This document provides a summary of activities and progress for AIESEC Hyderabad and The Treadstone over a 3 week period from August 24th to September 15th. It notes receivables were lower than the target amount and provides updates on upcoming events including Generation WE in Vijayawada, finalizing the agenda and starting pass sales, an upcoming Link #4, conceptualizing partnership reports, beginning a Podio clean-up, and one upcoming MDP.
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15 sept aug updates bd
1. August 24 – September 15th
AIESEC HYDERABAD | [The Treadstone]
2. Target vs Achieved
Receivables 10,000 To Achieve 10,31,135 Achieved 7,58,865
The Treadstone
3. Generation WE - Vijayawada
The Treadstone
Venue Confirmed
Agenda being finalized
Pass sales initiated
Rest – wait for expansions
4. Meet Your Makers Update
The Treadstone
Link #4 Coming Up
Partnership Reports conceptualized
Podio Clean-up has begun
1 MDP coming up