The document provides a history of the automobile from its origins in the late 18th century. Some of the key developments include:
- In 1769, Nicholas Carnot created the first self-propelled road vehicle powered by a steam engine.
- In the late 19th century, Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz developed the first vehicles powered by internal combustion engines, paving the way for modern cars.
- Henry Ford later formed the Ford Motor Company in 1903, making cars more affordable for mass production.
- More recent automotive innovations include the introduction of anti-lock braking systems in 1978 and hybrid gas-electric engines by Honda and Toyota in 2002.
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1-AE-UNIT-I-Classification and Components of four wheeler automobile.pptx
2. First Self Propelled Car
? In 1769, a French military engineer
named Nicholas Carnot created a steam
powered road vehicle.
? Used a steam engine attached to a three-
wheeled cart.
3. Steam Powered Engines
? Richard Trevithick improved the steam engines’
design by making them smaller and lighter.
? In 1801 he put that one on wheels. It was the 1st
horseless carriage that could transport
4. The “Otto Cycle”
? In 1876 Nicholas Otto
invented a successful
four-stroke engine,
which came to be
known as the “Otto
? The first successful
two-stroke engine was
created by Scottish
engineer, Sir Dugald
Clerk, during the same
5. First Driven Internal Combustion
? Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz created
the first vehicles driven using an internal
combustion engine.
? The vehicles worked like the cars we use
6. Daimler Engine
? In 1899 Frenchmen Rene Panhard
and Emile Levassor set up the first
manufacturing. 1n 1890, they built
their first car using a Daimler engine
7. Maybach’s inventions
? Maybach built the first four-cylinder,
four stroke engine in 1890.
? 10 years later a race car was
developed also by him. He used
lightweight metals, a 35-hp four-
cylinder engine and 2 carburetors. It
was named the Mercedes.
8. Ford Motor Company
? In 1903 the Ford Motor Company was formed.
Ford became the biggest car manufacturer.
9. Harmful Emissions
? In 1965 controls on harmful emissions were announced.
? More safety devices became mandatory.
10. Antilock Braking System
? In 1978 the first anitlock braking systems were
developed for cars. They first appeared in cars
and trucks manufactured by Mercedes Benz.
11. Hybrid Engines
? Gas and electric
hybrid cars were
developed by Honda
and Toyota. They
were introduced to
America and Europe
in 2002.
1. Use
(i) Auto cycles (ii) Motor cycles, scooters
(iii) Cars, jeeps (iv) Buses and trucks
2. Capacity
(i) Heavy transport vehicles (H;TV.). Examples are trucks (i.e. lorries) & buses.
(ii) Light transport vehicles (L.T.V.), like cars, jeeps etc.
3. Make and model
(i) Bajaj, Royal Enfiled, Honda etc.
(ii) Premier Padmini, Standard, Hindustan Ambassador, Maruti 800 etc.
(iii) Tata, Leyland, Ford, General Motors, Nissan etc.
4. Fuel used
(1) Petrol vehicles, e.g., scooters, motor cycles, cars.
(ii) Diesel vehicles, e.g., buses, trucks, cars (special diesel models).
5. Body style
(i) Closed cars such as saloon, coupe etc.
(ii) Open cars like sports car, convertible car etc.
(iii) Special styles such as estate car, station wagon etc.
6. Wheels
(i) Two wheelers, e.g., scooters, motor cycles, mopeds.
(ii) Three wheelers like autorickshaws, tempos.
(iii) Four wheelers, e.g., cars, jeeps.
(iv) Six wheelers, e.g., trucks, buses.
16. Nano, Indica, Jazz, Punto etc. Indigo Manza, Swift Dzire etc. Indigo Marina, Octavia
Combi etc
Sumo Grande, Tata Tavera, Tata Innova. Safari, Scorpio, Gypsy, Fortuner. Xenon, Scorpio Getaway etc.
Winger, Ace Magic, Omni etc.
Audi A3, Lamborghini Huracan, Porsche Boxster, Mercedes Benz E-Class
Cabriolet, BMW Z4, Rolls Royce Dawn
17. 17
? Chassis or framework
? Body
? Engine or power plant
? Drive Train
?Chassis is a French term and was initially used to denote the frame or main structure of a
?It is now extensively used to denote the complete vehicle except the body for the heavy
vehicle having a separate body.
?The chassis contain all the major units necessary to propel the vehicle, direct its motion,
stop it, and allow it to run smoothly over uneven surfaces.
?It is the main mounting for all the components including the body. It is also known as
carrying unit.
? Frame,
? Front suspension,
? Steering mechanism,
? Radiator,
? Engine, clutch, gearbox,
? Propeller shaft,
? Rear spring,
? Road wheels,
? Differential, half shaft, universal joints,
? Brakes and braking system,
? Storage battery,
? Silencer,
? Shock absorbers, fuel tank, petrol
and hydraulics pipe cables and some means of
mounting these components.
1. According to its control
(i) Conventional chassis
? In this type of chassis, engine is fitted in front of the driver cabin or
driver seat such as in cars and previous model of Tata trucks. Here,
the driver sits behind the engine (it quite far off from the front axle)
and as such he cannot see the road just in front of the front tyres.
Owing to this reason slope is provided at the mudguard and bonnet
to enable the driver to see close to the wheels as far as possible.
? In this arrangement portion of the chassis where engine is fitted
cannot be utilized i.e. carrying passengers and goods.
24. 24
(ii) Semi-forward chassis:
? This is such a chassis where half portion of the engine is in the
driver cabin and remaining half is outside the cabin such as in
Standard, Bedford Pick-ups and Tata truck
? In this arrangement a part of the chassis is utilized for carrying extra
25. 25
(iii) Full-forward (or Bus) chassis:
? In this type of chassis the complete engine is mounted inside the driver
? In this arrangement floor area is increased to the extent of
accommodating 3 extra seats. Also, since the driver seat is just above
the front wheels he can see full front road right from the front wheels.
26. 2. On the basis of frame used
? Ladder chassis
? Backbone chassis
? Monocoque chassis
? Ladder chassis
? Ladder chassis is considered to be one of the oldest forms of automotive chassis
that is still used by most of the SUVs till today.
? As its name connotes, ladder chassis resembles a shape of a ladder having two
longitudinal rails inter linked by several lateral and cross braces.
? Easier to repair after accidents.
Opel Olympia
Lincoln Car
Toyota Tundra
Ford Panther Series
Citroen Traction Avant
27. Backbone chassis
? Has a rectangular tube like a backbone and simple in structure
? glass fibre is used for joining front and rear axle and responsible for the strength.
? Space within structure used for positioning drive shaft in case of rear wheel drive.
? Drive train, engine and suspensions are connected at the ends of the chassis
? Strong enough for smaller sports cars and most space saving other than
monocoque chassis
? Does not provide protection against side impact or off-set crash and not strong for
high speed cars
? Skoda 420 ?
? Tatra 26?
? Lotus Elan Mk2?
? Lotus Espirit
? DeLorean DMC12
28. Monocoque chassis
? Monocoque Chassis is a one-piece structure that prescribes the overall shape of a
? This type of automotive chassis is manufactured by welding floor pan and other
pieces together.
? Since monocoque chassis is cost effective and suitable for robotised production,
most of the vehicles today make use of steel plated monocoque chassis.
? AUDI A4 and A6 series
? BMW X series
? Ford cars (most of them )? ford ikon,ford fiesta etc.
? Fiat Linea,Punto etc.
29. 3. According to fitting of engine:
(i) Engine at front:
a) Conventionally the engines are fitted at front
and drive is given to the wheels from the
b) In another arrangement. the engine is fitted
in front and drive is also given to the front
wheels only as in Matador vehicles.
(ii) Engine fitted in front but crosswise:
? In this arrangement, engine is fitted in front
not in conventional way but crosswise as in
Maruti, B.M.C.
? Low floor is available.
? Vehicle has more road holding capacity.
? clutch , gear box & differential are usually
made as one unit, thereby cost is reduced
30. (iii) Engine fitted at the centre of the chassis:
? Drive is given to the rear
? This arrangement provide full space of floor
for use
? Royal Tiger World master buses previously
plied by Delhi Transport Corporation.
(iv) Engine fitted at the back:
? Flat floor is available since long propeller
shafts are? eliminated
? With elimination of propeller shaft
the centre of? gravity lowered giving stable
? Better adhesion on road specially when
climbing hill
? Renault, Dolphin and Volkswagon,
31. 4. According to the number of
wheels fitted in the vehicles and
the number of driving wheels:
(i) 4 x 2 drive chassis vehicle. It
consists of 4 wheels out of which 2
wheels are the driving wheels.
Sport ATVs
(ii) 4 x 4 drive chassis vehicle. It
consists of 4 wheels and all of them
are driving wheels. Utility quads
(iii) 6 x 2 drive chassis vehicle. It
consists 6 wheels out of which 2
wheels are the driving wheels.
32. (iv) 6 x 4 drive chassis vehicle.
? It consists of 6 wheels out of which 4
wheels are the driving wheels.
? It is to be noted that one side of the
axle may consist of either one-wheel
or two-wheels which will be considered
as one unit only. Class 8 tractor
33. 5. According to wheel base size :
? In the long wheel base chassis
vehicle (“wheel base” is the distance
between the centres of the front and
rear wheels, the distance is more
thereby providing more floor area of
the chassis for passengers and
? In this type of chassis, the front
overhang and particularly the rear
overhang are also more.
? mercedes-benz VF 210 E 28
35. Frame
? The frame or under body is the main part of the chassis, on which
the remaining parts of chassis are mounted.
? It is a rigid structure that forms a skeleton to hold all the major
part together. The engine is mounted in the forward end of the
frame and is connected to the clutch and transmission units to
form a complete power assembly.
? At the rear end of the frame, the rear axle housing is attached
through the rear spring.
? The wheels and tyre assemblies supports the frame. The steering
system has some parts bolted to the frame and some to the body.
? The petrol tank is fastened to the rear of the frame.
36. Functions of Frame
The main, functions of frame are
1. To support the chassis components and the body.
2. To withstand static and dynamic loads with undue deflection or distortion.
The various loads dealt with by the frame are
? Weight of the vehicle and the passengers, causing vertical bending of the side
? Vertical loads when the vehicle comes across a bump or hollow, which results in
1ongitudinal torsion due to one wheel lifted or lowered with other wheels at the
usual road level,
? Loads due to road camber, side wind, cornering force while taking a turn, which
results in lateral bending of side members.
? Load due to wheel impact with road obstacles may cause that particular wheel to re.
main obstructed while the other wheel tends to move forward, distorting the frame to
parall4 gram shape.
? Engine torque and braking torque tending to bend the side members in the vertical
? Sudden impact loads during a collision, which may result in sudden collapse.
37. 37
1. Short duration Load - While crossing a broken patch.
2. Momentary duration Load - While taking a curve.
3. Impact Loads - Due to the collision of the vehicle.
4. Inertia Load - While applying brakes.
5. Static Loads - Loads due to chassis parts.
6. Over Loads - Beyond Design capacity.
42. Frame sections- (a) channel section,
(b), (c) and (d) box sections (e) hat
section, (f) double channel or I-
43. ? Channel section is used in long members of the frame.
? Box section is used in short members of the frame.
? Tubular section is used these days in three-wheelers, scooters
and matadors, frames.
? The channel section is good is bending, tubular in torsion and
box in bending
44. Types of Frames
Basically, there are following three types of frames
1. Conventional frame.
2. Semi-integral frame.
3. Integral or unit frame.
1. Conventional frame
? It is also known as non-load carrying frame. Here the loads on the vehicle are
transferred to the suspension by the frame, which supports the engine, power train
and the body.
? The body work is made of material like wood and completely isolated from the frame
deflection with the help of rubber mountings. This type of construction is widely used
in trucks.
? This type of frame is not much suited to resist torsion. Use of a tubular or box-
section backbone type of frame improves the torsional strength.
? The complete frame is fabricated by the welding process.
? The frame tapers from the rear to the front to permit adequate movement of the
steering wheel. The longitudinal members, by sweeping upwards at the rear end,
allow for the vertical movement of the rear axle.
? The torsional rigidity of the frame is increased by providing tubular or box-section
cross members. Buses ,Trucks , Vans etc
45. 45
A- longitudinal member B- cross member
C- brackets supporting the body El -dumb irons to act as bearings for spring shackles.
E- Brackets for mounting the springs
Frame sections
46. 2, Semi-integral frame:
? In this arrangement, the rubber body mounts are replaced by
relatively stiff mounts so that a part of the frame load is
transferred to the body structure also.
? This type of frame is quite popular for small European cars
and American cars.
? This frame however, is heavy.
? Fiat Cars
3. Integral (or unitised) frame :
? In this type of construction, there is no frame and all
assembly units are attached to the body
? The chassis, floor and body are assembled by welding from
a large number of mild steel pressings.
? In this arrangement, the chassis becomes a sub-frame and
other sub-frames are used for front and rear suspension
? This design reduces vehicle weight, lowers production costs
and allows a lower floor.
? all cars and lighter commercial vehicles.
49. Materials for frame
Steels used for pressed frame are mild sheet steel, carbon sheet steel
and sheet nickel alloy steel. The composition of a sheet nickel alloy
steel as specified is given below:
Carbon 0.25—0.35 per cent
Manganese 0.35—0.75 per cent
Silicon 0.30 per cent maximum
Nickel 3 per cent
Phosphorous 0.05 per cent maximum
Sulphur 0.5 per cent maximum
An aluminium alloy called ‘Alpax’ has also been used as frame
50. Defects in Chassis Frame
? The following defects may be found in chassis body
1. Cracks
2. Dislocated parts
3. Broken welds
4. Buckling
? If the damage to the frame members is small, they can be
repaired by means of a hydraulic jack and wringing irons.
? If the damage is more, the bent frame member may be
heated to straighten it.
? Another alternative may cut the damaged part and weld a
new one instead.