Huge amount of data is being collected everywhere - when we browse the web, go to the doctor's clinic, visit the supermarket, tweet or watch a movie. This plethora of data is dealt under a new realm called Data Science. Data Science is now recognized as a highly-critical growing area with impact across many sectors including science, government, finance, health care, social networks, manufacturing, advertising, retail,
and others. This colloquium will try to provide an overview as well as clarify bits and bats about this emerging field.
Michael Jackson was an American singer, dancer, and entertainer who became the most successful pop artist of all time. Some of his most famous albums included Thriller, which is the best-selling album of all time, and Bad. He helped break down racial barriers in popular music and his music videos for songs like "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" transformed the music video into an art form. In 2009, Jackson was preparing for a major series of comeback concerts in London but died of cardiac arrest at his home at age 50, just weeks before the shows were set to begin. His memorial service was watched by over a billion people worldwide.
This document discusses the opportunity for a new protein-based shake business called Shake Factory. It notes that while some healthier juice alternatives exist, there is a lack of high-protein shake options for people on the go. Shake Factory aims to fill this gap by offering great-tasting protein shakes that can serve as meal replacements or post-workout recovery drinks. The target consumer segments are active lifestyle gym-goers aged 18-45, time-poor corporates seeking healthy meals, and athletes of all ages looking for proper nutrition to aid recovery.
New microsoft-powerpoint-presentation-(2) (1)Batuhan Batuhan
Michael Jackson was an American singer, dancer, and entertainer who became the most successful pop artist of all time. Some of his most famous albums included Thriller, which is the best-selling album of all time, and Bad. He helped break down racial barriers in popular music and his music videos for songs like "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" transformed the music video into an art form. In 2009, Jackson was preparing for a major series of comeback concerts in London but died of cardiac arrest at his home at age 50, just weeks before the shows were set to begin. His memorial service was watched by over a billion people worldwide.
Modal verbs are verbs that are always followed by another infinitive verb and are used to express concepts like ability, permission, request, possibility, obligation, prohibition, and advice. Some common modal verbs include can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, ought to, and mustn't. To form the negative or interrogative of a modal verb, "not" is simply added to the modal verb without an auxiliary verb, such as "We must not wear sunglasses in the classroom." Modal verbs are useful for conveying meanings around ability, permission, requests, possibilities, obligations, prohibitions, and advice.
This document provides an overview of a proposed mobile game about managing Chicago's public transportation system. The game aims to give players a new perspective on the complex challenges of running a major transit network. Players take on the role of a transportation manager and work to effectively meet the daily needs of commuters by overcoming random issues. Game mechanics draw from principles of procedural rhetoric and flow to motivate learning. Evaluations will assess if the game improves attitudes towards public transit and knowledge of its real-world operations.
The trailer for the film Insidious uses various techniques to set up suspense and mystery. It introduces the story of a family whose son enters a comatose state and becomes possessed by ghosts. Throughout the trailer, various unanswered questions are posed to pique the audience's curiosity. Tension is built through the use of a slow musical score that gradually increases in pace, as well as dark lighting and ominous diegetic sounds. The trailer effectively establishes the psychological horror genre through its use of mise-en-scene, including creepy props and a seemingly normal family home that becomes terrorized.
South Korea has a highly developed media infrastructure but faces issues with freedom and access. The country has high internet penetration and usage, but the government engages in censorship and restricting access to certain websites and social media accounts. Media is also concentrated among a few large family-owned companies, and the system suffers from corruption, bribery, and abuse of power connections. To address these weaknesses, experts recommend educating the public on freedom of expression rights, strictly enforcing constitutional protections, promoting independent media, and tightening laws against censorship and corruption.
This document discusses how the ImPOS restaurant management system integrates with Restaurant Diary and Dimmi reservation and booking systems. It allows restaurants to view and seat reservations, record meal statuses, and manually assign tables directly from the POS. It also shares duration and spending data to help restaurants understand customer behavior and improve operations. Both Restaurant Diary and Dimmi integrations are free for ImPOS users and their basic subscription plans start at $100 per month.
Smartree Romania a realizat o prezentare a realitatii pietei muncii si a solutiilor concrete, cu impact imediat, ce pot fi implementate de companii. In calitate de partener strategic, cu experienta provocarilor din HR intalnite in peste 13 ani de experienta si peste 150 de companii clienti activi, Smartree propune o perspectiva obiectiva, dar si aspecte practice ale solutiilor implementate.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang topologi jaringan mesh. Topologi ini memiliki karakteristik di mana setiap perangkat terhubung secara langsung dengan perangkat lain, sehingga setiap perangkat dapat berkomunikasi langsung dan berperan sebagai penerima maupun penyedia data. Topologi mesh memiliki kelebihan seperti deteksi kesalahan dan privasi yang baik, namun juga memiliki kekurangan seperti membutuhkan biaya yang ma
La presentazione tenuta dal Dott. Rupert Rosanelli ha mostrato il funzionamento e il vantaggio di sistemi di controllo e di statistica come lo studio Benchmark sui Teleriscaldamenti dell'alto Adige, il sistema Smartheat, il sistema di sicurezza Mobiheat e il sistema di gestione dati ManageIT.
Huge amount of data is being collected everywhere - when we browse the web, go to the doctor's clinic, visit the supermarket, tweet or watch a movie. This plethora of data is dealt under a new realm called Data Science. Data Science is now recognized as a highly-critical growing area with impact across many sectors including science, government, finance, health care, social networks, manufacturing, advertising, retail,
and others. This colloquium will try to provide an overview as well as clarify bits and bats about this emerging field.
Michael Jackson was an American singer, dancer, and entertainer who became the most successful pop artist of all time. Some of his most famous albums included Thriller, which is the best-selling album of all time, and Bad. He helped break down racial barriers in popular music and his music videos for songs like "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" transformed the music video into an art form. In 2009, Jackson was preparing for a major series of comeback concerts in London but died of cardiac arrest at his home at age 50, just weeks before the shows were set to begin. His memorial service was watched by over a billion people worldwide.
This document discusses the opportunity for a new protein-based shake business called Shake Factory. It notes that while some healthier juice alternatives exist, there is a lack of high-protein shake options for people on the go. Shake Factory aims to fill this gap by offering great-tasting protein shakes that can serve as meal replacements or post-workout recovery drinks. The target consumer segments are active lifestyle gym-goers aged 18-45, time-poor corporates seeking healthy meals, and athletes of all ages looking for proper nutrition to aid recovery.
New microsoft-powerpoint-presentation-(2) (1)Batuhan Batuhan
Michael Jackson was an American singer, dancer, and entertainer who became the most successful pop artist of all time. Some of his most famous albums included Thriller, which is the best-selling album of all time, and Bad. He helped break down racial barriers in popular music and his music videos for songs like "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" transformed the music video into an art form. In 2009, Jackson was preparing for a major series of comeback concerts in London but died of cardiac arrest at his home at age 50, just weeks before the shows were set to begin. His memorial service was watched by over a billion people worldwide.
Modal verbs are verbs that are always followed by another infinitive verb and are used to express concepts like ability, permission, request, possibility, obligation, prohibition, and advice. Some common modal verbs include can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, ought to, and mustn't. To form the negative or interrogative of a modal verb, "not" is simply added to the modal verb without an auxiliary verb, such as "We must not wear sunglasses in the classroom." Modal verbs are useful for conveying meanings around ability, permission, requests, possibilities, obligations, prohibitions, and advice.
This document provides an overview of a proposed mobile game about managing Chicago's public transportation system. The game aims to give players a new perspective on the complex challenges of running a major transit network. Players take on the role of a transportation manager and work to effectively meet the daily needs of commuters by overcoming random issues. Game mechanics draw from principles of procedural rhetoric and flow to motivate learning. Evaluations will assess if the game improves attitudes towards public transit and knowledge of its real-world operations.
The trailer for the film Insidious uses various techniques to set up suspense and mystery. It introduces the story of a family whose son enters a comatose state and becomes possessed by ghosts. Throughout the trailer, various unanswered questions are posed to pique the audience's curiosity. Tension is built through the use of a slow musical score that gradually increases in pace, as well as dark lighting and ominous diegetic sounds. The trailer effectively establishes the psychological horror genre through its use of mise-en-scene, including creepy props and a seemingly normal family home that becomes terrorized.
South Korea has a highly developed media infrastructure but faces issues with freedom and access. The country has high internet penetration and usage, but the government engages in censorship and restricting access to certain websites and social media accounts. Media is also concentrated among a few large family-owned companies, and the system suffers from corruption, bribery, and abuse of power connections. To address these weaknesses, experts recommend educating the public on freedom of expression rights, strictly enforcing constitutional protections, promoting independent media, and tightening laws against censorship and corruption.
This document discusses how the ImPOS restaurant management system integrates with Restaurant Diary and Dimmi reservation and booking systems. It allows restaurants to view and seat reservations, record meal statuses, and manually assign tables directly from the POS. It also shares duration and spending data to help restaurants understand customer behavior and improve operations. Both Restaurant Diary and Dimmi integrations are free for ImPOS users and their basic subscription plans start at $100 per month.
Smartree Romania a realizat o prezentare a realitatii pietei muncii si a solutiilor concrete, cu impact imediat, ce pot fi implementate de companii. In calitate de partener strategic, cu experienta provocarilor din HR intalnite in peste 13 ani de experienta si peste 150 de companii clienti activi, Smartree propune o perspectiva obiectiva, dar si aspecte practice ale solutiilor implementate.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang topologi jaringan mesh. Topologi ini memiliki karakteristik di mana setiap perangkat terhubung secara langsung dengan perangkat lain, sehingga setiap perangkat dapat berkomunikasi langsung dan berperan sebagai penerima maupun penyedia data. Topologi mesh memiliki kelebihan seperti deteksi kesalahan dan privasi yang baik, namun juga memiliki kekurangan seperti membutuhkan biaya yang ma
La presentazione tenuta dal Dott. Rupert Rosanelli ha mostrato il funzionamento e il vantaggio di sistemi di controllo e di statistica come lo studio Benchmark sui Teleriscaldamenti dell'alto Adige, il sistema Smartheat, il sistema di sicurezza Mobiheat e il sistema di gestione dati ManageIT.
La presentazione realizzata da Nicola Tomasone (Regalgrid Europe) nel corso dell'evento "Ricerca e tecnologia: nuove opportunità per le fonti energetiche rinnovabili" organizzato dalla Piattaforma energie rinnovabili di Sardegna Ricerche e svoltosi online il 24 giugno 2021.
La scommessa della Sardegna: efficientamento energetico e materiali a Km0: op...Sardegna Ricerche
L'intervento di Simona Murroni, responsabile del Servizio Energia della Regione Sardegna, in occasione dell'evento di presentazione dello Sportello Energia di Sardegna Ricerche “Lo Sportello Energia per la crescita e l’innovazione" tenutosi il 28 gennaio 2014 a Cagliari.
Master in Architettura Bioecologia e Tecnologie Sostenibili per l'Ambiente, dipartimento DATA, Università "Sapienza"di Roma.
Lezione sul protocollo iTACA Regione Lazio
"Efficienza energetica per contenere i costi e rilanciare la competitività ", ...SICANIASC hospitality
Il tuo albergo vale un tesoro, e non lo sapevi.
Strumenti e incentivi per abbattere i tuoi costi tramite una corretta politica di efficienza energetica. Alcuni esempi.
the Energy Audit - caso coop centrale adriaticaTheEnergyAudit
Presentazione del caso COOP Centrale Adriatica - viene presentata l'azienda the Energy Audit e l'utilizzo di sistemi di monitoraggio e di modelli energetici in campo manutentivo.
Webinar "Il monitoraggio di Gruppo CAP per l’ottimizzazione degli acquedotti:...Servizi a rete
Presentazione di Francesca Mastromarino, Responsabile Efficientamento Acquedotto di Gruppo CAP e Sonny Mazzeo, Tecnico Settorizzazione e ricerca perdite di Gruppo CAP
Efficientamento energetico in bioedilizia: opportunità , vincoli e aggiornamen...Sardegna Ricerche
L'intervento di Simona Murroni, in occasione dell'evento "Efficientamento energetico in bioedilizia: opportunità , vincoli e aggiornamento delle competenze" tenutosi il 18 marzo 2014 a Nuoro.
2. Obiettivi del programma
• Incentivare uno sviluppo sostenibile dei comuni
• Sviluppare delle linee guida di politica energetica e di tutela del clima
• Attuare misure concrete: incrementare l´efficienza energetica degli
edifici, impianti e reti di approvvigionamento comunali, implementazione
delle energie rinnovabili, concetti di mobilità sostenibile, criteri per gli
acquisti verdi, sensibilizzazione e informazione dei cittadini
• Processo di miglioramento continuo e sistematico
3. Obiettivo: aiutare i comuni
nell´implementazione di una
gestione intelligente
Strategia energetica
Energy Team
Linee guida comunali
Alleanza per il Clima,
Bilancio della CO2 …
ISO 50001
ISO 14001
Rapporto energetico
Il programma ComuneClima
4. • Programma per la gestione energetica nei comuni basato sul
sistema european energy award®
diffuso a livello internazionale
• Valutazione dell´efficienza energetica del
comune e certificazione da parte dell´Agenzia CasaClima
• Catalogo di indicatori per il confronto dei comuni in ambito
di efficienza energetica
• Creazione di una rete fra i comuni attraverso incontri,
escursioni, eventi di formazione e scambio di esperienze
Il programma ComuneClima
5. ComuneClima e EEA®
Alto Adige-Italia
Austria Svizzera
Programmi nazionali o regionali
Il programma di gestione e certificazione energetica è compatibile e
integrabile con il programma europeo European Energy Award® (EEA®).
6. Il sistema di gestione energetica
• Costituzione di un gruppo di lavoro comunale (energy-team),
responsabile dell´attuazione del programma
• Rilevamento e analisi della situazione di partenza
• Elaborazione di un programma di lavoro ambizioso e a lungo
termine da parte dell´energy-team con misure per il
miglioramento continuo e l´incremento dell´efficienza energetica
• Attuazione delle misure
• Regolare raccolta di dati per il monitoraggio
• Audits periodici per il controllo degli obiettivi raggiunti
• Il sistema di gestione energetica viene accompagnato da
consulenti esterni
• Chiara separazione fra certificazione e
7. Obiettivo dell´implementazione di un sistema di gestione energetica:
processo di miglioramento continuo finalizzato all´innalzamento
dell´efficienza energetica complessiva del comune.
Definizione degli obiettivi e dei processi
Svolgimento dei processi
Controllo e misura dei processi
Introduzione di misure di miglioramento
Il sistema di gestione energetica
8. La certificazione ComuneClima
I comuni possono essere certificati come ComuneClima al
raggiungimento di determinati obiettivi di qualità in ambito di
efficienza energetica e tutela del clima. La valutazione avviene
attraverso un catalogo delle misure e un punteggio calcolato sulla base
di un set di indicatori chiave.
al 75 %
del punteggio
al 50 %
del punteggio
al 35 %
del punteggio
Comune Clima
Ingresso nel sistema
10. Strumenti di lavoro: catalogo delle misure
Catalogo delle misure:
Analisi e valutazione del lavoro svolto dal comune in ambito
energetico e di tutela del clima.
Sviluppo e pianificazione territoriale
11. Strumenti di lavoro: Energy Report Online
Energy Report Online: software su piattaforma web per la contabilitÃ
energetica nei comuni.
• Registrazione dei consumi
energetici e idrici di tutti gli
edifici e impianti pubblici.
• Registrazione della produzione
energetica di impianti di
generazione comunali
• Possibilità di benchmarking
per gli oggetti inseriti
• Reporting e analisi dei dati
12. • Creazione di una relazione energetica annuale , che può aiutare
il comune nel processo decisionale e nella comunicazione verso i
Strumenti di lavoro: Energy Report Online
13. Obiettivo: indirizzare i comuni altoatesini verso obiettivi strategici
condivisi e permettere un benchmarking fra comuni.
Indicatori chiave
Gli indicatori devono essere oggettivi, trasparenti, controllabili ed
Prima fase del programma: gli indicatori chiave sono pubblicati nella
relazione energetica annuale.
Fase più avanzata: definizione di standard di qualità , che i comuni
devono raggiungere per l´ingresso al programma e per i diversi step
di certificazione.
14. • Processo di continuo miglioramento nell´uso dell´energia nel comune
attraverso un processo partecipativo
• Software per la contabilità energetica (Energy Report Online) e
accompagnamento nella sua introduzione
• Assistenza continua e accompagnamento sui temi legati all´energia da
parte di esperti
• Offerta di formazione per i collaboratori e l´energy team
• Riduzione dei costi grazie al risparmio energetico ottenuto
• Rafforzamento del marketing territoriale
attraverso la certificazione sia a livello locale
che a livello europeo
• Sensibilizzazione della popolazione
sui temi energetici e ambientali
Vantaggi per i comuni