An event for married couples from the 82nd CAB who are redeploying will be held from November 16-18, 2012 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The event will provide lodging, meals, childcare, seminars, and free time. Registration forms are due by October 31st and attendees will be confirmed by November 6th. Slots will be allocated according to each command after November 1st.
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16-18 November Reintegration Retreat Flyer
1. 82nd CAB
Married Couples Re-integration
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
When: 16 18 November 2012 Submit registration form to:
Brigade Chaplains office, or email to
Who: 82nd CAB Redeployers
What is Provided? - Lodging,
Registrations due NLT 31 October 2012
Meals, Childcare, Seminar and.
Allocation of available slots will be made according
.Lots of free time! to "Task Org" after 1 NOV 12 by each respective
command. Confirmations for attendees will be
made by 6 November 2012.