Robert Grubin led weekly discussion sections for a microeconomics theory course at the University of Ljubljana in the 1984-85 academic year. He satisfactorily performed all organizational and instructional duties related to his position in accordance with university requirements. The professor recommends Mr. Grubin for any fellowship or opportunity for advanced study based on his satisfactory performance as a teaching assistant.
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1988 University Microeconomics Prof Teaching Assistant
1. ~$t.:
re, turn: November 23, 1988
TO Whom It May Concern:
This is to confirm that ~obert Grubin led weekly recitation
sections for my ~ourse "Ekonomika OZD" (Microeconomic Theory)
at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, during the.
academic year 1984/85.
nC per/ormcdall organizatio~ai and iiS%ructionai duties
r@lated to ~h~s position s~tisfactorily in accordance with 俗
coUrSe and University requirements. The students were pleased
with his instructional approach.
1 h賊ghly recommend Mr. Grobin for any fellowship or
opportunity for adVanced study.w~ich may become available.
[a Stepko, Ph.D.
ssor of "Ekonomika OZD"