
ºÝºÝߣShare a Scribd company logo
?? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????
- 2?? ??? ???? ??Fast Follower?? 1st Mover?????????????????????IT??? IT ??Lee, Minhwa
???? ???Venture 2.0Venture 1.01995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000 2001 ~ 2004   20052010Venture Again???????? ??INKE ?? (Global?)??? ???? (?????)?????????????? ??(?? ????? ?)????? ???????? ??Lee, Minhwa3
????? ?? ??, ????? ?? 300 ??,
2? ?? ?? ?????'06~????'01~05??IT ????
??????, ??? ??'95~00- 1995 :  ?????? ??- 2000 :  ???? ?? ????? ?Lee, Minhwa4
?? 15?? ????????(??????)30,000??? ?? 1%?? ???? ??? ??? ??X?? ???65??? ?????????? ? ?? ???200? ?????? 1.5? ???? ??300 ??!!2Lee, Minhwa
?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?????Pre-IPO?? ???????? ?????? ???? ??12???IPO?? ??? ?????? ?????M&A ?? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ? ????????? ??? ?? '95~'00????? 1.0??? ??Lee, Minhwa6
Lee, Minhwa7?? ??? ????!
???? ?? ??1?? ??3?? ??2?? ??Death Valley(??? ??)Darwinian Sea(??? ??)R&D and InventionInnovation and    New Business  (Commercialization)Winning BusinessTechnology Strategy and InnovationCommercialization and CollaborationMarketing and Networking Required Capabilities(???: NIST ??)Lee, Minhwa8
??? ??? ????? ??Lee, Minhwa9
?? ??? ??? ????? ?????????Lee, Minhwa10
I2030 TrendIntelligent & Knowledge EconomyDigital Convergence??????TVComputer???? ¨C ??? ??, ?? ???(PersonalFab) ??Broadband MultimediaIntelligent & Knowledgeable Agents/Sensors2 ?3 ?5 ?4 ?1 ?6 ?Digital Multimedia + Öª + ??+??MolecularEconomy???=??Digital Electronics???????????Analog Electronics?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??????????????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??2030-2050201520061814197319201873??: ???? ¡°Matrix Business(2006)¡±, ???? DSC? ¡°Digital Convergence ??? ????(13/Mar/2003)¡±, ????  ??? ??? ¡°50? ???¡±, ? ???? ¡°??? ??(1997)¡±, ???? ¡°127? ??(1996)¡±Lee, Minhwa11
????? ?? -???? ??12??$5%100%16021%120LICENSE REVENUES(BLNS US$)75%68%COMPONENTS OF S&P 500 MARKET VALUE68%10095%50%79%50$150+25%32%32%5$5198520052025Market Capitalization - Real Assets (USA)Market Capitalization- IP (USA)Global IP LicensingRevenuesLee, Minhwa
13CRCustomer Relation(????)IPR&D-??-MarketingIP?CR? ????? ??? VALUE CHAIN?????? ?? R&D, ????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??(IP-Economy)???: ?? > ??? ???: ?? < ???		¡°??? 6??,  ??? 20? ???¡±IP? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? IPLee, Minhwa
??? ??? ??Innovation,?IPBrand? CR??? ??? ??????  __> ???????   < --???????????? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ?? - Smile Curve ¨CBig Smile CurvePeter Drucker  The business enterprise has two and only two basic functions: Marketing(Value capturing) andInnovation(Value creation).all the rest are costs. Lee, Minhwa
???? ???? ???? ????????? + ???R&D??? (?? ??)????  (?? ??)????????<???? ??? ???? PARADOX> R&D???????????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??????1>20?????>20?1Lee, Minwha 9Lee, Minhwa
???? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??16Lee, Minhwa
  ????   5? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? ??????+??????? ??????R&D??(????)?? ????? ?????????(????)??????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??17Lee, Minhwa
?? ??? ???? ??? ?????3C ? ????????????R&D/??MARKETINGCRIP?????(???) ???? ??(???) ?? ??(???)??? ???) ????  :        ????               ????                         ???                    ???       ???   :         ???                 ????                  ???, ????              ???       ?   ?   :          ??                      ??                        ??? ??                  ?? ?????	    :      ????	     ?? ??????, ???		?? ???:       ? ??????, ????????? ???? ??? 21?? ?? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa18
??? ?? ??120?3?????????Lee, Minhwa19
Lee, Minhwa20???? ?? ?? ??3?? 120? ?? ???? ??
??? ???? ??
?? ??
??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??
??? ???? ??? ?? ??/?? ??? ??
???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?  ????? ?? (????)??? ?? ?? ? ?????? ?????? ??? ? ????? ??? ???? ???????(???),?????(?????)???? ?????? ????? ???
??????21Lee, Minhwa
22???? ?? ??Lee, Minhwa
Lee, Minhwa??1 RED OCEAN ?????? 90%??? ???? ?? ??, ??? ?????, ???, ?? ? ???????, ???, ?? ?? ?????????? CRO, CMO??????? ??????? ??? Ÿo
???? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???? , ??? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa??2- ?? ??(?? ???)
??3- ???? (?? ??)?? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ??? Dominant design???? ??? ?? ?????CEO?? CTO? IP? ?? ????????? ??? ??, ?? ?? ??Lee, Minhwa
??4 -??? ??(?? ??)??? ?? ?????  ???? ??? ??? ??IP-CR? ???? ??? ?? ??TECH BRIEF(RFP), ?? ????????? ?????? ??, ??? ??? ???? ??? ???IP MAP, IP? ??? ??M&A? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa
???? ????? ?? ????? BM?????, ???? ?? ?????? ??, ???? ????? ?? DNA ???? ??? ?? ??? ??(NIH,NSH)IP????? ??? ?? ??M&A? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa??5- ???? ??(????)
??6¨C ??? ????? ????, ??, ???, IBM, P&G? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ??IP? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa
?? process? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????Lee, Minhwa30
?? ??? ????????????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???. <????? ???> ?????????31Lee, Minhwa
????????????????????32Lee, Minhwa
?? ? ??? ?? ? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????Disruptive Innovation??? ???Break through Creativity???, ??? ???Lee, Minhwa33
????? ??? ?? ??? ????¡ø¡ø?? :     ??? (Fluid)    ?     ??? (Transition)    ?   ??? (Specific)
???? :  ???????????????
???? :  ???? 	??? ??????? ????
???? :  ?????? 		??????????????? ??Lee, Minhwa
S-Curve???? ??Natural Limit of Technology BNatural Limit of Technology A????[?] ????, ??Technology A[?] Analog TVTechnology B[?] Digital TV??, ??, ????? ?? vs. ??? ???????CAT, STAR, COW,DOG??? ??Lee, Minhwa35
????/???? ???? ???4?? R&D¡ñ ??? ??? ??????? ???R&D¡ñ ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????3?? R&D¡ñ 1980???? ???? ???? ???R&D¡ñ ????? ??? ????, TRM ??/???2?? R&D¡ñ 1970??? ??? ???R&D¡ñ ???? ???  ?? ?? ??? ???1?? R&D¡ñ 1950-60??? ??? R&D¡ñ R&D???  ?? ??? ?? ??[??] ADL, Miller, ??????? Lee, Minhwa36
Lee, Minhwa- 37 Seed ???R&D????? ?? ???????????Seed R&DProject R&DR&D???SeedContest????Seed??Road Map???? Need ?? Road MapSeed?????? R&DSeedSeed?? ?????? R&DKISS R&D??? ??? ???? ??
??? ?? ??? Seed ?? R & D??????????????????? ??? ????????
39Lee, MinhwaOpen Innovation??? ???? (Venture Biotope)
Lee, Minhwa40¡°??? ?? ??? ?¡±??? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ?????????
New ProductDevelopmentFuzzy Front End (FFE)RadicalBreakthroughCommercializationIncrementalProducts($)$$$$Platform Products($$$$)$Internal SourcesExternal Sources(University, Suppliers,New ventures,End-users)Internal/ExternalVenture HandlingExternal Technology InsourcingOpen Innovation ?? ??41Lee, Minhwa

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  • 1. ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????
  • 2. - 2?? ??? ???? ??Fast Follower?? 1st Mover?????????????????????IT??? IT ??Lee, Minhwa
  • 3. ???? ???Venture 2.0Venture 1.01995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ~ 2004 20052010Venture Again???????? ??INKE ?? (Global?)??? ???? (?????)?????????????? ??(?? ????? ?)????? ???????? ??Lee, Minhwa3
  • 4. ????? ?? ??, ????? ?? 300 ??,
  • 5. 2? ?? ?? ?????'06~????'01~05??IT ????
  • 6. ??????, ??? ??'95~00- 1995 : ?????? ??- 2000 : ???? ?? ????? ?Lee, Minhwa4
  • 7. ?? 15?? ????????(??????)30,000??? ?? 1%?? ???? ??? ??? ??X?? ???65??? ?????????? ? ?? ???200? ?????? 1.5? ???? ??300 ??!!2Lee, Minhwa
  • 8. ?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?????Pre-IPO?? ???????? ?????? ???? ??12???IPO?? ??? ?????? ?????M&A ?? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ? ????????? ??? ?? '95~'00????? 1.0??? ??Lee, Minhwa6
  • 10. ???? ?? ??1?? ??3?? ??2?? ??Death Valley(??? ??)Darwinian Sea(??? ??)R&D and InventionInnovation and New Business (Commercialization)Winning BusinessTechnology Strategy and InnovationCommercialization and CollaborationMarketing and Networking Required Capabilities(???: NIST ??)Lee, Minhwa8
  • 11. ??? ??? ????? ??Lee, Minhwa9
  • 12. ?? ??? ??? ????? ?????????Lee, Minhwa10
  • 13. I2030 TrendIntelligent & Knowledge EconomyDigital Convergence??????TVComputer???? ¨C ??? ??, ?? ???(PersonalFab) ??Broadband MultimediaIntelligent & Knowledgeable Agents/Sensors2 ?3 ?5 ?4 ?1 ?6 ?Digital Multimedia + Öª + ??+??MolecularEconomy???=??Digital Electronics???????????Analog Electronics?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??????????????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??2030-2050201520061814197319201873??: ???? ¡°Matrix Business(2006)¡±, ???? DSC? ¡°Digital Convergence ??? ????(13/Mar/2003)¡±, ???? ??? ??? ¡°50? ???¡±, ? ???? ¡°??? ??(1997)¡±, ???? ¡°127? ??(1996)¡±Lee, Minhwa11
  • 14. ????? ?? -???? ??12??$5%100%16021%120LICENSE REVENUES(BLNS US$)75%68%COMPONENTS OF S&P 500 MARKET VALUE68%10095%50%79%50$150+25%32%32%5$5198520052025Market Capitalization - Real Assets (USA)Market Capitalization- IP (USA)Global IP LicensingRevenuesLee, Minhwa
  • 15. 13CRCustomer Relation(????)IPR&D-??-MarketingIP?CR? ????? ??? VALUE CHAIN?????? ?? R&D, ????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??(IP-Economy)???: ?? > ??? ???: ?? < ??? ¡°??? 6??, ??? 20? ???¡±IP? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? IPLee, Minhwa
  • 16. ??? ??? ??Innovation,?IPBrand? CR??? ??? ?????? __> ??????? < --???????????? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ?? - Smile Curve ¨CBig Smile CurvePeter Drucker The business enterprise has two and only two basic functions: Marketing(Value capturing) andInnovation(Value creation).all the rest are costs. Lee, Minhwa
  • 17. ???? ???? ???? ????????? + ???R&D??? (?? ??)???? (?? ??)????????<???? ??? ???? PARADOX> R&D???????????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??????1>20?????>20?1Lee, Minwha 9Lee, Minhwa
  • 18. ???? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??16Lee, Minhwa
  • 19. ???? 5? ?? ????? ?? ?????????? ??????+??????? ??????R&D??(????)?? ????? ?????????(????)??????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??17Lee, Minhwa
  • 20. ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????3C ? ????????????R&D/??MARKETINGCRIP?????(???) ???? ??(???) ?? ??(???)??? ???) ???? : ???? ???? ??? ??? ??? : ??? ???? ???, ???? ??? ? ? : ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? : ???? ?? ??????, ??? ?? ???: ? ??????, ????????? ???? ??? 21?? ?? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa18
  • 22. Lee, Minhwa20???? ?? ?? ??3?? 120? ?? ???? ??
  • 24. ?? ??
  • 25. ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??
  • 26. ??? ???? ??? ?? ??/?? ??? ??
  • 27. ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ? ????? ?? (????)??? ?? ?? ? ?????? ?????? ??? ? ????? ??? ???? ???????(???),?????(?????)???? ?????? ????? ???
  • 31. Lee, Minhwa??1 RED OCEAN ?????? 90%??? ???? ?? ??, ??? ?????, ???, ?? ? ???????, ???, ?? ?? ?????????? CRO, CMO??????? ??????? ??? Ÿo
  • 32. ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???? , ??? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa??2- ?? ??(?? ???)
  • 33. ??3- ???? (?? ??)?? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ??? Dominant design???? ??? ?? ?????CEO?? CTO? IP? ?? ????????? ??? ??, ?? ?? ??Lee, Minhwa
  • 34. ??4 -??? ??(?? ??)??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??IP-CR? ???? ??? ?? ??TECH BRIEF(RFP), ?? ????????? ?????? ??, ??? ??? ???? ??? ???IP MAP, IP? ??? ??M&A? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa
  • 35. ???? ????? ?? ????? BM?????, ???? ?? ?????? ??, ???? ????? ?? DNA ???? ??? ?? ??? ??(NIH,NSH)IP????? ??? ?? ??M&A? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa??5- ???? ??(????)
  • 36. ??6¨C ??? ????? ????, ??, ???, IBM, P&G? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ??IP? ??? ???Lee, Minhwa
  • 37. ?? process? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????Lee, Minhwa30
  • 38. ?? ??? ????????????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???. <????? ???> ?????????31Lee, Minhwa
  • 40. ?? ? ??? ?? ? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????Disruptive Innovation??? ???Break through Creativity???, ??? ???Lee, Minhwa33
  • 41. ????? ??? ?? ??? ????¡ø¡ø?? : ??? (Fluid) ? ??? (Transition) ? ??? (Specific)
  • 42. ???? : ???????????????
  • 43. ???? : ???? ??? ??????? ????
  • 44. ???? : ?????? ??????????????? ??Lee, Minhwa
  • 45. S-Curve???? ??Natural Limit of Technology BNatural Limit of Technology A????[?] ????, ??Technology A[?] Analog TVTechnology B[?] Digital TV??, ??, ????? ?? vs. ??? ???????CAT, STAR, COW,DOG??? ??Lee, Minhwa35
  • 46. ????/???? ???? ???4?? R&D¡ñ ??? ??? ??????? ???R&D¡ñ ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????3?? R&D¡ñ 1980???? ???? ???? ???R&D¡ñ ????? ??? ????, TRM ??/???2?? R&D¡ñ 1970??? ??? ???R&D¡ñ ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???1?? R&D¡ñ 1950-60??? ??? R&D¡ñ R&D??? ?? ??? ?? ??[??] ADL, Miller, ??????? Lee, Minhwa36
  • 47. Lee, Minhwa- 37 Seed ???R&D????? ?? ???????????Seed R&DProject R&DR&D???SeedContest????Seed??Road Map???? Need ?? Road MapSeed?????? R&DSeedSeed?? ?????? R&DKISS R&D??? ??? ???? ??
  • 48. ??? ?? ??? Seed ?? R & D??????????????????? ??? ????????
  • 49. 39Lee, MinhwaOpen Innovation??? ???? (Venture Biotope)
  • 50. Lee, Minhwa40¡°??? ?? ??? ?¡±??? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ?????????
  • 51. New ProductDevelopmentFuzzy Front End (FFE)RadicalBreakthroughCommercializationIncrementalProducts($)$$$$Platform Products($$$$)$Internal SourcesExternal Sources(University, Suppliers,New ventures,End-users)Internal/ExternalVenture HandlingExternal Technology InsourcingOpen Innovation ?? ??41Lee, Minhwa
  • 52. 19991996-971993-94200019981995Cisco?A&DM&A Process ??? (Routine), Post-M&A Integration ??42Lee, Minhwa
  • 53. 43???? ? ?? ???? ??
  • 54. ?? ? ?? ?? ??
  • 55. ????? ? ???? ?? ????(?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? Output ?? ?????)Innovation & Knowledge Vice President?? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?? C&D ??, ?? ? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??MarketData Sources?? ???Eureka Catalog?? ????? ????Distribute??? Literature Patent DB?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ???? ??PostingDistributeP&G Business UnitsNineSigma???? Data Mining ??? ???? ?? ?? ? ??? ???? ???¡­??General ManagersBrand ManagersR&D TeamsProposal ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? (Contract Partner) ??5)Identify? ??, Idea, ?? ? ??1)¡­??Technology EntrepreneursConsumer NeedsSearch?Top 10 Consumer Needs ListPosting?? ???Technology BriefsInnoCentiveExisting Brand EquityAdjacency MapProduct Category LinkageTechnology Game Boards ??? /???? ?? ??? ?? Solution ??6)(Senior Executive 70?)?? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?? ? ??2)?Search? ??Yet2.com?Posting????YourEncore3)Technology / License / IP ??? ??¡­InnovationNet? ??Expert Retiree ?? PoolSearchP&G ?? ??? Lab?? Joint-Development ¡°Co-creation¡±4)??? Network1] ??: 10,000? ??; 2) ??: ?? ? 20??; 3) 150? ?? ?? 800?? ?? ??; 4) 30% ?? 5) 45%? Further Collaboration Agreement ??; 6) ??? 30% ?? P&G? C&DLee, Minhwa
  • 56. ????? ??? ?? ??S curve? ????
  • 57. ¡° ?????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???????
  • 59. ???????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? 1?? ??
  • 60. ??? ?? ??? ??? ???????2 ?? ??
  • 61. ??? ????OPEN INNOVATION? ?? 3?? ?? Target Marketing (??? ??)??? ??? ?? ??? ????? Technology & Patent Roadmap (?? ??) Open Innovation (??? ???? ???/????) Venture M&A (?? ?????? ??)Lee, Minhwa
  • 63. ????????????GLOBAL ??? ??KOREA??????????ÏàÉú???????????? ???.?.??? ?? ????????????????IT ?????ÏàÉú???????????????????????????????/??????Keystone???Lee, Minhwa47
  • 64. ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??. Seed ??? IP??? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa7?? ?? ??
  • 65. ??? ???? ??????? ??? ?? 2.0 ????? ??? ?????Pre-IPO?? ???????? ?????? ???? ??10????2? ??? ??IPO?? ??? ????? ????????????? ??M&A ?? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ?? Pre-IPO ?? ?????? 50? ?? ???? ??M&A ???????????? ??? ??????? ?(?? 1.0)??? ???(?? 2.0)??? ??Lee, Minhwa
  • 66. ?? ???? ????? ?????, ???? ? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ?? , ??? ??? ???????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????(1? ????)??? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??(?? ??)??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??, ?? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ????(????) ?? ??? ??Lee, Minhwa50
  • 67. ???? ?? /???? ??????mhleesr@gmail.com@minhwalee / twitter, facebookLee, Minhwa51