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Design document
1.  design method
2. design architecture
3. risks
1.  design method  Agile method & waterfall model
 Agile method襯 ?
1. 讌ъ 螳覦蠍郁
-  蠍磯 螳覦蠍郁, るジ 螻朱り骸 覲朱 誤 螳覦 讌譴 螳 覿譟
-  覈螳 android application 螳覦 豌伎蠍 覓語 android app 螳覦 螻給 螳
 豢螳朱 .
2. Implementation First and, maintainable code Second
- 貊 maintenance 讌譴蠍 覲企る 朱 觜襯 蟲 譴
 waterfall model ?
1. 覯渚 覓 覿覦
- れ 覈 螳 螳螳 るゴ螻 螳 螻糾 螳  覈願鍵 企れ 蟯螻襦 覓
覿覦磯ゼ ろ   碁ゼ 燕  焔 貊襯 豺   
- UI 襭
- database 
- GPS 蟲
- 襷讌襷 database 
企 襦 殊 讌螻, 螳 れ 覯渚蟆 覿襴 螻 襷讌襷 焔 貊襯
2. design architecture
覲  ろ   覲願鍵 暑襦 design architecture襯 襷れ 覲伎.
2-1. use case
2-2. activity diagram
2-3. sequence diagram
2-4. state diagram
2-1. use case
2-2. activity diagram
Edit profile
Show exercise
Start exercise
2-3. sequence diagram
<Edit User Information - Sequence diagram>
Edit User Information - Tabular description
Actors User, Data Base
Description Change User information from database.
If users weight or Inch is reduced or increased, we should
use this function.
Data User Information( weight, Inch), Password, etc .
Stimulus Edit button, User Input(weight, Inch)
Response Confirmation about updating DataBase or not
Comments We should use this function sincerely and honestly.
Then we can check change of our body, and we can plan
exercise correctly.
Error (Type, storage
error etc..)
Store(User info)
Uqdate(User info)
Edit( )
Data Base
< Show Users Record >
show users menual  table description
Show Menu
Actors User, DBS
Display users record about past exercise.
If users want to check previous exercise record or want to
make better exercise plan, then We have to pass this function.
Data Users information about previous exercise
Stimulus User record button, Correct User information
Response Show users previous exercise information
It can help users who want to establish better exercise plan.
Also it helps to check users previous exercise information
Start exercise  table description
Start Exercise
Actors User, DBS
When user starts exercise, this mode is excuted automatically. In this
function, we can know the time (that we spend in exercise), the
way(that we exercised until now)
Data - (Nothing)
Stimulus Exercise start button
Response Show current exercise information
Users can check current exercise information, like distance and time.
So we can manage our exercise more effieciently.
2-4. state diagram
3. risks
豌 螳覦 讌蠍 , design   螻ろ risk 企. 企 riskれ 螻, 蠏語
 觜豈 襷讌襷 覦 risk 螻 覦讌  risk .
れ襦 覦 risk
1. 讌ъ 螳覦蠍郁
覩碁Μ 譴觜企 solution襦 documentation 讌譴蠍 覲企る 螳覦螻 android study 
襷 螳 . 襾殊 螳覦 prototype 願  , 譟郁  蟇一海.
2.  語 螳覦
 語 谿語る risk 觜 job 讌 螻 蟷 覈 螳覦 讌蟆る 
 語讌襷, れ襦 solution襦 讌 る慨 螳讌 蟆曙 覓語れ 覦. 磯
 れ 螻 語 job 豌蟆 覃伎 waterfall process model 朱 螳覦 
螳 豢り 蟆曙 曙れ 蠏豪概  .
3. 襦 覯 襦企 ろ 煙
覲 ろ 螳覦 谿蠍 伎 tomcat 伎 碁 覯 android application 旧
 螻殊襯  , android  覯 蟲 企れ 覓語螳 覦. 磯殊 覲 
 碁 覯襯 伎 , android  讌 螻牛 企 database SQLite襯 
朱 覯 襷讌  覦 覓語   .
覲  SQLite襯  伎, ろ 轟煙,  企 蠍磯 覲企ゼ 碁 碁
access 企 螳レ煙 蟇一 覦蠍 覓語 SQLite襯  ろ   覓語
螳 覦讌  蟆企手  SQLite襯 蠍磯 蟆一.
れ襦 覦讌  risk
1.  覃る 危
ろ 企 蟲 危 讌  project襯 朱 讌  .

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  • 1. Design document Content 1. design method 2. design architecture 3. risks 1. design method Agile method & waterfall model Agile method襯 ? 1. 讌ъ 螳覦蠍郁 - 蠍磯 螳覦蠍郁, るジ 螻朱り骸 覲朱 誤 螳覦 讌譴 螳 覿譟 - 覈螳 android application 螳覦 豌伎蠍 覓語 android app 螳覦 螻給 螳 豢螳朱 . 2. Implementation First and, maintainable code Second - 貊 maintenance 讌譴蠍 覲企る 朱 觜襯 蟲 譴 waterfall model ? 1. 覯渚 覓 覿覦 - れ 覈 螳 螳螳 るゴ螻 螳 螻糾 螳 覈願鍵 企れ 蟯螻襦 覓 覿覦磯ゼ ろ 碁ゼ 燕 焔 貊襯 豺 - UI 襭 - database - GPS 蟲 - 襷讌襷 database 企 襦 殊 讌螻, 螳 れ 覯渚蟆 覿襴 螻 襷讌襷 焔 貊襯 豎る. 2. design architecture 覲 ろ 覲願鍵 暑襦 design architecture襯 襷れ 覲伎. 2-1. use case 2-2. activity diagram 2-3. sequence diagram 2-4. state diagram
  • 2. 2-1. use case 2-2. activity diagram register Edit profile Show exercise record Start exercise
  • 3. 2-3. sequence diagram <Edit User Information - Sequence diagram> Edit User Information - Tabular description Actors User, Data Base Description Change User information from database. If users weight or Inch is reduced or increased, we should use this function. Data User Information( weight, Inch), Password, etc . Stimulus Edit button, User Input(weight, Inch) Response Confirmation about updating DataBase or not Comments We should use this function sincerely and honestly. Then we can check change of our body, and we can plan exercise correctly. Message(Fail) Message(OK) OK Error (Type, storage error etc..) Store(User info) Check(Fail) Check(Ok) Uqdate(User info) Edit( ) Check(password) Fail Authorization (Password) User Information Data Base
  • 4. < Show Users Record > show users menual table description Show Menu Actors User, DBS Description Display users record about past exercise. If users want to check previous exercise record or want to make better exercise plan, then We have to pass this function. Data Users information about previous exercise Stimulus User record button, Correct User information Response Show users previous exercise information Comments It can help users who want to establish better exercise plan. Also it helps to check users previous exercise information
  • 5. Start exercise table description Start Exercise Actors User, DBS Description When user starts exercise, this mode is excuted automatically. In this function, we can know the time (that we spend in exercise), the way(that we exercised until now) Data - (Nothing) Stimulus Exercise start button Response Show current exercise information Comments Users can check current exercise information, like distance and time. So we can manage our exercise more effieciently.
  • 6. 2-4. state diagram 3. risks 豌 螳覦 讌蠍 , design 螻ろ risk 企. 企 riskれ 螻, 蠏語 觜豈 襷讌襷 覦 risk 螻 覦讌 risk .
  • 7. れ襦 覦 risk 1. 讌ъ 螳覦蠍郁 覩碁Μ 譴觜企 solution襦 documentation 讌譴蠍 覲企る 螳覦螻 android study 襷 螳 . 襾殊 螳覦 prototype 願 , 譟郁 蟇一海. 2. 語 螳覦 語 谿語る risk 觜 job 讌 螻 蟷 覈 螳覦 讌蟆る 語讌襷, れ襦 solution襦 讌 る慨 螳讌 蟆曙 覓語れ 覦. 磯 れ 螻 語 job 豌蟆 覃伎 waterfall process model 朱 螳覦 螳 豢り 蟆曙 曙れ 蠏豪概 . 3. 襦 覯 襦企 ろ 煙 覲 ろ 螳覦 谿蠍 伎 tomcat 伎 碁 覯 android application 旧 螻殊襯 , android 覯 蟲 企れ 覓語螳 覦. 磯殊 覲 碁 覯襯 伎 , android 讌 螻牛 企 database SQLite襯 朱 覯 襷讌 覦 覓語 . 覲 SQLite襯 伎, ろ 轟煙, 企 蠍磯 覲企ゼ 碁 碁 access 企 螳レ煙 蟇一 覦蠍 覓語 SQLite襯 ろ 覓語 螳 覦讌 蟆企手 SQLite襯 蠍磯 蟆一. れ襦 覦讌 risk 1. 覃る 危 ろ 企 蟲 危 讌 project襯 朱 讌 .