This document contains the resume of Vani G, who has 2+ years of experience in build and release engineering. She has experience using tools like Ant, Maven, Jenkins, SVN, Git, Sonar, JIRA, Tomcat, and working on the software development lifecycle from build to deployment. She currently works as a Build and Release Engineer at Kroger, where she is responsible for continuous integration, configuration management, artifact management, and deployments.
O'Connor (2016) Examining mental fitness for work - Unfit or safe for duty Frank O'Connor
The document discusses examining an employee's mental fitness for work. It introduces Elizabeth, an employee who has been struggling with her work. It then discusses how fitness for work assessments are often requested after incidents that impact work performance or safety. The document also examines what factors are considered in a fitness for work assessment, including job demands and an employee's physical and mental capacities. It raises questions about who should conduct the assessment and what the assessment should determine.
SPS OSLO 2016 - Training your organisation on SharePointMarijn Somers
This document discusses training an organization on SharePoint. It recommends:
1) Providing training through multiple methods like classroom, videos, coaching to accommodate different learning styles.
2) Distributing information about training through a SharePoint "Academy" site containing documentation, training schedules and help resources.
3) Using stories of past mistakes and examples from customers to emphasize why training is important for driving adoption, productivity and avoiding issues.
This document defines e-commerce and outlines its history and types. E-commerce involves purchasing and selling goods online and has evolved from early electronic funds transfers and electronic data interchange between companies in the 1970s-1980s to the widespread use of the internet for information publishing and online shopping in the 1990s. The main types of e-commerce are business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and mobile commerce. The document also discusses the top e-commerce players in India and provides advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce.
Este documento presenta varias estrategias de lectura para fortalecer las capacidades de comprensi坦n lectora en estudiantes. Describe las estrategias propuestas por las Rutas de Aprendizaje para trabajar la comprensi坦n lectora en diferentes ciclos, incluyendo leer textos predecibles, caminatas de lectura, interrogaci坦n de textos, fichas de personajes y organizadores gr叩ficos. Tambi辿n presenta una situaci坦n de contexto y m叩s estrategias como hacer predicciones y construir im叩genes mentales.
Este documento presenta una serie de ejercicios y problemas relacionados con n炭meros naturales y operaciones matem叩ticas b叩sicas como suma, resta, multiplicaci坦n y divisi坦n. Incluye ejemplos de sumar y restar n炭meros enteros y decimales, utilizar la propiedad asociativa para agrupar t辿rminos de una suma, completar operaciones con valores desconocidos, derivar restas a partir de sumas dados, y resolver problemas que implican realizar c叩lculos para determinar distancias recorridas y dinero restante.
Este documento describe una investigaci坦n sobre la percepci坦n de docentes sobre la introducci坦n de Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y Comunicaci坦n (TIC) en el proceso de ense単anza-aprendizaje de lengua castellana. Los docentes reconocen la importancia de las TIC pero usan pocas en sus clases. La investigaci坦n busca identificar esta percepci坦n de los docentes y los beneficios de capacitarlos en el uso de TIC para mejorar la ense単anza de lengua castellana.
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can lead to the destruction of the periodontal tissues and ultimately tooth loss. Regeneration of the reduced periodontium is the ideal goal in periodontal therapy. To date, regenerative therapy with membranes, bone grafting materials, growth factors and the combination of these procedures have been investigated and employed with distinct levels of clinical success. Barrier membranes prevent epithelial down growth, allow periodontal ligament and alveolar bone cells to repopulate the defect thereby favoring the regeneration of periodontal tissues. This article discusses various membranes used for periodontal regeneration and their impact on the experimental or clinical management of periodontal defects.
This document contains the resume of Vani G, who has 2+ years of experience in build and release engineering. She has experience using tools like Ant, Maven, Jenkins, SVN, Git, Sonar, JIRA, Tomcat, and working on the software development lifecycle from build to deployment. She currently works as a Build and Release Engineer at Kroger, where she is responsible for continuous integration, configuration management, artifact management, and deployments.
O'Connor (2016) Examining mental fitness for work - Unfit or safe for duty Frank O'Connor
The document discusses examining an employee's mental fitness for work. It introduces Elizabeth, an employee who has been struggling with her work. It then discusses how fitness for work assessments are often requested after incidents that impact work performance or safety. The document also examines what factors are considered in a fitness for work assessment, including job demands and an employee's physical and mental capacities. It raises questions about who should conduct the assessment and what the assessment should determine.
SPS OSLO 2016 - Training your organisation on SharePointMarijn Somers
This document discusses training an organization on SharePoint. It recommends:
1) Providing training through multiple methods like classroom, videos, coaching to accommodate different learning styles.
2) Distributing information about training through a SharePoint "Academy" site containing documentation, training schedules and help resources.
3) Using stories of past mistakes and examples from customers to emphasize why training is important for driving adoption, productivity and avoiding issues.
This document defines e-commerce and outlines its history and types. E-commerce involves purchasing and selling goods online and has evolved from early electronic funds transfers and electronic data interchange between companies in the 1970s-1980s to the widespread use of the internet for information publishing and online shopping in the 1990s. The main types of e-commerce are business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and mobile commerce. The document also discusses the top e-commerce players in India and provides advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce.
Este documento presenta varias estrategias de lectura para fortalecer las capacidades de comprensi坦n lectora en estudiantes. Describe las estrategias propuestas por las Rutas de Aprendizaje para trabajar la comprensi坦n lectora en diferentes ciclos, incluyendo leer textos predecibles, caminatas de lectura, interrogaci坦n de textos, fichas de personajes y organizadores gr叩ficos. Tambi辿n presenta una situaci坦n de contexto y m叩s estrategias como hacer predicciones y construir im叩genes mentales.
Este documento presenta una serie de ejercicios y problemas relacionados con n炭meros naturales y operaciones matem叩ticas b叩sicas como suma, resta, multiplicaci坦n y divisi坦n. Incluye ejemplos de sumar y restar n炭meros enteros y decimales, utilizar la propiedad asociativa para agrupar t辿rminos de una suma, completar operaciones con valores desconocidos, derivar restas a partir de sumas dados, y resolver problemas que implican realizar c叩lculos para determinar distancias recorridas y dinero restante.
Este documento describe una investigaci坦n sobre la percepci坦n de docentes sobre la introducci坦n de Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y Comunicaci坦n (TIC) en el proceso de ense単anza-aprendizaje de lengua castellana. Los docentes reconocen la importancia de las TIC pero usan pocas en sus clases. La investigaci坦n busca identificar esta percepci坦n de los docentes y los beneficios de capacitarlos en el uso de TIC para mejorar la ense単anza de lengua castellana.
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can lead to the destruction of the periodontal tissues and ultimately tooth loss. Regeneration of the reduced periodontium is the ideal goal in periodontal therapy. To date, regenerative therapy with membranes, bone grafting materials, growth factors and the combination of these procedures have been investigated and employed with distinct levels of clinical success. Barrier membranes prevent epithelial down growth, allow periodontal ligament and alveolar bone cells to repopulate the defect thereby favoring the regeneration of periodontal tissues. This article discusses various membranes used for periodontal regeneration and their impact on the experimental or clinical management of periodontal defects.
Political science is the study of politics and government. It examines how governments are formed, how they operate, and how they make and enforce laws. It also analyzes political behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions. Political science aims to understand the meaning of politics which originated from the Greek word "polis" meaning city-state. Each city-state had its own unique form of government and administration regardless of its size.
Este documento presenta una serie de operaciones matem叩ticas de doblar y dividir a la mitad fracciones. Se pide calcular el doble de varias fracciones como 1/3, 1/7 y 3/4, as鱈 como calcular la mitad de fracciones como 1/2, 1/4 y 1/5. Luego presenta una lista de nombres.
This document describes the steps involved in designing an expert system for automobile diagnosis using a forward chaining rule-based approach. It outlines defining the problem of hard starting, input data like start-up rules, and a data-driven structure. An initial set of rules is written to test the cranking, ignition, and fuel systems. The knowledge base and working memory are populated with sample rules and facts. Finally, designing the user interface in parallel is discussed.
El documento describe las econom鱈as emergentes y los mercados emergentes, incluyendo pa鱈ses como China e India. Explica que las econom鱈as emergentes son pa鱈ses en desarrollo con crecimiento industrial y exportaciones crecientes. Tambi辿n analiza nuevas econom鱈as emergentes prometedoras como los pa鱈ses CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egipto, Turqu鱈a y Sud叩frica), destacando su potencial de crecimiento r叩pido debido a factores como su poblaci坦n, recursos naturales e infraestructura en expansi坦n.
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Este documento define los seres vivos como aquellos que tienen vida, incluyendo todas las variedades de seres que habitan el planeta como plantas, animales e incluso los seres humanos. Divide los seres vivos mencionados en el texto en tres grupos: animales, plantas y seres humanos. Solicita al lector subrayar y encontrar los seres vivos en diferentes actividades propuestas.
Conferencia ESRI 2014. Gesti坦n de la componente geogr叩fica del negocio median...geograma
El documento describe c坦mo la Agencia Vasca del Agua migr坦 su infraestructura de sistemas de informaci坦n geogr叩fica a est叩ndares OGC para permitir la edici坦n y gesti坦n de datos geoespaciales desde aplicaciones web. Esto incluy坦 el despliegue de un servicio WFS-T, el desarrollo de componentes para autenticaci坦n y edici坦n, y la creaci坦n de un proceso geogr叩fico para autocompletar campos. - CBSE UGC-NET Political Science Solved
油 -The University Grants Commission (UGC) conducts a National Eligibility Test (NET) for prospective candidates. The book contains solved papers that helps a candidate prepare better for the exam. You can buy the UGC-NET Political Science Objective Last year solved paper at just Rs. 99/- CBSE UGC-NET Political Science last year solved paper.
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La piel est叩 compuesta por la epidermis y la dermis. La epidermis est叩 formada por varios estratos de c辿lulas, incluyendo queratinocitos, melanocitos y c辿lulas de Langerhans. La dermis contiene vasos sangu鱈neos, gl叩ndulas sudor鱈paras y fol鱈culos pilosos. En la dermis tambi辿n se encuentran diversos tipos de corp炭sculos sensoriales como los corp炭sculos de Meissner, Pacini y Ruffini, que detectan tacto, presi坦n y temperatura. Debajo de la dermis se encuentra la