussions, readings, and audio recordings. For each style, disadvantages are described when those modalities are not available, such as difficulty learning from silent reading for auditory learners. Identifying one's learning style provides benefits like improved studying skills, self-knowledge, and preventing misunderstandings between students and teachers.
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Carira classificadosalisoncariraO documento descreve um edital de concurso público municipal para enfermeiros. Ele lista os candidatos classificados para os cargos de enfermeiro da unidade de saúde da família da sede e da zona rural, com seus respectivos nomes, identidades, datas de nascimento e notas da prova objetiva. Também fornece instruções sobre como entregar recursos e títulos para fins de classificação.
IbmJulia BultermanThis document discusses IBM's social media strategy and accounts. It provides details on the followers, frequency of posts, content topics, and level of engagement for several IBM social media accounts. It also discusses IBM's use of user-generated content through platforms like WebSphere sMash and how their social media aims to complement traditional marketing. Areas for improvement mentioned are being more responsive on channels and running viral campaigns to expand reach.
The Power of InfographicsLaureline BaronThis document provides a report on the use and effectiveness of infographics in press releases. It finds that infographics appeal to visual learners, convey information quickly and efficiently, and increase the likelihood of news being viewed and shared due to their visual nature. The document analyzes how infographics capture attention, are easy to comprehend, and are memorable. It also explores how brands have successfully garnered media coverage by using infographics to communicate complex topics or data visually.
Ecuador transportacion doris moralesElyzabetth73This document discusses different modes of transportation in Ecuador. It describes land transportation which includes buses that transport people between cities and provinces, trains which carry passengers and goods on rails, and taxis which carry people for a cash fare calculated by a meter. It also outlines air transportation such as planes that can fly between countries and provinces, and helicopters that can hover and fly vertically or horizontally. Finally, it outlines marine transportation including boats that carry goods by sea, yachts which are larger motorized or sailing boats, and cruises which are multiple day pleasure boat trips making stops at various ports.
Cuadro secuencia-de-autoresIren SantosEl documento trata sobre la relación entre la cultura de la comunidad y la cultura escolar. Se discuten tres puntos principales: 1) Los procesos de interacción entre ambas culturas, 2) Las formas de participación instituidas entre la comunidad y la escuela, y 3) La valoración social de la escuela en la comunidad.
Actividad 4 bErio Daniel DiazEl documento presenta el análisis y resolución de dos problemas matemáticos. La primera parte resuelve una inecuación y grafica el conjunto de soluciones. La segunda parte analiza una parábola, determinando sus elementos como vértice, foco y directriz, y expresando su forma general y estándar. Finalmente, grafica la parábola.
group 01 - Arndt_Alex_alexma2_CEEn 544 Case Study (Crookston) End allAlex ArndtThis case study examines slope stabilization for Highway 2 in Crookston, MN. The slope consists of 80 feet of weak ancient lake sediment prone to failures. Initial analysis found factors of safety below acceptable levels. Possible solutions considered were grading, piles, and retaining walls, but drilled shafts were selected. L-pile analysis determined shaft dimensions to provide lateral resistance. Reinforcing the failure surface with drilled shafts increased factors of safety to acceptable levels above 1.33 across three analyzed cross-sections.
oda-x6-2sm-DATA SHEETDaryll WhyteThe Oracle Database Appliance X6-2S and X6-2M are fully integrated systems optimized for Oracle Database that simplify deployment, maintenance, and support of database solutions. They integrate software, compute, storage, and networking resources and offer flexible Oracle Database licensing options. Key features include Intel Xeon processors, NVMe flash storage, 10GbE networking, Oracle Linux, and Oracle Appliance Manager for simplified management.
Convencion colectivayipsybritoYipsy BritoEl documento presenta información sobre las convenciones colectivas de trabajo en Venezuela. Detalla los objetivos y características de las convenciones colectivas, como establecer las condiciones laborales y regular las relaciones entre empleadores y trabajadores. También explica los principios de efecto expansivo y efecto automático de las convenciones colectivas y los roles y derechos de los sindicatos en el proceso de negociación colectiva.
Ap nº 5Erio Daniel DiazEl documento presenta los requerimientos de una actividad para un curso de introducción a la informática. Se pide proponer un ejemplo de cada área de la informática, como algoritmos y estructuras de datos, lenguajes de programación, arquitectura, ingeniería de software, inteligencia artificial, sistemas operativos, entre otros. El estudiante debe compartir los ejemplos en un foro para la actividad.
Herramientas web 2laura ortizEl documento describe varias herramientas web 2.0 como Blogger para crear bitácoras, About.me para centralizar perfiles sociales, Wordle para generar nubes de palabras, y Educaplay para actividades educativas multimedia. También menciona plataformas como Storybird para crear cuentos con ilustraciones, Flashgear y Photofunia para editar imágenes, Photopeach para hacer presentaciones con música y texto, y ݺߣshare para compartir presentaciones.
what type of learning style are you?Margaret ItamThe document discusses three different learning styles: kinaesthetic, visual, and auditory. The kinaesthetic style involves learning by moving and doing, and prefers interactive, practical learning. Visual learners benefit from visual aids like pictures and videos. Auditory learners prefer learning through listening to discussions, readings, and audio recordings. For each style, disadvantages are described when those modalities are not available, such as difficulty learning from silent reading for auditory learners. Identifying one's learning style provides benefits like improved studying skills, self-knowledge, and preventing misunderstandings between students and teachers.