This document discusses recommender systems and algorithms for making predictions about a user's preferences. It describes content-based recommendation systems that predict ratings based on a movie's features like genre. Collaborative filtering learns features and user preferences from existing ratings to predict unknown ratings. The document proposes combining the two approaches and using matrix factorization to represent movies and users as vectors to be learned from rating data. It also describes mean normalization to address cases where a user or movie has not been rated.
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16 recommender systems
1. 16. Recommender Systems
The movie prediction system simply try to predict the values of
these missing values (with ?) .. like what rating would the user
have given to those films
x1 = degree to which a movie is a romantic movie
x2 = degree to which a movie is an action movie
n =2 = no of features, not counting the extra feature(x0always =1)
2. X( 1 )
= feature values vector for movie 1
( 1 ) = parameters vector learned for a particular user
Minimizing the sum over all i such that r(i, j) ==1
3. But we need to do this for all users:
We get a separate parameter vector for each user, ( j )
Not all movies can be rated based on their content, or its just very
difficult so, collaborative learning comes to our rescue
COLLABORATIVE FILTERING: feature learning algo
automatically learns what features to use
If we have no idea how to rate a movie..
4. Lets say, our users have told us the values of their own
parameters :
We try to rate the movies automatically:
We try to infer what should the vector X( 1 )
be so that:
5. For each movie i:
For each user j:
If j has rated that movie:
We minimize the diff b/w predicted rating
(0 to 5) and its actual rating
For each movie i:
For each feature k:
We also try to minimize the values of parameters,
so as to achieve regularization.
6. Diff b/w content based recommender vs Collaborative
In content-based recommender:
In collaborative filtering:
So, what we can do to train the model is that:
We can guess an initial and obtain X from that
Use that to obtain better fitting parameters ()
Use that to obtain better set of features (X)
And so on
This actually works, as eventually this will converge to a reasonable
set of features and a reasonable set of parameters for each user
7. This algo is called collaborative filtering as each user is
collaborating to advance the algo a little bit, i.e., they are
helping the algo little bit
Combining Collaborative filtering and content-based
In content-based recommender:
In collab. Featuring:
Combing both:
Here, if we keep X constant its minimized over (content-
based recommender)
If we keep constant its minimized over X (collaborative
8. Here: we dont need x0 =1 and also dont need 0 because since
our algo is learning its own features, we dont need to hardcode
any features, it will learn x1==1 by itself (since we dont give x0)
9. We can create an X vector which contains features of all examples
And we can also create a vector which contains parameters of all
examples row-wise
So, we can obtain the predicted rating matrix as:
This is a low rank matrix ( a property of linear algebra)
In such case, the last regularization term will give a 0 vector for ( 5 )
(parameter vector for Eve). This will cause all predicted ratings of
Eve to be 0.
But thats not useful, as all the movies will be equally likely for Eve
Mean Normalization: it can be used as a data pre-processing step:
First, we find the mean rating of each movie by different users
11. Then we Subtract the mean from each users ratings
Now, we use this matrix to learn our parameters for each user and
feature-values of each movie.
Also, we add the calculated mean to our predicted ratings at the
end of prediction
12. This way we have:
So, the user who has not rated any movie will get an average rating
for each movie.
Mean normalization can also be used in case when a movie has
no rating from any user, by modifying the algo a little bit.