?????1.52. - 2?? ??? ???? ??Fast Follower?? 1st Mover?????????????????????IT??? IT ??Lee, Minhwa 3. ???? ???Venture 2.0Venture 1.01995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ~ 2004 20052010Venture Again???????? ??INKE ?? (Global?)??? ???? (?????)?????????????? ??(?? ????? ?)????? ???????? ??Lee, Minhwa3 5. 2? ?? ?? ?????'06~????'01~05??IT ???? 8. ?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?????Pre-IPO?? ???????? ?????? ???? ??12???IPO?? ??? ?????? ?????M&A ?? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ? ????????? ??? ?? '95~'00????? 1.0??? ??Lee, Minhwa6 10. ???? ?? ??1?? ??3?? ??2?? ??Death Valley(??? ??)Darwinian Sea(??? ??)R&D and InventionInnovation and New Business (Commercialization)Winning BusinessTechnology Strategy and InnovationCommercialization and CollaborationMarketing and Networking Required Capabilities(???: NIST ??)Lee, Minhwa8 13. I2030 TrendIntelligent & Knowledge EconomyDigital Convergence??????TVComputer???? ¨C ??? ??, ?? ???(PersonalFab) ??Broadband MultimediaIntelligent & Knowledgeable Agents/Sensors2 ?3 ?5 ?4 ?1 ?6 ?Digital Multimedia + Öª + ??+??MolecularEconomy???=??Digital Electronics???????????Analog Electronics?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??????????????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??2030-2050201520061814197319201873??: ???? ¡°Matrix Business(2006)¡±, ???? DSC? ¡°Digital Convergence ??? ????(13/Mar/2003)¡±, ???? ??? ??? ¡°50? ???¡±, ? ???? ¡°??? ??(1997)¡±, ???? ¡°127? ??(1996)¡±Lee, Minhwa11 14. ????? ?? -???? ??12??$5%100%16021%120LICENSE REVENUES(BLNS US$)75%68%COMPONENTS OF S&P 500 MARKET VALUE68%10095%50%79%50$150+25%32%32%5$5198520052025Market Capitalization - Real Assets (USA)Market Capitalization- IP (USA)Global IP LicensingRevenuesLee, Minhwa 16. ??? ??? ??Innovation,?IPBrand? CR??? ??? ?????? __> ??????? < --???????????? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ?? - Smile Curve ¨CBig Smile CurvePeter Drucker The business enterprise has two and only two basic functions: Marketing(Value capturing) andInnovation(Value creation).all the rest are costs. Lee, Minhwa 17. ???? ???? ???? ????????? + ???R&D??? (?? ??)???? (?? ??)????????<???? ??? ???? PARADOX> R&D???????????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??????1>20?????>20?1Lee, Minwha 9Lee, Minhwa 19. ???? 5? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? ??????+??????? ??????R&D??(????)?? ????? ?????????(????)??????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??17Lee, Minhwa 20. ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????3C ? ????????????R&D/??MARKETINGCRIP?????(???) ???? ??(???) ?? ??(???)??? ???) ???? : ???? ???? ??? ??? ??? : ??? ???? ???, ???? ??? ? ? : ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? : ???? ?? ??????, ??? ?? ???: ? ??????, ????????? ???? ??? 21?? ?? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa18 27. ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ? ????? ?? (????)??? ?? ?? ? ?????? ?????? ??? ? ????? ??? ???? ???????(???),?????(?????)???? ?????? ????? ??? 31. Lee, Minhwa??1 RED OCEAN ?????? 90%??? ???? ?? ??, ??? ?????, ???, ?? ? ???????, ???, ?? ?? ?????????? CRO, CMO??????? ??????? ??? Ÿo 32. ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???? , ??? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa??2- ?? ??(?? ???) 33. ??3- ???? (?? ??)?? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ??? Dominant design???? ??? ?? ?????CEO?? CTO? IP? ?? ????????? ??? ??, ?? ?? ??Lee, Minhwa 34. ??4 -??? ??(?? ??)??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??IP-CR? ???? ??? ?? ??TECH BRIEF(RFP), ?? ????????? ?????? ??, ??? ??? ???? ??? ???IP MAP, IP? ??? ??M&A? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa 35. ???? ????? ?? ????? BM?????, ???? ?? ?????? ??, ???? ????? ?? DNA ???? ??? ?? ??? ??(NIH,NSH)IP????? ??? ?? ??M&A? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa??5- ???? ??(????) 36. ??6¨C ??? ????? ????, ??, ???, IBM, P&G? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ??IP? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa 38. ?? ??? ????????????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???. <????? ???> ?????????31Lee, Minhwa 40. ?? ? ??? ?? ? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????Disruptive Innovation??? ???Break through Creativity???, ??? ???Lee, Minhwa33 41. ????? ??? ?? ??? ????¡ø¡ø?? : ??? (Fluid) ? ??? (Transition) ? ??? (Specific) 43. ???? : ???? ??? ??????? ???? 44. ???? : ?????? ??????????????? ??Lee, Minhwa 45. S-Curve???? ??Natural Limit of Technology BNatural Limit of Technology A????[?] ????, ??Technology A[?] Analog TVTechnology B[?] Digital TV??, ??, ????? ?? vs. ??? ???????CAT, STAR, COW,DOG??? ??Lee, Minhwa35 46. ????/???? ???? ???4?? R&D¡ñ ??? ??? ??????? ???R&D¡ñ ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????3?? R&D¡ñ 1980???? ???? ???? ???R&D¡ñ ????? ??? ????, TRM ??/???2?? R&D¡ñ 1970??? ??? ???R&D¡ñ ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???1?? R&D¡ñ 1950-60??? ??? R&D¡ñ R&D??? ?? ??? ?? ??[??] ADL, Miller, ??????? Lee, Minhwa36 47. Lee, Minhwa- 37 Seed ???R&D????? ?? ???????????Seed R&DProject R&DR&D???SeedContest????Seed??Road Map???? Need ?? Road MapSeed?????? R&DSeedSeed?? ?????? R&DKISS R&D??? ??? ???? ?? 48. ??? ?? ??? Seed ?? R & D??????????????????? ??? ???????? 51. New ProductDevelopmentFuzzy Front End (FFE)RadicalBreakthroughCommercializationIncrementalProducts($)$$$$Platform Products($$$$)$Internal SourcesExternal Sources(University, Suppliers,New ventures,End-users)Internal/ExternalVenture HandlingExternal Technology InsourcingOpen Innovation ?? ??41Lee, Minhwa 55. ????? ? ???? ?? ????(?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? Output ?? ?????)Innovation & Knowledge Vice President?? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?? C&D ??, ?? ? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??MarketData Sources?? ???Eureka Catalog?? ????? ????Distribute??? Literature Patent DB?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ???? ??PostingDistributeP&G Business UnitsNineSigma???? Data Mining ??? ???? ?? ?? ? ??? ???? ???¡??General ManagersBrand ManagersR&D TeamsProposal ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? (Contract Partner) ??5)Identify? ??, Idea, ?? ? ??1)¡??Technology EntrepreneursConsumer NeedsSearch?Top 10 Consumer Needs ListPosting?? ???Technology BriefsInnoCentiveExisting Brand EquityAdjacency MapProduct Category LinkageTechnology Game Boards ??? /???? ?? ??? ?? Solution ??6)(Senior Executive 70?)?? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?? ? ??2)?Search? ??Yet2.com?Posting????YourEncore3)Technology / License / IP ??? ??¡InnovationNet? ??Expert Retiree ?? PoolSearchP&G ?? ??? Lab?? Joint-Development ¡°Co-creation¡±4)??? Network1] ??: 10,000? ??; 2) ??: ?? ? 20??; 3) 150? ?? ?? 800?? ?? ??; 4) 30% ?? 5) 45%? Further Collaboration Agreement ??; 6) ??? 30% ?? P&G? C&DLee, Minhwa 57. ¡° ?????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??????? 60. ??? ?? ??? ??? ???????2 ?? ?? 61. ??? ????OPEN INNOVATION? ?? 3?? ?? Target Marketing (??? ??)??? ??? ?? ??? ????? Technology & Patent Roadmap (?? ??) Open Innovation (??? ???? ???/????) Venture M&A (?? ?????? ??)Lee, Minhwa 64. ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??. Seed ??? IP??? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa7?? ?? ?? 65. ??? ???? ??????? ??? ?? 2.0 ????? ??? ?????Pre-IPO?? ???????? ?????? ???? ??10????2? ??? ??IPO?? ??? ????? ????????????? ??M&A ?? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ?? Pre-IPO ?? ?????? 50? ?? ???? ??M&A ???????????? ??? ??????? ?(?? 1.0)??? ???(?? 2.0)??? ??Lee, Minhwa 66. ?? ???? ????? ?????, ???? ? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ?? , ??? ??? ???????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????(1? ????)??? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??(?? ??)??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??, ?? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ????(????) ?? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa50 67. ???? ?? /???? ??????mhleesr@gmail.com@minhwalee / twitter, facebookLee, Minhwa51