1. An astrological analysis predicts the outcome of the 2014 Indian Lok Sabha elections based on the birth charts of the main candidates and the timing of lunar and solar eclipses.
2. NaMo is predicted to become Prime Minister based on favorable astrological combinations around the dates of the election.
3. RaGa may gain some ground but will ultimately be disappointed in the results.
3. Arvind Kejriwal's chart indicates escapist tendencies that could lead to frustration and public displays of aggression, challenging his integrity and vision.
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16th lok sabha election 2014 document1 Astrology
1. Astrology forecastings - Amit Desai
March 29
Indian Lok Sabha Election 2014.
31st March 2014 New Moon ( Amas).
with this Amas on 7th April 2014 Indian LS election will roll on.
and during this Amas the Sun/Moon combination is making an energetic combination with
Mars/Sun of Indian Republic chart, Thus indicating A HIGH VOLTAGE DRAMA during
April/May. Also transiting Jupiter is under affliction from Rahu/Ketu of Indian Republican chart
hence people shall not use there wisdom, honesty shall be compromised and citizen will be
troubled/harassed. Use of Muscle strength will be the blend of election. Booth capturing/rigging
shall be frequent.
BUT the main ? who will win.......
well i have DOB of the probable candidate and I am using SUNRISE chart of theirs to present
my analysis, and they are listed in preference as per their chart strength.
1. NaMo :- with his exceptional reorganizing capacities, and execution of plan abilities He is all
time favorite to be PM of India.
This Amas on 31st March is in combination to his Janam Uranus which is accentuated by transit
Jupiter too. hence post 31st march his popularity shall increase and will be much more stronger.
April 15th Lunar eclipse and April 29th Solar Eclipse Consolidates NaMo's candidature for PM
post in INDIA.
14th May 2014 shall be crucial as it is 2 days after last election day and 2 days before the result.
He has to be watchful for himself from VULTURES who want to devour meat.
15th May 2014 is Full Moon day ( Poonam), hence the day to reap the harvest. 16th May 2014 is
the result day and the poonam on previous day shall shower good yield on NaMo, after having
defended himself from Sly's. Let the most eligible RULE the country.
2. RaGa :- He has got a good combination of SUN/Jupiter at birth thus giving him optimistic
attitude, a good honest worker and with Pluto square Sun gives him capabilities of removing the
weeds from the system. But he is not empowered to do so. And due to lack of good
MENTORING he and his talents are getting wasted.
post lunar eclipse April 15th he shall gain some ground and also get advantage and will be able
to maintain competitive advantage.
May 15th Poonam shall break his heart when the results are declared next day......BUT remember
his optimistic tendencies...He can be a tough competitor.
2. 3. Arvind Kejriwal:- with Neptune Moon opposition in birth chart gives him ESCAPIST
tendencies along with good vision. But he demonstrated his ESCAPIST tendencies as Dlehi's
CM...hence the big ? will he be able to stand challege as PM
Againg Lunar eclipse of April 15th shall help him in popularity increase.
But Solar eclipse of April 29th will bring in frustration and his aggression will be publicly
May 15th Poonam shall challenge his integrity Issue, he shall be confused with his vision. high
pressure shall again give him opportunity to escape.
well above analysis was based on their birthday sunrise charts.
But Indian republican chart has strong indication of major administrative and policy changes,
due to presence of Pluto and Uranus in 10th and 1st house of Indian Republic Chart.This
presence of Pluto/Uranus in Kendra indicates NEW governance with ability to bring about grass
root level changes.
Which I confidently see in NaMO led government.
RaGa is good too but as said earlier, due to lack of mentoring he may fumble.
And Arvind Kejriwal he is just vision and no real action
(5 photos)
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Sanjay Bhatt, Udesh Kohli, Vijay Solanki and 11 others like this.
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Astrology forecastings - Amit Desai The Neptune Moon combination in Arvind
Kejriwal's birth chart lured him for power. Anna Blames SWARTHI attitude. Link
Attached. http://www.mumbaimirror.com/.../articleshow/35857511.cms
5. Anna blames swaarth for Kejris woes - Mumbai Mirror -
He should have focused on being a model CM, but he wanted to be PM.
Like 揃 Reply 揃 Remove Preview 揃 June 1 at 2:13pm
Astrology forecastings - Amit Desai well friends above said prediction has come true and
NaMo has assumed the most desired post. I hope everybody is Happy as I am to see
NaMo as PM... cheers and congratulation to all.
Like 揃 Reply 揃 May 21 at 2:25pm
Astrology forecastings - Amit Desai Mr Kejriwal admits his Escapism attitude.
6. Like 揃 Reply 揃 April 12 at 1:40pm
Astrology forecastings - Amit Desai Sir that's the only option left with us
Like 揃 Reply 揃 March 29 at 4:26pm
Bharat Tanna Wish this also turns out correct like previous ones.
Like 揃 Reply 揃 April 1 at 5:12am
Udesh Kohli Have seen u r forcsting times right.
Like 揃 Reply 揃 March 30 at 9:55pm
Vijay Solanki NAMO NAMO
Like 揃 Reply 揃 March 30 at 4:59pm
Hemmantt Shah marvellous analysis
Like 揃 Reply 揃 March 29 at 8:04pm
Jitendra Soni let"s wait till may 16TH
Like 揃 Reply 揃 March 29 at 4:21pm
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