CS-Cart is an open-source e-commerce platform that allows merchants to build and manage online stores. It provides features for creating an online catalog, managing orders and inventory, customizing the storefront's appearance, and integrating additional apps and plugins. Over 34,800 stores currently use CS-Cart as their e-commerce solution.
The document summarizes the key presentations and discussions from the Global Channel Partners Summit 2012 held in Chicago from October 7-10, 2012. The summit addressed trends in the commercial printing industry like declining print volumes, consolidation of printers, and the transition to digital media. This is creating opportunities for channel partners/dealers to take on new roles in areas like providing marketing services, selling capital equipment on behalf of vendors, and bringing new specialties and revenue streams to printers. The industry is facing significant changes by 2020 that will require channels/dealers to adapt in order to remain relevant and profitable.
Learn how to identify duplicate content and redirect duplicate content appropriately so that the pages YOU want indexed appear in Google and Bing search results.
Featuring SEO Expert Steve Wiideman, you'll get the code, techniques, and reasoning behind 301 and canonical redirects.
The document discusses the Oracle ELT Engine, which is a solution that automates Extract, Load, and Transform (ELT) processes within Oracle databases. It removes complexity from ETL tool developers by understanding Oracle database techniques and optimizing loads. The Engine generates SQL commands to efficiently load and manage large datasets using techniques like partitioning, parallel processing, and indexing. It provides logging and flexibility to support various scenarios like initial loads, incremental loads, and compressed table loads. Customers saw improvements over hand-coded ETL solutions, with one seeing a load drop from over 100 minutes to just 1.6 minutes.
The crystal gateway october newsletter & calendar 2016Rosalie Muir
The newsletter summarizes events and reflections for October. It encourages readers to embrace change and new beginnings during a time of cleansing. It also stresses allowing peace and forgiveness as the year ends. Readers are invited to various online courses and healing sessions at The Crystal Gateway during the month.
Este documento define 10 términos relacionados con la tecnología y la comunicación, incluyendo la comunicación sincrónica y asincrónica, la brecha digital, la tecnofobia, las plataformas virtuales, el e-learning, los portales educativos, el hosting, el hipertexto y 狠狠撸Share. Explica brevemente cada término y su significado en el contexto de la educación y la comunicación mediada por computadora.
The crystal gateway december newsletter & calendar.pptmRosalie Muir
This newsletter provides information about upcoming events and reflections for the end of the year. It discusses the successful training of new Isis High Priestesses, encourages starting the new year focusing on new beginnings personally or professionally. Isis then provides spiritual guidance, emphasizing connecting to one's heart and focusing on joy. She advises meditating outside during the upcoming full moon to experience healing energies from the Earth.
Presentazione di Marco Baldi, Responsabile Area Economica e Territorio Fondazione Censis, alla Conferenza stampa di presentazione del rapporto Confcommercio-Censis su clima di fiducia e aspettative di famiglie e imprese
trabajo sobre mecanismos y funciones del agua en los Reinos Vegetal y Animal.
El agua y los vegetales: El plancton y su desarrollo en el agua. Plantas acuáticas.
El agua y los animales acuáticos: Animales de agua dulce. Animales de aguas saladas.
Desde su aparición, internet se ha convertido en una de las herramientas mas utilizadas por todos, agiliza la tarea de buscar información por diversos lugares, es más simple de utilizar y nos mantiene en contacto por todas partes del mundo.
Sin ninguna duda, es uno de las mejores creaciones y es de gran ayuda. Además de no ser complicada, se encuentra al alcance de todos y podemos obtener todo tipo de ayuda.
Internet tiene un impacto profundo en el trabajo, el ocio y el conocimiento. Gracias a la web, millones de personas tienen acceso fácil e inmediato a una cantidad extensa y diversa de información en línea.
Comparado a las enciclopedias y a las bibliotecas tradicionales, la web ha permitido una descentralización repentina y extrema de la información y de los datos.
Internet ha llegado a gran parte de los hogares y de las empresas de los países ricos, en este aspecto se ha abierto una brecha digital con los países pobres, en los cuales la penetración de Internet y las nuevas tecnologías es muy limitada para las personas.
The document proposes a smart car system to reduce accidents by avoiding obstacles. It discusses using ultrasonic sensors, an Arduino microcontroller, motors, and other components to help the driver avoid collisions. A functional flow chart is presented, and the estimated total price of components for a prototype is around $110. The conclusion states that reducing accidents is an important global goal, and the proposed smart car system aims to reduce the most dangerous and frequent types of accidents by helping return vehicles to their lane if they deviate and improving visibility in foggy conditions.
Exhumation involves legally digging up a buried body and can be done for several reasons: to identify the body, determine the cause of death if foul play is suspected, or recover evidence buried with the body. The exhumation process is supervised by a magistrate and doctor and involves carefully excavating the grave and examining the remains for marks, injuries, or samples that can aid in the investigation. Identification is attempted even if the body has decomposed, and samples are collected and preserved as necessary for analysis to determine factors like poisoning or the cause of death.
A Product Manager often needs to persuade and motivate others without having any real authority. The only tool the product manager has is language, the spoken and written word. So how do you get people to understand why a particular course of action is warranted? And how do you persuade them to act and move forward on that knowledge without being able to wield any power or authority over them? You can’t just talk louder, or keep repeating your point or resort to nagging. You have to use particular language that is more effective. They key is in using carefully chosen language that addresses their Motivation Type.
Join our AIPMM Anthropologist, Paula Gray as she uncovers the key to more effective persuasion by understanding your audience’s Motivation Type. She will explain how to determine an individual’s motivation type and then how to craft your language to address the core issues of each type.
Topics covered will include:
What are Motivation Types and how people acquire them
How to determine an individual’s Motivation Type
How to speak to each Motivation Type to engage and persuade them
How to speak to a group that is a mix of Motivation Types
About Paula Gray
Paula Gray is an anthropologist and the Director of Knowledge Development at AIPMM. She has traveled the globe to work with companies throughout the US, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific to help them gain a deeper understanding of their customers. She is featured in Linda Gorchels’ book The Product Manager’s Handbook and has contributed to several books on product management including The Guide to the Product Management and Marketing Body of Knowledge (ProdBOK). She is also author of numerous blog posts and papers including Business Anthropology and the Culture of Product Managers.
This document describes a student project to create a robotic spray painter with infinite axis. It can paint large surfaces and objects by moving in x, y, and z axes, controlled remotely. The project aims to improve on industrial spray painters, which have a finite range. Sections provide an introduction, selected parts, cost estimate, working principle, applications, advantages, and plans for future expansion and work.
AT1 - Revoir les pratiques de l'entretien professionnelCap'Com
Comment la communication interne peut-elle contribuer à faire partager une culture commune de l’entretien professionnel, tant pour les agents évalués, qu’évaluateurs ?
?ric Fauconnier, responsable de la communication interne d'Angers Loire Métropole décryptera la campagne "Les pros de l'entretien", Grand Prix Cap'Com 2015 dans la catégorie communication interne.
Organisation interne, cadre de travail, compétences, la réforme territoriale bouscule les agents. Comment communiquer en interne pour anticiper et gérer les conséquences des changements ? Dans la continuité de l'atelier com interne du Forum de Tours, retours sur l'expérience de la création du Nouveau Rh?ne et de la Métropole de Lyon.
Philippe Debondue, délégué général du Musée Gallo-romain et ancien directeur de la communication du Département du Rh?ne
Faire du comité de rédaction un levier d'animation interneCap'Com
Faire participer les agents aux comités de rédaction du journal interne fédère et contribue à donner du sens. Concrètement, comment s'organiser pour en faire un levier d'animation interne ? Quel r?le donner aux agents et jusqu'à quel point les faire participer ?
Olivier Claye, responsable de la communication interne du Département du Pas-de-Calais
The crystal gateway december newsletter & calendar.pptmRosalie Muir
This newsletter provides information about upcoming events and reflections for the end of the year. It discusses the successful training of new Isis High Priestesses, encourages starting the new year focusing on new beginnings personally or professionally. Isis then provides spiritual guidance, emphasizing connecting to one's heart and focusing on joy. She advises meditating outside during the upcoming full moon to experience healing energies from the Earth.
Presentazione di Marco Baldi, Responsabile Area Economica e Territorio Fondazione Censis, alla Conferenza stampa di presentazione del rapporto Confcommercio-Censis su clima di fiducia e aspettative di famiglie e imprese
trabajo sobre mecanismos y funciones del agua en los Reinos Vegetal y Animal.
El agua y los vegetales: El plancton y su desarrollo en el agua. Plantas acuáticas.
El agua y los animales acuáticos: Animales de agua dulce. Animales de aguas saladas.
Desde su aparición, internet se ha convertido en una de las herramientas mas utilizadas por todos, agiliza la tarea de buscar información por diversos lugares, es más simple de utilizar y nos mantiene en contacto por todas partes del mundo.
Sin ninguna duda, es uno de las mejores creaciones y es de gran ayuda. Además de no ser complicada, se encuentra al alcance de todos y podemos obtener todo tipo de ayuda.
Internet tiene un impacto profundo en el trabajo, el ocio y el conocimiento. Gracias a la web, millones de personas tienen acceso fácil e inmediato a una cantidad extensa y diversa de información en línea.
Comparado a las enciclopedias y a las bibliotecas tradicionales, la web ha permitido una descentralización repentina y extrema de la información y de los datos.
Internet ha llegado a gran parte de los hogares y de las empresas de los países ricos, en este aspecto se ha abierto una brecha digital con los países pobres, en los cuales la penetración de Internet y las nuevas tecnologías es muy limitada para las personas.
The document proposes a smart car system to reduce accidents by avoiding obstacles. It discusses using ultrasonic sensors, an Arduino microcontroller, motors, and other components to help the driver avoid collisions. A functional flow chart is presented, and the estimated total price of components for a prototype is around $110. The conclusion states that reducing accidents is an important global goal, and the proposed smart car system aims to reduce the most dangerous and frequent types of accidents by helping return vehicles to their lane if they deviate and improving visibility in foggy conditions.
Exhumation involves legally digging up a buried body and can be done for several reasons: to identify the body, determine the cause of death if foul play is suspected, or recover evidence buried with the body. The exhumation process is supervised by a magistrate and doctor and involves carefully excavating the grave and examining the remains for marks, injuries, or samples that can aid in the investigation. Identification is attempted even if the body has decomposed, and samples are collected and preserved as necessary for analysis to determine factors like poisoning or the cause of death.
A Product Manager often needs to persuade and motivate others without having any real authority. The only tool the product manager has is language, the spoken and written word. So how do you get people to understand why a particular course of action is warranted? And how do you persuade them to act and move forward on that knowledge without being able to wield any power or authority over them? You can’t just talk louder, or keep repeating your point or resort to nagging. You have to use particular language that is more effective. They key is in using carefully chosen language that addresses their Motivation Type.
Join our AIPMM Anthropologist, Paula Gray as she uncovers the key to more effective persuasion by understanding your audience’s Motivation Type. She will explain how to determine an individual’s motivation type and then how to craft your language to address the core issues of each type.
Topics covered will include:
What are Motivation Types and how people acquire them
How to determine an individual’s Motivation Type
How to speak to each Motivation Type to engage and persuade them
How to speak to a group that is a mix of Motivation Types
About Paula Gray
Paula Gray is an anthropologist and the Director of Knowledge Development at AIPMM. She has traveled the globe to work with companies throughout the US, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific to help them gain a deeper understanding of their customers. She is featured in Linda Gorchels’ book The Product Manager’s Handbook and has contributed to several books on product management including The Guide to the Product Management and Marketing Body of Knowledge (ProdBOK). She is also author of numerous blog posts and papers including Business Anthropology and the Culture of Product Managers.
This document describes a student project to create a robotic spray painter with infinite axis. It can paint large surfaces and objects by moving in x, y, and z axes, controlled remotely. The project aims to improve on industrial spray painters, which have a finite range. Sections provide an introduction, selected parts, cost estimate, working principle, applications, advantages, and plans for future expansion and work.
AT1 - Revoir les pratiques de l'entretien professionnelCap'Com
Comment la communication interne peut-elle contribuer à faire partager une culture commune de l’entretien professionnel, tant pour les agents évalués, qu’évaluateurs ?
?ric Fauconnier, responsable de la communication interne d'Angers Loire Métropole décryptera la campagne "Les pros de l'entretien", Grand Prix Cap'Com 2015 dans la catégorie communication interne.
Organisation interne, cadre de travail, compétences, la réforme territoriale bouscule les agents. Comment communiquer en interne pour anticiper et gérer les conséquences des changements ? Dans la continuité de l'atelier com interne du Forum de Tours, retours sur l'expérience de la création du Nouveau Rh?ne et de la Métropole de Lyon.
Philippe Debondue, délégué général du Musée Gallo-romain et ancien directeur de la communication du Département du Rh?ne
Faire du comité de rédaction un levier d'animation interneCap'Com
Faire participer les agents aux comités de rédaction du journal interne fédère et contribue à donner du sens. Concrètement, comment s'organiser pour en faire un levier d'animation interne ? Quel r?le donner aux agents et jusqu'à quel point les faire participer ?
Olivier Claye, responsable de la communication interne du Département du Pas-de-Calais
2. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
3. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
■ 安定した経済成長
■ 購買力の向上
6. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
7. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
8. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
?Made in Japan製品の流通は依然として少ない
9. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
■ 東南アジアにおけるECビジネスの状況
Source: http://ecodb.net/exec/trans_country.php?type=ICTS&d=INTERNET&c1=MY&c2=ID&c3=SG&c4=TH&s=2010&e=2020
10. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
11. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
12. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
13. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
14. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
15. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
16. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
17. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
18. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
19. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
Source:Wall Street Journal
■ 高い購買力とそれを支える富裕?中間層人口
20. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
ASEAN諸国にインド、台湾、香港、中東を加えたエリアをEC-PORTでは 東南アジア市場 と定義しています。6億人市場と呼ばれ安定した経済成長
に伴うリスクも低いでしょう。何よりもMade in Japanが高品質な製品の象徴とされています。また、アメリカや中国と比較し、国内企業の参入が
21. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
? 成約費用 について:販売金額からプランに応じた所定の割合を請求します。
? 出品回数 について:1モールへの1商品の出品を以って 1回 とカウントします。
22. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
23. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
24. Copyright ? 2015 by EC-PORT SDN BHD. All Rights Reserved.
25. Thanks for your time!