Presentation for the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine annual training conference, Melbourne, 2nd April, 2017
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170402 middleton j public health in the uk
1. Australasian Faculty of Public Health
National Training Conference,
Public health in the United Kingdom
John Middleton
UK Faculty of Public Health
30. Figure 1, Teenage Conception 1998 - 2012
Sandwell's reduction since baseline (44%) is higher than England &
Wales's reduction of 40.8%. The West Mildands reduction has also
been lower than Sandwell at 42%. Figure 1, above, show that the
gap between Sandwell and England is reducing further.
31. Maximise the capabilities
and control young and
people have over their lives
: reduce the social gradient
of skills and qualifications
35. Domestic burglary Sandwell 2001-2005
Full implementation
drug intervention
project doubling
numbers of drug users
in treatment
1300 fewer
33% fall
37. A box plot of the
Baseline SAP
measures for the
Sandwell MBC
housing stock,
1st April 2001, by
housing type,
n=25,595 dwellings
38. A box plot of the
Baseline SAP
measures for the
Sandwell MBC
housing stock,
31st March 2011,
by housing type,
39. Housing and health -Results:
Significant relationship of improved thermal
efficiency with reducing excess winter deaths
Adjusting for all of the other variables there is
negative association between improved thermal
efficiency and the odds of being admitted as an
People in warmer homes appear to be admitted less
for serious illnesses
The result is statistically significant
The effect size appears large
40. Table 2 a Preventable causes of hospital admission, Sandwell and Western Birmingham
Clinical commissioning group, 2012-13
55. Good corporate citizen award
38 apprentices
Rationalisation of offices : 6
leases surrendered
890 tonnes of CO2 reduction
贈200k saved
57. Wolverhampton
Universitys Health Futures
University Technical
college, built in West
Bromwich, opened
Autumn 2015
prospects for
careers in
public health
and care for
14-19 year
58. My presidency
Build local authority relationships
Build relationships in health and public health
services in four nations of the UK
Do things jointly where possible - policy statements,
Implement new curriculum: personal effectiveness
and values and ethics; rebuild health protection and
health care public health
Develop member involvement
Ensure solid member services, build special interests
Develop faculty governance
Pursue 12 asks of the Manifesto
Planetary health
A Public health curriculum for young people
Brexit, drugs, air pollution, AMR, violence prevention
Dont just fight for the profession of public health
fight for the publics health
59. Middleton J, ISIS, crop failure and no anti-biotics: what training will
we need for future public health? European J Public Health 2016;
Middleton J, Weiss M. Still holding on: public health in the UK after
Brexit. Euroheathnet journal 2016; 22:no 4: 33-35. (ISSN 13561030)
Middleton J. Public health in England in 2016the health of the
public and the public health system: a review Br Med Bull (2017) 1-
16. DOI: and
66. 1001 critical days
Personal health and social
relationships education, PHSE in all
2 hours physical activity per week
67. Stop marketing of foods high in sugar, salt and fat,
before the 9pm watershed and tighten marketing
Introduce 20% duty on sugar sweetened beverages
Tackle alcohol related harm by introducing a minimum
unit price for alcohol of at least 50p
Rapidly implement standardised tobacco packaging
20 Mph speed limits
68. A living wage
Reaffirm commitment to universal
health care system free at the point of
need funded through general taxation
70. Invest in active transport to promote good
health and reduce our impact on climate change
Implement a cross national approach to meet
climate change targets, including a rapid move to
a 100% renewables and a zero carbon energy
77. With Northern Irish colleagues in
Belfast for the public health walk
William Drennan- patriot,
radical, poet, obstetrician
and champion of public
89. The Iroquois Nation every decision
made must be made with future
generations in mind.
In all of your deliberations in the Confederate
Council, in your efforts at law making, in all your
official acts, self interest shall be cast into oblivion.
Cast not over your shoulder behind you the
warnings of the nephews and nieces should they
chide you for any error or wrong you may do, but
return to the way of the Great Law which is just and
right. Look and listen for the welfare of the whole
people and have always in view not only the
present but also the coming generations, even
those whose faces are yet beneath the surface of
the ground -- the unborn of the future Nation."