Governanca corporativa pmeSiqueira & Associados Auditores IndependentesHá um grande destaque sobre a importância das Empresas terem a GOVERNANÇA CORPORATIVA.
E as empresas de Pequeno e Médio Porte (PME)?
Todas as empresas são, em essência, iguais, diferença de porte não implica em menor atenção aos detalhes do Ambiente de Controle Interno e adoção de ferramentas adequadas à gestão
Conheça um pouco mais sobre as Boas Práticas de Gestão.
Talent release formameliabarrett16This talent release form allows Amelia Barrett to use an individual's name, photographs, and voice for two adverts to be filmed over three days each and published on YouTube and Blogger, as well as a pop-up and sponsorship to be filmed over two days in a studio and various locations. Travel costs will be covered and filming dates, including possible holidays, must be discussed and confirmed.
Enjeux ESG en perspectives - L'obésité, un enjeu de poidsOFI Asset ManagementAlors qu’au XIXe siècle, le « ventre bourgeois » était vu comme un signe de réussite sociale, le surpoids est aujourd’hui considéré comme un phénomène épidémique mondial qui menace la santé des individus, réduit l’espérance de vie et augmente les dépenses de santé.
Final projectScantraxThis document provides vocabulary terms and exercises related to energy sources. It defines key terms like non-renewable, energy, electrical energy, coal, oil, and renewable. Exercise 1 asks the reader to fill in blanks with glossary terms, matching electrical energy, fuel, and renewable energy with their definitions. The reading activity provides information about an online reading on energy sources that explains how they are categorized and classified. It includes comprehension questions about potential vs kinetic energy, the best energy source, differences between renewable and non-renewable resources, and what secondary energy sources are.
xxxxxxJavierjavier1603Este documento explica cómo funciona una revista digital, permitiendo a los usuarios obtener información desde la revista sin descargarla mediante el uso de imágenes, URLs e internet. Al hacer clic en una imagen en la página, los usuarios podrán ver el archivo que previamente subieron a su alojamiento el martes 18.
How To Build The Future - Notes from Peter Thiel's Zero to OneArpit DhariwalThe document outlines key points from Peter Thiel's book "Zero to One" for building the future. It emphasizes focusing on vertical progress by doing something new rather than copying existing ideas. It also stresses the importance of monopolizing small, defensible markets rather than competing in large ones. The document lists questions every business must answer around breakthrough technology, timing, market share, team, and long-term defensibility to achieve startup success.
LOADays 2015 - syslog-ng - from log collection to processing and infomation e...BalaBitPeter Czanik: syslog-ng - from log collection to processing and infomation extraction
LOADays 2015.
After a short introduction to system logging, we will show how the current log messages look like, and what the problem is with this free text format. Next, we will introduce you the powerful concept of name-value pairs, and how you can extract useful information from your logs by parsing log messages into name-value pairs. Next we will demonstrate the flexibility of syslog-ng’s message parsers (patterndb, csv and JSON parsers), and show you how to create patterns using a text editor or a GUI. This can also be used to overwrite sensitive information due to privacy regulations. At the end, you will learn about the Perl/Python/Lua/Java bindings of syslog-ng Open Source Edition, how value pairs can be passed to them, and some reference applications written for syslog-ng.