This document summarizes a proposed public-private partnership project to construct a second Nyali Bridge in Mombasa, Kenya. The project involves building a new 600m bridge and expanding roads to reduce congestion at the existing bridge. A 30-year availability payment contract would be awarded to a private partner to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the new infrastructure. The estimated capital cost is $200 million. The project aims to improve transportation connectivity in Mombasa and support continued economic growth.
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16th nov nyali bridge ic presentation
1. 2nd Nyali Bridge PPP Project
Kenya PPP Roads Investors Conference
November 2016
2. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 2
Transaction Advisory Consortium
In association with
In conjunction with
3. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 3
Project Summary
The 2nd Nyali Bridge Project
Introduction to Mombasa
The Need for a 2nd Nyali Bridge
Project Summary
Project Structuring
5. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 5
The 2nd Nyali Bridge Project
Contracting Authority: Kenya Urban Roads Authority
Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain and Transfer PPP Contract,
New 600m Bridge across Tudor Creek, Mombasa; together with
1.7km New Roads
Expansion of 5km of existing roads
30 Year Contract, with an Availability Based Payment Mechanism
Estimated Capital Cost: $200m
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Port Gateway to Kenya & E. Africa
Introduction to Mombasa
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Mombasa Island and its Access Points
Introduction to Mombasa
Nyali Bridge
Likoni Ferry
9. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 9
Towards a Vibrant Regional Commercial Hub with a
High Standard of Living for its Residents
Introduction to Mombasa
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Introduction to Mombasa
Geography and Economy
Land Area 230 Square Km
Population 939,000 in 2009, now est. over 1.2m
Development Primarily urban. Under 1000 Hectares of Land
for Food & Cash Crops.
Primary employers KPA, Hotels and tourism, Container freight
terminals and other shipping related, GoK,
Other Private Sector such as banks.
Special Economic
Planned for Dongo Kundu
Port: Kilindini Port - 2nd Container Terminal.
Dongo Kundu
Roads: 6 Major road schemes planned
Railway: Now 10km. SGR under construction.
Moi International Airport
12. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 12
The Existing Nyali Bridge
Rationale for the 2nd Nyali Bridge
Congested, particularly during
rush hour
Nearing design capacity
Only direct link from
Mombasa Island; to
North Coast Mainland.
The need for a 2nd Nyali
1. Reduce Congestion
2. Improve travel times
3. Greater accessibility, to
sustain economic growth
4. Provide an alternative route
Built in 1979
Has served Mombasa well for
over 35 years.
Has received periodic
13. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 13
High Traffic Volumes - Existing Nyali Bridge
Rationale for the 2nd Nyali Bridge
50,000 daily trips
(excluding motorcycles and tuk tuks)
Close to Design Capacity
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Traffic Details Existing Nyali Bridge
Rationale for the 2nd Nyali Bridge
Trip purpose
Towards Mombasa Island
Business 80
Home 8
School 5
Shopping 3
Other 4
Section Traffic
Average, Malindi Rd 13 km/h
Minimum 6 km/h
74% to/from Mombasa CBD
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Selection of the Preferred Location
Rationale for the 2nd Nyali Bridge
An Objective Process
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Selection of the Preferred Location
Rationale for the 2nd Nyali Bridge
Wide Range of Sites Considered
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Project Scope
2nd Nyali Bridge Project Summary
2nd Nyali Bridge 0.6 N/a 4 lane roadway
2 lanes MRT*
Bridge Approach
0.4 N/a As for Bridge
Abdel Nasser Road 0.5 2 Lanes motor
As for bridge
Kongowea 1.3 N/a 4 lane roadway
Links Road 4.4
2 Lanes Motor
4 lane roadway
* MRT lanes also capable of use for general motorised traffic
22. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 22
Rights of Way (ROW)
2nd Nyali Bridge Project Summary
2nd Nyali
0.6 n/a 40m
Bridge Ramps 0.4 Up to 18m 40m Extra to be
Abdel Nasser
0.5 18m 40m Extra to be
Kongowea 1.3 None 40m To be acquired
Links Road 4.4 Up to 25m Up to 25m Use existing
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Payment Mechanism
Project Structuring
Availability Based
Unavailability for full or partial road closures
Deemed Unavailability For blockages / failing to meet standards
Service Points
Foreign Exchange
Local Currency interest rate
25. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 25
Rights, Responsibilities, Risks Project Co KURA
Design Y
Land Acquisition Y
Necessary Approvals Y
Construction Y
Financing Y
Force Majeure Y Y
Traffic Volume Cost Implications Y
Axle Overloading Y
Revenue Y
Operations and Maintenance Y
Performance Y
Local Currency Inflation Y
USD: KSH Exchange Rate Y
Local Currency Interest Rate Y
Political Y
Project Structuring
Risk Allocation
26. 息 2016 Deloitte & Touche 26
Development schedule
Implementation Plan
Note: Indicative implementation plan subject to approvals, land
acquisition and publication of RFQ/RFP etc
Jan 2017 Mar 2017 Sep 2017 Nov 2017 Mar 2018
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Night time (Artists Impression)
Bridge Conceptual Design
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Contacts of Team Leader, Transaction Advisor
2nd Nyali Bridge Contacts
John Ponsonby
PPP Leader| Infrastructure and Capital Projects
Deloitte Consulting Ltd
Deloitte Place, Waiyaki Way, Muthangari, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel/Direct: +254 20 423 0182 | Fax: +254 20 444 8966 | |
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息 2016. For more information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
This presentation has been prepared by Deloitte on behalf of the Kenyan Urban Roads Authority (KURA), the intended
Contracting Authority for the 2nd Nyali Bridge Project. This presentation document is intended only to form the basis for
discussions on the Project with prospective participants. Accordingly, it does not purport to be all-inclusive nor to contain
all of the information that a prospective participant may consider material or desirable in making its decision to
participate in any future tender for the Project. Each Prospective Bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations
and analysis and should check the completeness, adequacy, accuracy, correctness, and reliability of the assumptions,
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In furnishing this presentation document, KURA, or the GOK or any of its agencies undertake no obligation to provide
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No person has been authorised to give any information or make any representation not contained in this presentation
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Kenya Urban Roads Authority(KURA), or the Government of Kenya(GOK) or any of its agencies.
This presentation does not constitute a solicitation of bids for any aspect of the development
of the 2nd
Nyali Bridge project. Solicitations of bids and bidding guidelines will be distributed at
a later date.