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Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia
Foundation of Natural and Built Environments
Introduction to the Construction Industry
Prerequisite: None
Lecturers: Hasmanira Mokhtar, Noorul Iffa Mohd Nayan, Jaqurliyn Ann See Peng
Project 1B (Group and Individual)  updated as of 18th Sept 2014
Profession in construction industry  Building Teams: Identifying their specific roles
30% (30% Group, Individual performance based on peer assessment)
Submission date  14th October 2014
It is not the beauty of a building you should look at ;
It is the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time..
David Allan Coe
Objectives of Project
 To enable students to develop an understanding of the building team, its organization, their duties,
responsibilities and the inter-relationship within which they will seek employment, career progression or
further study.
 To develop an awareness of their professional responsibilities and to appreciate their profession in the
construction industry.
 To assess the students understanding on the general construction process from the sketch plan to
completion of a building and introduce the scope of work handled by the players involved.
Learning Outcomes
 Explain and illustrate structures of organizations and the team involved in the construction industry.
 Explain the roles and responsibilities of the entities touching briefly the legal and contractual procedures
and impact.
 Ability to document their observations and understanding from interview session and research resources
as well as to communicate in a systematic and convincing booklet.
- In a group of 5 members, you are required to interview one of the professions from the following
list. The profession will be randomly assigned to you.
- You are then required to select a firm or company in which the profession assigned to you work in.
Set up an interview with him/her.
- In the interview session, you are required to find out
o the company profile (history, company structure and any relevant information)
o the profile/background of your interviewee in construction industry (his working
experience, projects he involved in, and any other relevant information)
o two (2) projects in which your profession involved
o his/her roles and responsibilities in that particular projects
o other relevant information
- You are advised to plan and think of the questions and structure of the interview properly to avoid
second appointment with your interviewee.
- You are also required to record the interview session as a part and parcel of the submission
component in this assignment.
- List of Building Team :
No Profession (ICI)
1 Architect
2 Interior Architect/Interior Designer
3 Quantity Surveyor
4 Landscape Architect
5 Civil and Structural Engineer
6 Mechanical and Electrical Engineer
- The questions you ask during the interview shall gain further detail information about the
process and procedure the key player has to carry out in order to complete a project according
to the client needs.
- From the information gathered through the interview in Part I, your next task is to create a
magazine that would demonstrate your understanding in Part I.
- The magazine should include the following components :
o Company profile
o Profile of the interviewee
o Introduction of the project(s) that your interviewee work in
o Detailed description and explanation of his/her roles and responsibilities in that particular
- You may refer to their current company profile (if any), however you are required to express the
information with your own words and style. Should plagiarism is found, penalty will be applied.
- You can either feature ONE or TWO projects that your interviewee involved in. No. of project to be
featured is dependent on the scale of the project. The project however is not necessarily a
completed project.
Submission Requirement
- CD which includes the video recording of the interview and softcopy of your magazine in PDF format
- An A5 sized, colored and printed magazine
- The magazine should be 8  12 pages
- Submission date : 14th. October 2014
Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia (MASSA) Research Unit
Foundation in Natural and Built Environments
PEER ASSESSMENT FORM(PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL) QSB30105 Introduction to Construction Industry
Write the proficiency level from the rubric that fits each group members participation in the box under the collaboration skill. Include
your own name in the list. For ranking, use 1 for the group member that you feel contributed the most to the work, followed by other
group members in order of contributions. The ranking should reflect the participant level of each member.
Name of Group Member Participation Leadership Communication Cooperation
(Out of 25)
5 4 3 2 1
Participation Group member participated
fully and was always on
task in class.
Group member often
participated, was usually on
time and did their task well,
and immediately, if
Group member sometimes
participated, occasionally
wasted time or sometimes
worked on unrelated
Group member was often
missing, contributed
minimally or often worked
on unrelated material.
Group member did not
participate, wasted time, or
worked on unrelated
Leadership Group member assumed
leadership in an appropriate
way when necessary by
helping the group stay on
track, encouraging group
participation, posing
solutions to problems, and
having a positive attitude.
Group member occasionally
assumed leadership in an
appropriate way,
inconsistently, and
generally helped to
maintain good group
participation, and having a
positive attitude.
Group member usually
allowed others to assume
leadership or often
dominated the group.
Group member seldom
assumed leadership and
occasionally undermined
the leadership of others.
Group member did not
assume leadership or
assumed it in a
nonproductive manner and
generally behaved in a
manner detrimental to the
overall attitude of the group.
Communication Group member listened
carefully to others ideas.
Group member offered
detailed, constructive
feedback when appropriate.
Group member often
listened to others ideas and
offered feedback that was
usually relevant and
Group member sometimes
listened to others and
interrupted them. Group
member occasionally
offered constructive
feedback, but sometimes
the comments were
inappropriate or not useful.
Group member often did
not listen to others.
Feedback was seldom
given and usually
inappropriate o unhelpful.
Group member did not
listen to others and often
interrupted them. Group
member did not offer
constructive or useful
Cooperation Group member treated
others respectfully and
shared the workload fairly.
Group member usually
treated others respectfully
and often tried to share
workload fairly.
Group member sometimes
treated others
disrespectfully or did not
share the workload fairly.
Group member often
treated others
disrespectfully and often
tried to distribute workload
Group member treated
others disrespectfully or did
not share the workload
Group member completed
assigned tasks on time.
Group member completed
most of the task assigned
on time.
Group member sometimes
did not complete the
assigned tasks on time and
occasionally forced the
group to make last-minute
adjustments and changes
to accommodate missing
Group member did not
complete most of the tasks
assigned on time.
Group member did not
complete most of the
assigned tasks on time and
often forced the group to
make last-minute
adjustments and changes
to accommodate missing
List down some of the main tasks that had been assigned to you for this assignment and briefly describe your performance:
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
You may also list any other contributions that you feel you have made for your team:
Briefly comment on the contributions of other group member, particularly those you feel contributed more or less than expected:
Students Signature : Date:
Students Name : Student ID:
This section for comments by Lecturers / Tutors:

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1Bici - updated (2).pdf

  • 1. SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural and Built Environments Introduction to the Construction Industry Prerequisite: None Lecturers: Hasmanira Mokhtar, Noorul Iffa Mohd Nayan, Jaqurliyn Ann See Peng _____________________________________________________________________ Project 1B (Group and Individual) updated as of 18th Sept 2014 Profession in construction industry Building Teams: Identifying their specific roles 30% (30% Group, Individual performance based on peer assessment) Submission date 14th October 2014 Introduction It is not the beauty of a building you should look at ; It is the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.. David Allan Coe Objectives of Project To enable students to develop an understanding of the building team, its organization, their duties, responsibilities and the inter-relationship within which they will seek employment, career progression or further study. To develop an awareness of their professional responsibilities and to appreciate their profession in the construction industry. To assess the students understanding on the general construction process from the sketch plan to completion of a building and introduce the scope of work handled by the players involved. Learning Outcomes Explain and illustrate structures of organizations and the team involved in the construction industry. Explain the roles and responsibilities of the entities touching briefly the legal and contractual procedures and impact. Ability to document their observations and understanding from interview session and research resources as well as to communicate in a systematic and convincing booklet.
  • 2. Tasks PART I : INTERVIEW - In a group of 5 members, you are required to interview one of the professions from the following list. The profession will be randomly assigned to you. - You are then required to select a firm or company in which the profession assigned to you work in. Set up an interview with him/her. - In the interview session, you are required to find out o the company profile (history, company structure and any relevant information) o the profile/background of your interviewee in construction industry (his working experience, projects he involved in, and any other relevant information) o two (2) projects in which your profession involved o his/her roles and responsibilities in that particular projects o other relevant information - You are advised to plan and think of the questions and structure of the interview properly to avoid second appointment with your interviewee. - You are also required to record the interview session as a part and parcel of the submission component in this assignment. - List of Building Team : No Profession (ICI) 1 Architect 2 Interior Architect/Interior Designer 3 Quantity Surveyor 4 Landscape Architect 5 Civil and Structural Engineer 6 Mechanical and Electrical Engineer - The questions you ask during the interview shall gain further detail information about the process and procedure the key player has to carry out in order to complete a project according to the client needs. PART 2 : MAGAZINE - From the information gathered through the interview in Part I, your next task is to create a magazine that would demonstrate your understanding in Part I. - The magazine should include the following components : o Company profile o Profile of the interviewee o Introduction of the project(s) that your interviewee work in o Detailed description and explanation of his/her roles and responsibilities in that particular project(s) - You may refer to their current company profile (if any), however you are required to express the information with your own words and style. Should plagiarism is found, penalty will be applied. - You can either feature ONE or TWO projects that your interviewee involved in. No. of project to be featured is dependent on the scale of the project. The project however is not necessarily a completed project.
  • 3. Submission Requirement - CD which includes the video recording of the interview and softcopy of your magazine in PDF format - An A5 sized, colored and printed magazine - The magazine should be 8 12 pages - Submission date : 14th. October 2014
  • 4. SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia (MASSA) Research Unit Foundation in Natural and Built Environments PEER ASSESSMENT FORM(PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL) QSB30105 Introduction to Construction Industry Write the proficiency level from the rubric that fits each group members participation in the box under the collaboration skill. Include your own name in the list. For ranking, use 1 for the group member that you feel contributed the most to the work, followed by other group members in order of contributions. The ranking should reflect the participant level of each member. Name of Group Member Participation Leadership Communication Cooperation Time Management TOTAL (Out of 25) RANK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5 4 3 2 1 Participation Group member participated fully and was always on task in class. Group member often participated, was usually on time and did their task well, and immediately, if prompted. Group member sometimes participated, occasionally wasted time or sometimes worked on unrelated material. Group member was often missing, contributed minimally or often worked on unrelated material. Group member did not participate, wasted time, or worked on unrelated material. Leadership Group member assumed leadership in an appropriate way when necessary by helping the group stay on track, encouraging group participation, posing solutions to problems, and having a positive attitude. Group member occasionally assumed leadership in an appropriate way, inconsistently, and generally helped to maintain good group participation, and having a positive attitude. Group member usually allowed others to assume leadership or often dominated the group. Group member seldom assumed leadership and occasionally undermined the leadership of others. Group member did not assume leadership or assumed it in a nonproductive manner and generally behaved in a manner detrimental to the overall attitude of the group. Communication Group member listened carefully to others ideas. Group member offered detailed, constructive feedback when appropriate. Group member often listened to others ideas and offered feedback that was usually relevant and appropriate. Group member sometimes listened to others and interrupted them. Group member occasionally offered constructive feedback, but sometimes the comments were inappropriate or not useful. Group member often did not listen to others. Feedback was seldom given and usually inappropriate o unhelpful. Group member did not listen to others and often interrupted them. Group member did not offer constructive or useful feedback. Cooperation Group member treated others respectfully and shared the workload fairly. Group member usually treated others respectfully and often tried to share workload fairly. Group member sometimes treated others disrespectfully or did not share the workload fairly. Group member often treated others disrespectfully and often tried to distribute workload unfairly. Group member treated others disrespectfully or did not share the workload fairly. Time Management Group member completed assigned tasks on time. Group member completed most of the task assigned on time. Group member sometimes did not complete the assigned tasks on time and occasionally forced the group to make last-minute adjustments and changes to accommodate missing work. Group member did not complete most of the tasks assigned on time. Group member did not complete most of the assigned tasks on time and often forced the group to make last-minute adjustments and changes to accommodate missing work.
  • 5. List down some of the main tasks that had been assigned to you for this assignment and briefly describe your performance: 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ You may also list any other contributions that you feel you have made for your team: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Briefly comment on the contributions of other group member, particularly those you feel contributed more or less than expected: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Students Signature : Date: Students Name : Student ID: This section for comments by Lecturers / Tutors: