2. Introduction to Biotechnology
Using scientific methods with organisms to
produce new products or new forms of
Any technique that uses living organisms or
substances from those organisms to make or
modify a product, to improve plants or animals,
or to develop micro- organisms for specific uses. 牋牘牋む牋 牋牋む牋牋む牋む阿 牋迦姶牘 牋迦牋牋 牋牘牋む牋 牋萎牋鉦芦 牋牘牋朽牋迦姶牘 牋牋む牋牋む牋む阿
牋牘牋牋÷鮎牋牋逗牋 牋牘牋朽牋迦阿牘 牋謹鮎牋伍牋む牋む牋 牋牋牘牋о阿牘牋む芦牋牘 牋牋牋牘牋牋逗牋牋÷或牋.
牋牋 牋牋む牋牋む牋む阿牋牋 牋む牋牋鉦旭牘 牋牘牋牋÷鮎牋牋逗牋 牋迦牋牋 牋伍圧牋萎或牋牋牋÷鮎牋牋逗牋,
牋牘牋牋牋迦姶牘 牋迦牋牋 牋牋逗牋む牋む圧牘牋迦姶牘 牋牘牋萎牋牘牋牋萎牋÷鮎牋牋逗牋 牋迦牋牋 牋牋逗旭牋逗扱牘牋
牋牋牋牘牋牋鉦芦 牋牘牋伍或牋 牋伍牋牘牋劇牋 牋牘牋朽牋迦姶牘 牋牋牋逗圧牘牋牋о挨 牋牘牋牋÷鮎牋牋逗牋 牋
牋牘牋朽牋 牋牘牋逗牋÷或 牋牘牋朽牋迦 牋迦牋牋 牋牋牋鉦旭牋鉦鮎 牋迦姶牘 牋牋牋牘牋牋逗牋牘 牋蹏牘牋牋
6. Introduction to Biotechnology
Manipulation of genes is called genetic engineering or
recombinant DNA technology.
Genetic engineering involves taking one or more genes
from a location in one organism and either.
Transferring them to another organism.
Putting them back into the original organism in
different combinations.
牋牋牘牋牘牋朽牋 牋む鮎牋萎牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋 牋牋牘牋牘 牋牋牋牋牘牋萎牋牘 牋迦牋牋 牋牘牋 recomb 牋伍牋牘牋
DNA 牋伍牋牘牋む或牋牋 牋牋牋牋鉦旭牘.
牋牋牘牋牘 牋牋牋牋牘牋萎牋牘 牋牋牘牋牋 牋牋 牋牘牋朽或牋迦牋牋 牋牋 牋牘牋 牋牘牋謹 牋牘牋牋牋÷或 牋牋牋牋 牋迦牋牋 牋牋牋む牋牋牘
牋牋牘牋牘牋 牋牋牘牋牘牋朽牋迦姶牘牋 牋む牋伍牋牘牋朽亜牋 牋牋萎渥牘 牋牋鉦姶牋 牋牋牋牋牋牋.牋朽鮎牋牋逗姶牋 牋牋萎牋
牋牘牋朽或牋牋 牋牋牋逗芦牘 牋牘牋牋÷.牋朽牋萎牋朽牋萎 牋牋牋牋逗姶牘牋劇姶牋 牋迦 牋朽鮎牋牋逗姶牋 牋牋伍芦牘 牋牘牋朽或牋迦牋牋 牋む或牋萎牋
9. Biotechnology is defined as the Application of Scientific
and Engineering principles to the processing of material
by biological agents to provide goods and services.
The Spinks Report (1980) defined biotechnology as the
application of biological organisms, systems or processes to
the manufacturing and service industries. United States
Congresss Office of Technology
Assessment defined biotechnology as any technique that
used living organisms to make or modify a product, to
improve plants or animals or to develop microorganisms
for specific uses.
11. The oldest biotechnological processes are found in
microbial fermentations, as born out by a Babylonian tablet
circa 6000 B.C. unearthed in 1881 and explaining the
preparation of beer.
In about 4000 B.C. leavened bread was produced with the
aid of yeast.
The Sumerians were able to brew as many as twenty types
of beer in the third millennium B.C. In the 14th century,
first vinegar manufacturing industry was established in
France near Orleans.
牋牘牋萎鮎牋む姶 牋牋牘牋牘牋牋鉦芦牋牘 牋牘牋 牋牋逗或 牋牋迦 牋伍牋牘牋劇牋牋牘牋朽牋 牋牋逗娃牘牘 牋牘牋 牋牋逗或 牋牋迦 牋牋牋逗葵牋逗宛牋 牋牋, 牋牋牋
牋牋鉦穐牋逗芦牘牋牋逗渥牋牘 牋牋鉦穐牘牋迦芦 牋牘 牋伍或牋萎鮎牘 6000 B.C. 1881 牋迦 牋牋牘牋牋牘牋牘牋牋鉦旭牘 牋牋萎渥牘 牋牘牋萎 牋む渥牋鉦旭牘牋牋
牋朽或牋朽旭牋伍牋 牋牘牋牋鉦旭牘.
牋伍牋牋鉦旭牘 4000 牋牋.牋伍牋. 牋牘牋迦或牋牋牘牋牋牋牋 牋萎牋牘牋 牋牋伍牋 牋伍姐牋鉦渥牋逗牋む 牋牋む牋牋む牋む阿 牋牘牋牋牋÷或牋逗牋牋.牋牘牋÷圧
牋牋逗芦牘牋牋逗渥牋逗 B.C 牋迦 牋伍牋牘牋萎渥牋牘牘 牋牋萎圧牘 牋萎牋鉦芦 牋牘牋萎牋迦姶牘 牋む牋牋鉦旭牘 牋牘牋牋牋迦或牋牋鉦旭牘. 14 牋
牋謹牋む鮎牋牋逗或牋牋迦, 牋牘牋牘牋牋 牋朽或牋牋牋鉦旭牘牋 牋む牋牋鉦旭牘 牋牋萎斡牘牋逗握 牋牘牋鉦鮎 牋牘牘牘牋迦 牋牋萎牘牋牘牘 牋伍握牘牋牋逗牋迦 牋伍鮎牋 牋牋逗牋牋牋÷或牋逗牋牋
12. Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to
develop or make useful products, or "any technological
application that uses biological systems, living organisms
or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or
processesfor specific use
European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) has defined
biotechnology as The integration of natural science
and organisms, cells, parts thereof, and molecular
analoguesfor products and services.
16. Two important technique which enable development of modern
1. Alteration of chemistry of DNA & RNA to introduce into host
organism to change phenotype of host- Geneticengineering
2. Maintenance of sterile ambience to enable growth of desired
microbe/ eukaryotic cell in large quantities for manufacture of
biotechnological products like vaccine, enzymes, beverages,
drugs etc.- Chemical engineering
18. Asexual reproduction in organism preserves geneticinformation
Sexual reproduction (hybridization) leads to variation- includes
undesirable gene with desirable gene
Genetic engineering- isolate & introduce only one or set of desirable
genes without introducing undesirable genes in target organism
Techniques of genetic engineering- creation of recombinant
DNA, use of gene cloning & gene transfer to host
Recombinant DNA (rDNA)/ alien DNA- cannot multiply itself
until integrated in host genome
When inherited in host DNA- ability to replicate due to originof
replication (host DNA)- initiates replication
Alien DNA- linked with host DNA replicates & multiply itself
along with host DNA- Cloning
22. Basic steps involved in process
genomic DNA
from the donor.
this DNA
this DNA using
23. Basic steps involved in process
Insertion of
DNA in a
Screening the
fragments for a
desired gene.
Inserting the
fragments with the
desired gene in a
cloning vector.
24. Basic steps involved in process
in Host
the cells
of host cell
Introducing the recombinant
Introducing vector into a competent host
Culturing these cells to obtain
multiple copies or clones of
desired DNA fragments
Using these copies to
transform suitable host cells
so as to express the desired
25. Biotechnology led to production of many products and
provides many services for human welfare.
26. 2. Scope of Biotechnology:
Genetic engineering in biotechnology stimulated hopes for both
therapeutic proteins, drugs and biological organisms themselves,
such as seeds, pesticides, engineered yeasts, and modified human
cells for treating genetic diseases.
The field of genetic engineering remains a heated topic of discussion
in todays society with the advent of gene therapy, stem cell research,
cloning, and genetically-modified food.
Biotechnology is the applied science and has made advances in two
major areas, viz., molecular biology and production of industrially
important bio-chemical.
The scientists are now diverting themselves toward biotechnological
companies; this has caused the development of many
biotechnological industries.
28. These companies are working for human welfare and opted following
areas for research and development:
(a) Automated bio-screening for therapeutic agents.
(b) Bio-processing alkenes to valuable oxides and glycols.
(c) Developing immobilized cell and enzyme systems for chemical
process industries.
(d) Engineering of a series of organisms for specific industrial use.
(e) Genetical improvement of microorganisms for production of
pharmaceutical products.
(f) Human gene therapy.
(g) Improved production of Vitamin B12.
(h) Large-scale production of fructose from inexpensive forms of
(i) Manufacturing ethanol by continuous fermentation.
(j) Microbiological based production of human insulin
31. 3. Applications: Industrial Applications of Biotechnology:
The industrial application of molecular biotechnology is often
subdivided, so that we speak of red, green, gray or white
This distinction relates to the use of the technology in the medical
field (in human and animal medicine), agriculture, the environment
and industry.
Some companies also apply knowledge deriving from molecular
biotechnology in areas that cut across these distinctions (e.g., in red
and green biotechnology, sequencing services).
According to an investigation by Ernst and Young relating to the
German biotech industry, 92% of companies are currently (2004)
working in the field of red biotechnology, 13% in green, and 13% in
gray or white biotechnology