El relieve en méxicoDiana Del RioEl documento presenta una introducción a los diferentes tipos de relieve en México, incluyendo colinas, cordilleras, golfos, llanuras, macizos, montañas y sierras. Fue preparado por Diana Cristina del Río Efigenio y Mayra Abarca Sánchez para su clase de Tecnologías de la Educación en la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero el 30 de abril de 2014.
MY C V 27 APRIL 2016DR.Mesaad BahatheqThis curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional experience of Mesaad Said Bahathiq. It details that he received a Bachelor of Dental Science from King Saud University in 1988, a Master of Science from the University of Texas Health Science Center in 1998, and specialized in oral and maxillofacial surgery with additional training and residencies in the US and Saudi Arabia over 11 years. The CV also lists his professional appointments as consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon at King Faisal Specialist Hospital from 2002 to the present, including roles as chairman and on various committees.
Apollo TechnologyApollo Technology LtdApollo Technology is an IT partner offering support, strategy, service, and skills. They provide managed services such as cloud backup, server monitoring, email services, help desk support, call out services, file access software, leasing services, project management, and more. Apollo Technology supports over 50 businesses and organizations with 8 engineers available for support and a 1 hour response time on most tickets. They have been in business for over 10 years and have over 34 years of combined experience among their staff.
Janco CV 2016janco du preezI am a qualified risk solutions operative with over 5 years of experience in private and governmental security sectors locally and abroad. I have experience with maritime security, VIP protection, anti-piracy operations, and drilling site security. I am proficient in firearms handling, high-risk guarding, and have leadership experience training local law enforcement in Somalia.
Philippines Participation in GVCs: Analysis and FindingsDuke University Global Value Chains Center (GVCC)Duke CGGC reports key findings for the Philippines in Manufacturing Global Value Chains project at a public forum at the Makati Diamond Residential Suites in Manila on June 2, 2016. The presentation highlighted the position of the Philippines in each of the five industries (aerospace, automotive, electronics & electrical, chemicals and paper) and focused on potential upgrading trajectories for each. The project was supported by USAID, RTI, and DTI and BOI in the Philippines.
Examples of parenteral preparationsshahishita23This presentation consists of examples of various marketed products under parenteral preparations. The various routes of administration covered include:
Intravenous, Intra arterial, Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, Intraperitoneal, Intradermal/subdermal, Intrathecal, Intrasynovial & Intracardiac. I have collected the data for this presentation from www.drugs.com , www.rxlist.com & various other sites acquired from google search.
L’azienda controllata da ExcelDigital BorgoControllo di gestione e altre "idee" per usare al meglio Excel nei processi aziendali.
A cura di Fabio Faieta, presidente di Hinnovo S.r.l.
Oral cancerUniversity Of Asia Pacific It may be a scary topic. but believe me when u will know about this u can protect yourself from this scary disease :)
Electronics Industry (Marketing Management)Shabbir Akhtar[ detailed report on the Promotional Strategies (ݺߣ 22) can be found at: http://scr.bi/promotional-strategies ] Presentation on "Electronics Industry" by Shabbir Akhtar (PGPM 10, Globsyn Business School - Global Campus) for the subject "Marketing Management"
Neoplasia Etiology and pathogenesis of cancerSubramani ParasuramanCancer is a major cause of death worldwide. The document discusses the etiology and pathogenesis of various cancers. It provides data on the most common cancers globally and lists lifestyle risk factors. The key mechanisms of carcinogenesis include chemical, physical, and infectious causes. Chemical carcinogens can be direct or require metabolic activation. Various epidemiological factors influence cancer risk such as genetics, environment, age, and hormones. Physical carcinogens like radiation and asbestos can also cause cancer development. Certain viruses are associated with different cancer types.
Villacis.abril presentacionPameliuEste documento presenta una breve descripción de varios lugares turísticos populares en Ecuador, incluyendo el volcán Chimborazo, la Mitad del Mundo, las playas de Esmeraldas, El Pailón del Diablo, Cerro Pata de Pájaro y las Islas Galápagos. Cada sección proporciona detalles sobre las características geográficas, climáticas y atractivos turísticos de cada destino.
Janco CV 2016janco du preezI am a qualified risk solutions operative with over 5 years of experience in private and governmental security sectors locally and abroad. I have experience with maritime security, VIP protection, anti-piracy operations, and drilling site security. I am proficient in firearms handling, high-risk guarding, and have leadership experience training local law enforcement in Somalia.
Philippines Participation in GVCs: Analysis and FindingsDuke University Global Value Chains Center (GVCC)Duke CGGC reports key findings for the Philippines in Manufacturing Global Value Chains project at a public forum at the Makati Diamond Residential Suites in Manila on June 2, 2016. The presentation highlighted the position of the Philippines in each of the five industries (aerospace, automotive, electronics & electrical, chemicals and paper) and focused on potential upgrading trajectories for each. The project was supported by USAID, RTI, and DTI and BOI in the Philippines.
Examples of parenteral preparationsshahishita23This presentation consists of examples of various marketed products under parenteral preparations. The various routes of administration covered include:
Intravenous, Intra arterial, Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, Intraperitoneal, Intradermal/subdermal, Intrathecal, Intrasynovial & Intracardiac. I have collected the data for this presentation from www.drugs.com , www.rxlist.com & various other sites acquired from google search.
L’azienda controllata da ExcelDigital BorgoControllo di gestione e altre "idee" per usare al meglio Excel nei processi aziendali.
A cura di Fabio Faieta, presidente di Hinnovo S.r.l.
Oral cancerUniversity Of Asia Pacific It may be a scary topic. but believe me when u will know about this u can protect yourself from this scary disease :)
Electronics Industry (Marketing Management)Shabbir Akhtar[ detailed report on the Promotional Strategies (ݺߣ 22) can be found at: http://scr.bi/promotional-strategies ] Presentation on "Electronics Industry" by Shabbir Akhtar (PGPM 10, Globsyn Business School - Global Campus) for the subject "Marketing Management"
Neoplasia Etiology and pathogenesis of cancerSubramani ParasuramanCancer is a major cause of death worldwide. The document discusses the etiology and pathogenesis of various cancers. It provides data on the most common cancers globally and lists lifestyle risk factors. The key mechanisms of carcinogenesis include chemical, physical, and infectious causes. Chemical carcinogens can be direct or require metabolic activation. Various epidemiological factors influence cancer risk such as genetics, environment, age, and hormones. Physical carcinogens like radiation and asbestos can also cause cancer development. Certain viruses are associated with different cancer types.
Villacis.abril presentacionPameliuEste documento presenta una breve descripción de varios lugares turísticos populares en Ecuador, incluyendo el volcán Chimborazo, la Mitad del Mundo, las playas de Esmeraldas, El Pailón del Diablo, Cerro Pata de Pájaro y las Islas Galápagos. Cada sección proporciona detalles sobre las características geográficas, climáticas y atractivos turísticos de cada destino.
Untitled PresentationNata БлагійHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just a few sentences, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create visual presentations.
458549.pptx fhffujikgibhikfloflodlesdelsdekidjssuserfed972Презентація для супроводу уроку у 6 класі НУШ на тему «Як організми співіснують у середовищі. Як складати ланцюги живлення.» містить посилання на інтерактиву вправу для перевірки знань. Матеріал буде корисний для онлайн уроку та як доповнення до розповіді вчителя на уроці, зацікавить учнів при вивченні розділу «Пізнаємо взаємозв’язки у природі» озв’язки між живими організмами»).
«Шевченкова весна під сонцем шани і любові»Бібліографи ОДБ ім. Т. Г. Шевченкавебмандрівка до 100-річчя заснування Шевченківського національного заповідника у Каневі
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 86 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.