Marja de Jong is a Dutch artist who moved to Finland in 2003. She is the founder of several art organizations in Finland, including Saksala ArtRadius art center and the mets辰-LABYRINTTI nature art project. Her work involves acrylic and oil paintings depicting landscapes and figures. She is focused on developing cultural tourism programs that combine art, nature, and tourism in the Haukivuori region of Finland.
2. Marja de Jong
born in 1947 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
moved to Finland in 2003
artist, art teacher and art director
founder of art centre Saksala ArtRadius
founder of the mets辰-LABYRINTTI on Saksalanharju
co-founder of the annual taidekirppujen y旦 in Haukivuori
co-organizer of the art education symposiums NATURALLY ART
involved with art, art education, cultural and creative tourism
developing programs for the exchange between Finnish and international
promoting the region through international contacts
working in Haukivuori on a unique project for innovative active cultural and
creative tourism; a combination of art, culture, nature and tourism,
developing a year round inviting cultural, creative and nature program for
artistic events, short or longer stays to increase the number of (international)
cultural tourists in Haukivuori
working on an own art production
3. Saksala on the Rock series of 49 acrylic - 14x14 cm 2007-2009
63. artist
Working as an artist in own atelier first in Holland these days in Finland
The work consists of monumental levels build up in many color layers. The starting point is the space of the under-
The visual reality gives motives which are used as an assignment, but recognizing at the end is not a goal.
It is the light that visualizes the world on the canvas or paper. The Finnish light is remarkable and inspires to paint
in a new way.
Educating art more than 35 years to students of a teacher training college and worked with children and adults in
the private AllaprimA art-school in Holland, now working on Saksala ArtRadius Finland.
An authority in the field of childrens drawing and painting with a lot of experiences in education. During the
years a huge collection of childrens drawings, made by children of the AllaprimA Art-school, existed. This
collection is used by training teachers, giving workshops, making exhibitions and researching the way children
see their world.
used materials and techniques:
oil- and acryl-paint, gouache, Indian ink, mono-print, crayon and pencil
*BBK Amsterdam
Dutch Visual Artists Union Amsterdam
*Teekengenootschap Pictura Dordrecht
Visual Artists Society Pictura Dordrecht
64. publications
*clazien immink, schilder immink, Geldrop
(clazien immink, a painter immink Geldrop)
*in beeld brengen Dijkstra Zeist
(making art Dijkstra Zeist)
*kijk, als je tekent zie je meer NOT Hilversum
(look, if you draw you see more Dutch education broadcasting)
*misschien ben jij het wel gedichten Jan t Lam illustraties Marja de Jong Leopold
(maybe it is you poems Jan t Lam illustrations Marja de Jong Leopold)
*informatie beelden zwijndrecht stichting vriendenkring beeldenpark drechtoevers
(information sculptures zwijndrecht foundation circle of friends sculpture park zwijndrecht)
*zwijndrecht een beeld van een stad gemeente zwijndrecht
(zwijndrecht a city with sculptures municipal of zwijndrecht)
*kindertekeningen, een beeldverhaal stichting AllaprimA Zwijndrecht
(childrens drawings, a story in images AllaprimA Foundation Zwijndrecht)
*uit de kunst Delubas Drunen
(a way of art Delubas Drunen)
65. exhibitions
exhibitions group
solo Cosa Delft
Amro bank Zwijndrecht Artifort Maastricht
Bijenkorf Den Haag
Muziekmuseum Vlaardingen WTC Amsterdam
Sheraton Hotel Geldrop Kultureel Sentrum Tilburg
Postiljon Motel Dordrecht teekengenootschap Pictura Dordrecht
Hotel van Maaren Didam gemeentehuis Norderstedt Germay
Keukenline Zwijndrecht AllaprimA museum Haukivuori Finland
de Jong Intra Vakanties Ridderkerk Riihisaari Savonlinna Finland
de Leeuwenhorst Noordwijkerhout permanent Saksala ArtRadius gallery
galerie Witt Dordrecht
galerie Casus Purmerend
galerie Serruys Rotterdam
Leolux Eindhoven
Ichthus Hogeschool Rotterdam
burgerzaal gemeentehuis Zwijndrecht
galerie van Rotterdam Ridderkerk
Verkerk Installatietechniek Zwijndrecht
Veerplaat Zwijndrecht
AllaprimA galerie Zwijndrecht
AllaprimA Museum Haukivuori